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Installation Guide
HP 70909A and HP 70910A
RF Section

HP Part No. 70909-90002
Printed in USA April 1993
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Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company 1991, 1993
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1400 Fountaingrove Parkway, Santa Rosa, CA 95403-1799, USA
Certi cation
Hewlett-Packard Company certi es that this product met its published speci cations at the
time of shipment from the factory. Hewlett-Packard further certi es that its calibration
measurements are traceable to the United States National Institute of Standards and
Technology, to the extent allowed by the Institute's calibration facility, and to the calibration
facilities of other International Standards Organization members.

This Hewlett-Packard instrument product is warranted against defects in material and
workmanship for a period of one year from date of shipment. During the warranty period,
Hewlett-Packard Company will, at its option, either repair or replace products which prove to
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For warranty service or repair, this product must be returned to a service facility designated by
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Hewlett-Packard warrants that its software and rmware designated by Hewlett-Packard for
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The foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from improper or inadequate
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Product maintenance agreements and other customer assistance agreements are available for
Hewlett-Packard products.
For any assistance, contact your nearest Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Oce.

Safety Symbols
The following safety symbols are used throughout this manual. Familiarize yourself with each
of the symbols and its meaning before operating this instrument.
Caution The caution sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure which, if
not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in damage to or destruction
of the instrument. Do not proceed beyond a caution sign until the indicated
conditions are fully understood and met.

The warning sign denotes a hazard. It calls attention to a procedure
which, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in injury

or loss of life. Do not proceed beyond a warning sign until the indicated
conditions are fully understood and met.

General Safety Considerations
, make sure it has been properly
Before this instrument is switched on
grounded through the protective conductor of the ac power cable to a

socket outlet provided with protective earth contact.
Any interruption of the protective (grounding) conductor, inside or
outside the instrument, or disconnection of the protective earth terminal
can result in personal injury.
There are many points in the instrument which can, if contacted, cause
personal injury. Be extremely careful.

Any adjustments or service procedures that require operation of the
instrument with protective covers removed should be performed only by
trained service personnel.
Caution Before this instrument is switched on, make sure its primary power circuitry
has been adapted to the voltage of the ac power source.
Failure to set the ac power input to the correct voltage could cause damage to
the instrument when the ac power cable is plugged in.

Installation at a Glance

The HP 70909A RF section and HP 70910A RF section are preselected microwave front-end
modules that are used in an HP 70000 Series modular spectrum analyzer system. A standard
modular spectrum analyzer system includes an RF section, IF section, local oscillator, an
optional display, and an optional precision frequency reference.
Equipment and documentation supplied
This package contains:
HP 70909A RF section or HP 70910A RF section
HP 71209A Quick Start Guide
HP 70909A and HP 70910A Installation Guide
Rear panel cabling for your new RF section
Tools needed
Before installation, assemble these tools:
A long or short 8 mm hex-ball driver
A nonconductive stylus, such as a toothpick or similar object, for setting address switches
Antistatic precautions
Electrical components are easily damaged by small amounts of static electricity. If possible,
work at a static-safe work station.
Installation overview
The installation procedure for the HP 70909A or HP 70910A RF section is straightforward. The
following major steps are included:
Step 1. Switch o the system's ac line power
Step 2. Disconnect the existing RF section's rear panel cables
Step 3. Remove the existing RF section
Step 4. Unpack your new RF section
Step 5. Check or set the HP-MSIB address on your new RF section
Step 6. Install your new RF section
Step 7. Connect the new RF section's rear panel cables
Step 8. Switch on the system's ac line power
Step 9. Check proper operation of your new RF section

In This Book
This book describes all of the installation procedures neccessary to install and check the
proper operation of either an HP 70909A RF section or an HP 70910A RF section in an
HP 70000 Series modular spectrum analyzer system. It also contains information on what to do
if problems occur during installation.
Each module in the HP 70000 Series modular spectrum analyzer system is shipped with its own
installation guide. For further information related to the installation of additional and alternate
modules that can be used in this system, refer to that module's installation guide.
Chapter 1 of this book presents step-by-step instructions that are required for proper
installation of either an HP 70909A or HP 70910A RF section in an HP 70000 Series modular
spectrum analyzer system.
Chapter 2 of this book presents information to help identify and resolve problems that may
occur with the installation of your HP 70909A or HP 70910A RF section.
For information on setting the HP-MSIB address switches of an HP 70909A or HP 70910A
RF section, refer to the HP 70000 Modular Spectrum Analyzer Installation and Veri cation

