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Very high voltage NPN power transistor for high definition and slim
CRT display

State-of-the-art technology: diffused collector
"enhanced generation" EHVS1
Wider range of optimum drive conditions
Less sensitive to operating temperature
In compliance with the 2002/93/EC European 3
directive 2

The HD1750JL is manufactured using Diffused
Collector in Planar technology adopting new and
Enhanced High Voltage Stricture 1 (E.H.V.S.1)
developed to fit High-Definition CRT display. The
new HD product series show improved silicon Internal schematic diagram
efficiency bringing updated performance to the
Horizontal Deflection stage.

High-definition and slim CRT TV and monitors

Order code
Part number Marking Package Packaging
HD1750JL HD1750JL TO-264 Tube

February 2007 Rev 3 1/10
This is preliminary information on a new product now in development or undergoing evaluation. Details are subject to www.st.com 10
change without notice.
Electrical ratings HD1750JL

1 Electrical ratings

Table 1. Absolute maximum ratings
Symbol Parameter Value Unit

VCES Collector-emitter voltage (VBE = 0) 1700 V
VCEO Collector-emitter voltage (IB = 0) 800 V
VEBO Emitte-base voltage (IC = 0) 10 V
IC Collector current 24 A
ICM Collector peak current (tP < 5ms) 36 A
IB Base current 12 A
IBM Base peak current (tP < 5ms) 18 A
PTOT Total dissipation at Tc = 25