Text preview for : 46UX21KA.pdf part of Hitachi 60SX10BA Hitachi Projection Color Television Models: 60SX10BA, 60SX11KA, 50UX22BA, 50UX23KA, 46UX20BA, 46UX21KA, 50SX7PA Chassis: AP53P, AP53DP Service Manual

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t I I I 1 I

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ........................................................................................................... 3
SERVICING PRECAUTIONS ..................................................................................................... 6
TECHNICAL CAUTIONS ............................................................................................................ 9
SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................................................................... 10
CIRCUIT PROTECTION ........................................................................................................... 10
GENERAL INFORMATION ....................................................................................................... 11
CUSTOMER PICTURE AND SOUND ADJUSTMENTS .......................................................... 12
SELF CHECK REPAIR CODES ............................................................................................... 14
CUSTOMER CONVERGENCE ADJUSTMENT ....................................................................... 14
SERVICE ADJUSTMENTS ....................................................................................................... 16
TROU8LESHOOTING .............................................................................................................. 30
PROTECTION CIRCUIT BLOCK DIAGRAM ............................................................................ 37
BLOCK DIAGRAM .................................................................................................................... 38
BASIC CIRCUIT DIAGRAM ...................................................................................................... 39
PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS .................................................................................................. 51
WIRING DIAGRAM ................................................................................................................... 55
EXPLODED VIEW .................................................................................................................... 61
REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST ................................................................................................. 65

CAUTION: Before servicing this chassis, it is important that the service technician read the "Safety
Precaution" and "Product Safety Notices" in this Service Manual.

Components having special safety characteristics are identified by a Aon the schematics and on the parts list in this
Service Data and its supplements and bulletins. Before servicing the chassis, it is important that the service technician
read and follow the "Safety Precautions" and "Product Safety Notices" in this Service Manual.

*For continued x-radiation protection, replace picture tube with original type of Hitachi approved equivalent type.


6OSXl OBA/l 1 KA
46UX20BA/21 KA

This service manual is intended for qualified service technicians; it is not meant for the casual do-it-yourselfer.
Qualified technicians have the necessary test equipment and tools, and have been trained to properly and
safely repair complex products such as those covered by this manual.

Improperly performed repairs can adversely affect the safety and reliability of the product and may void
warranty. If you are not qualified to perform the repair of this product properly and safely, you should not risk
trying to do so and refer the repair to a qualified service technician.

Lead in solder used in this product is listed by the California Health and Welfare agency as a known
reproductive toxicant which may cause birth defects or other reproductive harm (California Health and Safety
Code, Section 25249.5).

When servicing or handling circuit boards and other components which contain lead in solder, avoid
unprotected skin contact with solder. Also, when soldering do not inhale any smoke or fumes produced.

This television receiver provides display of television closed captioning in accordance with section 5.119 of
the FCC rules.
46UX20BAl21 KA

1. Before returning an instrument to the customer, always f-1
make a safety check of the entire instrument, including (READING
but not limited to the following items: SHOULD NOT
BE ABOVE 0.5 mA)
a. Be sure that no built-in protective devices are defec-
tive and/or have been deleted during servicing. (1) 1 DEVICE I
Protective shields are provided on this chassis to L J
protect both the technician and the customer. Cor- TEST ALL
rectly replace all missing protective shields, includ- SURFACES
ing any removed for servicing convenience. (2) When Z-WIRE CORD
reinstalling the chassis and/or other assembly in the
cabinet, be sure to put back in place all protective
devices, including but not limited to, nonmetallic ALSO TEST WITH PLUG 6 d
control knobs, insulating fishpapers, adjustment and ' (USING AC ADAPTER

