Text preview for : TSV70 MK2 - 1-5.pdf part of Farnell TSV70 Instruction manual (includes schematics) for the TSV70 Power Supply made by Farnell UK.

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FARNELLrNsrRItuENts LrurtEP. Sandbeck Way, l{etherby, YorkshLre. LS224DHTelephone Wetherby 0937 35{1 (0 llnes) -

c o N s E f l T ' S





sEqtroN 11 SEqrIoN -td;l' sEcrIoN Iv SKItrON:V sEgrIoN vr




i Th supply tyPe TSV.7O l{k. II provldes a source of D.C.-voltage variable over two ranges, O to 7O volts stabtllsed currents up.to 5'anPs or O to 35 volts at output at output belng achleved by a currenls up to 10 amps, range sel6ctlon the lnstrument front panel. swLtch on The output voltage ls set by coarse and flne unlt fronl panel, and ls contLnuously varlable on the each range. controls over

allowlng An outpub on/off setltch ls incorporated' to !e dlsconnected frqrr the supply wlthout swltehlng the load off the mains lpPut to the unlt. is provlded tn the fornr of a Overload protectLon level ls The current linlt constant current llmit. by mernsof a front panel control'. adJustable Output voltage and current are monltored lndependently The meter ranges are selected by front panLt meters. by the output range swltch. automatlcally The lnstrument operates from 50/60 Hz supplles of The requlred 12O volts on 21O to 24O volts rms. 1O5 to J.nput tapplng ls selected on the transformer transformer tag board.

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, The transformer tapplng should be eet to correepond to the mains J.nput voltage from whlch the unlt is to be (Unlts are normally supplled fox 24O volt operated. The transformer connections for other lnput oieratJ.on). to change the voltages are shown in fLgure 1.Pl3.In'order tapping the botton cover of the unlt must be transiormer fhls- !s achieved by removLng the four flxlng removed. The bottom screws ln the rear panel, and removlng lt. cover may norrt be wl,thdrawn from the rear of the uDlt. Malns lntrlut is applied to the unlt by, the three The cable connectlons are cored lnput Iod at the rear. BRO!i|N-LrVE, BLI'E-NEUTRAL, GREEN,/ELLOI{-EARTH. FRONTPH[EI,.
INPUT ON,/OFF SWITCH. of malns indlcatlon Thls connects the mains input to the unit, swltchle glven by the neon lamp above thls COARSB AI{D FINE CONTROLS.


These provide contlnuous adjustment of o_utput voltage The maximum ls determined by from zeto to mlxlmum output. The coverage of the fl-ne the setting of the iRANGE' swltch. on 35OmVon tJre 35V range and TOOmV control is approxlmately the 7OV range. RANGE SWITCH.
This hand settJ,ng

selects the output range of the unlt the left beLng O-35V 1OA, and the right hand setting being

o-70v 5A.

current to the ranges setl.lng in red

(left hand) and output These monltor output voltage (right hand). scale ranges correspond The meter full 35 voltE and IO amp settlng of the range swltch. are marked. Ln black and correspond to the 35 volt 10 anp 70 volts and 5 amPs are marked of the range switch. and correspond to the 70 volt 5 amP settlngCOT{TROL.


Thls sets the point of maxinum output current and may be adjusted from zero to 5.5 Amps or 11 Amps dependlng on the If thls control ls set to setting of the iRANGEI swl-tch. glve a current on the 10 anp range, the same setting would gtve rise to half the current on the 5 anp ra.Itgg. Th" may be set by short circu'fl,fng the oupPt current llmit't"ftrt terml,nals and Ldiust!.ng the current lLrnit control to gLve the as lndlcated on the output current meter. curent required llmit 2


Units are normally supplied wlth the rr+ SENSE" and the "+ OUTPUT" termlnals linked, and the rr- SENSE', and the ' r - O U T P U Tt e r m i n a l s linkecl.. The load should be connected to the "OUTPUT" rr4rr and n-rr terminals. The supply is rroNrl connected to the. load when the "OUTPLIX'| swit,ch is in its position For applications requiring correction of voltage drop along the leads connecting the supply to the load, the links between the "SENSE" and "OUTPUT" terninals should be removed and the current carrying leads to the load connected to the "OUTPUT" terminals. Another pair of leads should then be connected between the load and the "SENSE" terminal, ensuri.ng that the positive end of the load ls connected to the rr+rr "SENtlg" terminal and the negatl.ve end of the load is connected to the !r-n sENsE terminal. care shourd be taken to ensure that no load current is drawn- from the "SENSE" terminals. For notes on the limitations and use of this mode of operation refer to SECTION 6 page. IO. OUTPUT SWITCH. This dlsconnects the negatlve of the supply from the load when the switch is in the "oFFu position, and enables the required output voltage to be set before the load is connected. The load may also be disconnected from the supply without having to switch off the mains input.

The series regulator elements, of the supply are fan cooled. The air intake for the fan is on the rear right hand side of the unit and the air outret is on the reai left hand side. care must be taken not to obstruct the air inlet or outret. rf such an obstruction is present or the cooling fan fhils, a thermar trtp within Lhe unit wilr operate and shut the supply down when the }oad conditions are such as to give rise to a dangerous temperature on the series regulator. The trip will reset the output when the serles regulator temperature is approximately gooc below the ttlp_temperature, and lf the cause of excess temperature is stilL present It will trip once again when the tiip temperature is reached. This cycre wilr be repealed as long as mal.ns input Ls appLied to the unit and Lhe iause of excess temperature ls not removed, The transformer and rectifiers within the unit are coored by natural convection and no more than two units shourd be stacked one above the other without provlsion leing made to force cool the stacked system Ln a verticar directlon.

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