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Portege M200 Part2

Chapter 2
Troubleshooting Procedures
2 Troubleshooting Procedures


2-ii Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457)
2 Troubleshooting Procedures

Chapter 2 Contents

2.1 Troubleshooting ......................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Troubleshooting Flowchart........................................................................................ 2-2
2.3 Power Supply Troubleshooting.................................................................................. 2-6
Procedure 1 Power Supply Icon Check...................................................... 2-7
Procedure 2 Error Code Check .................................................................. 2-9
Procedure 3 Connection Check................................................................ 2-15
Procedure 4 Quick Charge Check ............................................................ 2-15
Procedure 5 Replacement Check ............................................................. 2-16
2.4 System Board Troubleshooting................................................................................ 2-17
Procedure 1 Message Check .................................................................... 2-18
Procedure 2 Debug Port (D port) Check on Boot Mode.......................... 2-20
Procedure 3 Diagnostic Test Program Execution Check ......................... 2-30
Procedure 4 Replacement Check ............................................................. 2-30
2.5 USB 3.5" FDD Troubleshooting.............................................................................. 2-31
Procedure 1 FDD Head Cleaning Check ................................................. 2-31
Procedure 2 Diagnostic Test Program Execution Check ......................... 2-32
Procedure 3 Connector Check and Replacement Check.......................... 2-33
2.6 2.5" HDD Troubleshooting...................................................................................... 2-34
Procedure 1 Partition Check..................................................................... 2-34
Procedure 2 Message Check .................................................................... 2-35
Procedure 3 Format Check....................................................................... 2-36
Procedure 4 Diagnostic Test Program Execution Check ......................... 2-37
Procedure 5 Connector Check and Replacement Check.......................... 2-38
2.7 Keyboard Troubleshooting ...................................................................................... 2-39
Procedure 1 Diagnostic Test Program Execution Check ......................... 2-39
Procedure 2 Connector Check and Replacement Check.......................... 2-39

Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457) 2-iii
2 Troubleshooting Procedures

2.8 Display Troubleshooting.......................................................................................... 2-40
Procedure 1 Diagnostic Test Program Execution Check ......................... 2-40
Procedure 2 Connector and Cable Check................................................. 2-40
Procedure 3 Fuse connection check ......................................................... 2-40
Procedure 4 Replacement Check ............................................................. 2-41
2.9 Touch Pad Troubleshooting..................................................................................... 2-42
Procedure 1 Diagnostic Test Program Execution Check ......................... 2-42
Procedure 2 Connector Check and Replacement Check.......................... 2-42
Procedure 3 Replacement Check ............................................................. 2-42
2.10 Modem Troubleshooting.......................................................................................... 2-43
Procedure 1 Diagnostic Test Program Execution Check ......................... 2-43
Procedure 2 Connector Check and Replacement Check.......................... 2-43
2.11 LAN Troubleshooting.............................................................................................. 2-44
Procedure 1 Diagnostic Test Program Execution Check ......................... 2-44
Procedure 2 Connector Check and Replacement Check.......................... 2-44
2.12 Sound Troubleshooting............................................................................................ 2-45
Procedure 1 Diagnostic Test Program Execution Check ......................... 2-45
Procedure 2 Connector Check.................................................................. 2-45
Procedure 3 Replacement Check ............................................................. 2-46
2.13 SD Card Slot Troubleshooting................................................................................. 2-47
Procedure 1 Check on Windows XP Tablet PC Edition .......................... 2-47
Procedure 2 Connector/ Replacement Check........................................... 2-47
2.14 Tablet Pen Troubleshooting..................................................................................... 2-48
Procedure 1 Check on Windows XP Tablet PC Edition .......................... 2-48
Procedure 2 Replacement Check ............................................................. 2-48
Procedure 3 Connector/ Replacement Check........................................... 2-49
2.15 Wireless LAN Troubleshooting............................................................................... 2-50
Procedure 1 Trancemitting-Receiving Check .......................................... 2-50
Procedure 2 Antennas' Connection Check .............................................. 2-51
Procedure 3 Antenna Check..................................................................... 2-52
Procedure 4 Replacement Check ............................................................. 2-53
2.17 Bluetooth Troubleshooting ...................................................................................... 2-54

2-iv Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457)
2 Troubleshooting Procedures

Procedure 1 Trancemitting-Receiving Check .......................................... 2-54
Procedure 2 Antennas' Connection Check .............................................. 2-55
Procedure 3 Antenna Check..................................................................... 2-56
Procedure 4 Replacement Check ............................................................. 2-56


Figure 2-1 Troubleshooting flowchart............................................................................. 2-3
Figure 2-2 A set of tool for debug port test ................................................................... 2-20
Figure 2-3 Antenna Test jig........................................................................................... 2-52
Figure 2-4 Antenna Test cable....................................................................................... 2-56


Table 2-1 Battery icon.................................................................................................... 2-7
Table 2-2 DC IN icon..................................................................................................... 2-7
Table 2-3 D port status ................................................................................................. 2-22
Table 2-4 FDD error code and status ........................................................................... 2-32
Table 2-5 2.5" HDD error code and status ................................................................... 2-37

Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457) 2-v
2 Troubleshooting Procedures

2-vi Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457)
2.1 Troubleshooting 2 Troubleshooting


2.1 Troubleshooting

Chapter 2 describes how to determine which Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) in the computer is
causing the computer to malfunction. (The "FRU" means the replaceable unit in the field.)
The FRUs covered are:

1. Power supply 9. LAN
2. System Board 10. Sound
3. 3.5" USB FDD 11. SD card slot
4. 2.5" HDD 13. Tablet pen
5. Keyboard 14. Wireless LAN
6. Display 15. Bluetooth
7. Touch pad
8. Modem

The Detailed replacement procedures are given in Chapter 4. Test Program operations are
described in Chapter 3.

