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B&K 1660

Normal use of test equipment exposes you to a celtain amor,rnt of dangel floh
electrical shock because testing ncust sohetioes be perfolrbeal \phere exposeil high
voltage is plesent. An electrica.I shock causiDg l0 milliamps of curlent to pass
thlougb the healt wilt stop most hu6an heartbeats. Voltage as Iow as 35 volts dc o!
ac llrs should be consideled dangelous and hazardous sin-ce it can proaluce a lethal
curlent under celtain conditioDs. Higher voltage poses an even gleate! tltleat be_
cause suc-h voltage can laore easily ploduce a Iethal culreDt. your normal work
habits should include all accepted plactices that will prevent contact rrith exposeal
higb voltage, and that wiu stee! current a\eay flom you! healt in case of accialental
contact rpith a high voltage. You will sigtrificantly leduce tbe lisk facto! if you
know and obselve the followirg safety plecautions:

1. There is little dange! of electrical shock IroE the dc output of this power
supply. Hoeever, thele ale sevelal other possible test conditions using this
powe! supply that can cleate a high voltage shock hazard;
a. If the equipment utde! test is the "hot chassis,, tvDe. a selious shock
hazard exists unless tbe equipEent is uDplugged (usi turning off the
equipment does aot remove the hazard), o! the plecautions ot Jtep g are
b. If the equipbeDt under test is "powered upi (arxd that equipEent uses
high voltage in ary of its cilcuits), the polve! supply outputs may be
floated to the potential at the point of connection, Remeober that high
volta_ge Inay appea! at unexpected points in defective equipbeot. Do
llot float tbe po.re! supply output to more tban 100 voit; peak with
lespect to chassis or earth ground.
c. If ttre equiproent under test is ,off', (and tbat equipEent uses high vol_
tage ilr aIly oI its circuits unde! nornra.I opelatiotr), discbalge higb_
voltage capacitors before baking coDnectioDs or tests. SoEe cilcuits
retaiD high voltage long after the equipraeDt is tuDed off,

Z. Use olly a poladzed 3-wi!e ac outlet. This assures that the powe! supply
cha6sis, case, and ground telrainal ale conlected to a good eartir
Stounil anil
reduces dange! florD electlical shoclg

3. DoD't expose high vottage neetllessly. Remove bousiags aDd covels only whea
neceasaly, T[ra off equipEe[t while Eaking test coDnectioDs in higb-voltage
cilcuits. Discbarge higb-voltage capacitols after reEo\ring powe!.

4. lf possible, faEiliafize youlseu with the equipE ent beiDg testeal and the lc_
cation of its high voltage points. However, letlembe! tbat high voltage Dlay
appear at rEerpected poiuts in delective equipmert.

{codtinued oa inside rear cover)

B&K 1660

Jt1}lr, s(t^Ect--,t


6470 w Corlland St . ChlcaSo, lL6O635

B&K 1660


TESTINSTRUMENTSAFETY. .. , . irside front coier


FEArijllES .......3

sPljcii::a-r! lN:-i.
.: .... .,,'4

A ..... -...
G e n e r aC o n t t o l s n dl n d i c a t o r s
l A ........ . .. 5
4 - 6 . 5\ ' s u p p l y C o n t r o l s n d l n d i c a t o r s .
A .........5
Ma.ster Suppl-vControls ,{nd lndicatols . . , . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . 5
S l a v eS u p p l -C o n t r o l s n d I n d i c a t o r s . . , .
v A ...... ., . .?
R e a -P a n e C o n t r o l . .
l l s ...... '. . . .. .8

C P E R A T ] N GN S T R U C T I O N S
I .....,,,,,9
S a f e t -P r e c : . r r t i o n s
v ...... ,9
EquipmePt ecauiions nr .............9
" M a s t e r "O r " S 1 a v e " u p P l ] ' . . .
S .. ... 9
lndependent seOf U
Series racking pelation.
T O .. ......13
P a - r a l l e i r a . c k i no p e r a i i o n .
T g .....'.16
, 1 - 6 . V P o i r e lS u p p l O p e l a t i o n .
5 y .'......''.'.19

Generat.. ...'.........20
E l e c t r o n i S e r v i c i n. g
cs ............20
E l e c t r o n i cM a n u f a c t u r i n g
s .........20
E l e c l o n i c sD e s i g nL a b . . . . .
t . ...,Z0
Electlonics ducation.
E . ' ' ' '...21
Battery harging
C ..... -.. ZI
t .,..........21

MAINTENANCE. .,..... "..25
F u s eR e p l a c e m e n t ...... 25
L i n e v o l t a g eC o n v e r s i o n ',.,... --.. 25
Adjustments. ..' . ...--26
l n s t r u m e n R e p a i !S e r v i c e .
t ... .'.'.30


