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T E C H N I C A L I N F O R M A T I O N F R O M T H E - h p - L A B O R A T O R I E S
VOL. 4 No. 4


Those New -hp- Oscillators
Much interest has been shown in the two MODEL 200AB
new -hp- audio oscillators that have been ex The oscillator at the left in Fig. 1 is the
hibited at recent trade shows. These new new -hp- Model 200AB. It replaces the older
oscillators represent a substantial increase in Models 200A and 200B which have been dis
the versatility of instruments that have always continued. The frequency range of the new
been noted for versatility. For example, the 200AB is 20 cps to 40 kc. This contrasts with
frequency range of a range for the former 200A of 35 cps to 35
"Higher Power Measure the two new oscilla kc and for the former 200B of 20 cps to 20 kc.
ments With The 10 Kmc
Test Set" Back page tors is such that they The 200AB delivers a maximum of at least
replace four of the 24.5 volts across loads of 600 or more ohms.
older oscillators. This has been accomplished This output corresponds to a maximum avail
without increase in price. able power of 1 watt into the minimum rated
Besides increasing the frequency range of load of 600 ohms. Loads significantly lower
the oscillators, advances have been made in in value than rated minimum will usually
other phases of their electrical design. Also, result in increased distortion in the output.
the cabinetry of the oscillators has been re One of the most popular features of -bp-
designed. The cabinet width has been reduced oscillators is the quality of electrical per
to save bench space, while the appearance formance. In the new oscillators, performance
has been designed to be more pleasing and has been improved in almost every respect.
to aid in operation. Data typical of the new 200AB are indicated
in Figs. 3 to 6.
-hp- oscillators have always
been conservatively rated, a
fact which many users have dis
covered. The question has fre
quently come up as to just how
much actual performance ex
ceeds specified performance.
One phase of this question is
answered by Fig. 3 which
shows maximum and mini
mum distortion measured on a
group of 20 production 200AB
oscillators. The intermediate
Fig. cps New -hp- Models 200 AB and 200CD. 200 AB operates from 20 cps curve of Fig. 3 indicates the
to 40 kc, 200CD from 5 cps to 600 kc. Large frequency dial is provided with
2:1 main drive and 9:1 rim drive for easy adjustment. New cabinet design average distortion of the 20 in
requires minimum bench space.
P R I N T E D I N U . S . A .
C O P Y R I G H T 1 9 5 2 H E W L E T T - P A C K A R D C O .