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WI415 sJs9233A








VU301 VRYll ww2 WI1


wo xu.



r I

_ _

_- _-----A4 AI-A3, P4






__---(P2 @ @ 0 0 : Part No. RPN0324-21


Wotes : l Capacity valuse are in microfarads (uF) unless specified other.ise.P=Pico~farads(pF) F=Farads(F) l Resistance values are in ohms. unless specified otherwise, lK=l. OOO(OW) , lY=l. 000k@lM01)

RlD7 RlD8



1 l/d!?

1,4W 1/4w 1,4W 1/4w 1,4W 1/4w 1,4w 1,4W 1/W

1OOK 68 2.7K 33 56 68 33 56 47K 2.7K iOK 47K iK 10K 3.3K 82K 471K 2.2K R603.604 R605.606 R601.608 ERL62TJ563 ERDSZTJ182 ERDSZTJ663 ERC62TJ470 1,4W 1,4W 1,4W 1,4w 56K 1.8K 66K 47 _

AZ12 R213



1/4W 1 1,4W '5K 1 1/4W


h367.368 1ERDSZTJ272T

1,4W 1,4w 1,4W 1,4W 1,4w ,,4W 1/4W 1,4W 1,4W 1NW


1,4w I/Z+ 2.t

47K A 330


mi ERDSZTJ684 ERNFVJMT 1,4w 1mV 680K 180 A


Printed in Japan H910503570 NHIYUITN


@ Antenna connectlon terminals

@ "PHONO" terminals C~nnec, a turntable only DO not
source to tnese terminals.

connect any other sound

@ "VIDEO OUT" terminal Connect a video connection cable
input termmal of TV or projection TV

(not Included) lo the video

@ "CD" terminals Connect a ~,ere~ CO"~~C,IO~

cable (not Included) to the "LINE OUT' termma, of the compact disc player

@Z "TAPEIDAT" terminals
Connect a tape deck 01 a d&!,al audio tape deck (DAT) by using stereo c~nnec,lon cables (not included).

@ Outlets "SWITCHED" Power to these wflets IS cOntrOlled

by the power swtch of fhls un,,. Audw equ,pmen, rated up to 80 W (total for all outlets) can be connected here For proper remote-control operation. connect the power cords of the ape deck and compacf disc player 10 these outlets as indicated below:

0 "VCR 2" terminals Conner, a second VCR or a "ldeo disc

player DY "Sl"g SlereO connec,,on cable (not Included) and video conneCtIOn cable (not included)

Th,s ""I,

@ AC IN socket (AC IN)

@ Speaker impedance selector Before use, se, lo fhe correct Impedance

corresponding to the wnpedance of the speaker systems be,"g used V,deo d,sc player (not included)

@ "GND" terminal Connect the turntable's

ground wire to this terminal (lf



@ "VCR 1" terminals Connect a "CR by us,ng stewa ~~nne~t,cr cables (not
ed) and wdeo connectlo" cables (not included) tnclud-

@ Remote-control OUT terminal (REMOTE CONTROL OUT)
This terminal can be used only with Technics components which have the appropriate remole-co"lro1 terminal (Consul, your dealer for deta,Is proper cO""eC,lO" w,ttl remote-control COnneCtlO" cables SJP2257T WIII allow control of some functions from thls unll's remote-control transmitter Connect to a tape deck and/or compact disc player as shown


@ "CENTER OUT" terminal
Th,s ,erm,"al IS used lo en,oy the Dolby Pro-Lo!& Surround and the Dolby 3 stereo swnd Connec, a Y-adaptor cable (not Included) to the audio l"p"t terminal(s) of the external amplifier or T" When us,"g the speakers, after sett,ng the center level 01 the thus ""II to MAX. adjust fhe volume on the external ampllfler or the TV

Connechon c a b l e for remoteoxtrol (Included wlfh compact disc



INPUT 1pc.

TV (not included)


AC (SJA172-I)' (P) (SJA172) (PC)

power supply


Remote-control tra"Smlttel (RAK-SASOl P,,

. ..lpc

BafterleS ( " M - 4 "AAA" R03)



AM loop antenna (SPBI 163T)

1 pc.

