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ransm fission
Public Telephony



Mobile Radio

Radio Communication

Traffic Systems
An Introduction ... 2- 7

Transmission 8 - 25

Radar Control Systems 26 - 35

Public Telephony 36 - 49

Data Telecommunications 50 - 65

Private Telephony ss - 77

Mobile Radio 7s - 8s

Radio Communication so - ss

Traffic Systems 100 -117

Principal Telecommunication Companies 1 is -11s

Colophon 120
Special Demands
An Introduction ... Most of these areas, particularly tele-
communications equipment (but the
same applies to airport systems and
traffic control), make special demands
on the supplier. They can all be loosely
described as 'capital equipment'. Each
telephone exchange, for instance,
represents an enormous investment
for the customer. It must therefore be
designed and built to serve for decades.
This calls first for an extraordinarily high
level of reliability, but it must also have
another important quality. It must actively
resist obsolescence. Against a rapidly
moving technological background, such
Philips in Telecommunications equipment tends rather quickly to
become out-of-date. This calls for
Any description of the world-wide Philips organization inevitably begins with research and design ability above the
size, with statistics. Around 400,000 employees in over 70 countries, a average, and calls too for contributions
from other disciplines.
turnover of 17 billion dollars and so on. These figures are true of course, Here Philips experience in computer
impressive naturally and a proper source of pride, but they are also development has resulted in a generat-
misleading. ion of processor-controlled exchanges
To most people, especially to the famous 'man in the street' Philips is known that are for all practical purposes'future-
proof'. The addition of new features
for light bulbs, for shavers or television sets. Even informed and technical (even those yet to be invented or de-
people, faced with this broadest of bases in commercial electronics, are manded by the customer) is a simple
tempted to view the telecommunications sector as a sideline. At an annual matter of modification to the 'software'.
turnover of 1V2 billion dollars it is a substantial sideline!
But the truth is, of course, considerably more complex.
Strength in
An Established Involvement Research
Over the years, the Philips approach to
Telecommunications is not a new field for Philips. As long ago as 1918, a all these fields has been characterized
factory, N.S.F., was set up in Hilversum in co-operation with the Dutch by the strength that only a large mul-
tinationalorganization can deploy. Huge
government. resources and background experience
Over the next decades, this plant, under its eventual name Philips' Telecom- are necessary to meet these demands.
municatie Industrie B.V. (PTI), played an important role in the development of Take research, for instance.
broadcasting (Hilversum is still the centre of radio and TV in Holland), and the The R and D budget of Philips annually
evolution of communications equipment in general. Involvement in telephone approaches one billion dollars. Not all of
this budget is directly concerned with
equipment at both public and private exchange level began in the post-war telecommunications, of course, but a
period, when Philips played a significant part in rebuilding Europe's ruined significant amount of it is.
telephone network.
In the ;rears that followed, other new frontiers were pioneered by Philips.
Point-to-point transmission by micro-wave answered both the problems of
saturated airwaves in Europe and in long distance communications in
developing countries --more new techniques, more research. Airfield sys-
tems that combined communications, radar, lighting and signalling equipment
of hitherto unknown sophistication, were demanded --and supplied.
New disciplines, like weather forecasting on a world-wide scale, called for
increasing complex telex installations --they were developed. This was the
era of the growth of the computer and here too Philips were involved, both in
basic computer research and the application of processor control to
telephone and telegraphic switching. More recently, such techniques have
been applied with success to the younger science of traffic management.


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What is more, the scale of cross-fer-
tilization of ideas that is available in such
a broadly-based international research
effort, continually produces results for
every division far beyond the potential
available to independent commercial

i The Economy
of Scale
A good example of this was the basic
work on ferrite materials resulting in
present day ferroxcube technology.
Original Philips research on these com-
plex magneto-ceramic compounds pro-
duced, among other things, materials
that offered considerable advantages in
the miniaturization of filters for transmis-
sion equipment. The 'other things' were
of course a much wider range of
I applications throughout the group
which included N deflection coils, core
memories for computers and so on.
Thus basic research, which only an
international group can afford, leads to
multiple applications within the group's
f activities --truly the economy of scale. 2
1. Two of the laboratories in 2. Commercial Headquarters
Hilversum of PTI, Hilversum


in Depth
Besides this cross-disciplinary potential
there is another dimension to research
resources on this scale. An excellent
example of this is the development of the
reed-relay which forms a basic com-
ponent in many switching systems.
Not only was the concept developed and
perfected within the group, but the many
problems of quantity production of the
device were met and solved'in house'. A
hermetic glass seal protects the relay.
Later, in service, this makes the equip-
ment in which the relays are installed
relatively invulnerable to dust and
moisture. The process of sealing must
itself be carried out in conditions of
ultra-clinical cleaniness. The resulting
production line, which resembles a
surgical theatre, and the specially
trained personnel are evidence of a
special kind of development, in depth.
The relay itself, now produced in its
hundreds of thousands, is a simple
symbol of a complex and widely-spread
s development potential.

