Text preview for : 5990-5054EN Keysight Medalist i3070 In-Circuit Test System Onsite Calibration Service c20140829 [2]. part of Agilent 5990-5054EN Keysight Medalist i3070 In-Circuit Test System Onsite Calibration Service c20140829 [2] Agilent 5990-5054EN Keysight Medalist i3070 In-Circuit Test System Onsite Calibration Service c20140829 [2].pdf

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Keysight Technologies
Medalist i3070 In-Circuit Test System
Onsite Calibration Service
Keysight Onsite System Calibration for Improved Conidence
Technical Overview

Calibration is one of the critical includes a full set of `pre-adjustment'
factors that affect the accuracy and calibration measurements data using There are several ways to buy
repeatability of any electronic mea- accredited calibrated-traceable instru- Keysight's calibration services,
surement system. As components ments. Whenever ASRU adjustments each with its own advantages.
age and equipment experience are required, a second complete set Choose the purchase option
changes in temperature or mechani- of data is recorded after all adjust- that best suits your needs.
cal stress, system performance will ments have been completed. These Refer to the literature Choose
gradually degrade. `pre-adjustment' measurements the Services that Best Fit your
are stored and later printed on the Needs, literature part number
The Keysight Technologies, Inc. onsite calibration certificate. They will 5990-3431EN, which can be
system calibration ensures that your show whether your i3070 system found at www.keysight.com/
Keysight Medalist i3070 in-circuit test was within specifications when you find/systemsupport
(ICT) will perform optimally on your last used it. This allows you to make
production floor, providing you with an informed assessment about the
that `as good as new' confidence validity of the testing you had been
level in your testing integrity. performing on your products while System calibration key
the i3070 system was not performing deliverables
This service is performed during to specification. An i3070 system that
office hours at your convenience, is out of specification may negatively
and with minimum disruption to the affect test coverage by causing bad Measure before calibrate
production schedule. This service parts to pass and good parts to fail.
includes all testing prescribed by
Keysight to certify that the i3070
system is performing to specifica-
The certificate can prove not only
that the system meets specifications
ASRU calibration and data store
tions. A system calibration ensures after the ASRU adjustments, but also
that the i3070 system meets specifi-
cations when performing both analog
that the system was operating within
specifications before the adjustments
Measure after calibrate
and digital tests on the system. were performed. By calibrating and

The calibration standards meet ISO
9000 requirements, thereby providing
adjusting, your i3070 system is
brought back within tighter specifica-
tions even if the system appears to
Accredited certification
quality control for the i3070 system. It be performing well.
i3070 System ISO9000 Certiication For more information on Keysight
Technologies' products, applications or
Calibration The Keysight ISO9000 certificate
services, please contact your local Keysight
office. The complete list is available at:
covers R&D, manufacturing, marketing, www.keysight.com/find/contactus
An i3070 system calibration service
service and support processes. The
is available for customers who desire
ISO9000 audit confirmed that Keysight
comprehensive measurements and Americas
Technologies has been effectively Canada (877) 894 4414
reporting. System calibration should
maintained. The latest information Brazil 55 11 3351 7010
be performed every six months. This
on Keysight's ISO9000 certificate can Mexico 001 800 254 2440
service uses a system calibration
be found at: http://www.agilent.com/ United States (800) 829 4444
program (Keysight proprietary license
protected software) and a traceable Asia Paciic
voltmeter and frequency counter to Australia 1 800 629 485
measure a DC voltage source, an AC Accredited Calibration China 800 810 0189
voltage source, a resistor, and two Hong Kong 800 938 693
For the highest confidence in your India 1 800 112 929
oscillator frequencies.
Japan 0120 (421) 345
i3070 system, this service provides Korea 080 769 0800
These measurements are the founda- measurements with uncertainties that Malaysia 1 800 888 848
tion for all analog measurements and are accredited by the local accrediting Singapore 1 800 375 8100
digital timing. These same parameters agency. Keysight's best measurement Taiwan 0800 047 866
are also measured using the internal uncertainties are available via your local Other AP Countries (65) 6375 8100
detectors in the i3070 system, and accrediting agency's web site. They Europe & Middle East
the measurements are compared to are invariably the best commercially Austria 0800 001122
the standards set by the voltmeter available, which ensures your Keysight Belgium 0800 58580
and frequency counter to calibrate accredited calibration gives better Finland 0800 523252
the detectors. A report is generated measurement confidence than any France 0805 980333
Germany 0800 6270999
containing the measurement and other similar services available.
Ireland 1800 832700
uncertainty data. Israel 1 809 343051
Italy 800 599100
After the calibration is completed, Luxembourg +32 800 58580
the data is entered into Keysight's Netherlands 0800 0233200
Russia 8800 5009286
calibration administration and track-
Spain 0800 000154
ing system database to provide track- Sweden 0200 882255
ing of the calibration instruments. Switzerland 0800 805353
A certificate of calibration and a Opt. 1 (DE)
calibration report will be delivered to Opt. 2 (FR)
Opt. 3 (IT)
the customer. An accredited certified-
United Kingdom 0800 0260637
traceable sticker is affixed to the
system to indicate dates of the last
For other unlisted countries:
and next calibration services.

This information is subject to change without notice.