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Keysight Technologies
81100 Family of
Pulse/Pattern Generators
Double Pulse Generation for Particle Image
Velocimetry (PIV) Measurements

Technical Overview
Keysight Technologies, Inc. pulse/pattern generators are used for research in the aerospace and defense
industry, among others.

One example of their use is in the reduction of takeoff and landing times at airports and the prevention of
problems caused by wake vortex. Here, the industry works with methods like PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry)
where a laser sends a double light pulse out. Particles in a flow get illuminated by the pulses and a camera
takes pictures every time the particle reflects the light. (Figure 1)

The 81150A can simulate this double light pulse by varying the delay and the repetition frequency of the

Required equipment
(Figure 2)
Dust or
Air flow, wind