O W .............32

B&K 1660

Tbe B & K-hecisi@ Model 1660 Triple allows tbe supply to be used for large ci!-
Output DC Powe! Supply is a higb quality, cuits, Built-in ovelload protection auto-
genela.l purpose dc power soulce. It provides matically liEits to cutiebt output to a Eaxi-
two supplies with a 0-30 volt dc output and loull] of 5 aEps. An indicato! lights when the
ong with a 4-6.5 volt dc output. The 0-30 v supply is ovelloaded,
supplies are adjustable with both coarse aJId
fine voltage contlols for precise settability The Model 1660 exhibits excellent regu-
and are capable of current output of Iation ard low pple charactelistics. The ciF
0-2 arops. The 4-6.5 v supply has a current cuit design incolpolates a pre-legulato!, whic-h
output of 0-5 a.Eops,allowillg it to hanille ex- greatly leduces intelnal powe! dis6ipation at
tensive digita.l Iogic circuitry. Two la.rge low output voltages.
palel-Eoormted LED oete! displays caD moEi-
tor eithe! the output curtent or output voltage
Revetse polarity protection plevents acci-
o{ each supply.
dedtal daEage to the poi/ef supply lroE iE-
ploper coDnection to a.a extelnal voltage, and
The two 0-30 volt supplies can be opelated
curreat lioitilg plotects the equipEeDt being
independendy or in one of two tlackilg
powered, as weII aE the power supply.
r:oodes. In the selies tlackilg Eode, the Slave
supply tracks the voltage of the Ma.ste!
supply, MaxiEuo curlent settidg of the two The output is isolated flou chassis alrd
supplies can still be set independently \rhen in earth glound, which plmits full flexibility of
the selies tlackitrg operating 6ode, In the comections. Wbed needed, the (+) o! (-) po-
seris tlacking mode the Maste! aIId Slave Iality llay be stlapped to glound, o! either
supplies a.!e connected in se es, allowing a polarity !!ay be floated to an extelnal vol-
singie output of 0-60 V at up to 2 aDcps. In the tage. Additiona.Uy, the two 0-30 volt supplies
patallel tlacking Eode, the two supplies ale can be used as a "split supply" with two posi-
connected together iD parallel, allo\ring a sin- tive voltages and a comDon negative, two
gle 0-30 V output at up to 4 amps. aegative voltages and a cotDllon positive, or
one positive, otre negative, and a cor!6on. AII
Both 0-30 volt supplies may be used itr of these coiligurations ca]l be used with eithe!
constant voltage o! constart cutrent appli- datching (tlacking) or dif f eling {independent)
caiioDs. The clossove! floB constant voltage voltages.
to constant cu.!!ent modes is sEooth a.nd
autoEatic. LED'S indicate tbe "CV' (coDstant The features aJId versatility oI the unit,
voltage) or "CC" (corBtant cu!!e!rt) l3ode of especially tbe triple output and tracking
operation. In constart voltage applications, a featues, make it an ideal genefal purpose
curlent limit loay be preset, when load va-ri- powe! supply for engineering lab appli-
ations cause the c{rlent to reach the preset catioas. It can serve as a single o! multi-
lioit, the unit then regulates output cu!]ent voltage powe! source, including tbe bias suF
lathe! tha! output voltage. Cullent liloits are ply, fo! breadboard and Fotot]?e circuits and
adjustable frorD 5% to 10070 oI b:axixouEr. IrI equipEent. It can provide single o! sillul-
constant current applications, the rDaxirDurD taneously valying voltages for ctcuit eva.lu-
voltage may be preset. When load valiatioas ation. It can provide tracking (+) and (-) vol-
cause cuJrent to dlop below the legulated tages fo! evaluating diffelential aEplifiers. It
value, the unit reverts to legulated voltage may be used as a battery eliminator, or to
oDeration at the Dreset value, power individual circuit boalds o! caril6 while
temoved llom the systeh, Its output ca'I be
The 4-6,5 V supply is ideal for powering evafuated vrhile poweling a bleadboald or
digital logic circuitly, The 0-5 allp capacity Drototv'De cilcrdt to determine the cilcuit's

B&K 1660

powel suppty requi!emerts. Its labo!atory Dake it a good choice fo! dost other solid
quality specifications will loeet most engi- state electronic applications. These apPli_
neering labo"a.tory requi!ements. cations include selvice shops; industrial Pro-
duction testing of coDrponents' assemblis, and
The same featules that make the Modl collplete equipment; fo! school labolatolies,
1660 a good choice fo! a]} engiaeeling lab also and home use bv electronic hobbyists.

B&K 1660

TRIPLE OUTPUT .urent output- Crossover is sEooth and
Operates as thlee separate power supplies.
Eacb has floating output and is completely
isolated flom the other two. LED DISPLAY
Two large, easy-to-read LED 3-1l2 digit
ONE ,{ TO 6.5 V SUPPLY displays monitol outPut voltage or output
Husky 0-to-5 amp 4-to-6.5 volt suPpty is cu.relrt of aU three supplies. Use of two
ideal fo! use with Dost di$tal logic
meters allows simultaneous current and
circlritly, Adequate cuilent capacity for voltage metering when use M3ste! alld
extensive circuitly. Slave supplies in tracking oPeratioD. Good
visiblilty in bright o! loq light. Meter
auows resolution of 0.1 volt or 0.1 amp.
Master and Slave supply are continuously
variable ovel 0-to_30 volt range with coarse
and fine controls. Each supplv has a Z amp LABORATORY QUAIITY
current capacity. Excellent !eeulation. 1o$ tiPPle.