compartment covers/shields, and isolation resistor/
capacitor networks. Do not operate this instru- AC Leakage Test
ment or permit it to be operated without all pro-
tective devices correctly installed and function-
ing. Servicers who defeat safety features or fail to
perform safety checks may be liable for any SPECIFIED HEREIN INDICATE A POTENTIAL
b. Be sure that there are no cabinet openings through BEFORE RETURNING THE INSTRUMENTTO THE
which an adult or child might be able to insert their CUSTOMER OR BEFORE CONNECTING THE
fingers and contact a hazardous voltage. Such open- ANTENNA OR ACCESSORIES.
ings include, but are not limited to (1) spacing e. High Voltage -This receiver is provided with a hold
between the picture tube and cabinet mask, (2) down circuit for clearly indicating that voltage has
excessively wide cabinet ventilation slots, and (3) an increased in excess of a predetermined value. Com-
improperly fitted and/or incorrectly secured cabinet ply with all notes described in this Service Manual
back cover. regarding this hold down circuit when servicing, so
c. Antenna Cold Check - With the instrument AC that this hold down circuit may correctly be operated.
plug removed from any AC source, connect an elec- f. Serviceman Warning - With minimum contrast
trical jumper across the two AC plug prongs. Place and brightness, operating high voltage in this re-
the instrument AC switch in the on position. Connect ceiver is lower than 31.6kV. In case any component
having influence on high voltage is replaced, confirm
one lead of an ohmmeter to the AC plug prongs tied
together and touch the other ohmmeter lead in turn to that high voltage with minimum contrast and bright-
each tuner antenna input exposed terminal screw ness is lower than 31.6kV.
and, if applicable, to the coaxial connector. If the To measure H.V. use a high impedance H.V. meter.
measured resistance is less than 1.0 megohms or Connect (-) to chassis earth and (+) to the CRT
greater than 5.2 megohms, an abnormality exists anode button. (See the following connection
that must be corrected before the instrument is diagram.)
returned to the customer. Repeat this test with the
instrument AC switch in the off position. Note: Turn power switch off without fail before the
d. Leakage Current Hot Check-With the instrument connection to the anode button is made.
completely reassembled, plug the AC line cord
directly into a 12OV AC outlet. (Do not use an isola-
tion transformer during this test.) Use a leakage
current tester or a metering system that complies
with American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
Cl 01 .O Leakage Current for Appliances and Under-
writers Laboratories (UL) 1410, (50.7). With the in-
strument AC switch first in the on position and then in
Chassis ground
the off position, measure from a known earth ground
(metal waterpipe, conduit, etc.) to all exposed metal
parts of the instrument (antennas, handle bracket,
metal cabinet, screw heads, metallic overlays, con-
trol shafts, etc.), especially any exposed metal parts High impedance Deflection P.W.B.
that offer an electrical return path to the chassis. Any Ii. V meter

current measured must not exceed 0.1 milliamps.
Reverse the instrument power cord plug in the outlet
and repeat test.


g. X-radiation -TUBE: The primary source of X radiation h. X-Radiation Shield -
in this receiver is the picture tube. The tube utilized for the 1) This receiver is provided X-ray shield plates for the
above mentioned function in this chassis is specially protection of X-radiation. Do not remove X-ray shield
constructed to limit X radiation emissions. plates A, B, C, or D shown in Fig. 1 unnecessarily,
For continued X radiation protection, the replacement when troubleshooting and/or making test measure-
tube must be the same type as the original, HITACHI ments.
approved type. 2) To prevent X-radiation, after replacement of picture
When troubleshooting and making test measurements in tube and lens, confirm these components to be fixed
a receiver with a problem of excessive high voltage, avoid correctly to bracket and cabinet, and not to be taken
being unnecessarily close to the picture tube and the high off easily.
voltage component.
Do not operate the chassis longer than is necessary to
locate the cause of excessive voltage.


