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Mesurement System
Keysight Technologies and SYCATUS
RIN Measurement System
RIN measurement with the world's widest 40 GHz bandwidth SYCATUS A0010A RIN measure-
Best solution for 40G/100G optical TX laser characterization ment system consists of SYCA-
Unique and accurate calibration for uncertainty reduction TUS optical receiver, Keysight X-
series signal analyzer, Keysight
Optional function of optical modulation depth measurement digital multimeter and SYCATU
RIN measurement software. The
SYCATUS provides A0010A 40 GHz RIN measurement system. A0010A achieves optical receiver of A0010A RIN
unprecedented 40 GHz RIN (Relative Intensity Noise) spectrum characterization. measurement system converts
the optical signal from DUT to
RIN characterization becomes the most critical indicator for laser diodes amplified electrical signal. The
with the evolution of high-speed, multilevel optical transmission systems. noise power density in the signal
The measurement bandwidth is required to be equal to, or more than, the is measured by the Signal Ana-
modulation rate of the systems. The RIN measurement is also needed for laser lyzer. The photo current of the
diodes with high-performance, multi-wavelength and high-integration features. optical signal is monitored by
the digital multimeter.
SYCATUS A0010A RIN measurement system realizes world s widest 40 GHz
measurement bandwidth with high-sensitivity, low-noise 40 GHz optical receiver SYCATUS applied a unique tech-
and Keysight high-performance X-series signal analyzer. SYCATUS developed nique to calibrate the whole sys-
unique calibration method, which achieves high accuracy and repeatability. tem from the input of the optical
receiver to the display of the
SYCATUS A0010A RIN measurement system enables the accurate Signal Analyzer, which enables
characterization of laser diodes, which improves the performance and the accurate and repeatable RIN
quality of laser diodes. A0010A also reduces the measurement time and measurement.
accelerate the development and the manufacturing of customer s products.
The system software is installed
USB/GPIB Remote Control
in the signal analyzer. External
SYCATUS Keysight
PC is not required. Optionally the
DUT Optical Attenuator
Optical Receiver X-Series Signal Analyzer optical attenuator is attachable
USB Remote Control
to the system to control the op-
Fig. 1 A0010A System Configuration tical power into the RIN optical
Keysight receiver. This stabilization con-
Digital Multimeter
tributes further repeatability and
the protection of the RIN optical
receiver from excessive optical
A0010A 40GHz RIN Measurement System

SYCATUS Corporation
9-1, Takakuramachi, Hachioji,
Tokyo 192-0033, Japan
TEL +81-42-660-0881
Fig. 3 FAX +81-42-660-0882
RIN Measurement Software User Interface Email [email protected]
Fig. 2
40GHz RIN Measurement Example
URL www.sycatus.com/en

Keysight & Solutions Partners
Table 1 System Specifications Extending our solutions to meet your needs

Item Model Unit Min. Typ. Max.
Optical Wavelength nm 1260 1625
3GHz 0.0001 3
Measurement Frequency 20GHz GHz 0.01 20
40GHz 0.5 40
Optical Input Power 20GHz mW
40GHz 5
Minimum RIN Measurable Value 160
20GHz dB/Hz
1mW optical input
40GHz 157
Input Optical Modulation OMI
mWpp 1
Amplitude Range (Optional)
Optical Modulation Index Accuracy OMI
% 5 15
(Relative Error, -10dBm optical input, 10% OMI) (Optional)

Ordering Information
Keysight Technologies
X-Series Signal Analyzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Product No. and option No. below
Model 3GHz 20GHz 40GHz
PXA Series N9030A-503 N9030A-526 N9030A-550
MXA Series N9020A-503 N9020A-526
EXA Series N9010A-503 N9010A-526 N9010A-544
Digital Multimeter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34410A
Optical Attenuator (Optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81576A or 81577A, equipped in 8163B

RIN Measurement System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A0010A with option below www.keysight.com
Model 3GHz 20GHz 40GHz
A0010A A0010A-003 A0010A-020 A0010A-040 For more information on
OMI Measurement (Optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A0010A-OMI Keysight Technologies products,
applications or services,
Other option are available ; contact SYCATUS Sales for more details
please contact your local Keysight
office. The complete list is
available at: