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Safety Instructions
Production specification.
Block Diagram
Circuit Diagram
Pin Descriptions
LCD Panel specification
Exploded View Diagram
Spare parts list
V-chip password and software upgrade

This manual is the latest at the time of printing, and does not
include the modification which may be made after the printing,
by the constant improvement of product.

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I. Safety Instructions

The l ig h tn i ng fla sh w i th arro wh e ad symb ol ,
within an equilatera l triangle, is intended to alert
CAUTION the user to the presence of uninsulated " dangerous
voltage" within the prod uct' s enclosure that may
RISK O F ELECT RIC SHO CK be of sufficie nt mag nitud e to consti tute a risk of
DO NO T O PEN electric shock to persons.

The excla mati on po i nt wi thi n a n e q ui l ate ra l
CAUTION: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC tri a n gl e is i nte n de d to a le rt th e u se r to th e
presence of important operating and maintenance
(s e rv i ci n g ) i n str u ct i o n s i n th e l i te r a tu re
accompanying the appliance.

1. In a ddition to safe ty, othe r parts and assemblies are
speci fied for conformance with such regulatio ns as Before servicing this TV receiver, read the X-RAY
those applyi ng to sp urious radiation . These must RADIATION PRECAUTION, SAFETY INSTRUCTION
also be replace d only with specifie d replacements. and PRODUCT SAFETY NOTICE.
Exampl es: RF converters, tun er units, a ntenna
selection switches, RF cables, noise-blo cking X-RAY RADIATION PRECAUTION
capacitors, noise-bl ocking filters, etc. 1. Excessively high can prod uce potentially hazardous
2. Use sp ecified inte rnal Wiring . Note especially: X-RAY RADIATION. To avoid such hazards, the high
1) Wires covered with PVC tubing volta ge must no t exceed the speci fied limit. The
2) Do uble insulated w ires normal va lue of the high voltage of this TV receiver
3) Hig h voltage leads is 2 7 KV at zero b ean current (mi nimum b rightne ss).
3. Use specified i nsulating material s for haza rdous The high voltage must no t exceed 30 KV u nder any
live pa rts. Note espe cially: circu mstances. Each time when a re ceiver req uires
1) In sulating Tape servici ng, the high voltage sho uld be checked. The
2) PVC tubing readi ng of the high voltage is re commended to be
3) Spa cers (insu lating barriers) reco rded as a part o f the service record, It is
4) Insula ting sheets for transistors important to u se an accurate and reliable high
5) Plastic screws for fixing micro switches voltage meter.
4. When replacing AC primary side compo nents 2. The only source of X-RAY RADIATION in this TV
(tran sformers, power cords, n oise blo cking receiver is the picture tube. For con tinued X-RAY
capacitors, e tc.), wra p ends o f wires securely about RADIATION protectio n, the repla cement tube must be
the te rminals be fore solde ring. exactly the sa me type as specified in th e parts list.
3. Some parts in this TV receiver have special safety
related characteristics fo r X-RADIATION protection.
For continued safety, the parts rep lacement should
be under taken only afte r referring the PRODUCT
5. Make sure that w ires do no t contact heat generating SAFETY NOTICE.
parts (he at sin ks, oxide me tal fi lm resistors, fusi ble
resistors, etc.) SAFETY INSTRUCTION
6. Check if replace d wires do not conta ct sharply edged The se rvice shoul d not be attempted by anyone
or po inted pa rts. unfamiliar with the ne cessary i nstructio ns on th is TV
7. Make sure that foreign objects (screws, solder receiver. The fo llowing are the necessary instru ctions
drop lets, etc.) do not remain insi de the set. to be ob served before se rvicing.
1. An isolation transformer shoul d be con nected i n the
MAKE YOUR CONTRIBUTION TO PROTECT THE power li ne between the receiver and the AC line
ENVIRONMENT when a service is performed o n the primary of the
Used batte ries wi th the ISO symbol conve rter tra nsformer of the set.
for recycling a s well as small 2. Comply wi th all caution an d safety related provided
accumu lators (re chargeable batteries), mini-batteries on th e back of the cabi net, inside the cabinet, o n the
(cell s) and starter b atteries should not be thrown chassis or p icture tube.
into the garbage can. 3. To avo id a shock hazard, alw ays discharge the
Please leave the m at an ap propriate depot. pictu re tube's anode to the chassis g round be fore
removi ng the anod e cap.


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4. Completely discharge the high pote ntial voltage of the PRODUCT SAFETY NOTICE
picture tube before handli ng. The pi cture tube is a
Many e lectrical an d mechanica l parts in this TV
vacuum and if bro ken, the gl ass will explode.
5. When rep lacing a MAIN PC B in the cabinet, always receiver have special safety-related characteristics.
These characteri stics are offer passed unnoticed by
be certai n that all protective are installed properly
such as co ntrol knobs, adjustment co vers o r shie lds, visual spection and the protecti on afforded by them
barri ers, iso lation resistor networks etc. cannot necessari ly be obta ined by using replacement
compon ents rates for a hig her voltag e, wattage , etc.
6. When se rvicing is re quired, observe the origin al lead
The replacemen t parts w hich have these sp ecial
dressing. Extra precau tion sho uld be gi ven to a ssure
correct lead dressing in the high voltage area. safety characteristics are identifie d by marks on
the schematic diag ram and on the parts l ist.
7. Keep wires away from high voltage or high te mpera
Before replacin g any of these compo nents, rea d the
ture compone nts.
8. Befo re returning the set to the customer, al ways parts list in thi s manua l care fully. The use of
substitute re placemen t parts which do not have the
perform an AC leaka ge current check on the exposed
meta llic parts of th e cabine t, such as anten nas, same safety chara cteristics as speci fied in the p arts
termin als, screw heads, meta l overlay, control shafts, list may cre ate shock, fire, X-RAY RADIATION or
other h azards.
etc., to be sure the set i s safe to operate without
danger of electrica l shock. Plu g the AC lin e cord
directly to the AC outlet (do not use a line iso lation
transformer d uring th is check). Use an AC voltmeter
havin g 5K ohms volt sen sitivity or more i n the
following manner.
Conne ct a 1.5 K ohm 10 watt resistor pa ralleled by a