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ture reference about safety and operating matters.

5. Adhere to all warnings and follow all operating

Technologies, Inc. 6. Warning: To reduce the risk of fire or electri-
cal shock, do not expose this equipment to rain
or moisture.

7. Caution: To prevent electrical shock do not use
this (polarized) plug with an extension cord, re-
ceptacle or other outlet unless the blades can be
fully inserted to prevent blade exposure.
Attention: Pour pevenir les chocs electriques pas
utiliser cette fuche polarisee avec un
Model 2/100A prolongateur, une prise de courant ou un autre
sortie de courant, sauf si les lames peuvent etre
Owner's Manual inserees afond ans en laisser aucune partie a

Thank you so much for your decision to pur- 8. For added protection for this product during a
chase one of our superb Sherbourn amplifiers. We lightening storm or when it is left unattended and
take enormous pride in the design and build qual- unused for long periods of time it is recommended
ity of all of our products and we are confident that that you unplug the unit from the wall outlet. This
our product will provide you with many years of will prevent damage to the product due to lighten-
enjoyable and trouble-free service. Should you ing or power line surges.
have any need to call upon our services please feel
free to contact us at the address shown at the end 9. Do not use attachments not recommended in this
of this booklet or of course you can contact the owner's manual as they may cause hazards.
dealership from which you purchased the product.
Full details of the warranty coverage provided
by Sherbourn Technologies can be found at the end Caution For Installation
of this booklet.
1. Do please locate the equipment for proper ven-
tilation. For example, the product should never
Safety Instructions be allowed to operate while positioned on a bed,
rug, sofa or any such surface where proper ventila-
tion is not possible. Nor should the unit be placed
1. Important Safety Instructions! Please read in a built-in installation such as a cabinet or armoire,
all the safety and operating instructions shown etc. in such a way as to impede the air flow. Al-
in this manual before operating this equipment. ways ensure adequate ventilation openings - please
2. The lightening flash within an equilateral tri- see later comments regarding such an installation.

2. Locate the product away from heat sources such
as stoves, heat registers, radiators or other appli-
ances including other amplifiers that produce heat.
angle shown above is intended to alert you to the
presence of uninsulated `dangerous voltage' within 3. Please mount the equipment in a wall or cabinet
the product's enclosure that may be of sufficient only as described in this owner's manual.
magnitude to constitute an electric shock to per-
sons. 4. Do not use the equipment near water; for ex-
ample near a bathtub, washbowl, kitchen sink, a
3. The exclamation point within an equilateral tri- swimming pool or in a wet basement etc.
angle shown above is intended to alert you to the
presence of important operating and maintenance 5. Do not place the product on an unstable cart,
(servicing) instructions in the literature accompa- stand tripod, bracket or table. The equipment is
nying this appliance. heavy and should it fall it could cause serious in-
jury to a person and/or serious damage to the equip-
4. Please retain this manual in a safe place for fu- ment.
Connections and Care of the Configured as an "Interrupter"
Product This feature is best described with an example.
Assume that you have bought a new TV set or com-
Connections puter and you want to integrate it with your exist-
ing stereo system so as to allow the TV or com-
1. Connect this equipment only to the type of AC puter sound to come out of your existing
power source as marked on the unit. speakers...well the the 2/100A is designed to do
just that!
2. Always route AC power cords so that they are
not likely to be walked on, or tripped over, or where To install the 2/100A with your existing system,
they may be pinched by items placed on or against disconnect the speaker cables from your left and
them. Always pay particular attention to cords at right speakers and reconnect them... red to "+",
plugs and/or convenience receptacles and at the black to "-", right to `R' channel and left to `L'
point where they exit from the product. channel to the connector marked "From Ext. Amp"
on the panel of 2/100A. Now connect your TV or
3. Do not defeat the inherent design features of the computer `Line Output' to the `Line Input' of the
polarized plug. Non polarized line cord adapters 2/100A. If your TV does not have a `Line Output'
will defeat the safety provided by the polarized AC use the T/V's `Speaker Output' and connect it to
plug. If the plug should fail to fit please contact the terminal marked `Speaker Level Input' on the
your electrician to replace your obsolete outlet. Do panel of the 2/100A.
not defeat the safety purpose of the grounding- type
plug. If you use this product in a country which You will then need to prepare two `New' sets of
only has two slotted receptacles in the house, you speaker cables. Connect one end of the cable to
must use a three-pin adapter plug to earth ground either set of the speaker output terminals which
the "E" (earth pin) of the power cord connected to are marked `To Speakers A' or `To Speakers B'.
this product. Finally, connect the other end of the cables to your
speakers taking care to connect them correctly.
4. Do not overload wall outlets, extension or inte- Connect the power cord to the 2/100A and turn on
gral convenience receptacles as this could result in the power switch and you are ready to play. Now,
a risk of fire or shock. when the TV or computer is turned on the audio or
video signal that is fed to the 2/100A will auto-
matically switch off the speakers from the existing
Care of the Product power amplifier and allow the 2/100A to power
them instead. Conversely, when you switch off
1. Clean the product by dusting with a dry cloth. the TV/ or computer the 2/100A will lose its signal
and will enter a `Standby' or `Sleep' mode and au-
2. Do not permit objects of any kind to be pushed tomatically reconnect the speakers to your exist-
and/or fall into the product through the enclosure ing amplifier. You can see, therefore, that the 2/
openings 100A is in fact functioning as an INTERRUPTER
in your system.

