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The DX 100U was the international version of the DX 100B.
The main difference with its cousin for the American market was that the mains
transformer was designed for European voltages.
Other differences include simplified crystal facility (only one position), a
different pattern in the two-tone paint of the front panel, and a different tube
complement : 6CH6 tubes are used instead of 12BY7 and KT88 tubes
(the British version of the 6CA7) replace the 1625 tubes in the modulator.
Another major difference was the presence on the rear apron of a toggle switch
used to reduce the PA input to 10 watts, in order to comply with British
regulations of the time for 160 metres. I do not have a schematic diagramm for
the modification, but it mainly consisted in reducing the drive and the high
voltage of the final.