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File No. 8360-21
Order No. GC28-6514-9

Systems Reference Library

OS Assembler Language

OS Release 21

This publication contains specifications
for the ~BM System/360 Operating System
Assembler Language (Leyels E and F) .
The assembler language is a symbolic
programming language used to write programs
for the IBM System/360. The language pro-
vides a convenient means for representing
the machine instructions and related data
necessary to program the IBM System/360.
The IBM Systelt1/360 Operating System Assem-
bler Program processes the language and
provides auxiliary functions useful in the
preparation and documentation of a program,
and includes facilities for processing the
assembler macro language.
Part I of this publication describes the
assembler language.
Part II of this publication describes an
extension of the assembler language -- the
macro language used to define macro

This publication is a reference manual operations are discussed in the publication
for the programmer using the assembler IBM System/360 Principles of Operation,
language and its features. Order No. GA22-682l. The IBM System/370
machine operations are discussed in the
Part I of this publication presents publication IBM System/370 Principles of
information common to all parts of the Operation, Order No. GA22-7000. Information
language followed by specific information on program assembling, linkage editing,
concerning the symbolic machine instruction executing, interpreting listings, and
codes and the assembler program functions assembler programming considerations is
provided for t:he programmer I s use. Part II provided in OS Assembler (F} Programmer's
contains a description of the macro lan- Guide, Order No. GC26-3756.
guage and procedures for its use.
Appendixes A through J follow Part II.
Appendixes A through F are associated with
Parts I and II and present such items as a The following publications are referred to
in this publication:
summary chart for constants, instruction
listings, character set representations, OS Introduction, Order No. GC28-6534
and other aids to programming. Appendix G
contains macro language summary charts, and
Appendix H is a sample program. Appendix I OS Utilities, Order No. GC28-6586
is a features comparison chart of
OS Loader and Linkage Edito~,
System/360 assemblers. Appendix J includes Order No. GC28-6538
samples of macro definitions.
Knowledge of IBH System/360 machine OS Supervisor Services and Macro
operations, particularly storage address- Instructions, Order No. GC28-6646
ing, data formats, and machine instruction
formats and functions, is prerequisite to OS Data Management Macro Instructions,
using this publication, as is experience Order No. GC26-3794
with programming concepts and techniques or
completion of basic courses of instruction OS Data Management Services Guide,
in these areas. IBM System/360 machine Order No. GC26-3746

lenth Edition (January, 1974)

This is a reprint of GC28-6514-8 incorporating changes released in the following Technical
GN33-8154 (dated April 30, 1973)
This Technical Newsletter is a part of release 21.7 of OS/MPT and OS/MVT.

This edition applies to release 21 of IBM System/360 Operating System and to all subsequent
releases until otherwise indicated in new editions or Technical Newsletters. Changes are continually
made to specifications herein; before using this publication in connection with the operation of
IBM systems, consult tJile IBM System/360 and System/370 Bibliography, Order No. GA22-6822,
for the editions that are applicable and current.

Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or to the IBM
branch office serving your locality.

A form is provided at the back of this publication for readers' comments. If the form has been
removed, comments may be addressed to IBM Nordic Laboratory, Product Communications,
Box 962, S-181 09 Lidingo 9, Sweden. Comments become the property of IBM.