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Colour Television Chassis



Contents Page Contents Page
1. Technical Specifications, Connections, and Chassis DFI Panel: DDR A (AB7) 75 79-80
Overview 2 DFI Panel: DDR B (AB8) 76 79-80
2. Safety Instructions, Warnings, and Notes 5 DFI Panel: Display Interfacing (AB9) 77 79-80
3. Directions for Use 6 DFI Panel: FPGA Ambilight (AB10) 78 79-80
4. Mechanical Instructions 7 AmbiLight Panel (2 sided 6 LED) (AL1-2) 81-82 83
5. Service Modes, Error Codes, and Fault Finding 16 AmbiLight Panel (3 sided 6 LED) (AL1-2) 84-85 86
6. Block Diagrams, Test Point Overview, and Small Signal Board (B1-B11) 87-130 134-139
Waveforms SSB: SRP List 131-133
Wiring Diagram 37" 39 Side I/O Panel (D) 140 141
Wiring Diagram 42" 40 Keyboard Control Panel (E) 142 142
Block Diagram Supply 37" 41 Ambilight Interface Panel (FA) 143 143
Block Diagram Supply 42" 42 IR & LED Panel (J) 144 144
Block Diagram Video 43 MPEG 4 Panel: Control (MP01) 145 152
Block Diagram Audio 44 MPEG 4 Panel: Flash (MP02) 146 152
Block Diagram Control & Clock Signals 45 MPEG 4 Panel: DRAM (MP03) 147 152
Testpoint Overview Small Signal Board 46-51 MPEG 4 Panel: AV-Interface (MP04) 148 152
Testpoint Overview MPEG 4 Panel 52 MPEG 4 Panel: Power (MP05) 149 152
I2C IC Overview 53 MPEG 4 Panel: Supply (MP06) 150 152
Supply Lines Overview 54 MPEG 4 Panel: Debug (MP07) 151 152
7. Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts Drawing PWB MPEG 4 Panel: Bolt-on Connectors (MP08) 151 152
Display Supply (32" & 37"): Part 1 (A1) 55 57-58 MPEG 4 Panel: SRP List 153
Display Supply (32" & 37"): Part 2 (A2) 56 57-58 8. Alignments 155
LCD Supply (.4)(42"): Mains Filter & Stdby (A1) 59 62-63 9. IC Data Sheets 163
LCD Supply (.4)(42"): Supply (A2) 60 62-63 10. Spare Parts List 173
LCD Supply (.4)(42"): DC - DC (A3) 61 62-63 11. Revision List 188
LCD Supply (.5)(42"): Mains Filter & Stdby (A1) 64 67-68
LCD Supply (.5)(42"): Supply (A2) 65 67-68
LCD Supply (.5)(42"): DC - DC (A3) 66 67-68
DFI Panel: DC - DC (AB1) 69 79-80
DFI Panel: Video Flow (AB2) 70 79-80
DFI Panel: Clock (AB3) 71 79-80
DFI Panel: Supply (AB4) 72 79-80
DFI Panel: FPGA: Power & Control (AB5) 73 79-80
DFI Panel: FPGA: DFI (AB6) 74 79-80