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Agilent 34970A
Data Acquisition/Switch Unit

Product Overview

Agilent performance
at a fraction of the cost
of other standalone
data acquisition systems
Table of Contents

4 Features
6 Using the 34970A for data logging applications
7 Data Logging Feature Checklist
8 Using the 34970A for ATE applications
9 ATE Feature Checklist
10 Using the 34970A for switching applications
11 Customize your 34970A with plug-in modules
11 Modules-at-a-Glance Selection Guide
12 Agilent Quality
13 Spec Interpretation Guide
14 Accuracy Specifications
16 System Specifications
16 Software
17 Modules Specifications
18 Multiplexers (34901A, 34902A, and 34908A)
20 Actuator module (34903A)
20 Matrix module (34904A)
21 RF Multiplexer modules (34905A, 34906A)
22 Multifunction module (34907A)
23 Rack Mounting and Dimensions
24 Ordering Information
Price and performance beyond compare Custom configurations that-grow with you
Go ahead and compare the Agilent Technologies Three module slots and eight switch/control
34970A Data Acquisition/Switch Unit with other modules allow you to customize the 34970A to
data acquisition systems currently available. You'll meet your unique requirements. Buy only what
find it hard to come up with a system that offers you need--and add more modules later as your
the powerful measurement performance, flexibility, application grows.
and ease of use of the 34970A-- even in systems
costing three to five times as much. Unequaled ease of use
How did we manage to pack so much performance From the simplified configuration procedures,
into such a low-cost instrument? We borrowed tech- to the self-guiding front panel interface, we put
nology developed for our top-of-the-line products in extra time and energy to save yours. Simple
and put it into a package that cuts assembly time, things like on-module screw-terminal connectors,
incorporates custom ICs to reduce parts count, and built-in thermocouple reference junctions, well-
simplifies production testing. That means it costs organized user documentation full of examples
us less to make. The results? You spend less with- and hints, and a standard Getting Started kit that
out sacrificing quality or performance. will have you making measurements 15 minutes
out of the box all add up to increased productivity,
whether you use the instrument every day or
What can you expect from a data acquisition only now and then.
system that's this affordable?
Measurements you-can trust Free software to-save you time-and money
We took the measurement engine from our best- Now you don't have to spend your valuable time
selling benchtop DMM and embedded it inside a writing or configuring software. Agilent BenchLink
3-slot cardcage. You get the benefit of proven Data Logger 3 software gives you a familiar
Agilent measurement performance, universal Microsoft Windows® interface for test configura-
inputs with built-in signal conditioning, and modu- tion and real-time data display and analysis. Even
lar flexibility, all in a low-cost, compact data acqui- better, the data logging application is included with
sition package. The 34970A features 61/2 digits (22 every standard Agilent 34970A.
bits) of resolution, 0.004% basic dcV accuracy, and
ultra-low reading noise. Combine that with scan
rates of up to 250 channels/sec, and you've got the
speed and accuracy you need to get the job done
right the first time.

Powerful flexibility-to get-your job done
Whether you need to measure temperature,
ac/dc volts, resistance, frequency, or current, the
34970A can handle it. The internal autoranging
DMM directly measures 11 different functions,
eliminating the need for expensive external signal
conditioning. And our unique design allows com-
plete per-channel configurability for maximum
flexibility and quick, easy set up. It's-like having
an independent, high-performance DMM behind
each channel.

More power and flexibility
than you ever imagined you could afford

Intuitive front panel: task-oriented,
self-guiding menus
50k readings of non-volatile
6 1/2-digit (22-bit) internal memory holds data when
DMM measures 11 functions without power is removed
external signal conditioning

Monitor display
mode lets you
keep an eye on
tests in progress

Scaling function for
converting raw inputs
into user-defined units

HI/LO alarm limits on each input Battery-backed real-time clock-for pacing
channel, plus 4 TTL alarm outputs scans and timestamping readings

Agilent BenchLink Data Logger 3
3-slot mainframe software included;
offers up to 96 matrix crosspoints or drivers available for Agilent VEE and
120 single-ended channels National Instruments LabVIEW

8 switch and control
plug-in modules to
choose from

Built-in GPIB and RS-232 interfaces

The Agilent 34970A offers unequaled-versatility Whether you're an R&D engineer working on char-
for your data acquisition applications acterizing your latest design, or a manufacturing
engineer building a test system or troubleshooting
In the past, you had to make a choice. On the one a process, the 34970A Data Acquisition/Switch
hand, you could choose the simple operation and Unit offers the best combination of price and mea-
low cost of a data logger. On the other hand, you surement performance.
had the flexibility and higher performance of
a modular data acquisition system. The Agilent It's a data-logger:
34970A Data Acquisition/Switch Unit gives you
the best of both worlds: a simple user interface Configured with a 20-channel relay multiplexer,
with low per-channel cost, modular flexibility, the 34970A becomes a powerful, low-cost data
and impressive measurement performance. logger for simple characterization applications--
one-that's quick to set up and easy to run. For
more information on using the 34970A for data log-
ging applications, see page 6.

