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1. PRECAUTIONS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
1-1 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1
1-2 SERVICING PRECAUTIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
1-2-1 General Serving Precautions------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
1-2-2 Insulation Checking Procedure ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
1-3 ESD PRECAUTIONS-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3
2. REFERENCE INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4
2-1 COMPONENT DESCRIPTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4
2-1-1 DVD ATAPI Loader ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4
2-1-2 NTSC/PAL Digital Video Encoder (CS4955) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------6
2-1-3 DVD Processor Chip (MT1369AE) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8
2-1-4 8-Pin, 24-Bit, 96kHz Stereo D/A CONVERTER (WM8720) -------------------------------------------------------- 17
2-1-5 Serial EEPROM, 2K (256 x 8) (24C16,ST-S08) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
2-1-6 8-Megabit (512 x 8) FLASH RAM (29F800) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
2-1-7 512K X 16 Bit X 2 Banks Synchronous DRAM (A43L0616) ------------------------------------------------------- 23
3. PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26
4. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ------------------------------------------ ! .
4-1 BASIC CONNECTIONS -------------------------------------------------------------- ! .
4-2 Selecting Video Mode------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24
4-2 Selecting the desired DVD Menu item---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25
4-4 Selecting the desired MP3 folder----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26
4-5 Selecting the desired MP3 title------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27
4-6 Searching---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------28
4-7 Resume Play-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------29
4-10 Selecting Subtitle Language----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------31
4-11 Selecting Angle----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -32
5. DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27
6. TROUBLESHOOTING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28
7. ELECTRICAL PART LIST --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29
8. BLOCK DIAGRAM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35
9. CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36
10. WIRING DIAGRAM--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44
1-1 Safety Precautions

1) Before returning an instrument to the customer, always
make a safety check of the entire instrument, including, but
not limited to, the following items:

(1) Be sure that no built-in protective devices are defective
or have been defeated during servicing.
(1) Protective shields are provided to protect both the
technician and the customer. Correctly replace all
missing protective shields, including any remove for
servicing convenience.
(2) When reinstalling the chassis and/or other
assembly in the cabinet, be sure to put back in place
all protective devices, including, but not limited to,
AC Leakage Test
nonmetallic control knobs, insulating fish papers,
adjustment and compartment covers/shields, and
Any measurements not within the limits specified
isolation resistor/capacitor networks. Do not operate
herein indicate a potential shock hazard that must be
this instrument or permit it to be operated without all
eliminated before returning the instrument to the
protective devices correctly installed and functioning.

(2) Be sure that there are no cabinet opening through which
(4) Insulation Resistance Test Cold Check-(1) Unplug the
adults or children might be able to insert their fingers
power supply cord and connect a jumper wore
and contact a hazardous voltage. Such openings
between the two prongs of the plug. (2) Turn on the
include, but are not limited to, excessively wide
power switch of the instrument. (3) Measure the
cabinet ventilation slots, and an improperly fitted
resistance with an ohmmeter between the jumpered
and/or incorrectly secured cabinet back cover.
AC plug and all exposed metallic cabinet parts on the
instrument, such as screwheads, antenna, control
(3) Leakage Current Hot Check-With the instrument
shafts, handle brackets, etc. When an exposed
completely reassembled, plug the AC line cord
metallic part has a return path to the chassis, the
directly into a 120V AC outlet. (Do not use an
reading should be between 1 and 5.2 megohm. When
isolation transformer during this test.) Use a leakage
there is no return path to the chassis, the reading must
current tester or a metering system that complies with
be infinite. If the reading is not within the limits
American National Standards institute (ANSI) C101.1
specified, there is the possibility of a shock hazard,
and the instrument must be re-pared and rechecked
before it is returned to the customer.
Current for Appliances and underwriters Laboratories
(UL) 1270 (40.7). With the instrument's AC switch
first in the ON position and then in the OFF position,
measure from a known earth ground (metal water pipe,
conduit, etc.) to all exposed metal parts of the
instrument (antennas, handle brackets, metal cabinets,
screwheads, metallic overlays, control shafts, etc.),
especially and exposed metal parts that offer an
electrical return path to the chassis.
Any current measured must not exceed 0.5mA.
Reverse the instrument power cord plug in the outlet
Insulation Resistance Test
and repeat the test.

2) Read and comply with all caution and safety related
notes non or inside the cabinet, or on the chassis. 5) Components, parts, and/or wiring that appear to have
overheated or that are otherwise damaged should be
3) Design Alteration Warning-Do not alter of add to the replaced with components, parts and/or wiring that
mechanical or electrical design of this instrument. meet original specifications. Additionally determine
Design alterations and additions, including but not the cause of overheating and/or damage and, if
limited to, circuit modifications and the addition of necessary, take corrective action to remove and
items such as auxiliary audio output connections, potential safety hazard.
might alter the safety characteristics of this instrument
and create a hazard to the user. Any design alterations 6) Product Safety Notice-Some electrical and mechanical
or additions will make you, the service, responsible parts have special safety-related characteristics which
for personal injury or property damage resulting there are often not evident from visual inspection, nor can
from. the protection they give necessarily be obtained by
replacing them with components rated for higher
4) Observe original lead dress. Take extra care to assure voltage, wattage, etc. Parts that have special safety
correct lead dress in the following areas: characteristics are identified by shading, an ( ) or a
(1) near sharp edges, (2) near thermally hot parts (be ( ) on schematics and parts lists. Use of a substitute
sure that leads and components do not touch replacement that does not have the same safety
thermally hot parts), (3) the AC supply, (4) high characteristics as the recommended replacement part
voltage, and (5) antenna wiring. Always inspect in all might created shock, fire and/or other hazards.
areas for pinched, out-of-place, or frayed wiring. Do Product safety is under review continuously and new
not change spacing between a component and the instructions are issued whenever appropriate.
printed-circuit board, Check the AC power cord for

