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SAA3004 Remote control transmitter
Product specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC02 August 1982

Philips Semiconductors

Product specification

Remote control transmitter


The SAA3004 transmitter IC is designed for infrared remote control systems. It has a total of 448 commands which are divided into 7 sub-system groups with 64 commands each. The sub-system code may be selected by a press button, a slider switch or hard wired. The SAA3004 generates the pattern for driving the output stage. These patterns are pulse distance coded. The pulses are infrared flashes or modulated. The transmission mode is defined in conjunction with the sub-system address. Modulated pulses allow receivers with narrow-band preamplifiers for improved noise rejection to be used. Flashed pulses require a wide-band preamplifier within the receiver. The SAA3004 has the following features: · Flashed or modulated transmission · 7 sub-system addresses · Up to 64 commands per sub-system address · High-current remote output at VDD = 6 V (-IOH = 40 mA) · Low number of additional components · Key release detection by toggle bits · Very low stand-by current (< 2 µA) · Operational current < 2 mA at 6 V supply · Wide supply voltage range (4 to 11 V) · Ceramic resonator controlled frequency (typ. 450 kHz) · Encapsulation: 20-lead plastic DIL or 20-lead plastic mini-pack (SO-20) PACKAGE OUTLINES SAA3004P: 20-lead DIL; plastic (SOT146); SOT146-1; 1996 December 11. SAA3004T: 20-lead mini-pack; plastic (SO20; SOT163A); SOT163-1; 1996 December 11.

August 1982


Philips Semiconductors

Product specification

Remote control transmitter


Fig.1 Transmitter with SAA3004.

INPUTS AND OUTPUTS Key matrix inputs and outputs (DRV0N to DRV6N and SEN0N to SEN6N) The transmitter keyboard is arranged as a scanned matrix. The matrix consists of 7 driver outputs and 7 sense inputs as shown in Fig.1. The driver outputs DRV0N to DRV6N are open drain N-channel transistors and they are conductive in the stand-by mode. The 7 sense inputs (SEN0N to SEN6N) enable the generation of 56 command codes. With 2 external diodes all 64 commands are addressable. The sense inputs have P-channel pull-up transistors, so that they are HIGH until they are pulled LOW by connecting them to an output via a key depression to initiate a code transmission. Address mode input (ADRM) The sub-system address and the transmission mode are defined by connecting the ADRM input to one or more driver outputs (DRV0N to DRV6N) of the key matrix. If more than one driver is connected to ADRM, they must be decoupled by a diode. This allows the definition of seven sub-system addresses as shown in Table 3. If driver DRV6N is connected to ADRM the data output format of REMO is modulated or if not connected, flashed. The ADRM input has switched pull-up and pull-down loads. In the stand-by mode only the pull-down device is active. Whether ADRM is open (sub-system address 0, flashed mode) or connected to the driver outputs, this input is LOW and will not cause unwanted dissipation. When the transmitter becomes active by pressing a key, the pull-down device is switched off and the pull-up device is switched on, so that the applied driver signals are sensed for the decoding of the sub-system address and the mode of transmission. The arrangement of the sub-system address coding is such that only the driver DRVnN with the highest number (n) defines the sub-system address, e.g. if driver DRV2N and DRV4N are connected to ADRM, only DRV4N will define the sub-system address. This option can be used in transmitters for more than one sub-system address. The transmitter may