1. Installation
Step 1. Switch o the system's ac line power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Step 2. Disconnect the existing RF section's rear panel cables . . . . . . . . . 1-3
Step 3. Remove the existing RF section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
Step 4. Unpack your new RF section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
Step 5. Check or set the HP-MSIB address on your new RF section . . . . . . . 1-6
Step 6. Install your new RF section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7
Step 7. Connect the new RF section's rear panel cables . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
Step 8. Switch on the system's ac line power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9
Step 9. Check proper operation of your new RF section . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10
2. If you have problems with installation
If the system's power-on self test fails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
If your RF section is powered on but not responding correctly . . . . . . . . . 2-4
If the STATUS ERR indicator LED on your new RF section is ashing . . . . . . 2-5
If more than one module's error indicator is ashing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
If hardware errors messages occur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7
If you require additional technical resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9
Before calling or returning your RF section for service . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9
Calling Hewlett-Packard for service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9
Returning your equipment for service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11

2-1. Line Voltage Selector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
2-2. Line Fuse Removal and Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2

2-1. Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Oces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10
2-2. Packaging and Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12

This chapter contains step-by-step instructions that are required for proper installation of
either an HP 70909A RF section or an HP 70910A RF section in an HP 70000 Series modular
spectrum analyzer system.
Tools needed
Before installation, assemble these tools:
A long 8 mm hex-ball driver (HP part number 8710-1307) or a short 8 mm hex-ball driver
(HP part number 8710-1651)
A nonconductive stylus, such as a toothpick or similar object, for setting address switches
Antistatic precautions
Electrical components are easily damaged by small amounts of static electricity. If possible,
work at a static-safe work station. (Refer to the HP 70000 Modular Spectrum Analyzer
Installation and Veri cation Manual for information.)
Installation overview
The installation procedure for the HP 70909A or HP 70910A RF section is straightforward. The
following major steps are included:
Step 1. Switch o the system's ac line power
Step 2. Disconnect the existing RF section's rear panel cables
Step 3. Remove the existing RF section
Step 4. Unpack your new RF section
Step 5. Check or set the HP-MSIB address on your new RF section
Step 6. Install your new RF section
Step 7. Connect the new RF section's rear panel cables
Step 8. Switch on the system's ac line power
Step 9. Check proper operation of your new RF section

Installation 1-1
Step 1. Switch o the system's ac line power
1 Before removing any existing modules or If you do not have a standard system
disconnecting any cables from your system, con guration or if you have problems
switch o the ac line power to the determining which cables to disconnect, refer
HP 70000 Series modular spectrum analyzer to the HP 70000 Modular Spectrum Analyzer
system's display and mainframe. Installation and Veri cation Manual.

1-2 Installation
Step 2. Disconnect the existing RF section's rear panel cables
1 Disconnect the SMB cable from the 2 Disconnect the SMB cable from the
existing RF section's 21.4 MHz OUT connector. existing RF section's 300 MHz IN connector.

3 Disconnect the SMB cable from the 4 Disconnect the SMA exible cable from
existing RF section's TUNE SPAN connector. the existing RF section's 1ST LO IN connector.

Installation 1-3
Step 3. Remove the existing RF section
1 Open the mainframe front-panel door to 2 Using an 8 mm hex-ball driver, remove
expose the hex-lock screw. the existing RF section to make room for your
new RF section.

An HP 70909A or HP 70910A RF section
occupies two adjacent 1/8 module slots in an
HP 70000 Series modular spectrum analyzer
system mainframe.

1-4 Installation
Step 4. Unpack your new RF section
1 Unpack your new HP 70909A RF section 2 Verify that all parts and materials were
or HP 70910A RF section from its shipping included in the shipping container.
container and inspect it thoroughly to ensure
that it was not damaged during shipment.

1. HP 70909A RF section or HP 70910A RF
2. HP 70909A and HP 70910A Installation
3. HP 71209A Quick Start Guide
4. Package of cables.

