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After Sales Technical Documentation


Original 12/97

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Digital PCMCIA Data Card DTP­2

After Sales Technical Documentation

Contents of Digital PCMCIA Card DTP­2
Digital PCMCIA Card DTP­2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DTP­2 ver II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Software update for DTP­2 ver II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Procedure: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Programming tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DTP­2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Software update for DTP­2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Procedure: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Programming tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3 Page 3 Page 3 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 5 Page 5 Page 6

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After Sales Technical Documentation

Digital PCMCIA Data Card DTP­2

Digital PCMCIA Card DTP­2 DTP­2 ver II

The Cellular Data Card enables the use of advanced communication functions with the help of compatible cellular phone. The GSM/PCN handportable supports data and PC fax transmission. The feature is based on Nokia's PCMCIA standard data card installed in a laptop computer and connected to the handportable telephone with a simple connection cable. Data services: 300...9600 (except 1200 / 75) bit/s async data automatic fax teleservice short message data service (SMS) access to packet network

NOKIA Cellular Data Card has low power consumption, it offers ECM for faxes, V.42 bis non­transparent data compression, ISDN CAPI support. Unit/type: PCMCIA Card DTP­2 ver II Data Cable DLM­1 Setupkit for Data Card DLH­5 Setupkit Diskette DLH­5 User Guide, Digital PC Card DTP­2C eng. User Guide, Digital PC Card DTP­2C intl Product code: 0750091 0730086 0630081 0630082 9357032 9357041

Software update for DTP­2 ver II
Note: You need a desktop PC with an external PCMCIA drive. Also CardShark II is needed. This drive has been tested and found suitable for updating the

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Digital PCMCIA Data Card DTP­2

After Sales Technical Documentation

Cellular Data Card. NMP does not sell this drive, you need to purchase it locally. (If a PC with PCMCIA slot is used, difficulties might occur. Minimum requirement is therefore that the PC is equipped with Intel 82363 compatible PCIC.)
Procedure: 1. Copy the Update SW and Flash SW files from floppy disk to the PC hard disk, recommended directory is : C:\dtp2v2 2. Check the current flash SW version before updating (Command ATI2). 3. Note that the old data card DTP­2 can not be run with these software programs designed for DTP­2 ver II card (code 0750091). 4. Running the update SW in pure DOS­mode (instead of Windows DOS­ prompt) is recommended. 5. If you have the line "DEVICE=EMM386..." in your PC's CONFIG.SYS, make sure that line has the option X=D000­DFFF (or at least that area excluded) 6. It is possible to run the update program even, if some PCMCIA driver SW is active. If the update program doesn't seem to work, you can try disabling thePCMCIA driver SW. If PCMCIA driver SW is used, you must take the card out from PC after programming, and plug it in again before it works normally. 7. If you use the card straight after SW update, it must be first taken out from PCMCIA slot and then reinserted in order for the PCMCIA driver SW to recognize it. 8. Start the Update SW with the command: UPDATE ­DTP2CN01.05F (according to the latest sw version)

Programming tools Unit/type: DTP­2 ver II Flash (MCU) Software, 3.5" disk DTP­2 ver II Service SW , 3,5" disk Product code: 0775070 0774058

The service SW disk includes also the upgrading SW. File names: update.exe and cardtest.exe

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After Sales Technical Documentation

Digital PCMCIA Data Card DTP­2

Cellular Data Card is intended to link the portable computer and the cellular phone together for sending and receiving data files, receiving and transmitting faxes and accessing the short message service (SMS) provided by the digital cellular network and cellular phone. Data services: 300...9600 (except 1200/75) bit/s async data automatic fax teleservice short message data service (SMS) access to packet network 54 x 85.6 x 5 mm Product code: Module code: 0750029 0200272

Dimensions (h x w x d): Unit/type: PCMCIA card DTP­2 · interface module DP1

Software update for DTP­2
There are available programming tools for updating DTP­2 Cellular Data Card software. They include a programming diskette and a programming connector. Note: In addition, you need a desktop PC with an external PCMCIA drive. Also CardShark II PCCS2­E is needed. This drive has been tested and found suitable for updating the Cellular Data Card. NMP does not sell this drive, you need to purchase it locally. (If a PC with PCMCIA slot is used, difficulties might occur. Minimum requirement is therefore that the PC is equipped with Intel 82363 compatible PCIC.)

Procedure: The programming diskette is a bootable diskette, it updates the card automatically when you boot the computer with the diskette inserted. To update cards, follow the instruction below. 1. Insert the programming diskette to the diskette drive of your computer. 2. Insert the Cellular Data Card you want to program to the slot A of your CardShark and connect the programming connector to the end of the card. 3. Turn to power on to your computer. The programming software will start the programming automatically.

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Digital PCMCIA Data Card DTP­2

After Sales Technical Documentation

4. After the card has been programmed, the software will ask: "Do you want to program more cards (Y/N) ?" Choose Y if you want to update another card and N if you want to exit the program. 5. When you exit the software, remove the programming diskette from the diskette drive and the programming connector from the card and reboot your computer. Programming tools Unit/type: Product code:

DKH­4P Programming adapter DTP­2 0694034 DTP­2 SW (Flash software) Diskette, 3.5" disk 0775025

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