It's a data acquisition front-end:
The 34970A is an automated test system with
excellent measurement performance--it's got the
accuracy, resolution, and speed you need. See
page 8 for application information.

It's a switch system:
Order the mainframe without the internal DMM
and you've got an even lower cost, high-quality
signal routing solution. See-page 10 for details.

An easy-to-use data logger for-monitoring Better measurements with-fewer hassles
and characterization applications Tired of putting up with the mediocre measure-
Data loggers are used to monitor multiple signals ment performance you get with most data loggers
(temperature, voltage, etc.) over extended periods or plug-in data acquisition boards? The 34970A
of time to identify irregularities. Example applica- offers 61/2 digits of resolution and 0.004% basic
tions include environmental chamber monitoring, 1-year dcV accuracy.
component inspection, benchtop testing, process
troubleshooting, and temperature profiling.

The Agilent 34970A is easy to use for a-multitude
of data logging and monitoring applications, either
stand-alone or with a computer. Its-flexible, modu-
lar design makes it-scalable from 20 to 120 chan-
nels, and lets you add actuator, digital I/O, and
analog output channels for simple control. Its small
size and ruggedized features make it perfect for
portable applications, and its small footprint makes
it ideal for cramped benchtop testing. Standard
GPIB (IEEE 488) and RS-232 interfaces let you pro-
gram the instrument if you wish to automate tests.

Simplify your data gathering-with
Agilent-BenchLink Data-Logger 3 software
Do you want PC-based data logging capability,
but don't want to spend hours programming?
The BenchLink Data Logger 3 software is the
answer. This Windows-based application is
designed to make it a snap to use your PC for
gathering and analyzing measurements. Use
it to set up your test, acquire and archive mea-
surement data, and perform real-time display
and analysis of the incoming measurements.

A familiar spreadsheet environment makes it
easy to configure and control your tests. And
a rich set of colorful graphics provides many
options for analyzing and displaying your data--
all with point-and-click ease. Set up multiple
graphics using strip charts, histograms, bar and
scatter charts, individual channel results, and
more. And of course you can use BenchLink
Data Logger 3 to easily move data to other appli-
cations for further analysis, or for inclusion in
your presentations and reports.

And the 34970A measures and converts Monitor any input
11 different input signals: A special display mode monitors a-selected input
channel, continuously updating the display with
· temperature with thermocouples, RTDs, new readings--even during a-scan. It's great for
and thermistors keeping an eye-on a key input, or for troubleshoot-
· dc and ac volts ing your system before-a test.
· 2- and 4-wire resistance
· frequency and period Nonvolatile memory adds convenience, portability
· dc and ac current
All readings are automatically time-stamped and
stored in a nonvolatile 50,000-reading memory--
What's more, each channel is independently con-
enough memory to hold more than a week's worth
figurable. This means you can configure channel 1-
of data (20 channels scanned every five minutes).
for dcV, channel 2 for a K-type thermocouple,
The-nonvolatile memory holds your data even after
and channels 3 and 13 for a 4-wire RTD measure-
power is removed, so you can use the 34970A to
ment-- all on the same module, all in a single scan.
collect data at a remote location for later upload-
For custom linear conversions, use the Mx+B scal-
ing to a PC. And because the nonvolatile memory
ing function on any channel. You can even display
also holds your system configuration, if you lose
a custom 3-character engineering label like RPM or
power in the middle of a test, the 34970A resumes
PSI to identify your measurement units.
scanning when power is returned.
Versatile alarms
Alarms are available on a per-channel basis as
well. Enter a high limit, a low limit, or both. The
34970A compares each reading to its limits and
flags any out-of-range measurements. You can
assign one of four TTL alarm outputs to any input
Data Logging Feature Checklist
channel to trigger external alarm lights, sirens,
or send a TTL pulse to your control system, all · From 1 to 120 channels of analog input
without a PC connected. · Measurements include dc volts, ac volts,
thermocouple, thermistor and RTD
Scanning made-simple temperature measurements, 2- and 4-wire
The 34970A automatically builds-a scan list that Ohms, dc current, ac current, frequency,
includes all configured inputs (even digital inputs and period
from the Agilent 34907A multifunction module) in · 61/2 digits (22 bits) of resolution with
ascending order by channel number. You can pace 0.004% basic 1-year dcV accuracy
scans by setting the 34970A's internal timer for · 50k reading nonvolatile memory
automatic scanning at a specific interval, by manu- including timestamp
ally pressing a front-panel button, or by sending a
software command or external TTL trigger pulse. · Scaling and alarms available on
each channel
· Full-featured front panel for stand-alone
configuration, troubleshooting, and
data viewing
· BenchLink Data Logger 3 software
for configuration and data analysis
· Nonvolatile storage for five complete
instrument states