The two 0-to-30 V supplies can be operated Identify mode of ope!ation.
so that the Slave supply tracks the Master
supply. Outputs can be strapped fot two PRE-REGULATOR
positive voltages with a comDon negatrve) Limits internal dissipation {o! hiehe.
two negative volLages dith a common posi_ reliability and ef f iciency.
tive, or one positive and one negative with
a neutra.l common. ISOLATED OUTPUT
Either pola.rity may be floated or grounded.
Series tracking feature allows use of Master
and Stave supplies as one 0-to-60 V. Z alnp
Fullv adjustable cullent limiting (from 5%
supply. to 100% of mdimurn output curentl lor
Vaste! and Slave supplies protects circurt
under test and the Poq er suPPlY.
Palallel tracking feature allows lise of
Maste! and Slave supply as a 0-to'30 V
supply with a :1 amp current capacity REVERSE POLAR.ITY PROIECTION
(through MasteF output terminals) Prevents damage to porter supplv lrcrm
external voltage of revelse polaritv
The Master and slav- .Lpplias pro! d- ,supplied with three sets of red ard black
regulated dc voltage output or regulated dc hook-up leads.

B&K 1660

ITASTBR AND $../lVE SUPPLIT-S Load Reeulatiod (C@start Vottage):
= l0 ov (0 to 5 A load)'
outFt vortrge Rage,
0 v {+0/-30 mv) to 30 v + (3 b 1qo)'
Lire RegutatioD 108 - l3z v (coEtaDt
OutFrt Curlot Lieit Rdge: VoltaSe):
0 A (+0/-30EA) to 2 A +(3Vo 7Vo).
to <10 DcV.

Load Regulatio! (Cdstart Voltage): Ripple A.!d Nobe:
<0.01%+ bV.
3 =ZrbVRMS,
LiDe R*ulatioD 108 - 132 V (Consta"r
Voltage): OvelYoltage hotection Thteshold:
< 0.01% 3 bv.
Rittrtle (CoDsteDt Voltag): Peel Meter Accuract':
< I EV RMS. Sameas Maste! SuppiyMete!.
Recoeery TlEe (Constart Voltage):
< loo ss'
Tehlr Coclficieot (C@rtart Voltage):
= 3OOppb/oc. Poeer RequireEents:
110/1zo/220/z4ovAC !1070. s0/60 Ilz-
Load Rgulation (CcE3ta[t CrErent]:
< 0.2Vo+3 mA- po;'er CoDsurnptioD (FuIy Loaded):
ApproxiEately 320 \4t'
Lile Reguration 108 - l3z v (c@start
< O.Z7o E'A.
+3 hotection:
Revelse poladty protection and cur!ent
Rilple Cr|f!ot (at 108 V Io! CoDstant liEiting.
< 3 IlA RMS. DiDeDsiors (E : 1 6 5x 3 1 5x 3 8 1 b r a ( 1 2 . 4 1 5 x 6 . 5 " ) ,
Tbackiry (Sries):
t1.Zqo +10 nV,
P&el lileter Accrracy (volts): 10 kg (22 lbs)'
i0.5% + 2 digits.
pdel Metet Acc|racr (cEreDt): TffiS,"Tff;?up leads,I !ed, I black.
J0,5 % + 2 digits. Two ea.rth ground bus stlaps.
Two 5A, 250V fuses (spares),
,F&5 V SUppLy Schematic DiagraB & palts List,

OutFrt Volt.e RaDg: Ootionel Accessori3:
4 Y t57o to 6.5 V r5Vo. Fp-tO l6-amp test leads (t red, 1 black).

B&K 1660

supply, when this switch is i! the
1. POWER Ssitch- Tutns Power on and tr-5 V position. the LED disPlay moni-
off, When powel is on, sxitch is inter- tors the 4-6.5 \' supply.
nally iuuEi ated to serve as a Pilot light.
.1. A/V Switcb- Selects current cr voltag
Z. TRACKING Mode Seitchs. Two push-
button switches that select INDEPendent meterirg mode for the MASTER 0-30 v
oode, series tlacking mode, or Parauel supply or the ,F6.5 V supply (depndiBg
oD setting of (F30 V/,1-6.5 V switch).
t!acking mode as follows:
When in the A (amPs) position, cu.rlent is
a. When both switches are disengagd read from the MASTER/,|6.5 V LED Dis-
(out), the unit is in the INDEPen- play. When in the V (vo1ts) position' vol-
dent mode arld the MASTER ard tage is read from the MASTER/ 'F6.5 V
SLAVE power suPPlies are com- LED Dispray.
pletely indPendent llom one
anotDel, 5. MASTER/4-6.5 v LED Dispray. Digital
b, When the left switch is engaged (in) dis?tay indicates voltag or cuffent at
and the right switch is disengaged the O-30 v MASTER supply or the'1-6.5 v
(out), the r]nit is in the TRACKING supply (depending on the setting of the
SERIES mode. In this mode, maxi- MASTER A,/V aid 0.30 V/4'6.5
mum voltage of both suPPliesis set
using the MASTER VOLTAGE con-
tlols (voltage at outPut telminals
of the SLAVE supply ttacks the voi- 4'6.5 V SUPPLY CONTROLS AND
tage at the output teloinals of the INDICATORS
MASTER supplvl. AIso. in this '-'
roode of operatiod the Positive 6. Tedrinal (Blact). Negative Polatity
terminal (red) of the sLAvE supply output terminal for 4-6.5 V suPPIy'
is connectd to the negative termi- "+" (Red)-
?. Trniral Positive Polarity
nal (blackl of the MASTER supPly.
output terminal for 4-6.5 v supPly.
This a]lo\rs the two suPplies to be
used as one 0- to-60 volt suPPIY. Voltag Level C'rtrol. Adjusts output
c. When both switches ate engaged voltage to! 4'6.5 V supply, Fully coun-
(in), the uiit is in the TRACKING terclockwise !otation adjusts otttput voi_
PARALLEL rnode, ln this dode the tage to 4 V. Clockwise rotation in-
MASTER and SLAVE suPPlies a.!e cleases voltage to a maximuEr of 6'5 v
wiled together in palallel and both (full clockwise rotation).
the maxilouE cuirent and voltage
are set using the MASTER con- 9. 5 A OVERLOAD IDdicatot. Lights when
trols. The MASTER alrd SLAVE load on 4_6.5 Volt suPply becoloes too
outputs can be used as two iDdi- 1arge.
vidual (but tracking) power suPPlies
or just the MASTER output can be
used as a 0-to-30 volt supply with a MASTER SUPPLY CONTROLS AND
4 A capability, INDICATORS

