Text preview for : Hitachi (1977)-Unitorque-Motor-Service-Manual.pdf part of Hitachi Uni-Torque Motor Service Manual for Uni-Torque motor used in various Hitachi direct drive turntables

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1. Outline of development . . . I
2. Features I
3. Comparisons with other types of motors 2
4.Operatingprinciple .......2
5.Uni-torque.... ...4
6. Servo control circuit . 5
7. Specifications.. 8
* Wow/flutter * Load characteristics
* S/N ratio * Start-up characteristics
* Time characteristics * Temperature characteristics
8. Circuit diagram . .. . l0

Output axis (record guide)
1. Outline of development Cover
The signal-to-noise ratio, wow/flutter and other
Rotor magnet (B-Pole)
important characteristics of turntable which employ
direct drive motor directly rely on the performance detection
of the motor. This is because the platter and the base board
Drive coils (2)
motor are coupled directly.
Conventionally, multi-pole DC servomotors or cup type
AC servomotors have been available for direct drive switching use Ball
turntables, but each type has its merits and demerits.
Hitachi set out to develop a high-performance direct Fig. 1 Construction of main uni-torque motor unit
drive motor which combines the merits of both systems,
and the result of its endeavors was the flat, commutator- the platter does not rotate smoothly), and the output
less DC servomotor. (A total of 15 patents have been torque is constant so that there is very little vibration
applied for). and the platter rotates smoothly. This makes for a
The construction of the new motor is completely superb signal-to-noise ratio and wow/flutter.
different from that of conventional motors, and in (2)High starting torque
theory, the torque is constant, there are few vibrations Unlike the cup type AC motor, the new motor pro-
and it allows the platter to rotate smoothly. Hitachi vides a high starting torque for its small size without slip.
called it the 'Uni-torque motor'. Its construction is (3)Simple construction, high reliability
shown in Fig. l. The motor is composed of two core-less flat, star-shaped
drive coils and a base board for speed detection, and
2. Features of a brush-less switching mechanism which contains
(l)Excellent S/N and wow/flutter two Hall elements for an overall simple construction.
Thanks to the new core-less, slot-less flat star-shaped High reliability is yielded by the small number of parts
coil construction, there is no slot phenomenon (whereby used.

September 1977
(4)Very little rise in temperature
At start-up, the motor starts operating with its maxi-
mum torque provided by square waves, but when its
speed has become constant, vibrations are prevented by
sinusoidal waves. Furthermore, when locked together
+ Force

with the platter, the protection circuit is actuated to
automatically reduce the drive current and safeguard
against rises in temperature.
\ \/'.// --'-
3. Comparisons with other types
of motors / irA,.\
/ \

The table below compares the uni-torque motor with
conventional multi-pole DC servomotors and cup type
AC servomotors. /./-----/
ry''* uurrent

Performance required DC motors Uni-torque Fig.2 (a) Fleming's Left Hand Rule
AC motor
for direct drive motor Brush Brush-less motor
Torque fluctuations Poor Poor Good Very good
Vibration Good Good Poor Very good
Temperature rise Good Good Poor Very good
Simple construction Fair Fair Fair Very good
Long service life Poor Good Good Good
Efficiency Very Good Poor Good
Ease of control Good Good Fair Good.
Comparison of performance of motors

Fig. 2 (a) shows a graphical representation of Fleming's
Left Hand Rule. In a magnetic field, a conductor will
be subjected to the force of wire motion at right angles
to the direction of the current, and this diagram shows Fie. 2 (b)
the basic operation of a rotating machine. According to
this rule, the coil in Fig. 2 (b) will be subjected to the
upward force. If the coil is fixed, a repelling force will
be generated in the magnets and the direction of this
force is shown by the dotted arrows, i.e. downward.
If the length of the coil across the magnetic field is
'l', then the relationship between this length and the If, as shown in Fig. 4 (a), the magnets are moved to the
force F, to which the coil is subjected, the magnetic left in the direction of the 'x' axis, then the force to
flux density B and current I can be expressed by the which the drive coil is subjected will be canceled out,
following equation. F=BI1 since the forces on edges 'a' and'b' under the north
Let us now consider two magnets which are bonded pole are applied in opposite directions, and force fx
together with their polarities reversed, as shown in Fig. which is generated decreases.
3, with a V-shaped drive coil placed beneath them. If the magnets are moved further to the left, as in
The magnetic flux under the magnets go in opposite Fig. 4 (b), forces falx and fb2x are balanced, and the
directions and so even when the direction of the current force generated is zero. Moving the magnets even
is the same, the forces on edge 'b' under the south pole further to the left means that the value of fb2x will
and on edge 'a' under the north pole will be exerted in increase more than that of falx, and that the direction
opposite directions. If these forces are Fa and Fb, of the force applied to the drive coil will be reversed
and the component forces in the 'x' axis direction are and tend to the left. Fig. 5 shows the relationship
fax and fux, then the size of these component forces between the distance moved by the magnets from the
will be: position in Fig. 3 and the forces which are applied to
fax = fa sin0 the drive coil.
Ibx = fb sin0 Let us now proceed to extend the example by aligning
four pairs of circular magnets, which were used in