A powerful, flexible data acquisition system Flexible functionality
for automated-test The DMM is installed inside the chassis rather than
The 34970A gives you the resolution, accuracy, in one of the slots, leaving all three mainframe
repeatability, and speed you've come to expect slots free for switch and control modules. You can
from an Agilent data acquisition system. It provides choose from eight different modules
the measurement muscle you need, along with (see page 11) to get the precise functionality you
signal routing and control capability, in a flexible, need now--while giving you flexibility for future
modular format that can grow and change to match expansion.
your varied applications.
The internal DMM gives you the flexibility to mea-
Powerful measurements sure 11 types of inputs easily and inexpensively.
The-built-in signal conditioning and conversion
The internal 61/2 -digit DMM brings the power and
routines turn raw inputs directly into real informa-
performance of a world-class stand-alone DMM to
tion. Each-measurement channel is independently
the 34970A, but at a fraction of the cost and in
configurable, so you can set different measurement
a fraction of the space. It's as accurate as the best
functions, scale factors and alarm limits, even
bench DMM available: 0.004% basic 1-year dcV
on adjacent channels. Advanced measurement fea-
accuracy, 0.06% basic 1-year acV accuracy, and
tures such as offset compensation, variable integra-
0.01% basic 1-year resistance accuracy. Our patent-
tion time, and delay are also selectable on a
ed Multi-slope III A-D technology offers incredible
per-channel basis.
linearity (2 ppm of reading +1 ppm of range) along
with 22 bits of real resolution. And since it is an
integrating A/D, it provides excellent noise rejec-
tion as well--a-nice change from noisy PC plug-ins
and sampling A/Ds. No more averaging lots of sam-
ples just to see the real data you wanted. And-if
you need high scan rates, the 34970A is capable of Get better measurements with built-in
delivering fully converted measurements at speeds signal conditioning
up to 250-ch/s.
The Agilent 34970A architecture offers
The input section of the DMM is optically isolated advantages over other data acquisition solu-
and shielded from the 34970A's earth-referenced tions which rely on external or plug-in
circuitry and computer interface, offering up signal conditioning modules for handling
to 300 V of input isolation. This is important for functions other than dcV:
reducing ground loop and common mode voltage · Minimizes external wiring and the
errors associated with long wiring runs and float- resultant potential for noise and errors
ing measurement sources. to enter your system
· Reduces hidden costs and overall system
cost by avoiding unnecessary cables,
breakout boxes and signal conditioning
· Simplifies your configuration--for faster,
easier setup--with fewer connections
and components
· Takes the guesswork out of error analysis.
Measurement accuracies are specified to
include all system-related errors
· Improves reliability, with fewer intercon-
nects and fewer parts that-can fail

Software drivers
Your months of test system software development ATE Feature Checklist
time need not go to waste. Software drivers that · 3-slot cardcage with 61/2 digit (22 bit)
support Agilent VEE and National Instruments internal DMM
LabView® are available for the 34970A to make · 0.004% basic 1-year dcV accuracy; 0.06%
integration into your test system easy. Standard acV accuracy
RS-232 and GPIB interfaces and SCPI program-
· Up to 120 single-ended measurements
ming language make integration even easier.
or 96 matrix crosspoints in a 31/2" high,
half-rack instrument
· Eight switch and control modules include
low-frequency and RF-multiplexers, matrix
and actuation switches, digital input and
output, analog output, and event recording
· Scan rates up to 250 ch/s
· GPIB and 115 kbaud RS-232 interfaces
· Software drivers available to support
Agilent VEE and National-Instruments
· Relay maintenance feature for system

Compact 60-channel data acquisition system

Low-cost, high-quality switching for And while we were at it, we improved performance
automated test and density. The-34970A modules can switch from
microvolts to 300-volts, dc to 2-GHz, and with den-
If you don't need the built-in measurement
sities as high as 120 single-ended channels or 96
capability of the 34970A, save money by ordering
matrix crosspoints per frame. Plus, simple control
it without the DMM. What you end up with is the
capabilities like analog outputs, open collector digi-
lowest-cost switch unit on the market. It's an ideal
tal outputs, and-isolated Form-C-relays for control-
solution for routing test signals to and from your
ling higher-powered devices are available.
DUT and assorted instruments, including external
DMMs, scopes, counters, and power supplies. Plus,
you can add the DMM later if your needs change. Easy scanning
The 34970A can easily scan with external instru-
The functionality you need ments. It builds a scan list that includes all enabled
We put a lot of thought into defining and designing low-frequency multiplexer inputs. Scans are con-
the modules for the 34970A in order to cover trolled with the external "channel advance" input,
a broad spectrum of switching and signal rout- or with the front panel "Step" key.
ing requirements with fewer modules. The result?
Simplified ordering and easier configuration.