3. (F30 V/+6.5 V Ssitcb Controls MAS- 10. C.C. (CoDstant Crr'ledt) Irdicator. Red
TER/,1-6.5 V LED DisPkY. wlen this LED lights when MASTER SUPPIYis in
switch is in tbe G30 V position' the LED the ConstaDt Cu$e$t mode' The Powe!

B&K 1660

- l
I 66 0 l

ti; '.li+:,.


26 25 21 20 17 I8 15

Fig. l. Front Panet Contlols And Indicatols.

Supply regulates the output culleDt at Eode is selected. Read the value on the
the va.Iue set by the IIASTER CURRENT MASTER/4.6.5 V I,ED Distr'lay when the
control. In the Parallel Tracking Eodj voltage iv) and master l(F30 V) Eeterins
when this indicato! is lit, both trle modes ale selected.
MASTER aJId SLAVE supplies are in rne
Constant Current Eode. 13. FINE VOLTAGE Cmbol. Fine adrusr-
ment of output volrage of the MASIIER
1 1 . C.V. (C@staDt Voltage) Iadjcator. Green supply. A160 firnctions as fine adjust-
LED lights when the MASTER suppty is Dent control fo! the Ea-{iEum outDut
ir the Constant Voltage mode, The voltage of rhe SLAVE suppty when eitier
Power Supply regulates the output vot, palallel ol se es trackiDg mode is se-
tage at the value set by the MASTER lected. Read the value on the MAS-
VOLTAGE controls. ln erther the SeFies aE.R/4.5 V IlD Display when the vol-
or Parallel Tracking Eode. when rhrs in- tage rV) afld Daste} ,(F30 l/ meterins
dicator is lit, both the MASTER alrd IIrodes are selected.
SLAVE supplies are in the CoDsta.nt Vol-
tage mode, CURRENT C@trol. Adjusts currenr
Iimil of MASTER suppty in constant vol-
rz. COARSE VOLTAGE Corttol. Codse tage rDode. Adjusts constant curlent
adju.stment of the output vottage of the value of MASTER supply in constant cuJ-
MASTER supply. Atso functjons a lent mode. Cutrent can be aead ftolc
coarse adjustEenr coutlol fo! the maxi the MASTER/4.6.5 V LED Display when
Eouh output voltage of the SLAVE supply the current {A) and rDaster ((F30 u
when eithe! paraUel o! selis tracunp metedng modes are selected,

B&K 1660


Fig. Z. Reat Panel Controls'

15, '+' TerEiral (Re(l). Positive polarity 19. C,C. (C@stant Curr.rt)/PARalle-r I t-
output telminal fo! the MASTER suF cator. Red LED lights when SLAVE
ply. Also serves as the Positive Polarity supply is in the Constant Culreirt mode'
terminal for 4 A palallel aJId 0-to-60 V The Powe! Supply legulates the output
series tlacking oPelatiotl. current at the value set bv the SLAVE
CURRENT contlol when in the selies
16. GND TfmiDal (Green). Earth aJId trackiag o! INDEPendent modes. AIso
Cbassis Ground. lights when the TRACKING PARALLEL
mode is selected.
17. '-' Trminal Elack). Negative polarity
output telminal for the MASTER sup- 20. COARSE VOLTAGE Cdlrol, Coarse
ply. AIso selves as the negative Polarity adjustment of the outPut voltage of the
telroinai for 4 A palallel tlackiDg opeF SLAVE supply when the INDEPerdent
ation. In series tlacking opelation. this mode is selected. Read the value on the
telminal is intelnally tied to the {+) SLAVE LED DisCay when the voltage (9
positive telminal oI the SLAVE suplly' meteling rDodeis selected.