Shield Plate A

Glass Lens for Shielding

Shield Plate B

Shield Plate C Shield Plate C

Shield Plate D

Detailing X-radiation shield.
Fig. 1
46UX20BN21 KA
2. Read and comply with all caution and safety-related 6. Observe original lead dress. Take extra care to assure
notes on or inside the receiver cabinet, on the receiver correct lead dress in the following areas: a. near sharp
chassis, or on the picture tube. edges, b. near thermally hot parts -be sure that leads
and components do not touch thermally hot parts, c. the
AC supply, d. high voltage and e. antenna wiring. Always
3. Design Alteration Warning -Do not alter or add to the inspect in all areas for pinched, out-of-plate, or frayed
mechanical or electrical design of this TV receiver. wiring. Do not change spacing between components, and
Design alterations and additions, including but not between componentsand the printedcircuit board. Check
limited to, circuit modifications and the addition of items AC power cord for damage.
such as auxiliary audio and/or video output connectors,
might alter the safety characteristics of this receiver and
create a hazard to the user. Any design alterations or 7. Components, parts, and/or wiring that appear to have
additions may void the manufacturer's warranty and may overheated or are otherwise damaged should be re-
make you, the servicer, responsible for personal injury placed with components, parts, or wiring that meet origi-
or property damage resulting therefrom. nal specifications. Additionally, determine the cause of
overheating and/or damage and, if necessary, take cor-
rective action to remove any potential safety hazard.
4. Picture Tube Implosion Protection Warning - The
picture tube in this receiver employs integral implosion
protection. For continued implosion protection, replace 8. PRODUCT SAFETY NOTICE -Many TV electrical and
the picture tube only with one of the same type number. mechanical parts have special safety-related character-
Do not remove, install, or otherwise handle the picture istics some of which are often not evident from visual
tube in any manner without first putting on shatterproof inspection, nor can the protection they give necessarily
goggles equipped with side shields. People not so be obtained by replacing them with components rated for
equipped must be kept safely away while picture tubes higher voltage, wattage, etc. Parts that have special
are handled. Keep the picture tube away from your body. safety characteristics are identified Hitachi service data
Do not handle the picture tube by its neck. by shading on schematics and by a (A) in the parts
list. Use of a substitute replacement that does not have
the same safety characteristics as the recommended
5. Hot Chassis Warning - a. Some TV receiver chassis replacement part in Hitachi service data parts list might
are electrically connected directly to one conductor of create shock, fire, and/or other hazards. Product safety
the AC power cord and may be safety serviced without is under review continuously and new instructions are
an isolation transformer only if the AC power plug is issued whenever appropriate. For the latest information,
inserted so that the chassis is connected to the ground always consult the appropriate current Hitachi service
side of the AC power source. To confirm that the AC literature. A subscription to, or additional copies of
power plug is inserted correctly, with an AC voltmeter Service literature may be obtained at a nominal charge
measure between the chassis and a known earth from Hitachi.
ground. If a voltage reading in excess of 1.OV is obtained,
remove and reinsert the AC power plug in the opposite
polarity and again measure the voltage potential between
the chassis and a known earth ground. b. Some TV
receiver chassis normally have 85V AC (RMS) between
chassis and earth ground regardless of the AC plug
polarity. These chassis can be safely serviced only with
an isolation transformer inserted in the power line
between the receiver and the AC power source, for both
personnel and test equipment protection. c. Some TV
receiver chassis have a secondary ground system in
addition to the main chassis ground. This secondary
ground system is not isolated from the AC power line.
The two ground systems are electrically separated by
insulating material that must not be defeated or altered.