General Description Configured as a Regular Stereo
The Model 2/100A has been designed to work Amplifier
as both an `Interrupter' in an existing system and
as regular power amplifier to drive up to two pairs Volume Control
of 8 ohm speakers or one pair of 4 ohm speakers. Two separate control knobs are provided for left
The amplifier can be configured in a `bridged/ and right volume control. When functioning under
mono' mode by simply changing the `slide' switch. bridge-mono mode, only the right volume control
The 2/100A features auto-turn-on and turn-off func- is used for volume adjustment.
tions which can be activated by an audio or video
signal or by a +12VDC trigger. Turn-off time is Stereo / Bridged Mode
adjustable and the function can be defeated should A switch allows you to set 2/100A in either stereo
there be a desire to do so. (ST) or Bridge (BRGD) mode function. Under
bridged mode, both L and R inputs are summed

signal for its predetermined time it will automati-
cally go into its standby mode. This feature can be
`defeated' by turning the knob to between positions
#`4 and # 5. Under this setting the 2/100A can
only be turned off from the Power Switch and it
will not enter into either its `Standby' or `wake-up'

It is important to note that the 2/100A is designed
to work with a maximum of two pairs of 8 ohm
speakers or one pair of 4 ohm speakers. Please
consult your dealer about the impedance of any
speakers that you intend to use with your 2/100A
because the warranty will be invalidated if the 2/
100A is used outside of the parameters outlined
in this paragraph.

Five Year Limited Warranty
together and fed to both amplifiers. Please note that Subject to the terms and conditions stated be-
the volume setting can only be controlled by the low, Sherbourn Technologies, Inc. (Sherbourn)
`R' channel volume control. warrants to the original owner that this Product shall
be free from defects in workmanship or materials
12VDC Trigger In and Out for a term of five (5) years from its date of pur-
The Trigger output is 12V at a maximum of 100mA. chase from an Authorized Sherbourn Dealer. Trans-
This can be used to drive a relay operated AC out- fer of this product by its original owner (the
let or other 12V triggered devices. The 12V volt `Owner') will automatically terminate this War-
trigger input is used to activate the amplifier inde- ranty regardless of when occurring.
pendently from the auto turn on sensing circuit, in
which case the delay, video and audio sensing are In the event of any defect covered by this war-
bypassed. ranty, Sherbourn shall provide all parts, materials,
and labor necessary to restore the Product to its
Music and Video Trigger original specifications, and shall return the Prod-
Apart from the 12V Trigger you can also use the uct to its owner at Sherbourn's expense. In the al-
Audio and Video signal (fed through the `Line In' ternative, Sherbourn may at its sole option either
connectors or the `Speaker Level Input' connec- replace the Product without charge, or if its replace-
tors) to `Wake-up' your 2/100A from its `Standby' ment is not commercially practicable or repair or
mode. By receiving any one of these three signals replacement cannot be accomplished within a rea-
the 2/100A will `Wake-up' automatically and the sonable time, Sherbourn may refund the purchase
LED will immediately turn to full brightness. When price of the Product, subject where appropriate to
the 2/100A is being `Triggered' by a music or video reasonable depreciation for actual use in accor-
source you will notice that once the music stops dance with applicable laws, in full satisfaction of
playing OR whenever the 2/100A has received no its warranty obligations.
music signal for its `Pre-set' period (see note be-
low) it will enter its `Standby' mode..meaning that Sherbourn's sole obligation under this warranty
the amplifier is effectively `Put to sleep' to con- shall be to repair or replace the product, or at its
serve power and the LED will dim to half bright- option refund the purchase price, as provided for
ness. The `Video' trigger is paralleled with the `Mu- hereinabove. Sherbourn does not warrant
sic' trigger so they both have the same level of pri- against, nor shall it be liable for, any of the fol-
ority. lowing: removal or installation charges, shipping
expenses to its authorized service facility, loss of
Auto Time Off use, property damage of any kind, or other inci-
The 2/100A can be `Pre-set' for automatic time off dental or consequential damage or losses of any
for any period between 30 seconds to ten minutes kind.
by setting the control between `1' and `4'. There-
after, if the amplifier has received no music or video Note: Some states do not allow exclusion or limi-

tation of consequential damages, so the foregoing 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time Monday
exclusions may not apply to you. through Friday at 978-663-7385 (Fax 978-663-
7389) or write to the Service Department,
This warranty does not cover any of the follow- Sherbourn Technologies, Inc., 19-3A Sterling
ing: (a) cabinetry, trim, or other appearance items Road, North Billerica, MA 01862.
(except where they are defective at the time of origi-
nal sale and the Product is delivered for repair This warranty gives you specific legal rights,
within the first thirty days (30) thereafter): (b) fail- and you may also have other rights which vary from
ures arising from accident, catastrophe, misuse, state to state.
neglect, or failure to properly connect and operate
the product in accordance with the accompanying If this product has been purchased outside of
instruction: (c) failures arising from improper in- the United States of America you should contact
stallation of the Product or incompatibility of other your local dealer or distributor to determine the
components in the system of which the Product is warranty coverage provided in your country.
a part: (d) failures of any kind in products (i) which
have been purchased from other than Authorized Thank you for taking the time to read this
Sherbourn dealers, or (ii) which evidence any tam- manual...now sit back, relax and enjoy your
pering, alteration, or attempted servicing by any- Sherbourn 2/100A amplifier which has been de-
one other than Sherbourn or an Authorized signed and manufactured with care and atten-
Sherbourn Service Facility; and Sherbourn shall tion to give you many years of trouble free ser-
have no liability or obligation of any kind with re- vice.
spect to any of the foregoing losses types of fail-

To obtain service under this Warranty, the Owner
must first obtain form Sherbourn a Return Autho-
rization Number, and must then, at the owner's ex-
pense (i) arrange for any necessary de-installation
of the Product, and (ii) deliver or ship the Product,
properly packaged and clearly identified with the
Return Authorization Number, prepaid, and in-
sured, to Sherbourn at the address shown below,
or to an Authorized Sherbourn Service Facility. In
addition, the Owner must provide evidence that the
Product is at the time of delivery within the scope
of this Warranty, by either having completed and
submitted to Sherbourn on a timely basis a War-
ranty Registration Card or by including the ORIGI-
NAL dated sales receipt with the Product when
submitted for repair.

Safeguard your original sales receipt, as it may
be required to validate Warranty coverage

The owner is solely responsible for payment of
all expenses for removing the Product from its in-
stallation, delivering it to Sherbourn or an Autho-
rized Sherbourn Service Facility, and reinstalling
it following repair, as well as for any repairs made
to Products which are subject to the exclusions
noted above.

In order to learn the name and address of the
nearest Authorized Sherbourn Service Facility, ob- Sherbourn Technologies, Inc.
tain a Return Authorization Number and shipping 19-3A Sterling Road,
instructions, or obtain answers to any other ques- North Billerica, MA 01862
tions you may have concerning this Warranty, you Tel 978-663-7385
may telephone Sherbourn between the hours of Fax 978-663-7389