August 1982


Philips Semiconductors

Product specification

Remote control transmitter


be hard-wired for sub-system address 2 by connecting DRV1N to ADRM. If now DRV3N is added to ADRM by a key or a switch, the transmitted sub-system address changes to 4. A change of the sub-system address will not start a transmission. Remote control signal output (REMO) The REMO signal output stage is a push-pull type. In the HIGH state a bipolar emitter-follower allows a high output current. The timing of the data output format is listed in Tables 1 and 2. The information is defined by the distance tb between the leading edges of the flashed pulses or the first edge of the modulated pulses (see Fig.3). The format of the output data is given in Figs 2 and 3. In the flashed transmission mode the data word starts with two toggle bits T1 and T0, followed by three bits for defining the sub-system address S2, S1 and S0, and six bits F, E, D, C, B and A, which are defined by the selected key. In the modulated transmission mode the first toggle bit T1 is replaced by a constant reference time bit (REF). This can be used as a reference time for the decoding sequence. The toggle bits function as an indication for the decoder that the next instruction has to be considered as a new command. The codes for the sub-system address and the selected key are given in Tables 3 and 4. Oscillator input/output (OSCI and OSCO) The external components must be connected to these pins when using an oscillator with a ceramic resonator. The oscillator frequency may vary between 400 kHz and 500 kHz as defined by the resonator. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Keyboard operation In the stand-by mode all drivers (DRV0N to DRV6N) are on. Whenever a key is pressed, one or more of the sense inputs (SENnN) are tied to ground. This will start the power-up sequence. First the oscillator is activated and after the debounce time tDB (see Fig.4) the output drivers (DRV0N to DRV6N) become active successively. Within the first scan cycle the transmission mode, the applied sub-system address and the selected command code are sensed and loaded into an internal data latch. In contradiction to the command code the sub-system address is sensed only within the first scan cycle. If the applied sub-system address is changed while the command key is pressed, the transmitted sub-system address is not altered. In a multiple key-stroke sequence (see Fig.5) the command code is always altered in accordance with the sensed key. Multiple key-stroke protection The keyboard is protected against multiple key-strokes. If more than one key is pressed at the same time, the circuit will not generate a new output at REMO (see Fig.5). In case of a multiple key-stroke the scan repetition rate is increased to detect the release of a key as soon as possible. There are two restrictions caused by the special structure of the keyboard matrix: · The keys switching to ground (code numbers 7, 15, 23, 31, 39, 47, 55 and 63) and the keys connected to SEN5N and SEN6N are not covered completely by the multiple key protection. If one sense input is switched to ground, further keys on the same sense line are ignored. · SEN5N and SEN6N are not protected against multiple key-stroke on the same driver line, because this condition has been used for the definition of additional codes (code numbers 56 to 63).

August 1982


Philips Semiconductors

Product specification

Remote control transmitter
Output sequence (data format)


The output operation will start when the selected code is found. A burst of pulses, including the latched address and command codes, is generated at the output REMO as long as a key is pressed. The format of the output pulse train is given in Figs 2 and 3. The operation is terminated by releasing the key or if more than one key is pressed at the same time. Once a sequence is started, the transmitted words will always be completed after the key is released. The toggle bits T0 and T1 are incremented if the key is released for a minimum time tREL (see Fig.4). The toggle bits remain unchanged within a multiple key-stroke sequence.

REF = reference time; T0 and T1 = toggle bits; S0, S1 and S2 = system address; A, B, C, D, E and F = command bits (a) flashed mode: transmission with 2 toggle bits and 3 address bits, followed by 6 command bits (pulses are flashed). (b) modulated mode: transmission with reference time, 1 toggle bit and 3 address bits, followed by 6 command bits (pulses are modulated).

Fig.2 Data format of REMO output; .

(1) Flashed pulse. (2) Modulated pulse (tPW = (5 × tM) + tMH.

Fig.3 REMO output waveform.

August 1982


August 1982

Philips Semiconductors

Remote control transmitter


Single key-stroke sequence. Debounce time: tDB = 4 to 9 × TO. Start time: tST = 5 to 10 × To. Minimum release time: tREL = TO. Word distance: tW.

6 Product specification



Multiple key-stroke sequence. Scan rate multiple key-stroke: tSM = 6 to 10 × TO. For tDB, tST and tW see Fig.4.