Low-cost switching system for automated testing

Customize your Agilent 34970A with-plug-in More channels in less space
modules Surface mount construction and a highly inte-
A complete selection of plug-in modules gives you grated design minimize the space required for
high-quality measurement, switching, and control relay drive and interface circuitry. High density on-
capabilities to choose from. Modules include both module connectors save both board and con-nector
low-frequency and RF multiplexers, a matrix switch, space normally required by a terminal block. We
a general-purpose switch, and a multifunction use the latest technology to squeeze
module that includes digital input/output, analog the most out of the remaining board space,
output, and totalizer capabilities. You can mix and giving you up to 40 single-ended channels in
match modules to get just the functionality you roughly the same space used by many data
need right now--then change or add more channels acquisition system terminal blocks.
later as your application grows.
Convenient connections
Modules for the 34970A are designed to make your On-module screw-terminal connectors make
testing easier, faster, and more reliable. Here's how: wiring more convenient. Built-in strain-relief cable
routing and cable tie points keep your wiring
Higher throughput secure and safe from accidental tugs and pulls.
Our unique architecture incorporates a high- An internal analog bus routes signals from any
performance microprocessor on each module, off- of the low-frequency multiplexers directly to
loading the mainframe processor and minimizing the internal DMM, without the need for external
backplane communications for faster throughput. connections.

Use the chart below to help you pinpoint the
modules that meet your needs.

Agilent Modules-at-a-Glance Selection Guide
Model Type Speed Max Max Bandwidth Thermal Comments
Description (ch/sec) Volts Amps Offset Page

34901A 2-wire armature 60 300 V 1A 10 MHz < 3 µV Built-in cold junction reference
20 ch Multiplexer (4-wire selectable) 2 additional current channels (22 total) 18

34902A 2-wire reed 250 300 V 50 mA 10 MHz < 6 µV Built-in cold junction reference
16 ch Multiplexer (4-wire selectable) 19

34903A SPDT/form C 120 300 V 1A 10 MHz < 3 µV
20 ch Actuator/GP Switch 20

34904A 2-wire armature 120 300 V 1A 10 MHz < 3 µV
4 x 8 Matrix 20

34905A Common Low 60 42 V 0.7 A 2 GHz < 6 µV 1 GHz bandwidth through
Dual 4 ch RF Mux 50 (unterminated) BNC-to-SMB adapter cable 21

34906A Common Low 60 42 V 0.7 A 2 GHz < 6 µV 1 GHz bandwidth through
Dual 4 ch RF Mux 75 (unterminated) BNC-to-SMB adapter cable 21

34907A Two 8-bit digital I/O ports 42 V 400 mA Open drain
Multifunction Module 26-bit Event Counter 42 V 100 KHz Selectable input threshold
Two 16-bit Analog outputs ±12 V 10 mA dc Max 40 mA total output per frame 22

34908A 1-wire armature 60 300 V 1A 10 MHz < 3 µV Built-in cold junction reference
40 ch Single-Ended Mux (common low) No four-wire measurements 19

Agilent Quality Take the guesswork out of relay maintenance
We know you can't afford instrument downtime The 34970A uses our proprietary relay mainte-
due to hardware failures and unscheduled mainte- nance system to help you to predict relay end-of-
nance. That's why our engineers designed reliability life and avoid costly production-line downtime.
into the 34970A: A rugged enclosure, state-of-the- It automatically counts every individual switch
art surface mount construction throughout, reduced closure and stores it in nonvolatile memory on
parts counts, and rigorous and thorough testing on each module. You can query the total number
all aspects of the product. of cycles on any individual channel so you can
schedule maintenance and avoid erratic end-of-
life failures.

Spec Interpretation Guide EXAMPLE 2: Extreme operating temperature
When the 34970A is used outside of its 18°C­28°C
The following pages list the technical specifications temperature range, there are additional tempera-
for the Agilent-34970A Data Acquisition/Switch ture drift errors to consider. Assume the same
Unit and its modules. The explanations and exam- conditions in example 1, but at a 35°C operating
ples below are helpful in understanding how to temperature.
interpret these specifications:
The basic accuracy is again:
· Measurement accuracy is specified as percent
0.0035% of reading + 0.0005% of range=365 µV.
of reading plus percent of range, where reading
is the actual measured value and range is the Now, multiply the 10 V temperature coefficient
name of the scale (1V, 10V, etc.)--not the full from the following page by the number of degrees
scale value (1.2V, 12V, etc.). outside of operating range for additional error:
(0.0005% reading + 0.0001% range)
· DMM measurement accuracies include all switch-
/°C x (35°C - 28°C) =
ing errors. Switching errors are also listed
(0.0005% reading + 0.0001% range)
separately in the module specifications section.
/°C x 7°C =
Temperature measurement accuracies include
0.0035% reading + 0.0007% range = 385 µV
ITS-90 conversion errors. The thermocouple
accuracies include the reference junction error Total error is then:
as well. 365 µV + 385 µV = 750 µV or 0.008%
· Accuracies are listed as either 24-hour, 90-day,
EXAMPLE 3: Thermocouple measurement accuracy
or 1-year specifications. This refers to the
Calculating the total thermocouple reading error
length of time since the instrument's last cali-
is easy with the 34970A--just add the listed mea-
bration. Use-the specification that matches
surement accuracy to the accuracy of your trans-
your calibration cycle. The 24-hour specifica-
ducer. Switching, conversion, and reference junc-
tions are useful for determining short-term
tion errors are already included in the measure-
relative performance.
ment specification.
EXAMPLE 1: Basic dcV accuracy For this example, assume a J-type thermocouple
Calculate the accuracy of the following input reading 150°C.
From the following page, total error is:
9 V dc input Thermocouple probe accuracy + 1.0°C
10 V dc range The probe vendor specifies accuracy of 1.1°C
1-year accuracy specifications or 0.4%, whichever is greater.
Normal operating temperature (18°C­28°C)
Total error is then:
From the following page, the 1-year accuracy is: 1.0ºC + 1.1 ºC = 2.1ºC total, or-1.4%
0.0035% of reading + 0.0005% of range
EXAMPLE 4: acV Accuracy
Which translates into:
The acV function measures the true RMS value
(0.0035/100 x 9 V)+
of the input waveform, regardless of waveshape.
(0.0005/100 x 10 V) = 365µV
Listed accuracies assume a sinewave input. To
For a total accuracy of: adjust accuracies for non-sinusoids, use the listed
365 µV / 9 V = 0.0041% crest factor adder.
For this example, assume a ±1 V square wave
input with 50% duty cycle and a 1 kHz frequency.
Accuracy for 1 V, 1 kHz sinusoid is:
0.06% reading + 0.04% range
A 50% duty cycle squarewave has a crest factor of
Peak Value / RMS value = 1 V / 1 V = 1
From Crest Factor table, add:
0.05% of reading
The total accuracy is:
0.11% of reading + 0.04% of range = 1.5 mV or 0.15%

