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B2900A 2.0.1312.2910 RELEASE NOTE


#96216 Ib-Ic curve capability in Graph View Mode.
#96222 Request to support "Infinity" as Trigger Count.
#102948 Unexpected program memory status is shown.
#149042 Setting conflict error doesn't happen when running on the front panel.
#149362 Unexpected jumps at joint of the curves when repeating curves on list sweep with ARM:INFINITY.
#149694 Unexpected hang-up after measurement with long wait and time constant.
#158151 Cannot launch the web instrument on IPv6.
#158884 The instrument shows "Fan speed is too fast" in RACK mode.
#162283 Unexpected pop-up window is shown if USB-A (front) is connected to USB-B (rear).
#177173 Application Error occurs during Sweep Measurements
#179938 Hangs up by front panel operation during SCPI command is in progress.
#179941 Unexpected trace configuration is shown on Trace Buffer Setup dialog.
#182858 Unexpected query result on :SENSe:DATA? command.

B2900A 2.0.1225.1717 RELEASE NOTE


LXI 1.4 (LXI Core, LXI HiSLIP, and LXI IPv6)


#77088 Wants to save trigger mode.
#77090 Wants to specify the increment of knob rotating.
#86917 Crash on repetitive list sweep.
#87578 Wants to input "10pA" not "0.01nA".
#88223 Hang up when "ABORt" command is sent during being initiated.
#90979 Unexpected waveform preview on List Sweep/Edit dialogs.
#95675 :ARM:TRAN:COUN? INF does not cause an error.
#95791 Unexpected self-test failure on low temperature.
#97269 Slow program memory execution time.
#99534 LAN setting get corrupt when cable is unplugged in static IP mode.
#100315 Unexpected source level when changing source mode.
#100848 Unexpected glitches when current range is changed to 1A from 100mA.
#102233 Source mode is not restored if it was canceled.
#103657 Incorrect SCPI error messages are shown on the front panel.
#104236 Empty file is created even if saving configuration failed on the front panel.

B2900A 1.0.1144.9870 RELEASE NOTE


#4650 When mDNS is disabled with no LAN connection, AgilentLxiWebService.exe dies.
#63772 Incorrect source values are fetched when ARM count is INFinite.
#64217 Incorrect error message for "IADC Lost" event.
#70493 Unexpected thin-out result on Graph/Roll view.
#74773 Cannot show CH2 data captured during remote state with remote display off
#74786 Unexpected voltage/current output when stepping voltage/current list by EXTn signals.
#76607 Does not output trigger when specified only auto start sense action.
#76815 Unexpected staircase sweep parameter changes when editing list sweep parameters.
#85261 Crash on Reading/Buffer Overflow status bit changes

B2900A 1.0.1121.1140 RELEASE NOTE


#49884 Unexpected DISP:ZOOM result during remote display is OFF
#63182 Unexpected current value format on pulsed mode

B2900A 1.0.1120.6435 RELEASE NOTE


#49884 Unexpected DISP:ZOOM result during remote display is OFF

B2900A 1.0.1120.644 RELEASE NOTE


#53687 Unexpected power value format in Measure Result dialog
#54235 Changed math result format in Measure Result dialog
#63051 Unexpected number of auto-ohm measurements by Trigger button
#63054 Incorrect V/I parameter rounding on SCPI commands
#63066 Incorrect format selection on Trace Statistics Format dialog
#63182 Unexpected current value format on pulsed mode
#63306 Unexpected number of digits when feeding math result to Limit Test

B2900A 1.0.1119.2582 RELEASE NOTE


#49884 Unexpected DISP:ZOOM result during remote display is OFF
#53552 Unexpected interlock open error when output switch is turned on
#53702 Updating firmware causes system crash when trigger system is busy
#54024 Unexpected delta timestamps in trace result
#54219 Showing "Trace Statistical Result" dialog causes system hang-up on single channel models
#54221 Trace points cannot be set on "Trace Buffer Setup" dialog
#55328 Unexpected binary/octal/hexadecimal query result (Web)
#56344 Unexpected trace data is stored to USB flash memory

B2900A 1.0.1118.8052 RELEASE NOTE


#48790 Refined binary/decimal/hexadecimal edit on several dialogs
#50370 SENSe:DATA? causes system crash during measurement on 2400 mode
#53168 Operation status condition register value maybe incorrect on SOCKET
#53404 SMU self-test fails on Loop Control test
#53496 Unexpected current range overflow when voltage measurement overflew
#53552 Unexpected interlock open error when output switch is turned on
#53601 Failed to initiate pulse operation when its width is 50us and period is 100us
#53605 Unexpected carry control when editing values by rotary knob
#53671 SMU output change should not be allowed during trigger system is busy
#53672 Cannot change remote sensing with output on
#53676 Inconsiderate error messages on LXI subsystem commands
#53682 Unexpected enable/disable controls on Single view
#53686 Unexpected "Locked" message controls for GPIB/USB connections
#53687 Unexpected power value format in Measure Result dialog
#53690 No error on "Load List Sweep Data" dialog
#53692 Deleting all list item on "List Sweep" dialog causes system crash
#53700 Cannot move up to the parent from "Empty" folder
#53702 Updating firmware causes system crash when trigger system is busy
#53735 No error on :INIT: when limit test is enabled
#53740 Cannot change source mode when its ranging mode is fixed
#53760 Unexpected operation when sweeping with auto-ohm measurement
#53761 Setting more than 32 characters as math unit name causes system crash
#53764 Math result may not be shown on "Measure Result" dialog
#53993 Incorrect format selection result on "Format(Measure)" dialog
#54024 Unexpected delta timestamps in trace result
#54030 Incorrect timestamps are saved on the front panel
#54093 Incorrect power check on spot/sweep panel (Web)
#54138 Cannot abort when READ?/FETC? is in progress for long time