Philips Semiconductors

Product specification

Remote control transmitter
Table 1 mode flashed modulated Pulse train/timing TO ms 2,53 2,53 tp µs 8,8 - tM µs - 26,4 tML µs - 17,6 tMH µs - 8,8


tW ms 121 121

fOSC tP tM tML tMH TO tW

455 kHz 4 × tOSC 12 × tOSC 8 × tOSC 4 × tOSC 1152 × tOSC 55 296 × tOSC

tOSC = 2,2 µs flashed pulse width modulation period modulation period LOW modulation period HIGH basic unit of pulse distance word distance

Table 2 code logic "0" logic "1"

Pulse train separation (tb) tb 2 × To 3 × To 3 × To 2 × To or 3 × To

reference time toggle bit time

August 1982


Philips Semiconductors

Product specification

Remote control transmitter
Table 3 Transmission mode and sub-system address selection


The sub-system address and the transmission mode are defined by connecting the ADRM input to one or more driver outputs (DRV0N to DRV6N) of the key matrix. If more than one driver is connected to ADRM, they must be decoupled by a diode. mode # F L A S H E D M O D U L A T E D Notes 1. o = connected to ADRM 2. blank = not connected to ADRM 3. X = don't care 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 o X X X X X o X X X X o X X X o X X o X o o o o o o o o 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 sub-system address S2 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 S1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 o X X X X X o X X X X o X X X o X X o X o S0 0 1 2 driver DRVnN for n = 3 4 5 6

August 1982


Philips Semiconductors

Product specification

Remote control transmitter
Table 4 matrix drive DRV0N DRV1N DRV2N DRV3N DRV4N DRV5N DRV6N VSS note 1 note 1 note 1 note 1 note 1 note 1 note 1 Notes Key codes matrix sense SEN0N SEN0N SEN0N SEN0N SEN0N SEN0N SEN0N SEN0N SEN1N SEN2N SEN3N SEN4N SEN5N SEN6N SEN5N and SEN6N code F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 C 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 B 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 note 2 note 2 note 2 note 2 note 2 note 2 note 2 A 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1


matrix position 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 to 15 16 to 23 24 to 31 32 to 39 40 to 47 48 to 55 56 to 63

1. The complete matrix drive as shown above for SEN0N is also applicable for the matrix sense inputs SEN1N to SEN6N and the combined SEN5N/SEN6N. 2. The C, B and A codes are identical to SEN0N as given above.

August 1982


Philips Semiconductors

Product specification

Remote control transmitter
PINNING 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Fig.6 Pinning diagram. 19 20 REMO SEN6N SEN5N SEN4N SEN3N SEN2N SEN1N SEN0N ADRM VSS OSCI OSCO DRV0N DRV1N DRV2N DRV3N DRV4N DRV5N DRV6N VDD


remote data output

key matrix sense inputs

address mode control input ground oscillator input oscillator output

key matrix drive outputs

positive supply

RATINGS Limiting values in accordance with the Absolute Maximum System (IEC 134) Supply voltage range Input voltage range Output voltage range D.C. current into any input or output Peak REMO output current during 10 µs; duty factor = 1% Power dissipation per package for Tamb = -20 to +70 °C Storage temperature range Operating ambient temperature range Ptot Tstg Tamb max. -55 to +150 -20 to +70 200 mW °C °C -I(REMO)M max. 300 mA VDD VI VO ±I -0,5 to +15 -0,5 to VDD +0,5 -0,5 to VDD +0,5 max. 10 V V V mA