Installation 1-5
Step 5. Check or set the HP-MSIB address on your new
RF section
1 Locate the HP-MSIB address switches on 2 Check that the HP-MSIB address on your
the left-rear side of your new RF section. new RF section is set to row 6 and column 18.
During the manufacturing process, each If necessary, use a nonconductive stylus, such
module in the HP 70000 Series modular as a toothpick or similar object, to set the
spectrum analyzer system is set to a default HP-MSIB address switches.
HP-MSIB address.

Each module in an HP 70000 Series modular
spectrum analyzer system must have a unique
To con gure your new RF section with a
dierent HP-MSIB address other than its
default, refer to the HP 70000 Modular
Spectrum Analyzer Installation and
Veri cation Manual.

1-6 Installation
Step 6. Install your new RF section
1 Install your new RF section into the 2 Press against your new RF section's front
mainframe. panel while tightening the hex-nut latch with
an 8 mm hex-ball driver. This locks your new
RF section into position.

3 Close the mainframe front-panel door to
cover the hex-lock screw.

Installation 1-7
Step 7. Connect the new RF section's rear panel cables
1 Connect an SMB cable from your new 2 Connect an SMB cable from the LO
RF section's 21.4 MHz OUT connector to the section's 300 MHz OUT connector to your new
HP 70903A IF section's 21.4 MHz IN RF section's 300 MHz IN connector.

3 Connect an SMB cable from the LO 4 Connect an SMA exible cable from the
section's TUNE SPAN connector to your new LO section's LO OUT connector to your new
RF section's TUNE SPAN connector. RF section's 1ST LO IN connector.

1-8 Installation
Step 8. Switch on the system's ac line power
1 Set the line-voltage selector on your 2 Connect the ac power cords to the rear of
HP 70000 Series modular spectrum analyzer the HP 70000 Series modular spectrum
system display and mainframe to the voltage analyzer system display and mainframe. Then
corresponding to the power source used. The connect the other ends of the ac power cords
line-voltage selectors are located on the left to the line voltage.
side of the HP 70004A color display and on
the bottom of the HP 70001A mainframe.

Caution 3 Switch on the ac line power to the
HP 70000 Series modular spectrum analyzer
system display and mainframe.

Before turning this instrument on, make sure
the line-voltage selector is set to the voltage of
the ac power source:
115 V position for 90 to 132 V ac line input
voltages at 50, 60, or 400 Hz
230 V position for 198 to 264 V ac line input
voltages at 50 or 60 Hz

Installation 1-9
Step 9. Check proper operation of your new RF section
1 Check that the MEASURE LED is blinking Each time the HP 70000 Series modular
at the end of the power-on self test. spectrum analyzer system is turned on, the
following actions take place:
1. The system runs through an initializing
routine (power-on self test) during which
the front-panel STATUS LEDs on each
module ash on momentarily and then turn
o again.
2. If the power-on self test passes, the
MEASURE LED on the LO module starts
blinking on and o, being triggered by the
system sweep, and the ACT LED on each
active module's front-panel is turned on.

If you have problems with installation, refer
to Chapter 2.
There are no veri cation tests or speci cations
for the RF section by itself, it must be tested
in a system. For information on system
veri cation tests and system speci cations,
refer to the HP 70000 Modular Spectrum
Analyzer Installation and Veri cation

1-10 Installation
If you have problems with installation
This chapter contains information to help identify and resolve problems that may occur with
the installation of your HP 70909A or HP 70910A RF section.
Symptoms to various problems are listed at the top of each page.
Most symptoms have a brief description or explanation to help provide more insight into
their cause. A possible cause for the symptom and a checklist of possible solutions are then
presented. Use this checklist as an aid to correct the problem.
If a problem cannot be resolved, you can return the equipment to Hewlett-Packard for
servicing. Instructions for returning your RF section to Hewlett-Packard for servicing are
provided in \Before calling or returning your RF section for service".

If you have problems with installation 2-1
If the system's power-on self test fails
Each time the HP 70000 Series modular spectrum analyzer system is turned on, the following
actions take place:
1. The system runs through an initializing routine (power-on self test) during which the
front-panel STATUS LEDs on each module ash on momentarily and then turn o again.
2. If the power-on self test passes, the MEASURE LED on the LO module starts blinking on
and o, being triggered by the system sweep, and the ACT LED on each active module's
front-panel is turned on.
If this sequence of events does not occur, then one or more of the modules in the system is not
functioning properly.
To solve this problem:
Check that the RF section is powered on.
Check that the HP 70000 Series modular spectrum analyzer system display and mainframe
are plugged into the proper ac line voltage.
Check that the line socket has ac line voltage.
Check that the line voltage selector switch is set to the correct voltage for the ac line voltage
being used.
The line voltage selector switch is located on the left side of the HP 70004A display or on the
bottom of the HP 70001A mainframe.