3. PTI, Hoorn 4. The PTI factory at Hoorn, 5. EBX 8000 software test
(manufacturing hall) The Netherlands

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Applied Research
Each of the Product Divisions, supports
its own applied research programmes
where advanced technology is trans-
lated into practical innovation.
For PTI the achievements include the
application of processor-control tech-
niques to message/data/telex switch-
ing systems, to telephone exchanges,
public and private, to traffic control,
transmission systems and on a smaller
scale (using microprocessors) to radio
communication equipment.

Training -the ACustomerservice
`Human Resource' gl0iil' :
t~t~~fun~in.~~ i ~E
..~ Since 1962 Philips have also offered
Technically trained personnel can, and s~, Ft.. _F8 '~ technical training as a customer service.
should, be considered as a 'human ,mgr. , ~;,. , tai t;~~ To begin with this was simple marketing
resource'. In many of the developing logic. The proper operation and con-
countries it is a rare and precious one, tinued efficiency of the systems once
indeed even in the Western world, the installed, depend on the existence of
rapid advance of technology has made skilled and competent technicians to
the training of technicians and service supervise and maintain them.
personnel an essential part of any As the investment in, and complexity of
industry. telecommunications technology increa-
All over the world, the national com- se, this service becomes more and more
panies of the Philips group continuously vital. Formal school training cannot be
run training schemes to ensure that the expected to keep pace with continuous
level of skill of their technical staff is leaps in technical innovation or indeed
maintained and kept abreast of new with the number of staff needed in the
techniques. predictable future.

6. Philips Research Laboratories 7. Production of 8. PTI, The Hague
near Eindhoven reed-relays (PRX production)



Training at the Training in the
Centre of Things Field
Many developing countries today are
making the great leap, introducing the n
most sophisticated technology without
the gradual evolution through the more
The increasing sophistication of tele- elementary techniques. This raises a
communications equipment over recent different training problem, since the
years has raised the standard even more middle levels of technical skills are not
and the PITTC (Philips' International yet generally available and they often
Telecommunications Training Centre) have to be provided.
was established in 1962 within easy PITTC organizes courses in a number of
reach of the factories and laboratories at countries to fill this need. They are
Hilversum, to provide advanced training designed for trainees with secondary
for both customer and Philips personnel. education but little technical back-
Here a permanent staff of instructors, ground, and last up to 18 months. The
working with the latest teaching equip- courses cover general telecommunica-
ment (augmented where necessary by tions techniques and progress to more
specialists from the various depart- specialized training in telephony switch-
ments of PTI) hold courses for interna- ing ortransmission orradio communica-
tional groups of trainees, future staff tion. They are often organized in co-
officials, planning officers and mainte- operation with national Post and Tele-
nance technicians. phone Authorities.
On large projects, such as the advanced Often nowadays, the larger 'turn-key'
computer-controlled switching systems, projects include, as part of the specifica-
customer staff will also be involved at the tion, extensive training for operators and
assembly and installation stages. maintenance technicians. tz

9. Training in the factory 10. Printed wiring by means 11+14. 12. Language laboratory
of computer regulated Testing of printed circuits lessons to overcome the
techniques under computer control first telecommunication

""~'~' ~ A CInique Structure
It has become fashionable to criticize
multinational organizations. But, in truth,
it is their monolithic centralization which
causes the problems of inflexible reac-
tion to local conditions.
The Philips organization by its almost
organic growth over the years has to a
large extent avoided this pitfall. Philips
consists of 64 National Organizations,
51 of which have manufacturing facilities,
and several of which act as supply
centres for the rest of the Company.
National Organizations are themselves
responsible for commercial policies
each integrated into their own country's
economy. Product policy, on the other
hand, is determined by 14 World Product
Divisions which operate within the frame-
work of a group strategy established by
the Board of Management.
This unique structure results both in
strong national and international man-
agement infra-structures. These have
proven to be major assets, as com-
petition increases in world markets and
as the specialized needs of the develop-
ing countries evolve.
Each of the 64 National Organizations
can call upon many years of experience
in the economic and social environment
of the country concerned. This is com-
binedwith the world-wide strength of the
particular Product Division involved, and
supported by corporate resources and
skills which can efficiently relate the two.