?.41+itog =4
> rzTt-xrqf +*t^r,\,r+ ,*J*
(24= tq ' zV = tv)
O = tzut: - Xt4f+ xzC _ xru{ zg
{ = ,lorE
,.ca^ro ++1 111 /.\
o< xzuf - xtqf + t?4t _ xtDf l0
=x{ fi 7
ffi -s N
(u) s
'8d 01 Id perequnu eJ? seJJoJ 11
osor{I '[oc eArJp 091 uo esroJ ? trJexo III^\ qc?e pIrB
sleu8eur lqSte eq IIIA ersqJ 'g 'Elg ut euo ?ql
^rou fq pue 'EId
se q3ns IIoc olup pedeqs-erenbs e Eutsn 't
Let us consider the forces in the direction across the
diameter of the magnets and in the direction of the
circumference. These are numbered Frl to Fr8, and
F0 I to F08, respectively. With forces Frl to FrS, the
value of the counterforces are the same, but their di-
rections are reversed, and so they cancel one another out.
This means that the force on the drive coil is the sum
total of the eight forces (F0l to F08) applied in the di-
rection of the circumference. If the torque with the
sum total of forces F0 I to F08 is 'T', then the relation-
ship between T and the angle of the magnets' rotation 0
will be repeated every 90". This is expressed graphically
in Fig. 7. As can be seen from the figure, there are
periods during which a negative torque is generated and
so if the direction of the current which flows to the
drive coil during these periods is reversed, the torque re-
presented by the dotted lines in Fig. 7 will also be re-
versed, and a positive torque will be generated.
o ^


O (angle of magnets' rotation)

5. Uni-torque 1
We looked into the principle behind the torque gener-
ation in section 4, and the last equation which we came
up with was
T=Kicos40. ...(l)
Fig.6 Now, if the current flowing to the drive coil is based on
sine waves, then:

i=I cos 40............(2)
and so substituting equation (2) for equation (1), we
o arrive at:
F T=KI cos240 ...(3) -
Let us now consider shifting the coil 22.5" and adding
another drive coil: we shall call the first drive coil
'coil l' and the second drive coil 'coi,2'. (Fig. l0)
First, the phase angle of the current flowing to both
Angle of rotation of magnets
coil I and coil 2 is shifted 90". The current flowing to
Fig.7 coil 2 will be:
i2 = KI sin 40
In an actual motor, the magnets are shaped cylindrically and the torque generated by coil 2 will be:
in order to enhance the efficiency and the drive coil is T2 = KI sin240. . . . . . . . .(4)
shaped like a star, as is illustrated in Fig. 8. If T6 is the sum of the torques (T1 and T2) generated
When a constant current is passed to the drive coil, the in the two drive coils, then from equations (3) and
relationship between the torque generated by the drive (4), this will be:
coil and the angle of rotation will materialize in the form To = Tr 1 Tz =KI (sin24g + cos240) = KI
of sine waves (see Fig. 9). The relationship between Both K and I are constants, and so To is constant
torque T and 0 will be T =Ki cos40 (K = constant). The regardless of the angle of rotation. (Fig. I l)
dotted lines in Fig. 9 show what happens when the To allow a sine wave current which has been shifted )
current which flows to the drive coil is reversed during 90o to flow to drive coil I and drive cotl 2, the uni-
the negative torque periods only. torque motor employs two Hall elements.