Accuracy Specifications ±(% of reading + % of range)[1]
Includes measurement error, switching error, and transducer conversion error

Range[3] Frequency, etc. 24 Hour[2] 90 Day 1 Year Coefficient
23°C±1°C 23°C±5°C 23°C±5°C 0°C­18°C, 28°C­55°C
DC Voltage
100.0000 mV 0.0030 + 0.0035 0.0040 + 0.0040 0.0050 + 0.0040 0.0005 + 0.0005
1.000000 V 0.0020 + 0.0006 0.0030 + 0.0007 0.0040 + 0.0007 0.0005 + 0.0001
10.00000 V 0.0015 + 0.0004 0.0020 + 0.0005 0.0035 + 0.0005 0.0005 + 0.0001
100.0000 V 0.0020 + 0.0006 0.0035 + 0.0006 0.0045 + 0.0006 0.0005 + 0.0001
300.000 V 0.0020 + 0.0020 0.0035 + 0.0030 0.0045 + 0.0030 0.0005 + 0.0003
True RMS AC Voltage[4]
100.0000 mV 3 Hz­5 Hz 1.00 + 0.03 1.00 + 0.04 1.00 + 0.04 0.100 + 0.004
to 100.0000V 5 Hz­10 Hz 0.35 + 0.03 0.35 + 0.04 0.35 + 0.04 0.035 + 0.004
10 Hz­20 kHz 0.04 + 0.03 0.05 + 0.04 0.06 + 0.04 0.005 + 0.004
20 kHz­50 kHz 0.10 + 0.05 0.11 + 0.05 0.12 + 0.05 0.011 + 0.005
50 kHz­100 kHz 0.55 + 0.08 0.60 + 0.08 0.60 + 0.08 0.060 + 0.008
100 kHz­300 kHz[5] 4.00 + 0.50 4.00 + 0.50 4.00 + 0.50 0.20 + 0.02
300.0000V 3 Hz­5 Hz 1.00 + 0.05 1.00 + 0.08 1.00 + 0.08 0.100 + 0.008
5 Hz­10 Hz 0.35 + 0.05 0.35 + 0.08 0.35 + 0.08 0.035 + 0.008
10 Hz­20 kHz 0.04 + 0.05 0.05 + 0.08 0.06 + 0.08 0.005 + 0.008
20 kHz­50 kHz 0.10 + 0.10 0.11 + 0.12 0.12 + 0.12 0.011 + 0.012
50 kHz­100 kHz 0.55 + 0.20 0.60 + 0.20 0.60 + 0.20 0.060 + 0.020
100 kHz­300 kHz[5] 4.00 + 1.25 4.00 + 1.25 4.00 + 1.25 0.20 + 0.05
Resistance [6]
100.0000 1 mA current source 0.0030 + 0.0035 0.008 + 0.004 0.010 + 0.004 0.0006 + 0.0005
1.000000 k 1 mA 0.0020 + 0.0006 0.008 + 0.001 0.010 + 0.001 0.0006 + 0.0001
10.00000 k 100 µA 0.0020 + 0.0005 0.008 + 0.001 0.010 + 0.001 0.0006 + 0.0001
100.0000 k 10 µA 0.0020 + 0.0005 0.008 + 0.001 0.010 + 0.001 0.0006 + 0.0001
1.000000 M 5.0 µA 0.002 + 0.001 0.008 + 0.001 0.010 + 0.001 0.0010 + 0.0002
10.00000 M 500 nA 0.015 + 0.001 0.020 + 0.001 0.040 + 0.001 0.0030 + 0.0004
100.0000 M 500 nA/10 M 0.300 + 0.010 0.800 + 0.010 0.800 + 0.010 0.1500 + 0.0002
Frequency and Period [7]
100 mV 3 Hz­5 Hz 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.005
to 300 V 5 Hz­10 Hz 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.005
10 Hz­40 Hz 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.001
40 Hz­300 kHz 0.006 0.01 0.01 0.001
DC Current (34901A only)
10.00000 mA <0.1 V burden 0.005 + 0.010 0.030 + 0.020 0.050 + 0.020 0.002+ 0.0020
100.0000 mA <0.6 V 0.010 + 0.004 0.030 + 0.005 0.050 + 0.005 0.002 + 0.0005
1.000000 A <2 V 0.050 + 0.006 0.080 + 0.010 0.100 + 0.010 0.005 + 0.0010
True RMS AC Current (34901A only)
10.00000 mA 3 Hz­5 Hz 1.00 + 0.04 1.00 + 0.04 1.00 + 0.04 0.100 + 0.006
and[4] 1.000000 A 5 Hz­10 Hz 0.30 + 0.04 0.30 + 0.04 0.30 + 0.04 0.035 + 0.006
10 Hz­5 kHz 0.10 + 0.04 0.10 + 0.04 0.10 + 0.04 0.015 + 0.006
100.0000 mA[8] 3 Hz­5 Hz 1.00 + 0.5 1.00 + 0.5 1.00 + 0.5 0.100 + 0.06
5 Hz­10 Hz 0.30 + 0.5 0.30 + 0.5 0.30 + 0.5 0.035 + 0.06
10 Hz­5 kHz 0.10 + 0.5 0.10 + 0.5 0.10 + 0.5 0.015 + 0.06
Temperature Type 1-Year Accuracy[9] Extended Range 1-Year Accuracy[9]
Thermocouple[10] B 1100°C to 1820°C 1.2°C 400°C to 1100°C 1.8°C
E -150°C to 1000°C 1.0°C -200°C to -150°C 1.5°C
J -150°C to 1200°C 1.0°C -210°C to -150°C 1.2°C
K -100°C to 1200°C 1.0°C -200°C to -100°C 1.5°C 0.03 °C
N -100°C to 1300°C 1.0°C -200°C to -100°C 1.5°C
R 300°C to 1760°C 1.2°C -50°C to 300°C 1.8°C
S 400°C to 1760°C 1.2°C -50°C to 400°C 1.8°C
T -100°C to 400°C 1.0°C -200°C to -100°C 1.5°C
RTD R0 from 49 to 2.1 k -200°C to 600°C 0.06°C 0.003 °C
Thermistor 2.2 k, 5k, 10k -80°C to 150°C 0.08°C 0.002 °C