46UX20BAI21 KA


CAUTION: Before servicing instruments covered by this 7. Do not apply AC power to this instrument and/or any of its
service data and its supplements and addenda, read and electrical assemblies unless all solid-state device heat
follow the SAFETY PRECAUTIONS on page 3 of this publi- sinks are correctly installed.
cation. 8. Always connect the test instrument ground lead to the
NOTE: If unforeseen circumstances create conflict between appropriate instrument chassis ground before connect-
the following servicing precautions and any of the safety ing the test instrument positive lead. Always remove the
precautions on page 3 of this publication, always follow the test instrument ground lead last.
safety precautions. Remember: Safety First. 9. Use with this instrument only the test fixtures specified in
this service data.
General Servicing Guidelines CAUTION: Do not connect the test fixture ground strap
1. Always unplug the instrument AC power cord from the AC to any heatsink in this instrument.
power source before:
a. Removing or reinstalling any component, circuit board, Electrostatically Sensitive (ES) Devices
module, or any other instrument assembly. Some semiconductor (solid state) devices can be damaged
b. Disconnecting or reconnecting any instrument elec- easily by static electricity. Such components commonly are
trical plug or other electrical connection. called Electrostatically Sensitive (ES) Devices. Examples of
c. Connecting a test substitute in parallel with an elec- typical ES devices are integrated circuits and some field-
trolytic capacitor in the instrument. effect transistors and semiconductor "chip" components.
Caution: A wrong part substitution or incorrect po- The following techniques should be used to help reduce the
larity installation of electrolytic capacitors incidence of component damage caused by static electricity.
may result in an explosion hazard. 1. Immediately before handling any semiconductor compo-
d. Discharging the picture tube anode. nent or semiconductor-equipped assembly, drain off any
2. Test high voltage only by measuring it with an appropriate electrostatic charge on your body by touching a known
high voltage meter or other voltage measuring device earth ground. Alternatively, obtain and wear a commer-
(DVM, FETVOM, etc.) equipped with a suitable high volt- cially available discharging wrist strap device, which
age probe. Do not test high voltage by "drawing an arc." should be removed for potential shock reasons prior to
The H.V. Distribution Box has an internal 400MQ resistor applying power to the unit under test.
(bleeder resistor) connected from the high voltage to 2. After removing an electrical assembly equipped with ES
ground. After power is removed from the instrument the devices, place the assembly on a conductive surface
high voltage will discharge through the high voltage such as aluminum foil, to prevent electrostatic charge
bleeder resistor. If the tubes have high voltage after buildup or exposure of the assembly.
power is removed, then the bleeder resistor is defective or 3. Useonlyagrounded-tip soldering iron to solder or unsolder
the bleeder ground is disconnected. ES devices.
3. Discharge the picture tube's anode at any of the R, G, or 4. Use only an anti-static type solder removal device Some
B outputs on the High Voltage distribution box only by (a) solder removal devices not classified as "anti-static" can
first connecting one end of an insulated clip lead to the generate electrical charges sufficient to damage ES de-
degaussing or kine aquadag grounding system shield at vices.
the point where the picture tube socket ground lead is 5. Do not use freon-propelled chemicals. These can gener-
connected, and then (b) touch the other end of the ate electrical charges sufficient to damage ES devices.
insulated clip lead to the picture tube high voltage distri- 6. Do not remove a replacement ES device from its protec-
bution box R, G, or B output, using an insulating handle to tive package until immediately before you are ready to
avoid personal contact with high voltage. install it. (Most replacement ES devices are packaged
4. Do not spray chemical on or near this instrument or any with leads electrically shorted together by conductive
of its assemblies. foam, aluminum foil or comparable conductive material.)
5. Unless specified otherwise in these service data, clean 7. Immediately before removing the protective material from
electrical contacts by applying the following mixture to the the leads of a replacement ES device, touch the protec-
contacts with a pipe cleaner, cotton-tipped stick or com- tive material to the chassis or circuit assembly into which
parable nonabrasive applicator: 10% (by volume) Ac- the device will be installed.
etone and 90% (by volume) isopropyl alcohol (90%-99% CAUTION: Be sure no power is applied to the chassis
strength). Caution: This is a flammable mixture. Unless orcircuit, andobserveallothersafetyprecau-
specified otherwise in these service data, lubrication of tions.
contacts is not required. 8. Minimize bodily motions when handling unpackaged re-
6. Do not defeat any plug/socket B+ voltage interlocks with placement ES devices. (Otherwise harmless motion such
which instruments covered by this service data might be as the brushing together of yourclothesfabric orthe lifting
equipped. of your foot from a carpeted floor can generate static
electricity sufficient to damage an ES device.)