AM anfenna (SMA233-1 M)




Screws (XTN3+10AFZ)

2 pcs

FM ,ndoor antenna (SSA272t.q..


PC 4



Amplifier section
33 Speaker selectors (SPEAKERS) These S&?C,`xS are used 10 Select the speaker svstem(s) (n an&x B, @ Parametric EQ system memory button (MEMORY) ThlS button enabies the C"w?S 10 be Stored I" the palamefllc
EQ system memory

20 Fixed preset button (FIXED PRESET) ThIS button IS used l0 ,eca,, a `fIxed preset" C"l"e from ,Ile mall. ""It's memlxy

38; Parametric EC band select buttons These buttonS are "S&v3 to Select ,tle band 10 be ad,"sted $9 Equalization preset buttons (MANUAL PRESET) These buttons are used f0l stowlg 01 recallI"g ,tle C"lw?S made by the parametric EQ system

@ Dolby Pro-Logic Surround input balance con. trol (SURROUND INPUT BALANCE) @Volume control (VOLUME) s@ Headphones jack (PHONES) @ Balance control (BALANCE)



Amplifier section
@ Parametric EC system ON/OFF button (P. EQ SYS)
This button IS used tc turn the parametnc ED system ON or OFF

Dolby Pro-Logic Surround ON/OFF button (SURROUND) T~!s button IS used t0 actuate the Dolby Pro-Logic Surround

@ Fine mode select button (FINE) Th,s button IS used to Me-adjust the center
parametric EQ.

frequency Of the

@I Dolby 3 stereo ON/OFF button (3 STEREO)
This button is used tc activate the Dolby 3 sterec effect

@ Slope changeover button [SLOPE (Q)j
This button is used 10 increase or decrease the slope of the parametric EC) curves

@ Center mode select button (CENTER MODE)
Each bme you press ,hls button, the center mode will change as fcllcws: NORMAL- PHANTOM- CENTER OFF.

@ Parametric EQltone mode select button (P.EQ/TONE)
This buftcn IS used tc select parametnc ED mode or tone mode

@I Test slgnal button (TEST) When "s,ns the center speaker and

the rear speakers, press ,h!s buttcn tc activate the test signal Then adjust the volume balance of the center speaker and rear speakers.

@$ Center frequency select/bass control (CENTER FRED/BASS)
This control is used lc select the center frequency in the parametric EQ mode or tc adjust the low-frequency sounds in the tone mode

8 Center speaker level adjustment buttons (CENTER LEVEL)
These buttcns are used 10 adjust the vclume level of the center speaker

@ Frequency level/treble control (LEVEL/TREBLE)
This control is used tc adjust the frequency level in the parametric ED mcde or the high-frequency sounds in the tone mode.

@ Rear speaker level adjustment buttons (REAR LEVEL)
These buttons are used tc adjust the volume level of the rear speakers.




@ Power "0 STANDBY/ON" switch (POWER, 6 STANDBY/ON)
This switch is used to turn the power to the main unit ON and OFF. Selecting "OFF" from the remote control transmitter actually sete the main unit to the "STANDBY" mode.

@ Tunbqmode selector/indicator (TUNING MODE)
Each time this selector is pressed, the selection changes, in sequence. to "AUTO", "MANUAL" and "LOCK". AUTO: In this position. broadcast channels are automatically selected when the tuning control is momentarily turned to the left or right to start the frequency changing. MANUAL: In this position, the tuning control can be used to locate the desired channel manually. The frequency changes only as the tuning control is turned to the right to left. LOCK: In this position, the broadcast channel presently being heard is locked in, and other broadcast stations cannot be tuned to, even if the tuning control is turned.

@ Remotetontrol signal receptor (REMOTE SENSOR)
Receives the signals from the remotecontrol.

@ "STANDBY" indicator (STANDBY)
This indicator illuminates when the "STANDBY" mode is se, by the main unit or the remote control transmitter. @

Band selectors
FM: Press this button to listen to an FM broadcast. AM: Preee this button to lieten to an AM broadcast.