[1] Specifications are for 1 hr warm-up and 61/2 digits, Slow ac filter [5] Typically 30% of reading error at 1 MHz, limited to 1 x 10 8 V Hz
[2] Relative to calibration standards [6] Specifications are for 4- wire ohms function or 2-wire ohms using Scaling
[3] 20% over range on all ranges except 300 Vdc and ac ranges and 1 Adc and ac to remove the-offset. Without scaling, add 4 additional error in 2-wire
current ranges Ohms function
[4] For sinewave input > 5% of range. For inputs from 1% to 5% of range and [7] Input > 100 mV. For 10 mV to 100 mV inputs multiply % of reading error x 10
< 50 kHz, add 0.1% of range additional error [8] Specified only for inputs >10 mA
[9] For total measurement accuracy, add temperature probe error
14 [10] Thermocouple specifications not guaranteed when 34907A module is present
Measurement Characteristics[8] Operating Characteristics[4]
DC Voltage Single Channel Measurement Rates [5]
Measurement Method Continuously Integrating Function Resolution [9] reading/s
Multi-slope III A-D Converter
A-D Linearity 0.0002% of reading + 0.0001 % of range dcV, 2-wire Resistance 61/2 digits (10 plc) 6 (5)
Input Resistance 51/2 digits (1 plc) 57 (47)
100 mV, 1 V, 10 V ranges Selectable 10 M or > 10,000 M 41/2 digits (0.02 plc) 490
100 V, 300 V ranges 10 M ± 1% Thermocouple 0.1°C (1 plc) 49 (47)
Input Bias Current < 30 pA at 25°C (0.02 plc) 280
Input Protection 300 V all ranges
RTD, Thermistor 0.01°C (10 plc) 6 (5)
True RMS AC Voltage 0.1°C (1 plc) 47 (47)
Measurement Method AC coupled True RMS -- measures the 1°C (0.02 plc) 280
AC component of the input with up to acV 61/2 Slow (3 Hz) 0.14
300 Vdc of bias on any range 61/2 Med (20 Hz) 1
Crest Factor Maximum of 5:1 at Full Scale 61/2 Fast (200 Hz) 8
Additional Crest Factor 61/2 [6] 100
Errors (non-sinewave) Crest Factor 1-2 0.05 % of reading
Crest Factor 2-3 0.15 % of reading Frequency, Period 61/2 digits (1s gate) 1
Crest Factor 3-4 0.30 % of reading 51/2 digits (100 ms) 9
Crest Factor 4-5 0.40 % of reading 41/2 digits (10 ms) 70
Input Impedance 1 M ± 2% in parallel with 150 pF
Input Protection 300 Vrms all ranges System Speeds [7]
INTO Memory ch/s
Resistance single channel dcV 490
Measurement Method Selectable 4-wire or 2-wire Ohms 34902A scanning dcV 250
Current source referenced to LO input 34907A scanning digital in 250
Offset Compensation Selectable on 100, 1k, 10k ranges 34902A scanning dcV with scaling & 1 alarm fail 220
Maximum Lead Resistance 10% of range per lead for 100 and 34907A scanning totalize 170
1 k ranges. 1 k on all other ranges 34902A scanning temperature 160
Input Protection 300 V on all ranges 34902A scanning acV[6] 100
34902A scanning dcV/Ohms on alternate channels 90
Frequency and Period 34901A/34908A scanning dcV 60
Measurement Method Reciprocal counting technique INTO and OUT of memory to GPIB or RS-232 (init, fetch)
Voltage Ranges Same as AC Voltage function 34902A scanning dcV 180
Gate Time 1s, 100 ms, or 10 ms 34902A scanning dcV with timestamp 150
Measurement Timeout Selectable 3 Hz, 20 Hz, 200 Hz LF limit OUT of memory to GPIB[10]
Readings 800
DC Current Readings with timestamp 450
Shunt Resistance 5 for 10 mA, 100 mA; 0.1 for 1 A Readings with all format options ON 310
Input Protection 1A 250 V fuse on 34901A module OUT of memory to RS-232
Readings 600
True RMS AC Current Readings with timestamp 320
Measurement Method Direct coupled to the fuse and shunt. Readings with all format options ON 230
AC coupled True RMS measurement DIRECT to GPIB or RS-232
(measures the ac component only) single channel dcV 440
Shunt Resistance 5 for 10 mA; 0.1 for 100 mA, 1 A 34902A scanning dcV 200
Input Protection 1A 250 V fuse on 34901A module single channel MEAS DCV 10 / MEAS DCV 1 25
single channel MEAS DCV/ MEAS OHMS 12
Conversion ITS-90 software compensation
Reference Junction Type Internal, Fixed, or External
Open thermocouple Check Selectable per channel. Open >5k