21. FINE VOLTAGE Control. Fine adjust-
SLAVE SUPPLY CONTROIS AND xoent of output voltage of the SLAVE
INDICATORS suppiy when the INDEPendent Eode is
selected. Read the value on the SLAVE
18. C.V. (CoD3taDt Voltage) Indicato!. Green LED Display when the voltage 19
LED lights when the SLAVE supply is in Eetering mode is selected.
the Constant Voltage mode. The Power
Supply regulates tle output voltage at 22. CURRENT C@trol Adjusts curent
the value set by the SLAVE VOLTAGE limit of SLAVE supply in constant vol-
tage trode. Adjusts co$stant curlent

B&K 1660

value of SLAVE supply in constant cu;!, In series tracking operation, this termi*
rent mode. Current can be .ead from nal is connected to the negative terminal
the SLAVE LED Display wher the cur, of the MASTER supply.
lent (A) metering mode is selecled.
26. cND TerEciDa.l (c!een). Ealth and
23. A/V SFitc-b. Selects current or voltage
metering mode for tbe 0-30 V SLAVE
supply, When in the A (aqlps) positiotl, "-" Terminal (Blact).
27. Negative pot:rity
culnt is lead from the SLAVE LED
output terminal fo! the SLAVE supply.
Display. When in the v (volts) position,
AIso selves as the negative polarity te!-
voltage is read lrom the SLAVE I-ED
miDal Io" 0-to-60 V series tracking opeF
24. SLAVE LED Display. Digitat disptay
iddicates voltage or current at the
0-30 V sl-AvE supply (depending on the REAR PANEL CONTROLS
settiDg of the A/V switch),
28. Fuse.
25. '+' Tetbiaal (Red). positive potadty
output telminal for the SLAVE suppty, 29. Line Cold

B&K 1660

SA.FETY PRECAUIIONS Althottgh the power supply is protected
against levelse polarity daEage, the cilcuit
cAuttoL being powered Eay not include such PIo-
tection. Always calefully obselve polarity;
Avoid contacting the heat sinks incoffect polarity loay daEage the equiprdent
at the lear oI the power supply, under test.
Wben the unit is ploviding large
a&ounts of cu$ent at any or all Do not exceed tbe voltage rating ot the ci!-
of its outputs, the lteat sinks can cuit being powered- Many transistots and
becoEe very hot. CoDtacting integrated cilcuits will not *ithstand voltage
the heat sinks when they ale hot
could lesult itr skin burDs o!
damage to the equipEeEt in con- There is tro $eed to wo!!y about voltage
tact with thetn. spikes o! ovelshoot damagiDg the equipEent
under test. The voltag between tbe output
Use only a polarized 3-wi!e ac terEinal,s of the power supply neve! exceeds
outlet. This assures that the the preset value as the POWER switch is
power supply chassis, case, and turtted on or off.
ground terEinal are connected
to a good earth ground and re-
duces dange! flom electlical INDEPENDENT USE OF 'I,ASTER' OR

There Eay be great danger of The "MASTER" and "SLAVE" supplies each
electrical shock if the powe! plovide a 0-to-30 volt output at up to 2.0
supply output is conDected to an aDps. This plocedure covers the use of tbe
extelDal high voltage. SoDe MASTER ard SLAVE supplies only when they
equipdent beiDg poweled may are used independently from one another.
contain high voltage and plesent When used in the INDEPendent opelating
a sbock hazald" Obse!ve mode, the opelatiEg contlols of the t\ro powe!
cautioD, Ii the power supply supplies are colt|pletely independent and eithe!
output is floated (lefelenced to supply can be used ildividually o! both can be
a voltage ratbe! than earth used sidultaneou.sly. Basic operation is
grotllld) turn off the power covered be!e. Several vadations are covered
supply a.Ild the equipEelt uDde! in the APPLICATIONS section oI this Eanual.
test when making connections.
Never float the power supply to Eool-r{)
a potential gleat! than
100 volts peak with lespect to l. Diseugage both TRACKING mode
eattb ground" switches (both switches out) so that the
powe! supply is in the INDEPeDdent
operating rbode.
2. TUrn off the power supply and the
Avoid rising the powe^r supply in ambiert equipEent to be poweled during hook-up.
teEpelatures above +40" C. Always allow
sufficient air space alound the heat sink at the 3. Condect the positive polarity of the
lear of the powe! supply for effective ladia- device being powered to the red (+) teF
tior to prevent internal heat build-ul. llinal of the powe! supply.

B&K 1660

_'1 f'l
I !.! ,l rE.[ a'1 1
| t- t-

I l-',r.f, f D,D

Fig. 3. Independent Operation Grounding Possibilities.


B&K 1660

i[. Connect the negative pola]ity of the device to be powered and set the cutlent
device being povreled to the black H limit value {see "Setting CuFent Limit"
terminal of the powe! supply. n'^.o;!!i4 in ihi< c..ri^rl

5. Fig. 3 illustlates the glounding possibil- Set FINE VOLTAGE control to cnter
ities when used in the INDEPendent and COARSE VOLTACE control ro:rin
imu& (fully cotrnterclockwise).
a. If t]re negative polality of the
3. Turn off power suppll' and corurect it to
equipoent ol ctcuit being powered "Hook-Up"
the device to be powered (see
is also the chassis o! common, it procedure in this section).
may be glounded to eatth by
stlapping the black (-) telminal to Turn on POWER switch. The CV indi
the g!en (GND) teroinal as sho\rn cato! should light.
in Fig. 3A.

