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Agilent 86120C
Multi-Wavelength Meter
User's Guide

Notices products returned to Agilent from extent allowed by the Institutes's The OFF symbols are
This document contains propri- another country. Agilent warrants calibration facility, and to the cali- used to mark the posi-
etary information that is pro- that its software and firmware bration facilities of other Interna- tions of the instrument
tected by copyright. All rights are designated by Agilent for use tional Standards Organization power line switch.
reserved. with an instrument will execute members.
its programming instructions The CE mark is a regis-
No part of this document may when properly installed on that ISO 9001 Certification tered trademark of the
reproduced in (including elec- instrument. Agilent does not war- Produced to ISO 9001 interna- European Community.
tronic storage and retrieval or rant that the operation of the tional quality system standard as
translation into a foreign lan- instrument, software, or firm- part of our objective of continu- The CSA mark is a regis-
guage) without prior agreement ware will be uninterrupted or ally increasing customer satisfac- tered trademark of the
and written consent from Agilent error free. tion through improved process Canadian Standards
Technologies Deutschland GmbH control. Association.
as governed by United States and Limitation of Warranty
international copywright laws. The foregoing warranty shall not Safety Notices The C-Tick mark is a reg-
apply to defects resulting from CAUTION istered trademark of the
Copyright 2001 - 2004 by: improper or inadequate mainte- Caution denotes a hazard. It calls
Australian Spectrum
Agilent Technologies nance by Buyer, Buyer-supplied attention to a procedure which, if Management Agency.
software or interfacing, unautho- not correctly performed or
Deutschland GmbH
Herrenberger Str. 130 rized modification or misuse, adhered to, could result in dam-
This text denotes the
operation outside of the environ- age to or destruction of the prod- ISM1-A
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