The following tools are necessary for implementing the Diagnostics procedures:
1. Diagnostics Disk (Test program for maintenance)
2. Phillips screwdrivers
NOTE: Be sure to use the PH point size "0" screwdriver complying with the ISO/DIS
8764-1:1996. Use, however, the PH point size "1" screwdriver for screws fixing the
expansion memory slot cover and the keyboard.

3. Screwdriver for LH sticks
4. Toshiba MS-DOS system FD
5. Work disk (for FDD testing)
6. Cleaning disk kit (for FDD head cleaning)
7. A set of tools for debug port test (test cable, test board, RS-232C cross cable, display,
D port FD)
8. PC with a serial port (for displaying debug port test result)
9. Wraparound connector for PC card
10. Tester
11. External CRT
12. External USB Keyboard
13. External USB mouse
14. Headphone
15. Microphone
16. RJ-11 connector checker LED
17. LAN wraparound connector
18. PC (for infrared communication test and wireless LAN test)

Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457) 2-1
2 Troubleshooting Procedures 2.2 Troubleshooting Flowchart

2.2 Troubleshooting Flowchart

Use the flowchart in Figure 2-1 as a guide for determining which FRU malfunctions. Before
going through the flowchart steps, check the following:

Make sure that Toshiba Windows® XP Tablet PC Edition is installed on the hard disk.
Non-Toshiba operating systems can cause the computer malfunction.

Make sure all optional equipment is removed from the computer.

Make sure the USB FDD is empty.

2-2 Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457)
2.2 Troubleshooting Flowchart 2 Troubleshooting

Is Toshiba Windows XP Tablet
Edition being loaded?

Figure 2-1 Troubleshooting flowchart (1/2)

Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457) 2-3
2 Troubleshooting Procedures 2.2 Troubleshooting Flowchart

Figure 2-1 Troubleshooting flowchart (2/2)

2-4 Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457)
2.2 Troubleshooting Flowchart 2 Troubleshooting

If the diagnostics program cannot detect an error, the problem may be intermittent. The Test
program should be executed several times to isolate the problem. Check the Log Utilities
function to confirm which diagnostic test detected an error(s), then perform the appropriate
troubleshooting procedures as follows:

1. If an error is detected on the System test, Memory test, ASYNC test, Real timer test,
NDP test or expansion test, perform the System Board Troubleshooting Procedures in
Section 2.4.

2. If an error is detected on the Keyboard test, perform the Keyboard Troubleshooting
Procedures in Section 2.7.

3. If an error is detected on the Display test, perform the Display Troubleshooting
Procedures in Section 2.8.

4. If an error is detected on the Floppy disk test, perform the USB FDD Troubleshooting
Procedures in Section 2.5.

5. If an error is detected on the Hard disk test, perform the HDD Troubleshooting
Procedures in Section 2.6.

6. If an error is detected on the modem test, perform the Modem Troubleshooting
Procedures in Section 2.10.

7. If an error is detected on the LAN test, perform the LAN Troubleshooting Procedures
in Section 2.11.

8. If an error is detected on the sound test, perform the Sound Troubleshooting
Procedures in Section 2.12.

9. If an error is detected on the wireless LAN test, perform the Wireless LAN
Troubleshooting Procedures in Section 2.15.

Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457) 2-5
2 Troubleshooting Procedures 2.3 Power Supply Troubleshooting

2.3 Power Supply Troubleshooting

The power supply controller controls many functions and components. To determine if the
power supply is functioning properly, start with Procedure 1 and continue with the other
Procedures as instructed. The procedures described in this section are:

Procedure 1: Power Supply Icon Check
Procedure 2: Error Code Check
Procedure 3: Connection Check
Procedure 4: Quick Charge Check
Procedure 5: Replacement Check

2-6 Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457)
2.3 Power Supply Troubleshooting 2 Troubleshooting

Procedure 1 Power Supply Icon Check

The following two icons indicate the power supply status:

Battery icon

DC IN icon

The power supply controller uses the power supply status with the Battery icon and the DC IN
icon as listed in the tables below.

Table 2-1 Battery icon

Battery icon Power supply status
Lights orange Battery is charged and the external DC is input. It has no relation with
ON/OFF of the system power.
Lights green Battery is fully charged and the external DC is input. It has no relation
with ON/OFF of the system power.
Blinks orange The battery level is low while the system power is ON.
(even intervals)
Flashes orange The battery level is low and the power switch is pressed on in the
battery driving.
Doesn't light Any condition other than those above.

Table 2-2 DC IN icon

DC IN icon Power supply status
Lights green DC power is being supplied from the AC adapter.
Blinks orange Power supply malfunction* 1
Doesn't light Any condition other than those above.