aFu? uorleloJ pu? anbJol I I 'EIJ
(g) ef6ue uortelo8 o06 o9'Zg "gV og'Ze oO
t-L+ t1= o1 -l
leu8eru roloJ pu? edeqs Po3 0I 'EId
W zsoJ l) = 11 oV #ls l> = zL
(0) el6ue uotlelou zz
"g o (q)
o06 \\ o9' f
6yu;s1=zt 1
(01 al0ue uollelou ZZ,
"9 trl lau6eur Jolou
o06 o9'Zg \ o9, -l
(z) t!o3
6p uts
rt; = z1
'oures oql souoceq so8ello^ lqEla eql Jo uorlcoJlp eql 'Jollnu Tf t\o^\ .SJolotu o/hl 0I{1 Jo
os pue 'qcee ro; esJeAeJ uI porlt\ eru sJolcnpuoc eql senpl eql ut ocuoroJJrp eq1 ueql redsuc pue rorzelc
'rerratroll 'euII ur sJolcnpuoc esoql Jo qc?o roJ postoler sr punos elsr.utlln aql pue peur?luoc lou er? slueuod
s eEullol erll Jo uonce4p eqI 'olod repun -tuoc cporuruq req8lq 'os1y 'Jellng ,r, /hot\ olnlosq?
rolcnpuoc lsru eql lB rc 'vg pu? 'ss 'gl 'L 'gz'61 'oI trol e sI llnseJ aql 'eroyaraql 'sluauodtuoc cluour
'1 'ourolcnpuoc lB pelereueE st eEelloa e'ZL ol I tuorJ -req req81q /r\eJ arB erorll luql pue 'lloy ,(1auar1xe are
Eur8uer sJeqr.unu sJolcnpuoc eseql eruE em 31 'leu8eur enbrol-run eql q suollun1cnu oql leql uoes eq u?c 1I
eql Jo orusreJruncJrc 0q1 punor II? srolcnpuo) zL 'roloru anbrol-run B pue roloru 31I leuorlue^uoc ?
Jo l?lol e ro3 elod euo ropun paceld aru sJolcnpuo, ur sanbrol eql ueaaloq dqsuorlelar eql s/r\oqs U '34t
auru 'g1 'Etd ul u^\oqs sV 'sa1od qlnos pue qpou 'lrrelsuoc oslB sr elelor o1 re11u1d oql sesn?c
oql ueealoq eere Eurprarp eql uo polecol rolcnpuoc qcrqm enbrol eqtr 1?q1 pue 'uor1e1or go al8ue eql Jo
3 IIII/I\ pelereueE eq [I^\ eEellorr 'taaeatoll 'palereue8 ssalpru8ar luelsuoc oq mltr enbrol ssol oqtr pue anbrol
oq IIIA e8ulloa ou os puz 'pa1e1or u leu8eur eq1 g1 pelereueE eql ue^a leql pareqluE uooq e^Bq /rtou I[^\ lJ
uele xnu crleu8eru eql ,ftel lou iltl!\ lau8gtu e go alod 'lu?lsuoc sr enbrol olrlc?Jllu
euo qlBeueq polecol sl qrFIA\ rolcnpuoc e 'ero;ereq; aql os pue 'peqloorus aru se4of eql 'roloru enbrol-run
IP/OP- = I eql qll^r 'releltoll 'uorlBlor eqtr uo Eupuadep suotle
:lB oAIJJ? -qcnu e8rel ecnpord o1 aurquroc sroloru JO l?urrou
e,u 'uo11enbe ue se pesserdxe sI slql JJ 'Jolcnpuoc ol{l ul slols aql 'anbrol a^rlcerlls oql qllA;poleurtu{o
ur pelereue8 q se8ueqc eql ql![ ecu?procce ur serJBA aq uec enbrol ree,r Buueeq or{1 u1 suorlenlcng er{l 'lpqs
ezts esorlA ecJoJ olrloruorlcole uu 'saEuuqc plou ol{l pue s8uuueq eqtr Jo uorsroerd Eururqceur eql tulqer ,{g
'raqlou? auo 1surcEe gnd qcqrn sa1o,{ puu sleuEuru
Jo xng c4eu8eur eql pue plog crlouEeru ? tn rolcnpuoc ?
$ ereql ueq^rs/r\olloJ s?
puF{eq eldrcurd eq1
$ sI{} eqt ,(q pelureuaE enbrol o^rlc?rll? er{l pup 's8urreeq
.rolou eql aql go anbrol rBel\ eql eJB anbrol ssol oql ur pepnlcul
poeds uorlelor eql tcolop 01 pesn s1 (Eutpued 1ue1ed) 'anbrol ssol eql snuru roloru eql ,(q palereua8 anbrol
lrncrrc uollcelep uollcnpul cllau8etu padole,rep .,{1nau y eql sI eleloJ o1 re11e1d oql sesne, qctqm onbrol eq;
lrncrrc uorlcolep peadg(1) eelelor o1 re11u1d
0q1 sesn?c qcrq/A ecroJ eql lnoqB lng 'luBlsuoc
ilncrlc lo4uoc o^res '9 sr anbrol pelerauaE aql lsql peurcldxe aou e^sq el\
Conventional 8-pole, 24slot DC servomotor