Thermistor 44004, 44007, 44006 series

RTD = 0.00385 (DIN) and = 0.00391
[1] For 1 K unbalance in LO lead
Measurement Noise Rejection 60 (50) Hz[1] [2] For power line frequency ±0.1%
dc CMRR 140 dB [3] For power line frequency ±1% use 80 dB or ±3% use 60 dB
ac CMRR 70 dB [4] Reading speeds for 60 Hz and (50 Hz) operation
Integration Time Normal Mode Rejection[2] [5] For fixed function and range, readings to memory, scaling and alarms off,
200 plc/3.33s (4s) 110 dB [3] [6] Maximum limit with default settling delays defeated
100 plc/1.67s (2s) 105 dB [3] [7] Speeds are for 41/2 digits, delay Ø, display off, autozero off.
20 plc/333 ms (400 ms) 100 dB [3] Using 115 kbaud RS-232 setting
10 plc/167 ms (200 ms) 95 dB [3] [8] Isolation voltage (ch - ch, ch - earth) 300 Vdc, ac rms
[9] 6 1/2 digits = 22 bits, 51/2 digits = 18 bits, 41/2 digits = 15 bits
2 plc/33.3 ms (40 ms) 90 dB [10] Assumes relative time format (time since start of scan)
1 plc/16.7 ms (20 ms) 60 dB
< 1 plc 0 dB 15
System Specifications Software
Scanning Inputs Agilent BenchLink Data Logger 3
Analog 34901A, 34902A, and 34908A (not included with Option 001)
multiplexer channels
Digital 34907A digital in and totalize System Requirements[2]
Scan list Scans channels in ascending order Operating System Windows 98SE, NT® 4.0 SP6a, 2000 SP4,
XP SP2, Adobe® Acrobat® Reader V5.0 or
Scan Triggering higher (to view documentation)
Source Interval, external, button press, software, Microsoft® Internet Explorer V6.0 or higher
or on monitor channel alarm (required when using Windows NT)
Scan count 1 to 50,000 or continuous Controller Recommend Pentium® 4, 800 MHz or
Scan interval 0 to 99 hours; 1ms step size greater, Min: Pentium III, 500 MHz
Channel delay 0 to 60 seconds per channel; 1 ms step size RAM Recommend 256MB or greater, Min 128MB
External trig delay <300 µs. With monitor on <200 ms Disk Space Recommend 200MB, Min 100MB
External trig jitter <2 ms Display Recommend 800x600 resolution, 256 colors
Computer Interfaces[3]
Alarms GPIB Agilent and National Instruments PCI-GPIB
Analog inputs Hi, Lo, or Hi + Lo evaluated each scan LAN-to-GPIB E5810A
Digital inputs 34907A digital in maskable pattern match USB-to-GPIB 82357A
or state change RS-232 (Serial Port) PC COM 1-4
34907A totalize: Hi limit only
Monitor channel Alarm evaluated each reading Agilent BenchLink Features
Alarm Outputs 4 TTL compatible Configuration Spreadsheet-like channel configurations
Selectable TTL logic Hi or Lo on fail page.
Latency 5 ms (typical) Upload and Download instrument
Memory Computed channels using + - */, dB, dBm,
Battery backed, 4 year typical life[1] dBV, x2, x and full, 1/2, or 1/4 bridge strain
Readings 50,000 with timestamp Graphical Displays Real-time and historical data displays
Readable during scan Add, delete, size, and configure real time
States 5 instrument states with user label Strip chart with markers and alarm indication,
Alarm Queue Up to 20 events with channel number, bar and scatter charts, Histogram with
reading, and timestamp statistics, Bar meter, and Data table
Graphical Controls Sliders, switches, buttons, and LED lights
System Features Alarm / Limit testing Start/Stop scanning on alarm condition
Per-channel Math Individual Mx + B scaling and Control 34903A relay state or 34907A
Min/Max/Average calculated real time digital output on alarm
Power Fail Recovery Resumes scanning automatically Data Real time streamed (saved) to disk
Relay maintenance Counts each relay closure and stores Automatically export data and
on module User resettable configurations
Real-time clock Battery-backed, 4-year typical life[1] Copy data or graphics to windows clipboard
Export your selected data to .CVS, .XML,
General Specifications or .TXT formats
Power Supply 100V/120V/220V/240V ±10% Event logging Automatic entry of alarms and errors
Power Line Frequency 45 Hz to 66 Hz automatically sensed
Power Consumption 12 W (25 VA peak)
Operating Environment Full accuracy for 0°C to 55°C Instrument Driver Support for Programming Languages
Full accuracy to 80% R.H. at 40°C Universal Compatible with Windows 95 and NT
Storage Environment -40°C to 70°C[1] Instrument Driver[5] Agilent VEE 3.2 or greater
Weight Net: 3.6 kg (8.0 lbs) Visual Basic 4.0,
Safety Conforms to CSA, UL-1244, IEC 1010 Cat I LabWindows CVI 4.0,
RFI and ESD CISPR 11, IEC 801/2/3/4 LabVIEW 7.0
Labview Driver (VI) LabVIEW 7.0