*1 When the power supply controller detects a malfunction, the DC IN icon blinks
orange. It shows an error code.

Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457) 2-7
2 Troubleshooting Procedures 2.3 Power Supply Troubleshooting

When icons are blinking, perform the following procedure.

1. Remove the battery pack and the AC adapter and cut off the power supply to the
computer by force.

2. Re-attach the battery pack and the AC adapter.

If icons are still blinking after the operation above, check the followings:

Check 1 If the DC IN icon blinks orange, go to Procedure 2.

Check 2 If the DC IN icon does not light, go to Procedure 3.

Check 3 If the battery icon does not light orange or green, go to Procedure 4.

CAUTION: Use a recommended AC adapter (G71C0002S310).

2-8 Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457)
2.3 Power Supply Troubleshooting 2 Troubleshooting

Procedure 2 Error Code Check

If the power supply microprocessor detects a malfunction, the DC IN icon blinks orange. The
blink pattern indicates an error as shown below.

Start Off for 2 seconds
Error code (8 bit)
"1" On for one second
"0" On for half second
Interval between data bits On for half second
The error code begins with LSB (Least Significant bit)
Example: Error code 11h (Error codes are given in hexadecimal format.)

1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

Start D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7


Check 1 Convert the DC IN icon blink pattern into the hexadecimal error code and
compare it to the tables below. Then go to Check 2.

DC power supply (AC adapter)
Error code Meaning
10h AC Adapter output voltage is over 16.5V.
11h Tablet multi dock output voltage is over 16.5V.
12h Current from the DC power supply is over 7.0A.
13h Current from the DC power supply is over 0.5A when there is no load.
14h Abnormal current has been sensed 0[A].

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2 Troubleshooting Procedures 2.3 Power Supply Troubleshooting

Main Battery
Error code Meaning
20h Overvoltage is detected. (This is not supported.)
21h Main battery charge current is over 7.00A.
22h Main battery discharge current is over 0.5A when there is no load.
23h Main battery charge current is over 3.1A when AC adapter is not
24h Abnormal current has been sensed 0[A].
25h Main battery charge current is over 0.3A.

Second Battery
Error code Meaning
30h Overvoltage is detected. (This is not supported.)
31h Second battery charge current is over 7.00A.
32h Second battery discharge current is over 0.5A when there is no load.
33h Second battery charge current is over 3.1A when AC adapter is not
34h Abnormal current has been sensed 0[A].
35h Second battery charge current is over 0.3A.

S3V output (P60)

Error code Meaning
40h S3V voltage is 3.14V or less when the computer is powered on/off.
45h S3V voltage is 3.14V or less when the computer is booting up.
(CV support)

2-10 Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457)
2.3 Power Supply Troubleshooting 2 Troubleshooting

1R5-C1V output (P61)

Error code Meaning
50h 1R5-C1V voltage is over 1.80V when the computer is powered on/off.
51h 1R5-C1V voltage is 1.275V or less when the computer is powered on.
52h 1R5-C1V voltage is 1.275V or less when the computer is booting up.
53h 1R5-C1V voltage is 1.275V or less when the computer is suspended.
54h 1R5-C1V voltage is abnormal during shutdown (CV support)
55h 1R5-C1V voltage is 1.275V or less when the computer is booting up.
(CV support)

1R8-C1V output (P62)

Error code Meaning
60h 1R8-C1V voltage is over 2.16V when the computer is powered on/off.
61h 1R8-C1V voltage is 1.53V or less when the computer is powered on.
62h 1R8-C1V voltage is 1.53V or less when the computer is booting up.
63h 1R8-C1V voltage is 1.53V or less when the computer is suspended.
64h 1R8-C1V voltage is abnormal during shutdown (CV support)
65h 1R8-C1V voltage is 1.53V or less when the computer is booting up.
(CV support)

PPV output (P63 : MUX_CH0)

Error code Meaning
70h PPV voltage is over 1.80V when the computer is powered on/off.
71h PPV voltage is 0.56V or less when the computer is powered on.
72h PPV voltage is 0.56V or less when the computer is booting up.
73h PPV voltage is 0.56V or more when the computer is powered off.

Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457) 2-11
2 Troubleshooting Procedures 2.3 Power Supply Troubleshooting

PGV output (P64 : MUX_CH0)

Error code Meaning
80h PGV voltage is over 1.62V when the computer is powered on/off.
81h PGV voltage is 0.68V or less when the computer is powered on.
82h PGV voltage is 0.68V or less when the computer is booting up.
83h PGV voltage is 0.68V or more when the computer is powered off.
84h PGV voltage is 0.68V or less when the computer is suspended.

E5V output (P65 : MUX_CH0)

Error code Meaning
90h E5V voltage is over 6.00V when the computer is powered on/off.
91h E5V voltage is 4.50V or less when the computer is powered on.
92h E5V voltage is 4.50V or less when the computer is booting up.
93h E5V voltage is 4.50V or more when the computer is powered off.
94h E5V voltage is 4.50V or less while the computer is suspended.