3oO X.om t
--T-- -

5! X.cn

Uni-torque motor

---+ T
! 80" Angle of rotation


and the eight voltages combine to form a single voltage.
In other words, a signal is provided which reverses the
rotation of the magnet 72 times. This signal is used to
detect the voltages at the eight locations and so it is
a high-precision and constant output signal at all times
even if
there are fluctuations in the magnet or eccentrici- , 2345678? W tt t2 t3t+titantatf
ty. These conductors are actually made with high-
precision print patterns. The detection frequency for
33-ll3 rpm is 20H2, and2THz for 45 rpm.
(2)Limiter amplifier, waveform shaper
Fig. 13
The speed detection signal has a low level and still
contains AM components, and so it will produce an error V,, (+1v)
if it is not amplified. Therefore, it is amplified in an O OOI collector
excess saturation by the high-gain amplifier and then by
the waveform shaper, and it becomes a square wave Vrc G1v)
signal. This means that the AM components are limited @ oOZcollector
and the error eliminated.
(3)Differentiation circuit, multiplier
The servo loop response frequency is determined by the @ cos, nos Vcc G'lv)
speed detection frequency, and the higher the response d ifferentiators
frequency, the faster the system's response and the
higher the stability with regard to disturbances. This @ co+,aoe
Vcc vl
is why the speed detection frequency is multiplied and d ifferentiators
the response is accelerated. The signals which are
differentiated by C03, R08, C04 and R09 resemble
6r*gicnoz, cnos Vec (+1v)
those illustrated in Fig. 14, although only the downward output
Vcc G 1v)
pulse is added by diodes CR02 and 03, the pulse inter- Actually, O03
vals are halved and the frequency doubled. ON/OFF
VeeF'tv) 1'

