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.Phrase Fi Ie Document

Purpose of this Docu.ent:
Understanding what a phfase file is and how you use it to set up your menus
and Alerts.
Phrase files are used by ToolKit applications to store written
communication with the user in a place that allows it to be changed without
regenerating the program that uses that written material. One important
use of phrase files is to allow menus and alerts to translated to b'
another language without the application that uses them being changed.
This makes it easy to internationalize a ToolKit application. Host of the
information in a ToolKit phrase file is the menus and alerts used by that
Each ToolKit specific application must have its own phrase file to describe
the menus and alerts that are used in that application. The ToolKit has a
phrase file for the generic application. It is called PABC (it is the file
TKIPABC.text on your boot volume). PABC contains all the alerts that are.
generated by the generic application. It also contains standard menus,
like the FilelPrint men~ that can be included in the list of menus in a
specific application's phrase file. All specific application phrase files
must include the generic application phrase file.
Phrase files are generated using the Workshop editor. If the name of your
specific application is 'FooSam', it will consist of at least the files:
MFoOSam.text (Main Program)
UFooSam.text (Clascal Interface)
UFooSam2.text (elascal Implementation)
PFooSam.text (Phrase file for this application)
The easiest way to start editing a phrase file is to change an already
existing one, like a phrase file from a ToolKit sample application.
General for.at of a Phrase file:
Ie will show you the fonmat of a phrase file using the following commented
phrase file. The working contents of the phrase file are in bold print.