[1] Storage at temperatures above 40°C will decrease battery life
[2] Software provided on CD-ROM and includes utility to create floppy disks for
[3] Interface and driver must be purchased and installed separately
[4] 90 MHz Pentium, 20 MB RAM
[5] Requires VISA command library for IEEE-488

Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are U.S. registered trademarks of
Microsoft Corporation.
Adobe and Acrobat are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
Pentium is a U.S. registered trademark of Intel Corporation.

Modules Specifications through the 34901A, 34902A, and 34908A low-
The Agilent-34970A accuracy specifications already frequency multiplexers.
include the switching offset and reference junction
errors shown below. These errors are listed sepa- On-module screw terminals accept wire sizes from
rately for determining system error with external 16-gage to 22 gage. Twenty-gage wire is recom-
measurement devices. mended for high channel count applications. The
34905A and 34906A RF Multiplexers use SMB
Up to three modules, in any combination, can be connectors. A-standard set of (10) BNC-to-SMB
inserted into a single mainframe. The 34970A's adapter cables is provided with each RF module
internal DMM connections are accessible only for convenient BNC connections.
Multiplexer Actuator Matrix RF Multiplexer Multifunction
34901A 34902A[1] 34908A 34903A 34904A 34905A 34906A 34907A

Number of Channels 20 + 2 16 40 20 4x8 Dual 1 x 4 See page 22
2/4 wire 2/4 wire 1 wire SPDT 2 wire 50 75 for module
Connects to Internal DMM · · · specifications
Scanning Speed 60 ch/s 250 ch/s 60 ch/s
Open/Close Speed 120/s 120/s 70/s 120/s 120/s 60/s

Voltage (dc , ac rms)[2] 300 V 300 V 300 V 300 V 300 V 42 V
Current (dc , ac rms) 1A 50mA 1A 1A 1A 0.7A
Power (W , VA) 50 W 2W 50 W 50 W 50 W 20 W

DC Characteristics
Offset Voltage [3] < 3uV < 6uV < 3uV < 3uV < 3uV < 6uV
Initial Closed Channel R [3] < 1 < 1 < 1 < 0.2 < 1 < 0.5
Isolation ch-ch, ch-earth > 10 G > 10 G > 10 G > 10 G > 10 G > 1 G

AC Characteristics
Bandwidth[4] 10 MHz 10 MHz 10 MHz 10 MHz 10 MHz 2 GHz[5] 2 GHz[5]
Insertion Loss (dB) 10 MHz -- -- -- -- -- -0.1 -0.1
100 MHz -- --