b. Similarly, the positive polarity can Set the meter selection switch to the V
be groulded by strapping the red (+) position to select the v^'tae- mete?ing
terminal to the gleen (GND) ter mode.
miRal as shown in Fig. 3B.
6. Increase the VOLTAGE setting until the
c. If aI} ea-lth $ourd refernce is not LED display rea.ds the desired valu. The
required, the codfiguratio. of Fig, FINE control permits easier setting to a
3C may be used. The scheEe in specific value,
Fig. 3C should also be used where it
is not krown whether the chassisis 7. Set the meter selection switch to the A
common wiih either the Positive o! position to select the cu$ent oetFring
negative polality, mode and note the load curient on the
d. If the chassis or common of the
equipEent being powered is sePa-
r^fF fr^m hoih thF Dositive and
negative polarity power inputs' use
the connection shown in Fig. 3D. Fead ulPrtc iaQe
o !
a ' r oc u r r s nl lr o md s p a ! CV r0cai001i
6, Observe ploper pola.rity. II the cilcuit \ \
i l
being poweled is not equipped with re-
verse polarity plotection, darnage to the - '_] oc 4{EF sumY ,F0

circuit can lesult froE reverse polarity,
Use color coded hook-up leads, such as
I [.C tr.0,
the sets supplied \tith the powe! supply' t . r l :
for convenience in identifying polarity,
red for (+) and black for (-).

?. Make sure that the hook-uP leads offer EC
sufficieDt cuilent capability and low !e-
sistance between the power supply and
the circuits being poweled. Th hook-up
Ieads supplied with the powei supply are !013q
ra.ted fo! 3 arDps.

Typical C('rstant Voltage OFlation

1. Befoie connecting the device to be pow-
eled to the power supply, determine the
maximum safe load curent for the Fig. 4, Tnical Constant voltage Operation'


B&K 1660

8, U the load curlent etceeaLs the ple3et 6. Tbe cullent libit (oeerload plotectioD)
cu*ent liDit, the CV ildicato! will go has now bee! pleset. Do not change the
off and the CC indicator wiu light. ID CITRRENT codttol settiDg atter this
tbis case, tbe powet supply autoDatically step.
switches to the constant cullent Eode
altd furthe! rotation of tbe VOLTAGE ?. Rebove the sbolt betweeD the (+) aDd (-)
contlol wiU not ircrease the output vol- telminals and hook up for constalt vol-
tage. tage opelation.

SettiDg CurtcDt LiDit Typical CoDstrnt Cr!!ot O!ratioD

1. DeterEine the r:taxiEum safe curreDt fo! 1. Before connectiEg the device to be pow-
the deeice to be powered- eled to the power supply, detelBiDe the
Eaximurb saJe voltage to be applied, set
2, Telopolalily short the (+) arld (-) ter- the mete! selection switch to the V posi-
D:ibals of the powe! supply togethe! with tion, alld set the VOLTAGE controls to
a test lead, obtaiD that voltage reading on tbe LED
3. Rotate the COARSE VOLTAGE contlol
away froE zelo sufficiently fo! the CC 2. DetelEine the desired constant cu|nt
indicato! to ligbt.
3. Set tbe CURR.ENT control to ErmEum
4. Set the Eete! selection s\ritch to tbe A
(f ully counterclockwise).
position to select the cuflent loetering
rnode. 4. Turn oif the power supply and connect it
to t}|e device to be powelea!.
5. Adjust rbe CI'I{RENT contlol {or the
desi!d curlent liEit. Read the culleDt 5. Tula on tbe power supply. Tbe CC indi-
value od the LED display. cato! sbodd light.

lmt cc
0N lr0m
value d splay ndicalor
0N lromdrsplay

l n n

t @ BO:3

short and )
{-) rmi 0es cufrenl

Fig. 5. Setting Curlent LirDit. Fig. 6. TlTical Codstant Crrrent Opelation.

B&K 1660

6. Set the Eete! selection switch to the A a heavy load on the supply aJId it will opelate
position to obtair the curlent Eetering iE the constant culredt mode' which may be
lllode. adjusted for a I aIlP chargitlS tate. As the
battery becomes charged' and its voltage
?. Incease the CURRENT control settitrg apploaches 13.8 volts, its load decleases to
until the desired constant cu!!nt value the poiDt where it no longer deoands the full
is read on the display, or set the culent I aElp charging !ate. This is the clossover
Iimit in advance (befole connectidg the point whele the power supply goes into the
"Setting constant voltaee mode.
load) as prescribed earlier in the
Cullent Limit" procedr.ue

8. If the load culrent clroPs belo\t the con-
stant cullent value' the CC iidicator
will go off aJId the CV indicato! wiu
tigbt. In tlis case, the por'ei suPPly
autooatically switches to the constant 1
voltage 6ode, aDd further rotation of the I
CURRENT control will not increase the
output crflent'

