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Schneider AG

DUAL GmbH Silvastraße 1 D-86842 TÜRKHEIM Date: 29.11.00

Service info
Unit type: Chassis TV 17.xx no.: 261 Concern: Neutralization of the child lock.


The child lock can be neutralized as follows: x Press the button ,, i "on the remote control. The info menu appears on the screen:
Picture Sound Program VDS Text System Special Timer Child


Select with the buttons ,,


´ on the remote control the parameter

,,Child". Press the button ,, ´ the child lock menu appears with a green marked head line:
Picture Sound Program VDS Text System Special Timer Child Change code Test Child lock < back > TV.. leave menu ------Off

Enter code

z { |

Simultaneously press the red (picture menu ) blue ( videotext ) button on the remote control. Simultaneously press within 5 seconds the buttons P- and the local control panel . Press the button ,,OK" on the remote control. + at

The access into the child lock is now neutralized.

Modifications reserved !

Info number: 265

date: 15.09.00

Service information !
Unit type : Concern: Chassis TV 17.xx Multipage Blocking control function by receiving low level or disturbed antenna signal

Schneider Electronics AG Silvastraße 1 86842 Türkheim / Germany

for checkback:: TV-Hotline: 0049 8245-51 108 Spare part department: 0049 8245-51 71

Concern : Blocking control function by receiving low level or disturbed antenna signal.

Remedy : In case of service the IC in position IC 901 has to be replaced by the latest version.

Attention : Due to several chassis version the IC in position IC 901 has to be ordered depending on the set identification number.

Modification reserved!

Schneider AG

DUAL GmbH Silvastraße 1 D-86842 TÜRKHEIM Date : 20.12.99

Service - Info Unit type :Chassis TV 17


No.: 239

Concern: Performance improvement

Remedy: The chip resistor in position R 1529 ( 5,6 K Ohm ) has to be removed and replaced by a 1 K Ohm resistor.

Part number chip resistor 1 KOhm: 0038959

Attention: The modification was already integrated in production. Therefore the modification may be not necessary in all cases.

Modifications reserved !

Schneider AG

DUAL GmbH Silvastraße 1 D-86842 TÜRKHEIM Date : 08.02.2000

Service - Info Unit type KD0002K : Chassis TV17 / Feature Box No.: 247

Concern: - Failure of the horizontal output amplifier ( Q 307 / 2 SC 5129 ) - The set don`t start up

Remedy: - The 5Mhz crystal in position Z9003 has to be removed and replaced by the below declared replacement version. - The below declared silicon foil has to be applied between the crystal and the board.

Original crystal version

Replacement crystal version

Part no. crystal 5Mhz: Part no. silicon foil:

0053707 0109059

Modifications reserved !

Schneider AG

DUAL GmbH Silvastraße 1 D-86842 TÜRKHEIM Date : 23.02.00

Service - Info Unit type : Chassis TV 17 No.: 253


Stripes at the left side of the screen


To eliminate the stripes at the left side of the screen the both parts of the sheetmetal case have to be connected ( soldered ) at both front sides a like the illustration.

Modifications reserved !

Schneider AG

DUAL GmbH Silvastraße 1 D-86842 TÜRKHEIM Date:29.11.00

Service - Info Unit type : Chassis TV 17 No.: 254

Concern: Improvement of the reliability.

Remedy: To improve the reliability the capacitor in position C 309 has to be removed and replaced by a replacement version. Additional the resistor in position R 302 has to be observed and if necessary to be replaced.

Spare part number capacitor : 0109091 Spare part number resistor : 0031134

Modifications reserved !

Schneider AG

DUAL GmbH Silvastraße 1 D-86842 TÜRKHEIM Date: 17.07.00

Service-Info Concern : TV 17 NVM values depending on the set type Info 256

The chassis TV 17 exists in different versions and was used with several picture tubes. After an EEPROM swap or after a new initialisation the geometry, video and program parameter will be deleted and replaced by standard values. Therefore these parameter have to be set again. But attention, at first the set has to be set into the delivery status ( info menu / parameter ,,reset" ) alike the instruction manual. After that, the below declared NVM addresses have to be observed and if necessary to be altered according the below declared table:
Picture tube: A66 EAK 71X... 007C 14 0214 01 007D A0 0215 0E 0080 08 0218 01 0082 41 0219 10 NVM-Values for chassis TV 17.1 B/G 0083 00E0 00E1 0201 0203 00 20 20 F5 26 0270 02EB 02EC 0FD8 0FEB 14 0D 10 00 C6 NVM-Values for chassis TV 17.1 Multi 0083 00E0 00E1 0201 0203 00 20 20 F5 26 0270 02EB 02EC 0FD8 0FEB 14 0D 10 01 C6 0205 20 0FE9 12 0207 20 00F0 37 0213 32

Picture tube: A66 EAK 071X...

007C 14 0214 01

007D A0 0215 0E

0080 08 0218 01

0082 41 0219 10

0205 20 0FE9 12

0207 20 00F0 37

0213 32

Picture tube: A66 EAK 071X...

007C 14 020F 21

007D A0 0211 24

0080 08 0213 32

0082 41 0214 01

NVM-Values for chassis TV 17.6 B/G 0083 00E0 00E1 00F0 0201 0203 00 20 20 37 F5 26 0215 0218 0219 0270 02EB 02EC 0E 01 00 14 0D 10 NVM-Values for chassis TV17.7 B/G 0083 00E0 00E1 00F0 0213 00 20 20 37 32 020B 020D 020F 0211 0270 0A 28 21 24 14 NVM-Values for chassis TV 17.3 4:3

0205 20 0FDD 00

0207 20 0FE9 12

020B 0A 0FEB C6

020D 28 0FEF 02

Picture tube: A66 EAK 552X...

007C 17 0201 F5

007D C0 0203 26

0080 08 0205 20

0082 41 0207 20

0214 01 02EB 0D

0215 0E 02EC 10

0219 FD 0FEB C6

0FE9 12

Picture tube:
A 80 EJA 33X...

0000 01 0214 01 0FE9

007C 1C 0215 0E 0FEB

007D 20 0216 FF

0080 0A 0217 E0

00F0 14 0218 01

01C0 00 0219 2F

0200 FF 0270 14

0201 F9 02EB 0D

0203 29 02EC 10

0205 20 0378 F4

0207 20 04CF 01

020B 0A 04D2 02

020D 28 04E9 03

0211 24 0FD8 01

0213 32 0FDD 01

NVM-Values for chassis TV 17.3 16:9 Picture tube:

0000 01 01D5 04 0216 FF

0043 00 01D6 E7 0217 C0

0044 00 01D7 01 0219 DF

007C 0E 01D8 90 0270 14

0080 0C 0200 FF 0D

0081 80 0201 E5 10

00F0 14 0203 20 0378 F4

01D3 00 0207 20 04CF 01

01D4 51 020A FF 04D2 02

01E8 FF 020B D2 04E9 03

01AC 9C 020D 1E 0FD8 01

01AD 01AE 04 020F 1C 0FE9 12 AB 0211 1C 0FEB C6

01AF 01 0213 05

01B0 CF 0215 F5

02EB 02EC

Service-Mode: Simultaneously press and then release the red ( picture menu ) and blue ( videotext ) button on the remote control. Simultaneously press and then release within 5 seconds the buttons ,,program -" and ,,volume +" at the local control panel. The NVM menu appears on the screen. Select with the buttons ,,n / o" on the remote control the parameter ,,NVM addr." The NVM menu appears on the screen. The settings can be selected with the red ( picture menu ) button on the remote control and changed with buttons ,,volume +" and ,,volume -". Each changing of an address has to be stored separately with the button ,,OK" on the remote control. After the changing of the addresses leave the service mode with the button ,,TV" . To activate the modification switch off the set with the main power switch and start it again.

Attention: The changing of other addresses can effect further failure!

Modifications reserved !

Silvastraße 1 D-86842 TÜRKHEIM Date: 06.12.00

Service - Info
Part : Feature-Box TV 17 Concern: Distinguishing mark between Feature-Box version 1 and version 2

1. Feature-Box version 1:

2. Feature-Box version 2:

For information: · · · The main recognisable distinguishing mark between the feature box versions is the number of the integrated IC` s ( version 1: four pieces / version 2: three pieces). In case that the feature box version 2 is integrated the software version X 4.5x or Y 4.5x has to be used. Each TV 17 board have got an identification sticker ( see below sketch ). In case of an integrated feature box version 2 the chassis identification number starts with the figures " 011... ".

0110090.001 TV17.x Mu/VSS-23

à Identifications number Modifications reserved! Service-Info 270

Info number: 255

date: 13.03.00

Service information !
Concern: Sets in connection with the cabinet type 70241 º Jamming pusch button of the main power main power switch » Stby LED without function

Schneider Electronics AG Silvastraße 1 86842 Türkheim / Germany

for checkback:: TV-Hotline: 0049 8245-51 108 Spare part department: 0049 8245-51 71

º To avoid the jamming of the push button, the plastic rip at the left side, below the push button aperture has to be removed alike sketch 1.

Sketch 1: front side cabinet inside view

» The soldering pin of the jumper ,,J38" may damaged by a plastic rip (sketch.2). As a result of this the stand-by LED is without function. To avoid this the left plastic rip below the pusch button aperture has to be removed alike sketch 1.

Sketch 2: Layout TV 17

Modification reserved!

Schneider AG

DUAL GmbH Silvastraße 1 D-86842 TÜRKHEIM Date : 11.02.00

Service - Info Unit type Concern part no.: KD0002K
Concern: Timerfunction not available. Remedy: If the timerfunction don´t switch off the set despite all data`s are duly entered, the NVM Address ,, 0FD7" has to be set to data ,, according the following instruction. 00"
Service-Mode: Simultaneously press and then release the red and blue button on the remote control. Simultaneously press and then release within five seconds the buttons ,, program -" and " volume+" at the local control panel. The main service menue appears on the screen:
Versionsnummer NVM - Reset TV - Type MSP - Type Funktionstasten KISI Suchlauf VGA Modus Testmode- Daten VPS/PDC - Anzeige Testbild auto. Formatumschaltung Front AV X X.XX Aus 4:3 BG 4 Ein Aus Aus Aus Aus Ein Aus

: Chassis TV 17.1 : 0101591.2 No.: 250

OK.. save

TV.. leave menue

Select with the buttons ,, / o " on the remote control the parameter ,, n NVM addr." The NVM menue appears . on the screen: 4 : 3 NVM OK . . save addr. 0000 data 255 TV . . leave menue

The settings can be selected with the red button on the remote control and changed with the buttons volume +/- on the remote control. Each changing of an address has to be stored separately with the button ,,OK" on the remote control. After the changing of the addresses leave the service mode with the button "TV" on the remote control. To activate the changing, switch off the TV with the main power switch and start it again. Attention: The changing of other addresses can effect further failure!

Modifications reserved!