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Keysight Technologies
Analog Signal Generator

Configuration Guide

This guide assists in the ordering process for
the E8663D PSG RF analog signal generator.

You Can Upgrade!
Options can be added
after initial purchase.
Standard product includes installation guide,
electronic documentation set (CD-ROM), adapters,
and country specific power cord.

Keysight PSG RF Analog Signal Generator Options
Step 1. Choose a frequency range (required)
Ordering number Description Purpose
E8663D-503 Frequency range from 100 kHz to 3.2 GHz Selects the maximum frequency of the signal generator
E8663D-509 Frequency range from 100 kHz to 9.0 GHz Selects the maximum frequency of the signal generator

Step 2. Choose order convenience bundle
Ordering number Description Purpose Requires
E8663D-063 E8663B backwards compatibility option Provides all the same options included in the
bundle - 1EU, 1E1, 1EH, UNX, UNT E8663B

Step 3. Choose modulation
Ordering number Description Purpose Requires
Standard CW and pulse modulation Generates continuous wave (CW) signals and pulse
modulation (150 ns minimum pulse width)
E8663D-UNT AM, FM, phase modulation, and LF Adds analog modulated signals
E8663D-UNW Narrow pulse modulation Generates pulse modulated signals
(20 ns minimum pulse width)
E8663D-1SM 1 Scan modulation Provides deep AM modulation E8663D-UNT

Step 4. Choose attenuator
Ordering number Description Purpose
Standard No step attenuator Generates signals with output power levels ranging from