E3V output (P66 : MUX_CH0)

Error code Meaning
A0h E3V voltage is over 3.96V when the computer is powered on/off.
A1h E3V voltage is 2.81V or less when the computer is powered on.
A2h E3V voltage is 2.81V or less when the computer is booting up.
A3h E3V voltage is 2.81V or more when the computer is powered off.
A4h E3V voltage is 2.81V or less while the computer is suspended.

1R2-P1V output (P63 : MUX_CH1)

Error code Meaning
B0h 1R2-P1V voltage is over 1.44V when the computer is powered on.
B1h 1R2-P1V voltage is 1.02V or less when the computer is powered on.
B2h 1R2-P1V voltage is 1.02V or less when the computer is booting up.
B3h 1R2-P1V voltage is 1.02V or more when the computer is powered off.

2-12 Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457)
2.3 Power Supply Troubleshooting 2 Troubleshooting

2R5-P2V output (P64 : MUX_CH1)

Error code Meaning
C0h 2R5-P2V voltage is over 3.00V when the computer is powered on.
C1h 2R5-P2V voltage is 2.125V or less when the computer is powered on.
C2h 2R5-P2V voltage is 2.125V or less when the computer is booting up.
C3h 2R5-P2V voltage is 2.125V or more when the computer is powered off.
C4h 2R5-P2V voltage is 2.125V or less while the computer is suspended.

1R25-P1V output (P65 : MUX_CH1)

Error code Meaning
D0h 1R25-P1V voltage is over 1.50V when the computer is powered on.
D1h 1R25-P1V voltage is 1.063V or less when the computer is powered on.
D2h 1R25-P1V voltage is 1.063V or less when the computer is booting up.
D3h 1R25-P1V voltage is 1.063V or more when the computer is powered
D4h 1R25-P1V voltage is 1.063V or less while the computer is suspended.

2R5-B2V output (P66 : MUX_CH1)

Error code Meaning
E0h 2R5-B2V voltage is over 3.00V when the computer is powered on.
E1h 2R5-B2V voltage is 2.125V or less when the computer is powered on.
E2h 2R5-B2V voltage is 2.125V or less when the computer is booting up.
E3h 2R5-B2V voltage is 2.125V or more when the computer is powered off.
E4h 2R5-B2V voltage is 2.125V or less while the computer is suspended.

Check 2 In the case of error code 10h or 12h:

Make sure the AC adapter and AC power cord are firmly plugged into the DC
IN 15 V socket and wall outlet. If the cables are connected correctly, go to the
following step:

Connect a new AC adapter and AC power cord. If the error still exists, go to
Procedure 5.

Check 3 In the case of error code 21h:

Go to Procedure 3.

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2 Troubleshooting Procedures 2.3 Power Supply Troubleshooting

Check 4 For any other errors, go to Procedure 5.

2-14 Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457)
2.3 Power Supply Troubleshooting 2 Troubleshooting

Procedure 3 Connection Check

The wiring diagram related to the power supply is shown below:

Any of the connectors may be disconnected. Perform starting from Check 1.

Check 1 Make sure the AC adapter and the AC power cord are firmly plugged into the DC
IN 15 V socket and wall outlet. If these cables are connected correctly, go to Check

Check 2 Replace the AC adapter and the AC power cord with new ones.

· If the DC IN icon does not light, go to Procedure 5.
· If the battery icon does not light, go to Check 3.

Check 3 Make sure the battery pack is installed in the computer correctly. If the battery is
properly installed and the battery icon still does not light, go to Procedure 4.

Procedure 4 Quick Charge Check

Check if the power supply controller charges the battery pack properly. Perform the following

Check 1 Make sure the AC adapter is firmly plugged into the DC IN socket.
Check 2 Make sure the battery pack is properly installed. If the battery is properly installed,
go to Check 3.
Check 3 The battery pack may be completely discharged. Wait a few minutes to charge the
battery pack while connecting the battery pack and the AC adapter. If the battery
pack is still not charged, go to Check 4.
Check 4 The battery's temperature is too high or low. Return the temperature to normal
operating condition. If the battery pack is still not charged, go to Check 5.
Check 5 Replace the battery pack with a new one. If the battery pack is still not charged, go
to Procedure 5.

Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457) 2-15
2 Troubleshooting Procedures 2.3 Power Supply Troubleshooting

Procedure 5 Replacement Check

The power is supplied to the system board by the AC adapter. If either the AC adapter or the
system board was damaged, perform the following Checks.

To disassemble the computer, follow the steps described in Chapter 4.

Check 1 Replace the AC adapter with a new one. If the AC adapter is still not functioning
properly, perform Check 2.

Check 2 Replace the system board with a new one.

2-16 Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457)
2.4 System Board Troubleshooting 2 Troubleshooting

2.4 System Board Troubleshooting

This section describes how to determine if the system board is defective. Start with Procedure
1 and continue with the other procedures as instructed. The procedures described in this
section are:

Procedure 1: Message Check
Procedure 2: Debug port (D port) Check on Boot Mode
Procedure 3: Diagnostic Test Program Execution Check
Procedure 4: Replacement Check

Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457) 2-17
2 Troubleshooting Procedures 2.4 System Board Troubleshooting

Procedure 1 Message Check

When the power is turned on, the system performs the Initial Reliability Test (IRT) installed
in the BIOS ROM. The IRT tests each IC on the system board and initializes it.

If an error message is shown on the display, perform Check 1.