Fig. 14

'onl?A runrulxelu sll lB dael sfu,np qlltr lno pelecwc ere srolcuJ reqlo puu ernleredurel eq1
sr anbrol eql pue seseeJcul paads aql os prru sluualur ur saEueqc uor; a8elloa aruoroJor oql ur suorlenlcnld
lu?lsuoc ou41 s.UJ aq1 Eupnp fpo sesuercul ure8 'lrncrrc Eur4pqels eEels-7 eql qEnorql pecnpord sr
aql 'dn-lrels tqrnq 'uollcBrJ B uoae paunl st re11e1d aEelloa ecuareJor or{J 'elquls eq 1 l?ql lurluesso sI lr os
eql Jr enPA runu4xBru slr sar{c?eJ 1r pu? pocnper sr ure8 pue'peads eql roJ prupu?ls er{l sB slce eEelloir ecuereJor
oql 'lsal ol seuoc ra11qd oql uoql\ pue 'sctlsrralJ?rBqc eql 'stuotuole IIBH oql ol poJ puz pagudrue sr se8ellol
fcuanbarg q1/h reulldru? e^rrp eq1 sappord ll 'l(lpc o^U eql uoo^uoq orueraJJrp eql puB eEellorr ecueraJer
-grceds ero;41 'po{col sI rolotu aql uoqa ernluradurel eql qll/h paredtuoc sr lndlno JolBJqr^rllnru{uou eqJ
ur sasrJ lsqe8e spren8ages pu? lueunc aql se pq qcFl/t\ lrncrlc eEellol ecuerogaa(9)
lrncrrc uorlcelord e selurodrocur Joloru slql {q,rr sl lBqI '9p09-Jo uorlenuolle ue sapprord puu uorlcnrlsuoc
'poueuoqs eq IIIA eJll ocr^res s.roloru 0r{1 pu? esrr [ft\ c4erpenb ? sernleeJ rallu orIJ 'elddrr aql sol?nual
arnleradual oql 'elpsocxo euocoq plr\ luorrnc oql 'ou4l -13 rollu ssed-,uo1 eql os puu sluauodtuoc elddu 3o
;o poued pa8uolord B roJ pe{col Uel sr rolotu eql JI lunorrre a8rq e supluoc 1nd1no roleJqrrllnru{uoru erll
'ragndruu ra11g sszd-,uo1(g)
e^up eql f,q pagqdue q 1I os pue 'rolotu eql e^lrp
ol olqs eq ol lrl'ol ool sI slueruelo II?H aq1 3o 1nd1no aql 9I'EId
rerggdure 0^II((6) (e)
lndlno ra]ltl ssed-Mol (q) lndlno roleJqr^lllnui-ouoy!
'saleralecce paads
uoll?lor oql puB ses?ercul HJ 'epp arulrsod eql uo
sasBorcul aEellol roJre
eql pue 'sdorp paads uo11e1or
eql uoq/h eEe11o,r scueJeJoJ orll sllBJ pu? sosBoJcep
^roloq paads /v\ol tt
1nd1no roleJqrlrllnu-ouou eql ',(lasrairuo3 'enIBA
Fu.rtFo slr ol suJnleJ paeds uorluloJ aql pu? seseercap
HA eql 1?q1 sueotu sr-ql 'sesBeJcep HJ eql pu? eprs

elrleEau oql uo ses?orcul etulloa rorra eql 'arogareq;
'pos?orcrrr sr paeds uorlelor eql 1 atellol eJuareJeJ peeds q6rH
eql Jo enpl eql spoecxa pue seseeJcur lndlno rol?rqrl
{llnlu{uolu eq} 'spJo^t reqlo uI 'peflorluoc uorlBlor