CEstant Voltage/CottetaDt Curent
The working charactelistic of this power
supply is called a constaDt voltage/constant
cutleDt automatic clossover t'?e. This Per-
rnits continuotrs tlansition floh constant cur- Fig. ?, Constant Voltage/Constant Cutlent
rent to constant voltage modes in reslonse to Characte!istic.
the load change. The intelsection of constant
voltage and constant crrllent modes is called
the crossover point. Fig. 7 shows the relation- SERIES TRACKING OPERATION
sbip between this crossove! poirt and the load.
when the selies tracking mode of oPelation
Fo! exadple, if the load is such that the is selected, the positive (red) telrDinal of the
powe! supply is opelating in the constant vol- SLAVE supply output is internally connected
tage roode, a reguiated output voltage is pro- to th negative (black) telmillal of the
vided, The output voltage lemairs constant as MASTER supply, This allows the Powe! supPly
the load iDcreases, up uDtil the point v,thele to be used as a single 0_to-60 volt Power
the preset cutlent Iimit is reached. At that supply simply by using the negative (black)
point, th output cu.}lent becohes constant telmina.l oI the SLAVE supply a]Id the positive
and the output voltage drops in Fopoltion to (!ed) telminal of th MASTER supply.
furthe! increases in load, The crossove! point
is indicated by the front panel LED indi- In the selies tracking mode, the ltraximum
cators. The clossovei point is reached when outFut voltage of both the MASTER and
the CV indicator goes off and the CC indicator SLAVE supplies can be sirDultaneously varied
with one coDtroi. The ma-yiEluro SLAVE supply
voltage is autoaatically set to the sarne value
SiEilallv. crossove! flom the constant as the MASTER supply by using the LASTER
curlent to the constant voltage mode auto- VOLTAGE contlols,
matically occuls fror! a ileclease in load' A
good example of this would be seen when Simultaneous metelillg of both current and
charging a lz-volt battery. Initially' the oPen voltage can be obtaided in this mode of oP_
cilcuit voltage of the powe! suPPly Eray be eration by setting one of the displays for cur-
preset for 13.8 volts. A low battery will place rent Eleteling ajld one fo! voltage metering.

B&K 1660

In this case, the output voltage (across the two voltage is double the reading on the
suppliesi is actually double the displayed MASTER LED Display).
value. For example, if the MASTER disptay is
set fo! voltage meteling ard the SLAVE dis- 5. Turn olt the power suppty ard the
play for current oetering, the output voltage equipment to be powered during hook-up.
acloss the MASTER positive (red) tellninaf and
the SLAVE negative (black) telmiDat would be 6. Connect the positive polarity of the
double the reading on the MASTER LED Die- deqice being powered to the led (+) te!-
play (since both supplies are putting out the minal of the MASTER poweF supply,
sarDe voltage), The actual output current
would be the value lead frob the SLAVE LED 1. Connect the negative polality of the
Display (since the t,ro supplies are wiled in in device being poweled to the black (-/
series, current flowing through each supply terminal of the SLAVE powe! supply.
Eust be equal).
8. Fig. 8 illustrates the grounding possi-
1. Set the power suppties to the TRACKING bilities when the lmit is used as a 0-to-60
SERIES mode by engaging the left volt supply.
TRACKING switch and release the lieht a- If the negative polality oI the
TRACKING switch. equipment or circuit being powe!ed
is also the chassis or common, it
Z. Set the (F30 V/,t-6.5 V switch to the may be grounded to ealth by
G30 V position the MASTER A/V switch stlapping the black (-) terminal of
to the V (voltage meteling) position, and the SLAVE supply to the green
the SLAVE A/V switch to the A (current (GND) terr'inal of the SLAVE
Eetedtlg) position, supply as shovD in Fig. 8A,

3. Set the SLAVE CURRENT control to the b. SiEilallyr the positive polarity caJI
fully clockwise position. The inaximum be glounded by strapping the red (+)
curlent is set using the MASTER teirDiDal of the MASTER supply to
CURRENT control. the green telminal of the MASTER
Follow the in-
stluctions fo! "Setting Clrrent Limit" supply as shown in Fig. 88.
(INDEPENDENT USE OF "MASTER" OR c. lf "split supply" operation is de-
SUPPLY section ol this manuatl sired, a positive and negative voF
using the MASTER CURRENT control. tage with a center ground car be
acheived by stlapping the black \-/
NOTE trminai of the MASTER supply to
Because the supplies are being the green {GND) of the MASTER
used in sedes, eithe! CURRENT supply as shown in Fig, 8C. See the
contlol can be used to st maxi- APPLICATIONS section of this
dlurh crl}Ient. II desired. the manual for rhore infolEation on
MASTER CURRENT control ca "split supply" operation.
be rotated fully clockwise and
the SLAVE CURRENT control NOlE
can be usd to adjust the maxi- Ii one of the supplied $ound
rnum curlent value. Because straps is to be used, only use it
current through the two supplies hr one of these three ways. Con-
must be equal when they are necting two ground straps could
being used in se es, the lowest ground both the positive and
CURRENT control setting wiu negative terminals and load
set the rnaxihum output cu!!ent. down the power supply, causing

4. Adjust the output voltage to the desiled d, If an ealth gtound lefeience is not
level using the MASTER VOLTAGE con- required, the configuration of Fig.
trols (rerel:)ber that the actuar ourDur 8D may be used. The scheroe in

B&K 1660

e 0.0

' r , : .t :

Fig. 8. Selies Tlackirg (0-to-60 v) Opelation Glou.nding Possibilities.

