Text preview for : 5991-3469EN Determining Critical Stresses in Semiconductors_ Using ZnO Crystal & GaN Freestanding Fi part of Agilent 5991-3469EN Determining Critical Stresses in Semiconductors Using ZnO Crystal & GaN Freestanding Fi Agilent 5991-3469EN Determining Critical Stresses in Semiconductors_ Using ZnO Crystal & GaN Freestanding Film c20141027 [4].pdf

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Keysight Technologies
On Determining Critical Stresses
in Semiconductors: A Case Study
on ZnO Crystal and GaN Freestanding Film
Application Note
Introduction heteroepitaxy results in high dislocation application note, we discuss a nanoinden-
densities and a high level of post-growth tation method using spherical indentation
Wide band-gap semiconductors, such as residual strain in the GaN ilm, which inevi- probes to characterize the elastic-plastic
zinc oxide (ZnO) and gallium nitride (GaN) tably affects its physical properties. transition behavior and determine critical
are getting a lot of attention for their failure stresses in ZnO and GaN single
Similarly, single crystal ZnO - a II-VI wide crystals with (0001) orientation. Nanoin-
applications in optoelectronic and power
band-gap semiconductor - has received dentation using a spherical probe results
devices. Single crystal GaN, a III-V wide
a good amount of attention in the recent in an extended elastic deformation regime,
band-gap semiconductor, has received a
past due to its potential application in and a gradual transition to elastic-plastic
great deal of attention in the recent past
short wavelength optoelectronic devices deformation, to enable the characteriza-
due to its potential for the realization of
due to some advantages over the more tion of critical failure stresses.
photonic devices such as laser and light
popular GaN.5 For example, ZnO has a
emitting diodes (LEDs) operating in the
simpler crystal growth technology, which Experimental
ultraviolet portion of the electromagnetic
translates to a lower cost material. ZnO
spectrum as well as solar-blind photo-de- The nanoindentation experiments were
can also be easily etched in acids and
tectors.1 Its wide band-gap, high break- carried out in a Nanoindenter G200 using
alkalis, providing an opportunity of fab-
down ield, and high electron saturation spherical diamond probes with tip radii 1
rication of small-scale devices. Recently,
velocity also make it an attractive can- and 13.5