If there is no error message, go to Procedure 2.

If MS-DOS or Windows XP Tablet PC Edition is properly loaded, go to Procedure 4.

Check 1 If one of the following error messages is displayed on the screen, press the F1 key
as the message instructs. These errors occur when the system configuration
preserved in the RTC memory (CMOS type memory) is not the same as the actual
configuration or when the data is lost.

If you press the F1 key as the message instructs, the SETUP screen appears to set
the system configuration. If any other error message is displayed, perform Check 2.

(a)*** Bad HDD type ***
Check system. Then press [F1] key ......
(b)*** Bad configuration ***
Check system. Then press [F1] key ......
(c)*** Bad memory size ***
Check system. Then press [F1] key ......
(d)*** Bad time function ***
Check system. Then press [F1] key ......
(e)*** Bad check sum (CMOS) ***
Check system. Then press [F1] key ......
(f)*** Bad check sum (ROM) ***
Check system. Then press [F1] key ......
(g)RTC battery is low or CMOS checksum is inconsistent
Press [F1] key to set Date/Time

Check 2 If the following error message is displayed on the screen press any key as the
message instructs.
The following error message appears when data stored in RAM under the resume
function is lost because the battery has become discharged or the system board is
damaged. Go to Procedure 3.


If any other error message is displayed, perform Check 3.

2-18 Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457)
2.4 System Board Troubleshooting 2 Troubleshooting

Check 3 The IRT checks the system board. When the IRT detects an error, the system stops
or an error message appears.

If one of the following error messages (1) through (17), (24) or (25) is displayed,
go to Procedure 5.

If error message (18) is displayed, go to the Keyboard Troubleshooting Procedures
in Section 2.7.

If error message (19), (20) or (21) is displayed, go to the 2.5" HDD
Troubleshooting Procedures in Section 2.6.

If error message (22) or (23) is displayed, go to the 3.5" USB FDD
Troubleshooting Procedures in Section 2.5.

(14) DMAC #1 ERROR
(15) DMAC #2 ERROR
(16) PIC #1 ERROR
(17) PIC #2 ERROR
(20) HDD #0 ERROR
(21) HDD #1 ERROR

Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457) 2-19
2 Troubleshooting Procedures 2.4 System Board Troubleshooting

Procedure 2 Debug Port (D port) Check on Boot Mode

Check the D port status by a debug port test. The tool for debug port test is shown below.

Figure 2-2 A tool set for debug port test

The test procedures are follows;

1. Connect the debug test cable to the connector PJ2000 of the system board. For
disassembling to connect the test cable, refer to Chapter 4.
2. Connect the debug port test cable and RS-232C cross-cable to the test board.
3. Connect the RS-232C cross-cable to the PC that displays the results.


4. Boot the computer in MS-DOS mode.

2-20 Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457)
2.4 System Board Troubleshooting 2 Troubleshooting

5. Execute GETDPORT.COM in the text menu in CPU REAL mode. (Insert the FD for
starting D port into FDD and input "FD starting drive:>dport".)
The D port status is displayed in the following form;

6. When the D port status is FFFFh (normal status), go to Procedure 3.

7. When the D port status falls into any status in Table 2-3, execute Check 1.

Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457) 2-21
2 Troubleshooting Procedures 2.4 System Board Troubleshooting

Table 2-3 D port status (1/7)

D port Details
F000h Clearing software reset bit
Enabling address line A20
Initializing special registers and M1535
Initializing the CH0 of a PIT (for HOLD_ON)
Initializing flag for BIOS rewriting factor
Shifting to protected mode
Examining the checksum of Boot Block HALT when checksum is not correct.
Examining the checksum of data except Boot Block
F001h Checking if EC/KBC firmware is to be rewritten Shifting to BIOS rewriting process if
BIOS rewriting request exists
Executing KBC initializing sequence
Sending KBC enable command
Checking F12 key-in
F002h Initializing security controller
F003h to Checking whether BIOS rewrite is requested Checksum error except Boot Block or
F005h rewriting request by F12key-in
F006H Checking BIOS signature
F007h Shifting process to System BIOS IRT side For BIOS rewriting process
BIOS rewriting process
Initializing unique HW for this model
Initializing GPIO I/O space
Enabling BIOS writing
Serial interrupt control
Canceling BIOS write protection
Enabling SMBus I/O space
Enabling SMBus access
Configuring DRAM
Enabling L1 cache memory
Clearing memory
F008h Changing ROM BIOS to RAM BIOS
F009h Storing key scan codes
Setting up TASK_1ms_TSC
Displaying message on navipanel (EC/KBC UPDATE,

2-22 Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457)
2.4 System Board Troubleshooting 2 Troubleshooting

Table 2-3 D port status (2/7)

D port
Details Remarks
F009h Key inputting
Loading CHGBIOSA.EXE and
Resetting FDC
Setting parameter for 2HD (1.44MB) and
transmission rate
Reading the first sector When it is sector for 2HD, media
type is determined.
Setting parameter for 2DD (720KB)and
transmission rate
Searching CHGBIOSA.EXE in the root
Calculating start head and sector of directory
Reading contents of root directory by one
Searching entry of "CHGBIOSA.EXE"/
"CHGFIRMA.EXE" in the sector
Reading EXE header of "CHGBIOSA.EXE"/ If error occurs, process goes to
"CHGFIRMA.EXE" key input.
Executing CHGBIOSA.EXE and
F100h Disabling cache
Initializing special registers
Initializing Ch1 of a PIT
(Refresh interval ->30 micro seconds)
F101h Checking size and type of DRAM (on Cold
Checking DRAM size HALT when DRAM size is 0.
Testing stack area of SMRAM HALT when it can be used as
stack area.

Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457) 2-23
2 Troubleshooting Procedures 2.4 System Board Troubleshooting

Table 2-3 D port status (3/7)

D port
Details Remarks
F102h Configuring cache memory
Enabling L1 cache memory
Testing CMOS for access (on Cold Booting)
Checking remaining of CMOS backup battery
Examining checksum of CMOS
Initializing data in CMOS (1)
Setting up IRT status (Set "1" for Boot status
and IRT busy flag bit. Set "0" for other bits.)
Storing size of DRAM
F103h Checking for branch of resuming (only on No resume
Cold Boot) 1. when CMOS error occurs.
2. when Resume Status Code is
not set.
Checking resume error
ICH4-M Power Failure Resume error 7Ah
Examining the checksum of SMRAM Resume error 73h
Checking whether the memory Resume error 73h
configuration have been changed
Examining the checksum of system BIOS Resume error 79h
RAM area
Shifting to resuming process
Resume error process
Disabling all SMIs
Clearing resuming status

Returning to ROM

Setting up area from C0000h to EFFFFh for PCI
(disabling DRAM)
Setting a request for resuming error

Copying system BIOS from ROM to RAM HALT when error occurs.

2-24 Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457)
2.4 System Board Troubleshooting 2 Troubleshooting

Table 2-3 D port status (4/7)

D port
Details Remarks
F104h Initializing SMRAM
Checking factor of WakeUp

Rewriting SMRAM base and storing CPU state
map for BIOS
Enabling SMI by ASMI

F106h Initializing devices which need initialization before
initializing PCI bus
Testing (only on COLD booting) and Initializing PIT

Setting test pattern to channel 0 of PIT#0

Checking whether the test pattern can be read

Initializing PIT channel 0 (Interval of timer interrupt
-> 55ms)
Initializing PIT channel 2 (frequency for sound
generator -> 664Hz)
Testing PIT channel 1(checks whether the refresh HALT when time out occurs.
signal operates correctly in refresh interval of 30
micro seconds)
Testing PIT channel 2 ( checks whether the
speaker gate operates correctly)
Measuring CPU clock

Enabling SMIs except auto-off function

Control of battery discharging current

Performing timeshared process for time
measurement of IRT
Initializing CPU

Updating P6 micro-code

Enabling or disabling function of processor
serial number ID
Checking whether Geyserville is supported

Switching CPU clock speed to high

Setting Graphics Aperture Size

Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457) 2-25
2 Troubleshooting Procedures 2.4 System Board Troubleshooting

Table 2-3 D port status (5/7)

D port
Details Remarks
F107h Storing memory size of ROM in buffer

Reading EC version

Updating the type of flash ROM

Determining the destination based on DMI data

Checking default setting of CMOS Set to default value to CMOS if
Bad Battery or Bad Checksum
(ROM, CMOS) exists.
Initializing ACPI table (for optional ROM)

Storing results of VGA configuration

F108h Generating task waiting for completion of
Initializing H/W needed after PCI configuration

Enabling/Disabling IEEE1394

Generating output codes

F10Ch FIRST_64KB_CHECK (Checking first 64KB of
F10Dh INIT_INT_VECTOR (Initializing interrupt vectors)

F10Eh INT_NDP (Initializing NDP)

F10Fh INIT_SYSTEM (Initializing system)

Storing CMOS error information in
Initializing timer

Initializing buffer for power saving

Initializing an EC, and reading battery information

Updating system BIOS (model name, and EDID of
the LCD)
F110h INIT_DISPLAY (Waiting for completion of
initializing VGA chip and pre-processing for
initializing VGA BIOS)
F111h Initializing VGA BIOS

F112h Post-processing for Initializing VGA BIOS

F113h DISP_LOGO (Displaying logo)

F114h SYS_MEM_CHECK (Checking conventional

2-26 Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457)
2.4 System Board Troubleshooting 2 Troubleshooting

Table 2-3 D port status (6/7)

D port
Details Remarks
F115h EXT_MEM_CHECK (Checking exception in
protect mode)
F116h CHK_DMA_PAGE (Checking DMA Page Register)

F117h CHECK_DMA (Checking DMAC)

F11Ah INT_DMAC (Initializing DMAC)

F11Bh BOOT_PASSWORD (Checking password)

Waiting for end of divided FDD initialization
(INT_FDD) process
Waiting for the end of HDD initialization

Checking key input pressed during IRT Waiting for completion of KBC
Initializing ATA prioritizing

F11Eh EX_IO_ROM_CHECK (Checking optional I/O

Storing value of 40:00 (for saving/restoring SIO)

Setting up address of font data for resume
Setting up parameters for character repeat on
USB keyboard
Getting keys pressed during IRT

Storing T_SHADOW_RAM_SIZE (shadow RAM
Updating system resources information prior to
Rewriting memory mapping data for INT15h
E820h function
Updating table for DMI

Copying ACPI table to top of expansion
Waiting for completion of writing PSC version
Waiting for completion of setting for clock If error occurs, process stops with
generator D port = 1Eh.

Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457) 2-27
2 Troubleshooting Procedures 2.4 System Board Troubleshooting

Table 2-3 D port status (7/7)

D port
Details Remarks
(F11Fh) Canceling NMI mask

Calculating checksum of TIT

Clearing IRT running flag for runtime

Update checksum for runtime

Checking whether CPU, HDD or other components
have been upgraded
Disabling PC Card not being used

Initializing HW prior to BOOT, Waiting for
completion of initializing
Setting up battery save mode

Setting up date

Waiting for completion of AC-Link initialization

Updating DMI Wakeup factor and SM-BIOS
structure table
Closing configuration space of PCI devices

Cache control

Processing related to CPU

Updating parameter block A

Setting up CPU clock speed to designated value
by Setup
Waiting for motor off of disabled HDD

Post processing of PRE_BOOT_SETUP
Clearing power button status (PWRBTN)

Enabling power button

F121h Checking request for starting SETUP (by pressing SETUP starts if any request exists.
ESC key or CMOS error)

2-28 Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457)
2.4 System Board Troubleshooting 2 Troubleshooting

Check 1 If the D port status error code F119h is displayed, go to the 3.5" USB FDD
Troubleshooting Procedures in Section 2.5 or the 2.5" HDD Troubleshooting
Procedures in Section 2.6.

Check 2 If any other D port status error code is displayed, perform Procedure 3.

D port error status is as follows:

Error code Contents
F160h Timer CH2 error
F161h PIT error
F162h PIC #1 error
F163h PIC #2 error
F120h Clock generator setting error

Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457) 2-29
2 Troubleshooting Procedures 2.4 System Board Troubleshooting

Procedure 3 Diagnostic Test Program Execution Check

Execute the following tests from the Diagnostic Test Menu. These tests check the system
board. Refer to Chapter 3, Tests and Diagnostic, for more information on how to perform
these tests.

1. System test
2. Memory test
3. Keyboard test
4. Display test
5. USB Floppy Disk test
6. ASYNC test
7. Hard Disk test
8. Real Timer test
9. NDP test
10. Expansion test
11. Wireless LAN test
12. Bluetooth test
13. Sound/LAN/Modem test

If an error is detected during these tests, go to Procedure 4.

Procedure 4 Replacement Check

The system board connectors may be disconnected. Disassemble the computer following the
steps described in Chapter 4, Replacement Procedures and perform Check 1.

Check 1 Visually check for the following:

a) Cracked or broken connector housing

b) Damaged connector pins

If connectors are in good condition, but there is still a problem, go to Check 2.

Check 2 The system board may be damaged. Replace the system board with a new one
following the steps described in Chapter 4, Replacement Procedures.

2-30 Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457)
2.5 USB 3.5" FDD Troubleshooting 2 Troubleshooting


2.5 USB 3.5" FDD Troubleshooting

This section describes how to determine if the USB 3.5" FDD is functioning properly.
Perform the steps below starting with Procedure 1 and continuing with the other procedures as

Procedure 1: FDD Head Cleaning Check
Procedure 2: Diagnostic Test Program Execution Check
Procedure 3: Connector Check and Replacement Check

Procedure 1 FDD Head Cleaning Check

FDD head cleaning is one option available in the Diagnostic Program.

Insert the Diagnostics Disk in the USB floppy disk drive, turn on the computer and run the test.
And then clean the FDD heads using the cleaning kit. If the FDD still does not function
properly after cleaning, go to Procedure 2.

Detailed operation is given in Chapter 3, Tests and Diagnostics.

If the test program cannot be executed on the computer, go to Procedure 3.

Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457) 2-31
2 Troubleshooting Procedures 2.5 USB 3.5" FDD Troubleshooting

Procedure 2 Diagnostic Test Program Execution Check

Insert the Diagnostics Disk in the USB FDD, turn on the computer and run the test. Refer to
Chapter 3, Tests and Diagnostics, for more information about the diagnostics test procedures.

Make sure the floppy disk is formatted correctly and that the write protect tab is disabled.
Floppy disk drive test error codes and their status names are listed in Table 2-4. If any other
errors occur while executing the FDD diagnostics test, go to Check 1.

Table 2-4 FDD error code and status

Code Status
01h Bad command
02h Address mark not found
03h Write protected
04h Record not found
06h Media replaced
08h DMA overrun error
09h DMA boundary error
10h CRC error
20h FDC error
40h Seek error
60h FDD not drive
80h Time out error (Not ready)
EEh Write buffer error
FFh Data compare error

Check 1 If the following message is displayed, disable the write protect tab on the floppy
disk by sliding the write protect tab to "write enable". If any other message appears,
perform Check 2.

Write protected

Check 2 Make sure the floppy disk is formatted correctly. If it is, go to Procedure 3.

2-32 Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457)
2.5 USB 3.5" FDD Troubleshooting 2 Troubleshooting

Procedure 3 Connector Check and Replacement Check

The USB FDD connector may be disconnected from the connector on the system board.
Check visually that the connector is connected firmly.