Figure 2-1. Line Voltage Selector
Check the line fuse on the display or the mainframe to ensure that it is not damaged.
The line fuse is located inside the power-cord receptacle housing on the rear of the display
and mainframe. Also included in this housing is a spare fuse. The fuse is a 5 by 20 mm fuse
rated at 6.3 A, 250 V (HP part number 2110-0703). This line fuse can be used with both
120 V and 230 V line voltage.

Figure 2-2. Line Fuse Removal and Replacement
2-2 If you have problems with installation
If necessary, obtain HP service. (Refer to \If you require additional technical resources".)

If you have problems with installation 2-3
If your RF section is powered on but not responding correctly
If your RF section is powered on but not responding correctly, then something may be wrong
with the system setup.
To solve this problem:
Perform the checks in the procedure \If the system's power-on self test fails".
Check that other equipment, cables, and connectors are connected and operating correctly.
Check the HP 70000 Series modular spectrum analyzer system display for error messages.
If necessary, obtain HP service. (Refer to \If you require additional technical resources".)

2-4 If you have problems with installation
If the STATUS ERR indicator LED on your new RF section is
The HP 70909A or HP 70910A RF section communicates with the HP 70000 Series modular
spectrum analyzer system over the HP-MSIB.
If the STATUS ERR indicator LED, located on the RF section's front panel, is ashing at a 1 Hz
rate, the module cannot communicate over the HP-MSIB.
To solve this problem:
Remove the RF section and reinstall it using the following steps:
1. Switch o the system's ac line power
2. Disconnect the RF section's rear panel cables
3. Remove the RF section from the system
4. Switch on the system's ac line power and check that no error LEDs are ashing on the
other system modules
5. If all other modules are working correctly, use the steps outlined in Chapter 1 to reinstall
the RF section.
Check that the HP-MSIB address is set correctly. (Refer to \Step 5. Check or set the
HP-MSIB address on your new RF section" in Chapter 1.)
If necessary, obtain HP service. (Refer to \If you require additional technical resources".)

If you have problems with installation 2-5
If more than one module's error indicator is ashing
The HP 70909A or HP 70910A RF section communicates with the HP 70000 Series modular
spectrum analyzer system over the HP-MSIB.
When the error indicator LED on a module is ashing at a 1 Hz rate, then that module is not
communicating over the HP-MSIB.
To solve this problem:
Check that the HP-MSIB address is set correctly. (Refer to \Step 5. Check or set the
HP-MSIB address on your new RF section" in Chapter 1.)
If two separate modules, are set to the same HP-MSIB address, this problem will occur.
Remove all modules and reinstall them one at a time until a module that causes the ERR LED
to ash is found.
Turn the power on each time after a module is removed to determine if the problem has
been solved.
If necessary, obtain HP service. (Refer to \If you require additional technical resources".)

2-6 If you have problems with installation
If hardware errors messages occur
Hardware errors are generated when a module in the HP 70000 Series modular spectrum
analyzer system is not working properly. These errors can occur at any time. Hardware
errors range from 7000|7999. (Refer to the HP 70909A and HP 70910A Service Guide for
information about other error messages.)
One or more of the following hardware error messages may appear on your system display:
7000 ROM check error
This hardware error occurs when the programmed checksum of U14 and U15, on the
A20 Controller, does not agree with the computed checksum.
To solve this problem:
1. Refer to the HP 70909A and HP 70910A Service Guide for troubleshooting
2. If necessary, obtain HP service. (Refer to \If you require additional technical
7002 1st LO unleveled
This hardware error occurs when the signal of the 1st local oscillator is unleveled.
To solve this problem:
1. Check the rear-panel 1ST LO IN connection.
2. Refer to the HP 70909A and HP 70910A Service Guide for troubleshooting
3. If necessary, obtain HP service. (Refer to \If you require additional technical
7003 2nd LO unlocked
This hardware error occurs when the signal of the 2nd local oscillator's phase-locked
loop circuitry is not phase-locked to the 300 MHz reference signal.
To solve this problem:
1. Check the rear-panel 300 MHz IN connection.
2. Refer to the HP 70909A and HP 70910A Service Guide for troubleshooting
3. If necessary, obtain HP service. (Refer to \If you require additional technical
7004 300 MHz error
This hardware error occurs when the power is low at the output of the A10 300 MHz
amplifer, stage ve.
To solve this problem:
1. Check the rear-panel 300 MHz IN connection.
2. Refer to the HP 70909A and HP 70910A Service Guide for troubleshooting
3. If necessary, obtain HP service. (Refer to \If you require additional technical

