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Colour Television Chassis


Contents Page
1. Technical Specifications, Connections, and Chassis
Overview 2
2. Safety Instructions, Warnings, and Notes 4
3. Directions for Use 6
4. Mechanical Instructions 7
5. Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault Finding 9
6. Block Diagrams, Test Point Overviews, and
Block Diagram Chassis 11
Schematic Overview Chassis 12
7. Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts
Mono Carrier: Power Supply (A1) 13 21-22
Mono Carrier: Line Deflection (A2) 14 21-22
Mono Carrier: Frame Deflection (A3) 15 21-22
Mono Carrier: Tuner IF (A4) 16 21-22
Mono Carrier: AV Switch (A5) 17 21-22
Mono Carrier: Audio Amplifier (A6) 19 21-22
Mono Carrier: Tone Control (Optional) (A7) 18 21-22
Mono Carrier: CPU & Decoder (A8) 20 21-22
Keyboard Control Panel (D) 23 24
Main Switch Panel (E) 25 25
Side A/V Panel (G) 26 26
Slim EW Panel (M) 27 27
Sub Woofer Panel (Optional) (Z) 28 29
8. Alignments 31
9. Circuit Descriptions, Abbreviation List, and IC Data
Sheets 35
Abbreviation List 35
IC Data Sheets 37
10. Spare Parts List 49
11. Revision List 52