Flexibility for the

The Philips approach is thus one of great
flexibility. A 'National-Multinational' of-
fering both an intimate contact with the
market-place and the resources of an
international group. Specialist experi-
ence ineach product area, supported by
interdisciplinary research and develop-
mentfacilities. Aproven ability to design
a product, and also develop if necessary
specialist plant to produce it.
Training facilities on a world-wide scale
for production and service personnel
and for customers too.
Whatever the future holds in the field of
communications, it will certainly require
u this kind of flexibility.

13. PTI, Leeuwarden, 15. Production of channel and
The Netherlands group translating equipment

How hermetic is
Background `Hermetic'?
An example of this occurs in the hermetic
encapsulation of integrated circuits. It is
commonly thought that, by definition, the
inside is closed for ever and safe from
moisture penetration. The closure can
be verified of course by helium leakage
tests. Recently, however, it was dis-
covered in the Philips laboratories that
the actual process of glass sealing can,
under certain circumstances, give rise to
small quantities of water vapour on the
inside of integrated circuits. As vapour it
does little harm but corrosion can start,
especially in delicate MOS/LSI circuits,
at the moment the temperature falls
below the inside'dewpoint'.
Philips is the first company in this field
with a standard dewpoint test (based on
a simple but effective capacity measure-
Reliability quantified ment)for all incoming integrated circuits.
A small point perhaps. All such meas-
ures are small in themselves, but their
cumulative effect on the MTBF and
How reliable is reliable? How can the buyer of transmission equipment justify service life of the finished installation can
his choice in this intangible area? These are capital installations, purchased be considerable.
at national level with considerable consultation, but the problem remains.
Most manufacturers offer a range of equipment which meets CCITT
specifications, and covers demands for weight, dimensions, compatibility and PCM and Reliability
soon. Where, for the buyer, are the differences that influence the final choice?
One factor perhaps is ease of installation. Once installed we can claim and With telephone networks everywhere
expanding in all dimensions, more tele-
prove that we have very reliable equipment and that it is designed for maximum phones per square kilometer, more
life. Moreover, the systems, however long and complex, work from the very circuit kilometers and more long dis-
first day. The Saudi Arabian backbone line (1400 kilometres of 12 MHz and tance use (an effect of the growth of
60 MHz) is a case in point. And this is related to the factors which are perhaps automatic dialling), problems of main-
most influential in the purchasing decision that of reliability and long life. tenanceare likely to grow exponentially.
The trend towards the economy of PCM
These are not just salesman's words and phrases, they can be and are on low frequency cable and over short
quantified as MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures). Better still they can be distances will not, sadly, add to the
calculated by the customer himself for comparison of existing equipment, reliability of these circuits.
manufacturer by manufacturer. It is undeniable that PCM requires more
components (active and passive) to
Indeed some customers nowadays include strict MTBF requirements in their perform the same functions as its FDM
specs for new equipment. This is welcome. In the transmission field Philips do predecessor. Integration can help to
not have to demonstrate their strength in these two qualities. reduce failure rates and the trend in
electronics generally is towards greater
reliability, but the fact remains that many
more active components are required to
How is it achieved? make 2 x 30 channels PCM multiplex
than to make an FDM supergroup.
Similarly a 12/18 MHz repeater (2700/
There is no secret. This kind of reliability is the product of strict manufacturing 3600 channels) contains only 14 tran-
procedures, careful testing, homologation of components, sub assemblies sistors and diodes, but a 140 Mbit PCM
repeater (1920 channels), without in-
and units. This is of course a standard approach in the industry. Only the tegration, would contain over 100 semi-
degree of care varies - an important distinction. conductors. Thus the MTBF of typically
Philips can keep all component manufacture 'in house' -one of the 1000 years for the 12 MHz repeater of
advantages of our Company. And one further difference: Philips maintain an the 8TR 317 system would fall to around
100 years for such a repeater. Figures of
organized feedback of failure data, from the field, from all principle customers, this level are unacceptable to Philips -
enabling potential failure mechanisms to be traced and remedied. and surely to most customers.

Integration of circuits handling 140 Mbits
is not a job for aback-street manufact-
urer. Only the largest companies with
access to the most modern production
facilities can substantially increase
MTBF on this type of equipment. The
same principle holds for PCM and FDM
channel links.
An FDM channelbank has a demonstrat-
ed MTBF of 350 years per channel end
(including part of the group modulation
equipment). The original Philips PCM
system 8TR 602 reached a demon-
strated value of around 150 years per
channel end (calculated value 75 years).
Though this was twice as good as the
nearest competition it was not thought
good enough. With widespread use of
MSI and LSI circuits custom-built by
Philips, the new equipment 8TR 623 has
a calculated MTBF of 180 years and an
expected MTBF in the region of 300--
thusfinally equalling the state of the art in

1. Preparation of integrated 2. Part of 600-channel
circuits for evaluation and modulation bay, type 8TR 400
defect analysis

Codec per Channel of 10