8 Preset.tuning buttons (1-O) (30 CHANNEL RANDOM PRESET TUNING)
These bunons are used to preset broadcast frequencies into the memory of this unit and to recall the desired preset stations.


FM mode selector (FM MODE)
This unit automatically switches to the stereo mode when an FM stereo broadcast is received This eelecfor is used to eetec, the mode (stereo or monaural) of FM broadcast signals.


Memory scan button (MEMORY SCAN)
This button is used to kete e desired broadcast station: each broadcast station is selected for about 3 seconds.

@Tuning control (TUNING)
This control is used to select an FM or AM broedcas,. When turning the control to the Mt. the frequency changes downward. When turning the control to the right. the frequency changes upward. @$J

Memory button (MEMORY)
This button is used when presetting broadcae, station frequencies into fnemory




Display section
0 FM stereo indicator (STEREO) This indicator automatically illuminates when an FM stereo
broadcast is being received. It will not illuminate if the FM mode selector is sel 10 the monaural mode.

@ Audio input selector/frequency display (INPUT SELECTOR/FREQUENCY)
Displays the selected source or broadcasf frequency.


Tape indicator (TAPE)
This indicator will illuminafe when the fape-monitor switch is pressed.


Spectrum analysis/parametric EQ level display (SPECTRUM ANALYZER/PARAMETRIC EQ)
This display shows the specfrum analysis level ("Bar-type display" or "DO , display") or equalization level. @

VCR display (VCR)
Displays the selected VCR.


Quartz-lock indicator (QUARTZ LOCK)
This indicator illuminates when the "nit is tuned precisely 10 a broadcast station.


Loudness indicator (LOUDNESS)
This indicator will illuminate when the loudness switch is pressed.


Channel display
This display shows the channel number selected by one of Ihe preset4"ning buttons. Also this display shows the channel number for about 3 seconds during memory scan operation.


Muting indicator (MUTING)
This indicator will illuminate when the muting button (on the remotexontrol transmitter) is pressed.


Center mode indicators
These indicators show the center mode selected by the center mode select button.


Band indicators (AM, FM)
Indicates the selected band. @

Rear/center level indicator
Displays the level adjusted by fhe center speaker level adjustment button or rear speaker level adjustment button.


Memory indicator (MEMORY)
This indicator illuminates when the memory button is pressed. @

Test signal indicator (H TEST)
This indicator illuminates when the test signal button is pressed in the Dolby ProLogic Surround mode and the Dolby 3 stereo mode.


Memory scan indicator (M. SCAN)
This indicator illuminates when the memory scan button is pressed.


@ Fine mode indicator (FINE)
This indicator illuminates when the line mode select button is pressed in the parametric EO mode.

@ Dolby 3 stereo indicator (DOLBY 3 STEREO)
This indicator illuminates when the Dolby 3 stereo ON/OFF button is switched ON.

@ ;;;,;;tric EQ system center frequency It displays the center lrequency of the curves in the parametric EQ mode arranged by the user with the parametric EQ system 01 the curve* pre-programmed in this unirs ml?mqry.

@$ Dolby Pro-Logic Surround indicator (MIDOLBY SURROUNDS, PRO-LOGIC)
This indicator illuminates when the Dolby Pro-Logic Surround mode is selected.

@ Parametric EQ system off indicator (OFF)
This indicator illuminates when the parametric EO system is Off.

0 Manual/fixed preset indicators (1 2 3 FLAT) It displays the Type of curve selected with the equalization
preset buttons or fixed preset button in the parametric EO mode.

@0 Tone mode indicator (TONE MODE)
This indicator illuminates when the parametric EQltone mode select button is set lo the tone mode.

0 Parametric EC4 system memory indicator (M)
This indicator illuminates when the parametric EQ system memory button is pressed in the parametric EQ mode.

@I Parametric EQ mode indicator (P.EQ MODE)
This indicator illuminates when the parametric EQltone mode select button is set 10 the parametric EO mode.

0 Parametric EQ system operation select indicators (MANUAL/FIXED) One of these indicators will illuminate in accordance with the
fixed preset button or equalization preset buttons setting.