B&K 1660

Fig. 8D shou.ld also be used whele it the r]Iaxibum cr.EreDt and goltaee ale set
is not }crown wbetber tbe chassis is usiog tbe MASTER controls. iJsiag the
cohmon with eithe! the positive ol MASTER supply output jacks, follow the
Degative polality. iDstluctions {o! "Setting Cullent Limit'
e. If the chassis o! comEon of the CINDEPENDENT USE OF "MASTER" OR
'SLAVEI SUPPLY palaglaph
equipEent being poweFed is separ- of this sec-
ate tlol]l both the positive and neg- tion). RerDeEber that the actual current
ative polality powe! inputs, use the output at the MASTER supply output
conlrection shown in Fig. 8E. jacks is double the leading oD the SLAVE
rcD Display.
9. Obselee proper polarity, If the cilcuit
being powered is not equipped with re- Adjust tbe output voltage to the desiled
verse polatity protection, dabage to the level usidg the UASTER VOLTAGE con-
cilcuit can lesult flom leverse polality. t!ols.
Use color coded hook-up leads, such as
the sets supplied with the power supply, Turn off the powe! supply and the
for cotrvenience in identifyiEg polalitt, equipEent to be powered during hook-up.
led fo! (+) a:rd black for (-).
6. Connect tle positive polality of tbe de-
10. Make sure that the hook-up leads oller vice beiDg poweled to the led (+) te!-
sufficieDt curlent capability and low !e- E:inal of tbe MASTER powe! supply.
sistance between the power supply and
the cilcuits being powered. The hook-up 7. Connect the negative polarity of the de-
Ieads supplied .lvitb th power supply are vice birg liowered to the black (-) ter-
rated fo! 3 amps, minal of the MASTER powe! supply.

PARALLEL TRACKING OPERATION 8, Fig. 9 iliustlates the grounding possibit-
ities when used in the TRACKING
In the palallel tracking mode of operation, PARAIIEL mode.
both supplies are strapped togethe! (in paral-
lel), This auows for a 0-30 V supply with a 4 a. If t}te negative polality of tbe
ardp current capability. equiploent or cilcuit being powered
Onty the IIASfiR
output telminals are used fo! parallel tlacking is also the chassis or comloon, it
opelatioD. ln the paldlel tracking mode, the tDay be glounded to eatth by
SLAVE supply output voltage and cu.rreDt strapping the biack (-) terminal to
tlack the MASITR supply output voltage and the green (GND) telminal as shown
in Fig. 9A.
b, SiEilarly, the positive polarity can
1. Set the power supplies to the TRACKING
be gloulded by stlapping the led (+)
PARAILEL mode by engaging both
terminal to th gleen (cND) te!-
TRACKING switches.
minal as shown in Fig. 98.
2, Set the o-30 v/4.5 v switch to the c. If an ealth ground leference is not
(F30 V position, tbe MASTER A/V switch
require4 the corfiglration of Fig.
to the V (voltage Eeteling) position, and Day be used. The scheme rn
the SLAVE A/V switch to the A (current Fig. 9C should also be used where it
meteling) position. Output vottage wiU is not known v,/hether the chassrs rs
now be read f!o@ the I|ASTER LED Die common with eithe! the positive o!
day. Output culrent is exactly doubl negativ troIarity.
the value lead from the SLAVE LED Dis-
play (because each supply is providing d. II the chassis o! coErDon of rne
tbe saBe ahount of curlent). equipment being powered is sepa-
rate from both the positive and
3, Because both voltage and cuirent of the negative polarity power inputs, use
SLAVE supply tlack the MASTER supply, the connection shotrh in Fig. 9D.


B&K 1660

r5.O rac ! t6.D

din i lri

I t- l-1 I
IEB | [J.U ! 'r-.r.c.r

t a i

Fig. 9. Parallel Tracking Operation Grotmding Possibilities.

B&K 1660

t tnn ft
n c. r Jn
u J


10.0 ! 0s.0 3[.C


Fig. 10. clounding Possibilities for 4-6.5 V power Suppty.


B&K 1660

9, ObseNe prope! polarity. If the circuit between the red (+) terEinal arld
being po\rered is not equipped with re- either gteen (GND) teltninal as
verse polarity protectior, darDage to the shown ir1 Fig, 10B.
circuit can }esult from reverse polarity.
Use color coded hook-up ieadsr such as c. If an earth glound refelence is not
requiFed. the configulation ot Fig.
the sets supplied with the powe! supply,
Ior convenience in identifying polarityi IoC Eay be used. The scheme in
Fig. IoC should also be used where
red for (+) and black fo! (-).
it is not known whetheF the chassis
10. Make sure tlat the hook-up leads offer is common with either the positive
sufficient c1rrlent capability and low !e- or negative pola.!ity.
sistadce between the power supply and d. If the chassis or collrlon of the
the circuits being poweled. The hook-up equipment being powered is sep-
leads supplied with the povrer supply are alate f!o!D both the positive and
lated for 3 aDops. 10-amp test leads are negative polarity powe! inputs' use
available as an optional accessory. the comection shown of Fig. 10D.

+6.5 V POWER SUPPLY OMRATION 1. ObsIve prope! polarity, If the circuit
being powered is not equipped v'ith re-
The ,t-6.5 v supply plovides a 4.0 to 6.5 v verse polality protection' damage to the
DC output with a 5 aEp culient capacity. The circuit can result floe leverse Polarity.
supply is ideal fo! use with TTL circuits. Use color coded hook up leads' such as
the sets supplied with the power supply'
1, Set t]te G30 v/+6.5 v switch to the for convenience i$ identifying polarity'
1F6.5 V position and the MASTER A/V red for {+) aDd black for (-),
switch to the V position. This sets the
MASTER/.1-6.5 V Display to show output 8. Make sule that the hook-up }eads offer
voltage of the ,{-6.5 v supply. sufficielt cujlent capability and low !e-
sistance between the powe! supply and
2. Using the Voltage Leyel C@Eol to ad- th cilcuits being