m 'r(rlrncrrc eq1 ut
go peads aql pue pouel sr HI luerrnc os pue 'eEu11ol pafoldtua ere srolrcedec rulg pu? sJolsrser tulg{4etu os
1nd1no erfl Jo ezts eql ol eleuorlrodord sr peeds aq1 puu '1uu1suoc ar.un oql seurr.urolap qcrq/[ lrncrrc er{l Jo
'os1y 'pepuord sr 1nd1no ele,r\ eurs B pu? pacqd uorsrcard eql pouuralep sr peads aql;o fcurncc? eqJ
^\oleq ^q
erz sluatuole IIuH aql os pue 'lauteu arll Jo applno eql 'pe6ueqc st SI 'EIJ
1? uorlnqulslp e^e^\ eurs e sI uoqnglrlslp cllau8eu eq; lueNuoc eurl aql uaqM palcalas sl peads aql
HIg) = HA 'luelsuoc ltnc.rtc Aq paururJalap luelsuoc aurl :1
:ueql ') sI llrulsuoJ puollrodord eql JI 'pleg ctleuSutu
eql Jo g qfuarls puB HI luorrnc rroqt ot eleuoluod IL (rolcalloc r0ol
ord sr slueuele II?H aql Jo (HA) aEelloa 1nd1no eq1
rolerq !^r I I n ur -ou o [Al
'Eur,qclpus eqtr JoJ peldope eJ? sluouelo IIBH o1$1 pue
'spu61s eaelr\ eun {q uarurp sr roloru anbrol-tun aq1
slueruele II?H(8)
'ualsfs oAJes or[1 ur
Eurlunq -\
peII?J sr sql 'uoltoru >lcllc B fq palcege flesreape ffut.teuralxl
sr olq?lurn1 aq1 go peeds orfl 'pecnper sr elqslurn1 aql Jo
lueruotu ?Ipour eql g 'arogerer{I 'tunufildo se pepreEer '(setup uorleredo-uou puB uorl
sI qcrq^\ (e1qu1urn1 8r-Sd eql go anp,r) -urado aq1 uee^uoq orlur aql sr orlur flnp aq1) soseercep
sr urals{s
Jo luatuou ?rlJeul ue plav( o1 pauErsep "utcl34ggT oqe e8elloa C11 eql pue'sosuercap orlur {1np s.rolurgu
ogl 'esodrnd slql roJ pasn ors OIC puB 'SZU '60J -ltlnlu-ouoru oql 'sos?oJ3op paads eql JI '/(lesre^uoJ
'y7g '8uts!ru ruor; suollelgcso qcns luelard ot ualsfs 'seseercul e8elloa JC er{t 're11g ssed-aao1 eq1 qEnorql
eq1 olul peuesut sr rolerudruoc eseqd e dqm q sIqJ peqloorus $ sI0 JI puB 'sasuarcul osl? JolBrqr^rllnrll
',{1pqe1sur ur sllnser slql pue 'paluraua8 ore suorlemcso -ouotu aql Jo orl?J eql 'sos?ercur peads aq1 ueq16
'sroloruoaras qllltr pBol aql ol lcedser ql1rrr /qllqBls ^lnp
'9I 'EId ur uorl?lueserder clqderE eql selquesor rolBrqr^
Eursrer o1 A\e! B qll^\ pesuercur sr ure8 dool aqt 3t -plnu{uour aq1 go 1nd1no eql 'sa8uBr{o paeds aql uaUA\
rolesuedruoc aseq;(1) 'SI 'EId 01 JeJeX 'pouad ourl urzlJoc B reUB uoIlIS
'JoSg CoSJo etuur arnleredurel e ssorce -od leufuo slr 01 peuJnleJ uoqt pue pesreler 'reEEul
%60 Jo uoll?n1cng peeds u r{ly*' tulodmau pcglcurd leurelxe u? qlli'r pezuorqcufs q ll leql os peu8sap
? r.uo{ pesod eru stuelqord op 'soporp eql Jo scrlsuel sr JoleJqrlqlnu{uou eql 'suorlerrel 3q olur puSrs
-r?reqc ernleradurel oql Sqsn lno pelocuec are 1nd1no uorlcolop peads eql Jo suorlelr?^ ,{cuenber; eql ue^uo, a
roleJqr^rllnu{uou aql 3o arnleredurel aq1 {q pesnec ol Jol?rqtalllntu{uotu u s{o1due rolou enbro}{un aqI
suorlunlcnu {ue 'erourreqlrng
'secrnos renrod 71 rolur qr^rl I ntu o u o 1,q(7 )
7. Specifications

rl ll

lt l II lt

to t0 20
Frequency (Hzi Frequency (Hz)

w&F;0.025lowRMS W&F: 0.O40loWRFlS

Uni-torque motor Conventional 8-pole, 24-slot
DC servomotor
Wow/flutter (frequency analysis)


Meter read-out

Record : lacquer disc 1o. ttzz-4|
Wow/flutter meter: Meguro Electronics _

Wow/flutter characteristics

II nrl, 3 xHz
+ 0.10
+ 0.05

a _ 0.05

- 0.10
0 2.0 3,0 4.0 (3)
Tracking force
Load characteristics

scrtrsrrolc?r?qc o.rnleJodruoI scrlsrJelcBrsqc dn-1rEls I
to' a I
zo- g nl
Z'O+ 3
to, -
scrlsuelcsrsqc a1UII
oller N/S
csrp Jenbcel :procal lueuo
f-g-rrrl : )roMlau 6ull t
,_)az|pue Acuenba.i
8. Circuit diagram

ic z'fls

.j r P

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o ^c lj 'ed
o "Q i
G- dn

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lr) lo|o
\i si st
? cto
= otN
6 oo
oo u8tlpe=
>ooo ?u)(r(rq)N!a
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S dF: o
- 8o 1
vz'r"dru a6el;on

e:6 ug
C'a of A,
P> \
@: c N (.) o
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- 10-
- II -



@ Hitachi, Ltd. Tokvo Japan
Head Office : 5-1, l-chome, Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Tel. : Tokyo (212) I I 11 (8Olines)
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Printed in Japan (H)