Tuner controls
Function selector controls-

Cassette deck controls

Remote control section Tuner controls (Fig 1)
@Power switch (POWER) This power switch is used for controlling the power (ON/OFF) of this system as well as any Panasonic remote controlled TV andlor VCR. When switching the power of each unit ON and OFF, be sure to first press the appropriate function selector button 0" the remote co"trol transmitter.

$ Preset-tuning buttons (1-O)
These button* are used to tune lo broadcast stations mat have bee" preset to the unit's memory. When these buttons are used, be sure to first press the "TUNER" button of the function selector buttons on the remote control transmitter.

Cassette deck

COfItrOlS (Fig. 2) @$ Playback buttons (4 PLAY .)
To begin playback or recording, press one of these buttons carresponding lo the side of the tape to be played (or recorded). .: For the "A"-side 01 the tape 4: For the "Wside of the tape

Record button (0 REC) Pm?% this button lo change lo the recording stand-by mode. Deck l/Deck 2 selector
This button is used to select the deck lo be operated by remote control when a double cassett deck is connected With this unit.


@$ [qGf;;rd/cue/rewind/review buttons
Press this button lo advance or rewind the tape while the unit is in the stop mode. Press this button to cue or review the contents at high speed, while the unit is in the play mode.

@Pause button (II PAUSE) Press this button lo temporarily stop playback or recording.
Press the playback button lo resume the play or recording.

@Stop button (m STOP) T O stop tape mwement.

Function selector controls

(Fig. 3)

selector buttons (TUNER, TV, VCR, CD)
These buttons are used lo change the functions 01 this remote control.

- 10

-Amplifier controls


Compact disc player controls.
Fig. 6

Amplifier controls

(Fig. 4)

Dolby Pro-Logic Surround ONIOFF button (SURROUND)
This button is us?d to activated the Dolby Pro-Logic Surround effect.

8 Rear speaker level adjustment buttons (v REAR LEVEL A)
These buttons are used 10 adjust the volume le"el 01 the rear speaker systems.

@Muting button (MUTING)
This button is used lo temporarily attenuate ("mute") the volume level.

@Volume control (v VOLUME A)
These buttons are used lo adjust the "ol"me le"el V: TO reduce the volume le"el~ A: To increase the volume level.

Compact disc player controls

(Fig. 5)

@ N u m e r i c buttons (I-O, +10) These buttons are used to select the track or the disc number (only 1-5). When these buttons are used, be sure lo first press the "CD"

@Program/continue button (PROGRAM/CONTINUE)
This button is used to select either the sequential play or program play mcde.


Disc button (DISC)
This button is used to select the disc when a multi compact disc player is connected with this unit.

@3 Stop button (M STOP)
To stop compact disc play.

@ Play button 0 PLAY)
To start compact disc play.

@ Pause button (II PAUSE)
To temporarily stop compact disc play

@ Skip buttons (144 SKIP ..I)
Press one 01 these buttons briefly lo move the pickup (backward or forward) lo the beginning of a specific track.

- 11


Video controls

Remote control section TV
COfItrOlS (Fig 6)

@Preset channel buttons (1-O) These b"tfons are used lo select TV channels.

@Channel up/down buttons (v CH A)
These b"tfons are used 10 select 77 channels.


COfItrOlS (Fig. 7)

@Preset channel buttons (1-O) These buttons are used lo select video channels.

@`Fast.forward/rewind buttons
(44 REW, . . FF) Press one of these buttons lo advance or rewind the tape while the "nit is in the stop mode.

@Channel up/down buttons (r CH A) These b"ttons are used to select video channels. @Playback button (b PLAY) This button is used for video playback. @Selector

buttons (SELECTOR) VCR 1: Press this buttm to ~elecf the "VCR" 1 input selector
position on the main "nit. " C R 2 : Press this button to select the " V C R 2 " i n p u t ~eiectol position on the main "nit. @t

Pause button (II PAUSE)
This button is used lo pause during playback or video recording.

@Record buttons (0 REC)
These b",,ons are used to record.

@Stop button (W STOP)
This button is used to stop playback or video recording.