1-2 Servicing Precautions

CAUTION: Before servicing Instruments covered by this d. Always connect a test instrument's ground lead to
service manual and its supplements, read and follow the the instrument chassis ground before connecting the
Safety Precautions section of this manual. test instrument positive lead. Always remove the test
instrument ground lead last.
Note: If unforeseen circument create conflict between the Note: Refer to the Safety Precautions section ground
following servicing precautions and any of the safety lead last.
precautions, always follow the safety precautions. (2) The service precautions are indicated or printed on the
Remember; Safety First cabinet, chassis or components. When servicing,
follow the printed or indicated service precautions
1-2-1 General Serving Precautions and service materials.
(1) a. Always unplug the instrument's AC power cord from (3) The components used in the unit have a specified flame
the AC power source before (1) removing or resistance and dielectric strength.
reinstalling any component, circuit board, module or When replacing components, use components which
any other instrument assembly. (2) disconnecting have the same ratings, by ( ) or by ( ) in the
any instrument electrical plug or other electrical circuit diagram are important for safety or for the
connection. (3) connecting a test substitute in characteristics of the unit. Always replace them with
parallel with an electrolytic capacitor in the the exact replacement components.
instrument. (4) An insulation tube or tape is sometimes used and some
b. Do not defeat any plug/socket B+ voltage interlocks components are raised above the printed wiring board
with which instruments covered by this service for safety. The internal wiring is sometimes clamped
manual might be equipped. to prevent contact with heating components. Install
c. Do not apply AC power to this instrument and/or any such elements as they were.
of its electrical assemblies unless all solid-state (5) After servicing, always check that the removed screws,
device heat sinks are correctly installed. components, and wiring have been installed correctly

and that the portion around the serviced part has not (500V) to the blades of the attachment plug. The insulation
been damaged and so on. Further, check the insulation resistance between each blade of the attachment plug and
between the blades of the attachment plus and accessible conductive parts (see note) should be more than
accessible conductive parts. 1 Megohm.

1-2-2 Insulation Checking Procedure Note: Accessible conductive parts include metal panels,
Disconnect the attachment plug from the AC outlet and input terminals, earphone jacks, etc.
turn the power ON. Connect the insulation resistance meter

1-3 ESD Precautions

Electrostatically Sensitive Devices (ESD) solder removal devices not classified as "anti-static"
can generate electrical charges sufficient to damage
Some semiconductor (solid static electricity) devices can ESD devices.
be damaged easily by static electricity.
Such compo9nents commonly are called Electrostatically (5) Do not use freon-propelled chemicals. These can
Sensitive Devices (ESD). Examples of typical ESD devices generate electrical charges sufficient to damage ESD
are integrated circuits and some field-effect transistors and devices.
semiconductor chip components. The following techniques (6) Do not remove a replacement ESD device from its
of component damage caused by static electricity. protective package until immediately before you are
ready to install it. (Most replacement ES devices are
(1) immediately before handling any semiconductor packaged with leads electrically shorted together by
components or semiconductor-equipped assembly, conductive foam, aluminum foil or comparable
drain off any electrostatic charge on your body by conductive materials).
touching a known earth ground. Alternatively, obtain
and wear a commercially available discharging wrist (7) Immediately before removing the protective materials
strap device, which should be removed for potential from the leads of a replacement ES device touch the
shock reasons prior to applying power to the unit protective material to the chassis or circuit assembly
under test. into which the device will be installed.

(2) after removing an electrical assembly equipped with CAUTION: Be sure no power is applied to the chassis or
ESD devices, place the assembly on a conductive circuit, and observe all other safety precautions.
surface such as aluminum foil, to prevent electrostatic
charge buildup or exposure of the assembly. (8) Minimize bodily motions when handling unpackaged
replacement ESD devices. (Otherwise harmless
(3) Use only a grounded-tip soldering iron to solder or motion such as the brushing together of your clothes
unsolder ESD device. fabric or the lifting of your foot from a carpeted floor
can generate static electricity sufficient to damage an
(4) Use only an anti-static solder removal devices. Some ESD device).

2. Reference Information
2-1 Component Descriptions


Connector Pin Definition

I/F Signals I/O Pin #
F- 1
F+ 2
T+ 3
T- 4
C 5
D 6
RF 8
A 9
B 10
F 11
VC 13
VCC 14
E 15
NC 16
VR-CD 17
LD-CD 19
MD 20
HFM 21
NC 22

4. Block Diagram


MT1369 MT1369

(RF AMP) (Decode/Servo) AuDdio D/A

Disc motor unit Laser Driver ATAPI WM8720
Equalizer Buffer Manager
Error Gen Demodulator SDRAM

Error Correction 1*16MHzX2


Focus & Tracking
Video D/A

Spindle Focus Track Sied Loading

Motor Coil Coil Motor Motor 1/F


(frant pannel)


4ch motor Drive


Spindle Motor Drive

Fiash 80c52

Memory System Controller
Spindle motor single for CLV

2-1-2 NTSC/PAL Digital Video Encoder (CS4955)
FEATURES support