Text preview for : 5989-1581EN The Benefits of Updating Your 3499A B C Switching System to the 34980A Switch Measure Un part of Agilent 5989-1581EN The Benefits of Updating Your 3499A B C Switching System to the 34980A Switch Measure Un Agilent 5989-1581EN The Benefits of Updating Your 3499A B C Switching System to the 34980A Switch Measure Unit c20130815 [20].pdf

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The Benefits of Updating Your
3499A/B/C Switching System to the
34980A Switch/Measure Unit

Application Note

34980A Mainframe, plug-in modules and terminals.

Add functionality, streamline your test
programs, and reduce the physical
test system size by upgrading from
your 3499A/B/C to the new 34980A
multifunction switch/measure unit.
This application note will describe dif- An advantage of the 34980A is its ability to of the set range. The 34980A's integrated
ferences and advantages of the 34980A make highly accurate test system measure- DMM saves you time and money by reduc-
Multifunction Switch/Measure System as ments. The 34980As integrated high-speed ing the number of individual instruments
compared to the 3499A/B/C Switch/Control DMM enhances test ability by providing required, and additional cabling for measure-
System. The 34980A masters switching, voltage, current, temperature, frequency, and ments and triggering.
measurement, and control features by resistance measurements without using the
offering a superior selection of switch topolo- mainframe's available eight slots. The DMM In comparison, when using the 3499A/B/C
gies and system control features. A highly conveniently generates measurement results switch for measurements an external DMM
accurate, 6 2 digit DMM has been integrated in selectable engineering units. Eleven dif- or other measurement instrument is required
into the 34980A mainframe providing a ferent types of measurements can be made as well as additional wiring to provide the
wide variety of measurement capability. The and are listed on page 2. The 34980A time- same functionality.
34980A mainframe includes standard PC con- stamped measurement data can be stored or
nections and instrument control options for displayed and analyzed as the measurements
your ease of use. This document will detail are acquired. The 34980A also has configu-
the advantages of up-grading your 3499 test rable high/low limits on each channel that
system using the 34980A. activate an alarm if the input signals are out
34980A measurement capabilities The 34980A mainframe includes four 2-wire frames in three different sizes: A, B, and
internal analog buses. The analog buses C that house five, two, and nine modules