46UX20BN21 KA

General Soldering Guidelines Removal
1. Use a grounded-tip, low-wattage soldering iron and ap- 1. Desolder and straighten each IC lead in one operation by
propriate tip size and shape thatwill maintain tip tempera- gently prying up on the lead with the soldering iron tip as
ture within the range 500°F to 600°F. the solder melts.
2. Use an appropriate gauge of resin-core solder composed 2. Draw away the melted solder with an anti-static suction-
of 60 parts tin/40 parts lead. type solder removal device (or with solder braid) before
3. Keep the soldering iron tip clean and well tinned. removing the IC.
4. Thoroughly clean the surfaces to be soldered. Use a small
wire-bristle (0.5 inch or 1.25 cm) brush with a metal Replacement
handle. Do not use freon-propelled spray-on cleaners. 1. Carefully insert the replacement IC in the circuit board.
5. Use the following unsoldering technique. 2. Carefully bend each IC lead against the circuit foil pad
a. Allow the soldering iron tip to reach normal tempera- and solder it.
ture (500°F to 600°F). 3. Clean the soldered areas with a small wire-bristle brush.
b. Heat the component lead until the solder melts. (It is not necessary to reapply acrylic coating to the
Quickly draw away the melted solder with an anti- areas.)
static, suction-type solder removal device or with
solder braid. "Small-signal" Discrete Transistor Removal/Replacement
CAUTION: Work quickly to avoid overheating the 1. Remove the defective transistor by clipping its leads as
circuit board printed foil. close as possible to the component body.
6. Use the following soldering technique. 2. Bend into a "U" shape the end of each of three leads
a. Allow the soldering iron tip to reach normal tempera- remaining on the circuit board.
ture (500°F to 600°F). 3. Bend into a "u" shape the replacement transistor leads.
b. First, hold the soldering iron tip and solder strand 4. Connect the replacement transistor leads to the corre-
against the component lead until the solder melts. sponding leads extending from the circuit board and
c. Quickly move the soldering iron tip to the junction of crimp the "U" with long nose pliers to insure metal to
the component lead and the printed circuit foil, and metal contact. then solder each connection.
hold it there only until the solder flows onto and
around both the component lead and the foil. Power Output Transistor Devices Removal/Replacement
CAUTION: Work quickly to avoid overheating the 1. Heat and remove all solder from around the transistor
circuit board printed foil orcomponents. leads.
d. Closely inspect the solder area and remove any 2. Remove the heatsink mounting screw (if so equipped).
excess or splashed solder with a small wire-bristle 3. Carefully remove the transistor from the circuit board.
brush. 4. Insert new transistor in circuit board.
5. Solder each transistor lead, and clip off excess lead.
6. Replace heatsink.

Diode Removal/Replacement
1. Remove defective diode by clipping its leads as close as
possible to diode body.
2. Bend the two remaining leads perpendicularly to the
circuit board.
3. Observing diode polarity, wrap each lead out of the new
diode around the corresponding lead on the circuit board.
4. Securely crimp each connection and solder it.
Use Soldering Iron to Pry Leads 5. Inspect (on the circuit board copper side) the solderjoints
of the two "original" leads. If they are not shiny, reheat
IC Removal/Replacement them and, if necessary, apply additional solder.
Some Hitachi unitized chassis circuit boards have slotted
holes (oblong) through which the IC leads are inserted and
then bent flat against the circuit foil. When holes are the
slotted type, the following technique should be used to
remove and replace the IC. When working with boards
using the familiar round hole, use the standard technique
as outlined in paragraphs 5 and 6 above.
46UX20BAl21 KA

Fuses and Conventional Resistor Removal/Replacement
1. Clip each fuse or resistor lead at top of circuit board hollow
4. Route the jumper wire along the path of the cut-away
copper pattern and let it overlap the previously scraped
stake. end of the good copper pattern. Solder the overlapped
2. Securely crimp leads of replacement component around area, and clip off any excess jumper wire.
stake l/8 inch from top.
3. Solder the connections. At Other connections
CAUTION: Maintain original spacing between the re- Use the following technique to repair defective copper pat-
placed component and adjacent compo- tern at connections other than IC Pins. This technique
nents and the circuit board, to prevent involves the installation of a jumper wire on the component
excessive component temperatures. side of the circuit board.