August 1982


Philips Semiconductors

Product specification

Remote control transmitter
CHARACTERISTICS VSS = 0 V; Tamb = 25 °C; unless otherwise specified PARAMETER Supply voltage Tamb = 0 to +70 °C Supply current; active fOSC = 455 kHz; REMO output unloaded Supply current; inactive (stand-by mode) Tamb = 25 °C Oscillator frequency (ceramic resonator) Keyboard matrix Inputs SEN0N to SEN6N Input voltage LOW Input voltage HIGH Input current VI = 0 V Input leakage current VI = VDD Outputs DRV0N to DRV6N Output voltage "ON" IO = 0,1 mA IO = 1,0 mA Output current "OFF" VO = 11 V Control input ADRM Input voltage LOW Input voltage HIGH Input current (switched P- and N-channel pull-up/pull-down) Pull-up active stand-by voltage: 0 V Pull-down active stand-by voltage: VDD 4 11 4 11 IIL IIL IIH IIH 10 30 10 30 - - - - 100 300 100 300 - - VIL VIH - 0,2 × VDD - - 11 IO - - 10 4 11 VOL VOL - - - - 0,3 0,5 11 II - - 1 4 to 11 4 to 11 4 11 VIL VIH -II -II - 0,8 × VDD 10 30 - - - - 4 to 11 fOSC 400 - 500 6 9 IDD IDD - - - - 2 2 6 9 IDD IDD - - 1 3 - - - VDD 4 - 11 VDD (V) SYMBOL MIN. TYP.




mA mA µA µA kHz

0,2 × VDD - 100 300

V V µA µA µA

V V µA

0,8 × VDD -


µA µA µA µA

August 1982


Philips Semiconductors

Product specification

Remote control transmitter


PARAMETER Data output REMO Output voltage HIGH -IOH = 40 mA Output voltage LOW IOL = 0,3 mA Oscillator Input current OSCI at VDD Output voltage HIGH -IOL = 0,1 mA Output voltage LOW IOH = 0,1 mA 6 6 6 6 9 6 9



MIN. - - - -

TYP. - - 0,2 0,1




3 6 - -



0,8 - -

- - -

2,7 VDD-06 0,6

µA V V

August 1982


Philips Semiconductors

Product specification

Remote control transmitter
PACKAGE OUTLINE DIP20: plastic dual in-line package; 20 leads (300 mil)



D seating plane






c Z e b1 b 20 11 MH w M (e 1)

pin 1 index E




5 scale

10 mm

DIMENSIONS (inch dimensions are derived from the original mm dimensions) UNIT mm inches A max. 4.2 0.17 A1 min. 0.51 0.020 A2 max. 3.2 0.13 b 1.73 1.30 0.068 0.051 b1 0.53 0.38 0.021 0.015 c 0.36 0.23 0.014 0.009 D



e 2.54 0.10

e1 7.62 0.30

L 3.60 3.05 0.14 0.12

ME 8.25 7.80 0.32 0.31

MH 10.0 8.3 0.39 0.33

w 0.254 0.01

Z (1) max. 2.0 0.078

26.92 26.54 1.060 1.045

6.40 6.22 0.25 0.24

Note 1. Plastic or metal protrusions of 0.25 mm maximum per side are not included. OUTLINE VERSION SOT146-1 REFERENCES IEC JEDEC EIAJ SC603 EUROPEAN PROJECTION

ISSUE DATE 92-11-17 95-05-24

August 1982


Philips Semiconductors

Product specification

Remote control transmitter


SO20: plastic small outline package; 20 leads; body width 7.5 mm





c y HE v M A

Z 20 11

Q A2 A1 pin 1 index Lp L 1 e bp 10 w M detail X (A 3) A


5 scale

10 mm

DIMENSIONS (inch dimensions are derived from the original mm dimensions) UNIT mm inches A max. 2.65 0.10 A1 0.30 0.10 A2 2.45 2.25 A3 0.25 0.01 bp 0.49 0.36 c 0.32 0.23 D (1) 13.0 12.6 0.51 0.49 E (1) 7.6 7.4 0.30 0.29 e 1.27 0.050 HE 10.65 10.00 0.42 0.39 L 1.4 Lp 1.1 0.4 Q 1.1 1.0 0.043 0.039 v 0.25 0.01 w 0.25 0.01 y 0.1 Z

0.9 0.4

0.012 0.096 0.004 0.089

0.019 0.013 0.014 0.009

0.043 0.055 0.016

0.035 0.004 0.016

8 0o


Note 1. Plastic or metal protrusions of 0.15 mm maximum per side are not included. OUTLINE VERSION SOT163-1 REFERENCES IEC 075E04 JEDEC MS-013AC EIAJ EUROPEAN PROJECTION