If you have problems with installation 2-7
7047 RAM failure
This hardware error occurs when the A20 Controller has detected one or more
defective RAM devices.
To solve this problem:
1. Obtain HP service. (Refer to \If you require additional technical resources".)
7077 YTF drive error
This hardware error occurs when the A20 Controller has detected an incorrect drive
voltage on the A19 PS/YTF driver assembly.
To solve this problem:
1. Refer to the HP 70909A and HP 70910A Service Guide for troubleshooting
2. If necessary, obtain HP service. (Refer to \If you require additional technical
7078 Tune+Span error
This hardware error occurs when the Tune+Span voltage on the A19 Power
Supply/Driver assembly is low.
To solve this problem:
1. Check the rear-panel TUNE SPAN connection.
2. Refer to the HP 70909A and HP 70910A Service Guide for troubleshooting
3. If necessary, obtain HP service. (Refer to \If you require additional technical
7079 EEPROM check error
This hardware error occurs when the A20 Controller has determined that the EEPROM
memory is invalid. Either the EEPROM is defective or the data in the EEPROM must
be reloaded.
To solve this problem:
1. Obtain HP service. (Refer to \If you require additional technical resources".)

2-8 If you have problems with installation
If you require additional technical resources
Problems that are internal to modules, displays, or mainframes will require additional
technical information. (Refer to the service documentation for the faulty modules, displays, or
If you do not want to repair the problem yourself, you can return the equipment to
Hewlett-Packard for servicing. Instructions for returning your RF section to Hewlett-Packard
for servicing are provided in \Before calling or returning your RF section for service". You
would use a similar procedure when returning other equipment.

Before calling or returning your RF section for service

Before calling Hewlett-Packard or returning your HP 70909A or HP 70910A RF section for
service, please perform all of the checks outlined in this chapter. If you still have a problem
after performing these checks and you determine that further service is required, please read
your warranty information. Warranty information is printed at the front of this installation
Hewlett-Packard oers several maintenance plans to service your HP 70909A or HP 70910A
RF section after warranty expiration (your Hewlett-Packard sales and service oce can
provide full details). If your HP 70909A or HP 70910A RF section are covered by a separate
maintenance agreement, please be familiar with its terms before calling Hewlett-Packard for
If you want to service the HP 70909A or HP 70910A RF section yourself after warranty
expiration, contact a Hewlett-Packard sales and service oce to obtain the most current test
and maintenance information.

Calling Hewlett-Packard for service

Hewlett-Packard has sales and service oces around the world to provide complete support
for your HP 70909A or HP 70910A RF section. To obtain servicing information or to order
replacement parts, contact the nearest Hewlett-Packard sales and service oce listed in
Table 2-1.
In any correspondence or telephone conversations, refer to the HP 70909A or HP 70910A RF
section by its model number and full serial number. With this information, the Hewlett-Packard
representative can determine whether your unit is still within its warranty period.