Circuit Board Foil Repair
Excessive heat applied to the copper foil of any printed cir-
cuit board will weaken the adhesive that bonds the foil to the
circuit board, causing the foil to separate from, or "lift-off,"
the board. The following guidelines and procedures should
be followed whenever this condition is encountered. DEFECTIVE

In Critical Copper Pattern Areas
High component/copper pattern density and/or special volt- .V

age/current characteristics make the spacing and integrity
of copper pattern in some circuit board areas more critical I

than in others. The circuit foil in these areas is designated
as Critical Copper Pattern and is identified and illustrated
in this service data in the section titled Safety Related Insulated Jumper Wire
Copper Pattern (see data in the section titled Safety Re-
lated Copper Pattern (see table of contents for page 1. Remove the defective copper pattern with a sharp knife.
number). Because Critical Copper Pattern requires special Remove at least l/4 inch of copper, to ensure that a
soldering techniques to ensure the maintenance of reliabil- hazardous condition will not exist if the jumper wire
ity and safety standards, contact your Hitachi personnel. opens.
2. Trace along the copper pattern from both sides of the
At IC Connections pattern break and locate the nearest component that is
To repair defective copper pattern at IC connections, use directly connected to the affected copper pattern.
the following procedure to install a jumper wire on the 3. Connect insulated 20-gauge jumper wire from the lead of
copper pattern side of the circuit board. (Use this technique the nearest component on one side of the pattern break
only on IC connections.) to the lead of the nearest component on the other side.
1. Carefully remove the damaged copper pattern with a Carefully crimp and solder the connections.
sharp knife. (Remove only as much copper as absolutely CAUTION: Be sure the insulated jumperwire isdressed
necessary.) so that it does not touch components or
2. Carefully scratch away the solder resist and acrylic coat- sharp edges.
ing (if used) from the end of the remaining copper pattern.
Frequency Synthesis (FS) Tuning Systems
Always unplug the instrument AC power cord before
disconnecting or reconnecting FS tuning system cables
and before removing or inserting FS tuning system mod-
The FS tuner must never be disconnected from the FS
tuning control module while power is applied to the
When troubleshooting intermittent problemsthat might be
caused by defective cable connection(s) to the FS tuning
Install Jumper Wire and Solder system, remove the instrument AC power as soon as the
defectiveconnector is found and finish confirming the bad
3. Bend a small "U" in one end of a small-gauge jumper wire connection with a continuity test. This procedure will
and carefully crimp it around the IC pin. Solder the IC reduce the probability of electrical overstress of the FS
connection. system semi-conductor components.
6OSXl OB/Vl 1 KA

High Voltage limiter circuit operation check. 4. When the limiter circuit is operating properly, High Volt-
1. -Turn off -TV and connect jig as shown in Figure 2. Adjust age will be less than 35.5kV at 0.6mA when TV shuts
jig fully counter-clockwise for minimum resistance. down.
2. Set the AC input to 12OV AC and turn on TV. 5. Turn off set immediately after checking circuit operation.
3. Confirm test pattern on CRT is a usable picture, then 6. Unplug set for one minute to reset shutdown circuit.
slowly adjust jig until the picture disappears and TV shuts Remove jig and voltmeter.

Chassis ground

Deflection P.W.B.

(Disconnect the #O pin of 1904 from +B line.
Connect jig (1 OkR VR) between +B line and #O pin of 1904.)

) 1OkR VR

T902 C926



Fig. 2 Deflection/Power Supply P.C.B.