ISSUE DATE 92-11-17 95-01-24

August 1982


Philips Semiconductors

Product specification

Remote control transmitter
SOLDERING Introduction There is no soldering method that is ideal for all IC packages. Wave soldering is often preferred when through-hole and surface mounted components are mixed on one printed-circuit board. However, wave soldering is not always suitable for surface mounted ICs, or for printed-circuits with high population densities. In these situations reflow soldering is often used. This text gives a very brief insight to a complex technology. A more in-depth account of soldering ICs can be found in our "IC Package Databook" (order code 9398 652 90011). DIP SOLDERING BY DIPPING OR BY WAVE The maximum permissible temperature of the solder is 260 °C; solder at this temperature must not be in contact with the joint for more than 5 seconds. The total contact time of successive solder waves must not exceed 5 seconds. The device may be mounted up to the seating plane, but the temperature of the plastic body must not exceed the specified maximum storage temperature (Tstg max). If the printed-circuit board has been pre-heated, forced cooling may be necessary immediately after soldering to keep the temperature within the permissible limit. REPAIRING SOLDERED JOINTS Apply a low voltage soldering iron (less than 24 V) to the lead(s) of the package, below the seating plane or not more than 2 mm above it. If the temperature of the soldering iron bit is less than 300 °C it may remain in contact for up to 10 seconds. If the bit temperature is between 300 and 400 °C, contact may be up to 5 seconds. SO REFLOW SOLDERING Reflow soldering techniques are suitable for all SO packages. Reflow soldering requires solder paste (a suspension of fine solder particles, flux and binding agent) to be applied to the printed-circuit board by screen printing, stencilling or pressure-syringe dispensing before package placement.

Several techniques exist for reflowing; for example, thermal conduction by heated belt. Dwell times vary between 50 and 300 seconds depending on heating method. Typical reflow temperatures range from 215 to 250 °C. Preheating is necessary to dry the paste and evaporate the binding agent. Preheating duration: 45 minutes at 45 °C. WAVE SOLDERING Wave soldering techniques can be used for all SO packages if the following conditions are observed: · A double-wave (a turbulent wave with high upward pressure followed by a smooth laminar wave) soldering technique should be used. · The longitudinal axis of the package footprint must be parallel to the solder flow. · The package footprint must incorporate solder thieves at the downstream end. During placement and before soldering, the package must be fixed with a droplet of adhesive. The adhesive can be applied by screen printing, pin transfer or syringe dispensing. The package can be soldered after the adhesive is cured. Maximum permissible solder temperature is 260 °C, and maximum duration of package immersion in solder is 10 seconds, if cooled to less than 150 °C within 6 seconds. Typical dwell time is 4 seconds at 250 °C. A mildly-activated flux will eliminate the need for removal of corrosive residues in most applications. REPAIRING SOLDERED JOINTS Fix the component by first soldering two diagonallyopposite end leads. Use only a low voltage soldering iron (less than 24 V) applied to the flat part of the lead. Contact time must be limited to 10 seconds at up to 300 °C. When using a dedicated tool, all other leads can be soldered in one operation within 2 to 5 seconds between 270 and 320 °C.

August 1982


Philips Semiconductors

Product specification

Remote control transmitter
DEFINITIONS Data sheet status Objective specification Preliminary specification Product specification Limiting values


This data sheet contains target or goal specifications for product development. This data sheet contains preliminary data; supplementary data may be published later. This data sheet contains final product specifications.

Limiting values given are in accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 134). Stress above one or more of the limiting values may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and operation of the device at these or at any other conditions above those given in the Characteristics sections of the specification is not implied. Exposure to limiting values for extended periods may affect device reliability. Application information Where application information is given, it is advisory and does not form part of the specification. LIFE SUPPORT APPLICATIONS These products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices, or systems where malfunction of these products can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. Philips customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Philips for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale.

August 1982