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Now downloading free:IBM AKB210 1401 1460 Code and Delete Extract Program

IBM AKB210 1401 1460 Code and Delete Extract Program free download

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File name AKB210_1401_1460_Code_and_Delete_Extract_Program.pdf

A,KB210 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The 1401/1460 Coda and Dolete/Extract program is a file rnanipulation program that purforms any cornbination of the following functions: 1. REFORMATING The fields within the input records may be re -arranged to form output records of a different format and length. Fields of constants rnay also be added to each output record. 2. CODING Data may be inserted into only those records which have fields lying within certain ranges established by the user. The data to be inserted may be contained within the record itself or may be supplied by the user. 3. DELETING/EXTRACTThJG Records with fields lying witpin specified ranges may be selected and written on tape and/or listed on the 1403 printer (DELEXOUT output file). A second output file is available which will cOhtain either all records that were on the input file (extracting) or only those records which were not selected (deleting). 4. LIST B MATCHING A second bput file may be used to match on a given control field against the Master input file. On an equal oondition, data from the List B record will be moved to the output area; or List B may be used as a finder file to delete or extract records on the Master input file. If List B is used, both input files must be in ascending sequence on the control field used for matching" SPECIFICATIONS 1. MACHINE The Code and Delete/Extract program requires a 16K 1401 with Advanced Programming and High-Law-Equal compare, 1402 reader- punch, .1403 printer with 132 print pOSitions, and from 2 to 4 tape units.. 2. FILES All files must consist of fixed length records, blocked or unblocked. Data record length may not exceed 1000 characters for any file" There is no restriction on tape record length for any individual file; however, 'til - 2 - the sum of tape record lengths for all files may not exceed 8200 charac- ters. The program will accept, for the two input files, any type of header label with or without tape marks, or no labels at all. Standard 7080 labels, or no labels, may be generated for either or both of the two output files. 3. RECORD COUNTS At end of job, the program will print data record counts for all input and output files, the nurnber of records coded, and the number of equal comparisons to List B .. PREPARATION OF CONTROL Cj~.RDS The following describes the preparation of the AKB210 control card layout forms for keypunching. Unless otherwise specified 1 unused control card columns should be left blank. The program will print out each of the user I s control cards after the housekeeping associated with it

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