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MAIN STORAGE PROCESSOR 3-1 Command Instructions 3-46
DATA FLOW AND CLOCK 3-2 Jump on Condition (JC) 3-46
Data Flow 3-2 Load Program Mode Register (LPMR) 3-47
Parity Checking and Generation 3-2 Supervisor Call (SVC) 3-48
OPERATIONS . 3-6 Main Storage 3-51
Instruction and Execution Cycles 3-6 Main Storage Address Register 3-51
Sequential Instruction Execution 3-6 Operation Register . 3-51
I/O Data Movement . 3-6 Q-Backup Register 3-51
I nstruction Formats 3-6 Q-Register 3-51
Instruction Fetch Operation 3-8 X-Registers. 3-51
Addressing 3-10 V-Register 3-51
Direct Addressing . 3-10 Arithmetic and Logic Unit. 3-51
Indexing 3-10 Arithmetic and Logic Unit Parity Predict 3-51
Address Translation 3-10 Incrementer or Decrementer 3-51
INSTRUCTION EXECUTION 3-12 Decimal Correct . 3-52
Arithmetic Instructions 3-13 Local Storage Register 3-52
Zero and Add Zoned (ZAZ) . 3-13 Program Status Register 3-53
Add Zoned Decimal (AZ) . 3-15 Status Byte Registers 3-54
Subtract Zoned Decimal (SZ) 3-16 Status Byte 0 (Sense Only) 3-54
Recomplement Cycle 3-18 Status Byte 1 (Load Only) 3-54
Add Logical Characters (ALC) . 3-21 Status Byte 2 . 3-54
Subtract Logical Characters (SLC) 3-22 Status Byte 3 . 3-54
Add to Register (A) 3-24 Backup Mode Register . 3-54
Data Control Instructions 3-26 Configuration Control Register 3-54
Move Hexadecimal Character (MVX) . 3-26 Address Compare Register 3-54
Move Characters (MVC) 3-28 Address Translation 3-55
Edit (ED) . 3-30 Address Translation Registers 3-55
Insert and Test Characters (lTC) 3-32 Program Mode Register 3-55
Move Logical Immediate (MV!) 3-34 Control Mode Register. 3-55
Set Bits On Masked (SBN) 3-35 ERROR CONDITIONS 3-56
Set Bits Off Masked (SBF) 3-35 Main Storage Processor Checks 3-56
Store Register (ST) 3-36
Load Register (L) 3-37
Load Address (LA) 3-38
Logical Instructions 3-39
Compare Logical Immediate (CLI) 3-39
Compare Logical Characters (CLC) 3-40
Test Bits On Masked (TBN) 3-42
Test Bits Off Masked (TBF) 3-42
Branch on Condition (BC) 3-44

Contents for Main Storage Processor
Main Storage Processor
The combination of the control processor and
associated control storage. the I/O interface.
and the main storage processor and associated
main storage makes up the System/34
processing unit. In System/34. the control
processor controls the main storage processor.

The main storage processor is contained on five
to eleven storage and processor logic cards.
The number of cards is specified by the amount
of main storage. Three cards are used for main
storage processor and storage logic. and the
other two to eight cards contain storage as