If you have problems with installation 2-9
Table 2-1. Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service Oces
Hewlett-Packard Company Hewlett-Packard S.A. Hewlett-Packard Company
19320 Pruneridge Avenue 150, Route du Nant-d'Avril 3495 Deer Creek Rd.
Cupertino, CA 95014, USA 1217 Meyrin 2/Geneva Palo Alto, California 94304-1316
(800) 752-0900 Switzerland (415) 857-5027
(41 22) 780.8111
California Australia
Hewlett-Packard Co. France Hewlett-Packard Australia Ltd.
1421 South Manhattan Ave. Hewlett-Packard France 31-41 Joseph Street
Fullerton, CA 92631 1 Avenue Du Canada Blackburn, Victoria 3130
(714) 999-6700 Zone D'Activite De Courtaboeuf (61 3) 895-2895
F-91947 Les Ulis Cedex
Hewlett-Packard Co. France Canada
301 E. Evelyn (33 1) 69 82 60 60 Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Ltd.
Mountain View, CA 94041 17500 South Service Road
(415) 694-2000 Germany Trans-Canada Highway
Hewlett-Packard GmbH Kirkland, Quebec H9J 2X8
Colorado Berner Strasse 117 Canada
Hewlett-Packard Co. 6000 Frankfurt 56 (514) 697-4232
24 Inverness Place, East West Germany
Englewood, CO 80112 (49 69) 500006-0
(303) 649-5000 Japan
Great Britain Yokogawa-Hewlett-Packard Ltd.
Georgia Hewlett-Packard Ltd. 1-27-15 Yabe, Sagamihara
Hewlett-Packard Co. Eskdale Road, Winnersh Triangle Kanagawa 229, Japan
2000 South Park Place Wokingham, Berkshire RG11 5DZ (81 427) 59-1311
Atlanta, GA 30339 England
(404) 955-1500 (44 734) 696622
Illinois China Hewlett-Packard, Co.
Hewlett-Packard Co. 38 Bei San Huan X1 Road
5201 Tollview Drive Shuang Yu Shu
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 Hai Dian District
(708) 255-9800 Beijing, China
(86 1) 256-6888
New Jersey
Hewlett-Packard Co. Singapore
120 W. Century Road Hewlett-Packard Singapore
Paramus, NJ 07653 Pte. Ltd.
(201) 599-5000 1150 Depot Road
Singapore 0410
Texas (65) 273 7388
Hewlett-Packard Co.
930 E. Campbell Rd. Taiwan
Richardson, TX 75081 Hewlett-Packard Taiwan
(214) 231-6101 8th Floor, H-P Building
337 Fu Hsing North Road
Taipei, Taiwan
(886 2) 712-0404

2-10 If you have problems with installation
Returning your equipment for service

If you have completed the steps outlined in the section titled \Before calling or returning your
RF section for service", use the following procedure to return your HP 70909A RF section or
HP 70910A RF section to Hewlett-Packard for service:
1. Fill out a service tag (available at the end of this installation guide) and attach it to the
instrument. Please be as speci c as possible about the nature of the problem. Send a copy
of any or all of the following information:
any error messages that appeared on the HP 70000 Series modular spectrum analyzer
system display
a completed Performance Test record
any other speci c data on the performance of the HP 70909A RF section or HP 70910A RF
Caution Damage can result if the original packaging materials are not used. Packaging
materials should be anti-static and should cushion the RF section on all sides.
Never use styrene pellets in any shape as packaging materials. They do not
adequately cushion the instrument or prevent it from moving in the shipping
container. Styrene pellets can also cause equipment damage by generating
static electricity or by lodging in fan motors.

2. Place the RF section in its original packaging materials (see Table 2-2).
If the original packaging materials are not available, you can contact a Hewlett-Packard
sales and service oce to obtain information on packaging materials or you may use an
alternative packing material referred to as \bubble-pack". One of the companies that makes
bubble-pack is Sealed Air Corportation of Commerce, California, 90001.
3. Surround the RF section with at least 3 to 4 inches of its original packing material or
bubble-pack to prevent the RF section from moving in its shipping container.
4. Place the RF section, after wrapping it with packing material, in its original shipping
container or a strong shipping container that
is made of double-walled corrugated cardboard with 159 kg (350 lb) bursting strength.
The shipping container must be both large enough and strong enough to accommodate
an RF section and allow at least 3 to 4 inches on all sides of the RF section for packing
5. Seal the shipping container securely with strong nylon adhesive tape.
6. Mark the shipping container \FRAGILE, HANDLE WITH CARE" to help ensure careful
7. Retain copies of all shipping papers.

If you have problems with installation 2-11
Table 2-2. Packaging and Contents
Item Description HP Part Number Qty
1 Carton-outer 9211-5118 1
2 Carton-inner 9211-5119 1
3 Carton-sliders 5180-2369 2
4 Foam inserts 4208-0493 2
5 Foam pads 5180-2370 2

2-12 If you have problems with installation