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T E C H N I C A L I N F O R M A T I O N F R O M T H E - h p - L A B O R A T O R I E S Vol. 8 No. 1-2


A Micrometric 12-40 KMC Waveguide Slotted Line
with Interchangeable Sections and Untuned Probe
TJEWLETT-PACKARD slotted lines waveguide ranges with consequent econ
J_ JL have always exhibited in their design omy of instrumentation.
approach an excellence which has made them A new series
the standard of the field. In coaxial equip of waveguide
ment, for example, the -hp- 500-4,000 mega slotted line
cycle slotted equipment has
section1 now been de
achieved supe signed for the
rior perform range from 12.4
ance through to 40 kilomega- Fig. 2. -hp- Model 809B Uni
Fig. 1. -hp- Model 805 A 500-4,000 tne use o* tw° cycles. Like the versal Probe Carriage for 4-
18 kmc waveguide sections.
me coaxial slotted section. parallel metal 4 to 18 kmc sec
planes or slabs. tions, the new sections are also designed with
These served as the outer conductor and a single probe carriage which will accom
gave the section very high mechanical rigid modate any of the three guide sizes that cover
ity. In waveguide equipment, the -hp- 4-18 the 12-40 kmc range. The design is such that
kmc sections2 were designed so that a single 'W. B. Wholey, Greater Reliability in VHP Impedance
Measurements, Hewlett-Packard Journal, Vol. 1, No. 5,
probe carriage could accommodate a num January, 1950.
ber of guide sizes, thereby making one pre 2N. B. Schrock, The -bp- Program for Waveguide Type
Measuring Equipment, Hewlett-Packard Journal, Vol. 2,
cision probe carriage useful for four or five No. 6, February, 1951.


Fig. micrometric accommo -bp- Model 81 4 A Probe Carriage is constructed on micrometric principle, accommo
dates three slotted guide sections covering 12.4-40 kmc range. Model 446 A broadband probe
shown tuning. bottom operates over entire 12-40 kmc range without tuning.

P R I N T E D I N U . S . A . C O P Y R I G H T 1 9 5 6 H E W L E T T - P A C K A R D C O .