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Keysight Technologies
Power Measurement Options
Data Sheet

For InfiniiVision 3000, 4000 and
6000 X-Series Oscilloscopes
Achieve cost-effective analysis of your switching mode power supply (SMPS)
Today's power supply designers are constraints translate into more time The Keysight Technologies, Inc.
facing an increasing number of dedicated to power device measure- DSOX3PWR, DSOX4PWR, and
constraints in the development of ment and analysis for today's power DSOX6PWR are power measurement
high-efficiency, low-cost power sup- supply designers. and analysis options that are integrated
plies. Cost-effective solutions used to into InfiniiVision 3000, 4000, and 6000
be the designer's key target. Today, In spite of the increasing analysis X-Series scopes. The embedded appli-
rising energy costs bring power supply capability offered by many oscil- cation provides a quick and easy way of
efficiency to the forefront. Additionally, loscopes over recent years, it is not analyzing the reliability and efficiency
other constraints such as design uncommon to see designers perform of your switching power supply.
compactness, migration to digital measurements and analysis manually.
control, tighter voltage tolerances, and These measurements typically take These power measurement options
regulations for power quality and EMI a considerable amount of time to also come with the user license for
force the need for quick and thorough capture, analyze and report. the U1881A-003 PC-based power mea-
power supply testing. Increasing design surement and analysis software that
provides even more powerful insight
into your power supply measurements.

Type of analysis Measurements/feature Keysight power measurement application for
InfiniiVision 3000, 4000, and 6000 X-Series
DSOX3PWR/DSOX4PWR/ U1881A-003 PC based
DSOX6PWR integrated
Input line analysis Current harmonics
Power factor
True power
Apparent power
Crest factor
Phase angle
Pre-compliance IEC61000-3-2 (class A, B, C and D)
RTCA D0-160E
Inrush current
Power device analysis Switching loss
Safe Operating Area (SOA)
SOA mask editor
Dynamic on resistance (Rds)
dV/dt slew rate
dI/dt slew rate
Modulation analysis Pulse width vs. time
Duty cycle vs. time
Period vs. time
Frequency vs. time
Output analysis Output ripple
Deskew Auto deskew
Turn on/off analysis Turn on time
Turn off time
Transient response Transient response
Efficiency analysis Pout/pin analysis
PSRR analysis PSRR analysis
On/off line analysis On/off line analysis
Report generation Report generation

Power device analysis
The switching loss in a power supply determines its effi-
ciency. You can easily characterize for instantaneous power
loss and conduction power loss at the switching device over
a designated switching cycle. To determine the efficiency of
the power supply it is very important to measure the power
loss during dynamic load changes.

By measuring the switching loss and conduction loss, you
can characterize the instantaneous power dissipation in your
switching power supply. Locating peak switching loss helps
you analyze the reliability of the power supply. The di/dt and
dv/dt represent the rate at which the current and voltage Figure 1. By measuring the switching loss and conduction loss,
change at switching. This helps in analysis of reliable you can characterize the instantaneous power dissipation in a
operation of the switching mode power supply. switching power supply.

Line power analysis
Power supply designers need to characterize the line power
for power quality, harmonics and conducted emissions
under different operating conditions of the power supply.
Some of the implicit measurements are real power, apparent
power, reactive power, power and crest factor and graphical
display of harmonics with respect to standards such as EN
61000-3-2 (Class A,B,C,D). By using a current probe and
power measurement option, conducted power line harmonics
can be measured. Also, line power analysis includes the
inrush current measurement that shows the peak inrush
Figure 2. Perform the pre-compliance line harmonic testing of
current value when the power supply is first turned on.
your power supply to the IEC 61000 3-2 standards. This analysis
presents up to 40 harmonics.

Figure 3. The Inrush current analysis measures the peak inrush
current of the power supply when the power supply is first turned on.

Power quality analysis
The Power Quality analysis shows the quality of the AC
input line. Some AC current may flow back into and back
out of the load without delivering energy. This current, called
reactive or harmonic current, gives rise to an "apparent"
power which is larger than the actual power consumed.
Power quality is gauged by these measurements: power
factor, apparent power, true power, reactive power, crest
factor, and phase angle of the current and voltage of the
AC line.

Figure 4. The power measurements option provides a results
table with the following power quality measurements: Power
Factor, Real Power, Apparent Power, Reactive Power, Crest
Factor and Phase Angle.

Modulation analysis
Modulation analysis allows designers to quickly see the
on-time and off-time information of the PWM signal, which
is difficult to visualize because the information bandwidth
is much lower than the pulse switching frequency. Plotting
the embedded variation of on time or off time in the PWM
signal over a long period of time can reveal the control loop
response of the feedback loop system. This measurement
performs data trending on the switching variation of the
acquired waveform in the following format.