46UX20BN21 KA

Model: 6OSXl OBA 6OSXll KA Anode Voltage: 30.0 kV
50UX22BA 5OUX23KA (Zero Beam Current)
46UX20BA 46UX21 KA Brightness: 500 ft-Nominal - (46UX2OBA121KA)
50SX7PA 420 ft-Nominal - (50UX22BA123KA)
Cathode-Ray Tube: 80" deflection 6.9 inch 380 ft-Nominal - (50SX7PA)
6OSXl OBA/l 1 KA, 50SX7PA 5OUX22BA/23KA, 46UX2OBA/21 KA 250 ft-Nominal - (SOSXlOBA/l 1KA)
P16LGDOORFA(R), P16LENOORFA(R), (Peak White)
Pl GLGDOOHLA(G), P16LENOOHLA(G), Soeakers: 2 Woofers - 5 inch
P16LGDOOBMB(B) P16LENOOBMB(B) (12 cm) round
Power Input: 120 volts AC, 60Hz 2 Tweeters - 2 inch
Power Consumption: 240 watts - Maximum (5 cm) round
165 watts - Operating 1 Full Range - 3x5 inch
(5OUX22BA/23KA, 46UX20BA/21 KA) (7.5x1 2cm)
162 watts - Operating Dimension: 46UX20BA121 KA 5OUX22BA/23KA
(SOSXlOBA/l 1KA, 50SX7PA) Height (in.) 48-318 50-I 3/l 6
Antenna Impedance: 75 ohm Unbalanced Width (in.) 40 43-l/4
VHFIUHFICATV Depth (in.) 22-l/2 21-7116 '
Weight (Ibs.) 221 250
Receiving Channel: CH
VHF 2-13
EXT. Mid (A-2)-(A-1),4+
Height (in.) 52-l/8 50- 13/l 6
CATV Mid A-l
Width (in.) 60 43-l/4
CATV Super J-W
Depth (in.) 22-l l/16 21-518
CATV Hyper (W+29)-(W+53)
Weight (in.) 391 250
Intermediate Picture I-F Carrier 45.75 MHz
Frequency: Sound I-F Carrier 41.25 MHz
Circuit Board CPT (B) P.C.B.
Color Sub Carrier 42.17 MHz
Assemblies: CPT (G) P.C.B.
Video Input: 1 Voltp-p 75 ohm CPT (R) P.C.B.
Video Output: 1 Voltp-p 75 ohm 3 Line Comb. P.C.B.
Audio Input: 0.47 volt rms, 47 k ohm Sensor Distribution P.C.B.
Signal P.C.B.
Stereo Audio Output: 0.47 volt rms, 1 k ohm
Deflection/Power Supply P.C.B.
Audio Output Power: Front - 10 watts rms per Control P.C.B.
channel, 8 ohm impedance. Surround P.C.B.
Max output - 15 watts Surround Sub P.C.B.
Rear - 5 watts per Terminal P.C.B.
channel, 8 ohm impedance. V.M. P.C.B.
Max output - 7 watts.
Center - 7 watts per channel.

Fuse (or Device) Circuit Protected Physical Location
F902 5Al125V AC Main Fuse Power/Defl. Circuit Board
F903 5A/125V DC (MINIFUSE) Main Fuse Power/Defl. Circuit Board
F905 4Al125V DC (MINIFUSE) 26V Supply (Audio) Power/Defl. Circuit Board
F906 1.6A/125V DC 115V (+B) Supply Power/Defl. Circuit Board


46UX20BN21 KA

i i L_ITI_J
Control Panel
Fig. 3





\ I I I I J
I '

Rear Connections Panel
Fig. 4

46UX20BN21 KA

Select VIDEO to adjust picture settings, improve picture quality, and to adjust convergence.


m Use this feature to adjust contrast, color, tint, brightness, and sharpness.

Press the CURSOR buttons to select and make adjustments.
The function to be adjusted will be in yellow.

CONTRAST - Use this function to change the contrast between black and white level in the picture.
This adjustment will only affect the picture when the PICTURE SETTING Al is OFF.

COLOR - Use this function to adjust the level of color in the picture.

TINT - Use this function to adjust flesh tones so they appear natural.

BRIGHT - Use this function to adjust overall picture brightness.

SHARPNESS - Use this function to adjust the amount of fine detail in the picture.

RESET - When RESET is selected, press ENTER to return video adjustments to factory preset conditions.
46UX20BN21 KA

Select AUDIO to adjust the TV to your preference, to improve the sound quality, and to
select special sound effects.

Use this to set balance, bass, and treble.

Press the CURSOR buttons to select and make adjustments.
The function to be adjusted will be in yellow.

BALANCE - This function will control the left to right balance of the TV internal speakers, the AUDIO TO HI-FI output,
and TRANSMITTER OUT output. (Use the test tone volume levels to control balance when in
"Surround-Dolby Prologic" mode.)

BASS - This function controls the low frequency audio to all speakers.

TREBLE - This function controls the high frequency audio to all speakers.

RESET - When RESET is selected, press ENTER to return audio adjustments to factory preset conditions.

46UX20BAl21 KA


Press the AVX and POWER buttons on the control panel at the same time.

40 Abnormal deflection --- --_
41 Abnormal --- -_-
+ B line I I I
42 Abnormal convergence circuit 1 e-m ---
10 Check for PLL lock Not locked in 2 sec. During selection time
11 Check for AFC operation Not finished in 2 sec. During selection time
60 Check for AC input At UP reset time AC input (50/60Hz) not
detected at reset time
31 Check 1001 operation At UP reset time Check for out of range
I operation I

43 Abnormal signal circuit __- _--

Note: Code 10 or 11 may appear if TV is turned on without an antenna source connected.

Press the front panel MAGIC FOCUS button momentarily for auto setup.


To adjust manually, press and hold the MAGIC FOCUS button until CENTER MODE or STATIC MODE is displayed. Press
ENTER on the remote to select red or blue. Green is stationary. Use the cursor buttons to adjust. Center mode only adjusts
the center section. Static mode adjusts the entire screen. Note: This new data is in RAM memory only and will be lost if the
MAGIC FOCUS button is pressed again.

46UX20BN21 KA

Perform the following when the HV connector (anode con-
nector) is removed or inserted for CPT replacement, etc.


Anode connector


Deflection P.W.B.

Fig. 5

Fig. 7

During Removal During Insertion
1 Insert a small flat-bladed screwdriver (adjustment screw- 1. Insert the anode connector deep into the FBT (to section
driver: 5-7 mm wide and 0.2-0.3 mm thick) into section @ in Fig. 7) and then push the HV cap into the FBT until
@ in Fig. 6 and then push it in the direction of arrow 0. it clicks.
The lock will release with a click. (The state in Fig. 8 (1) will 2. Make sure the connector is securely inserted. (Check that
change to that in Fig. 8 (2)) the claw is at the mark on the HV cap shown as in Fig. 8

Anode connector

HV cap

(1) Lockon
(When connector is inserted)


Fig. 6

2. Remove the HV cap and remove the anode connector
(Fig. 7).
(2) Release
(When connector is removed)

Fig. 6

46UX20BN21 KA


1. ASSEMBLED PWB ADJUSTMENT ............................................................................................................................... 17
MTS Demodulating Circuit Adjustment
l-l . Stereo VCO adjustment (MTS Data Set) ................................................................................................................ .17
l-2. Filter adjustment (MTS Data Set) ............................................................................................................................ 17
1-3. Input level adjustment (MTS Data Set) .................................................................................................................. .17
l-4. Separation adjustment (MTS Data Set). .................................................................................................................. 17
l-5. SAP VCC adjustment (MTS Data Set) ................................................................................................................... .18
l-6. SAP reception check ............................................................................................................................................... 18

2. CHASSIS ASSEMBLY ADJUSTMENT (SIGNAL P.W.B.) ............................................................................................ 18
2-l. MEMORY INITILIZATION ....................................................................................................................................... 18
2-2. COMB FILTER ADJUSTMENT CHECK.. ............................................................................................................... .18
2-3. HORIZONTAL AFC COARSE ADJUSTMENT (R367) ........................................................................................... .18

3. FINAL ASSEMBLY ADJUSTMENT .............................................................................................................................. 18
3-l. OPTICAL SYSTEM ADJUSTMENT ....................................................................................................................... .18
3-l -1. Focus adjustment ......................................................................................................................................... 18
3-2. SIGNAL SYSTEM ADJUSTMENT .......................................................................................................................... 19
3-2-l. White balance adjustment (R804R, G, B, R843, R874) .............................................................................. .19
3-2-2. Sub brightness adjustment (R325). ............................................................................................................. .19
3-2-3. Sub picture adjustment (R502, R505, R506) .................