Check 1 Make sure the USB FDD cable is firmly connected to the PJ4600 or PJ4601 of the
system board.

System board
USB FDD PJ4600 or PJ4601

If any of the connections are loose, reconnect firmly and repeat Procedure 2. If
there is still an error, go to Check 2.

Check 2 The USB FDD may be defective or damaged. Replace it with a new one. If the
FDD is still not functioning properly, perform Check 3.

Check 3 Replace the system board with a new one following the steps in Chapter 4,
Replacement Procedures.

Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457) 2-33
2 Troubleshooting Procedures 2.6 2.5" HDD Troubleshooting

2.6 2.5" HDD Troubleshooting

This section describes how to determine if the 2.5" HDD is functioning properly. Perform the
steps below starting with Procedure 1 and continuing with the other procedures as required.

Procedure 1: Partition Check
Procedure 2: Message Check
Procedure 3: Format Check
Procedure 4: Diagnostic Test Program Execution Check
Procedure 5: Connector Check and Replacement Check

CAUTION: The contents of the 2.5" hard disk will be erased when the 2.5" HDD
troubleshooting procedures are executed. Transfer the contents of the hard disk to floppy
disks or other storage drive(s). For the backup, refer to the User's Manual.

Procedure 1 Partition Check

Insert the Toshiba MS-DOS system disk and start the computer. Perform the following

Check 1 Type C: and press Enter. If you cannot change to drive C, go to Check 2. If you
can change to drive C, go to Procedure 2.

Check 2 Type FDISK and press Enter. Choose Display Partition Information from the
FDISK menu. If drive C is listed in the Display Partition Information, go to Check
3. If drive C is not listed, return to the FDISK menu and choose the option to
create a DOS partition or a logical DOS drive on drive C. If the problem still exists,
go to Procedure 2.

Check 3 If drive C is listed as active in the FDISK menu, go to Check 4. If drive C is not
listed as active, return to the FDISK menu and choose the option to set the active
partition for drive C. Then go to Procedure 2.

Check 4 Remove the system disk from the FDD and reboot the computer. If the problem
still exists, go to Procedure 2. Otherwise, the HDD is operating normally.

2-34 Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457)
2.6 2.5" HDD Troubleshooting 2 Troubleshooting

Procedure 2 Message Check

When the power is turned on, the system performs the Initial Reliability Test (IRT) installed
in the BIOS ROM. When the test detects an error, an error message is displayed on the screen.

Make sure of no floppy disk in the FDD. Turn on the computer and check the message on the
screen. When an OS starts from the 2.5" HDD, go to Procedure 3. Otherwise, start with Check
1 below and perform the other checks as instructed.

Check 1 If any of the following messages appear, go to Procedure 3. If the following
messages do not appear, perform Check 2.

HDD #X ERROR (After 5 seconds this message will disappear.)

Check 2 If either of the following messages appears, go to Check 3. If the following
messages do not appear, perform Check 5.
Insert system disk in drive
Press any key when ready .....
Non-System disk or disk error
Replace and press any key when ready

Check 3 Check SETUP to see whether the Hard Disk option is set to Not used. If it is set to
Not used, choose another setting and return to Check 1. If it is not set to Not used,
go to Check 4.

Check 4 Using the SYS command of the MS-DOS, transfer the system to the 2.5" HDD. If
the system is not transferred, go to Procedure 3. Refer to the MS-DOS Manual for
detailed operation.

If the following message appears on the display, the system program has been
transferred to the HDD.

System Transferred

If an error message appears on the display, perform Check 5.

Check 5 The 2.5" HDD and the connector of the system board may be disconnected (Refer
to the steps described in Chapter 4, Replacement Procedures for disassembling.).
Insert the connectors firmly. If they are firmly connected, go to Procedure 3.

Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457) 2-35
2 Troubleshooting Procedures 2.6 2.5" HDD Troubleshooting

Procedure 3 Format Check

The computer's 2.5" HDD is formatted using the MS-DOS FORMAT program or the physical
format program of the test program. To format the 2.5" HDD, start with Check 1 below and
perform the other steps as required.

Refer to the MS-DOS Manual for the operation of MS-DOS. For the format by the test
program, refer to the Chapter 3.

Check 1 Format the 2.5" HDD using MS-DOS FORMAT command. Type as FORMAT

If the 2.5" HDD can not be formatted, perform Check 2.

Check 2 Using the MS-DOS FDISK command, set the 2.5" HDD partition. If the partition
is not set, go to Check 3. If it is set, format the 2.5" HDD using MS-DOS
FORMAT command.

Check 3 Using the Diagnostic Disk, format the 2.5" HDD with a format option (physical
format). If the 2.5" HDD is formatted, set the 2.5" HDD partition using MS-DOS
FDISK command.

If you cannot format the 2.5" HDD using the Tests and Diagnostic program, go to
Procedure 4.

2-36 Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457)
2.6 2.5" HDD Troubleshooting 2 Troubleshooting

Procedure 4 Diagnostic Test Program Execution Check

The HDD test program is stored in the Diagnostics Disk. Perform all of the HDD tests in the
Hard Disk Drive Test. Refer to Chapter 3, Tests and Diagnostics, for more information about
the HDD test program.

If an error is detected during the HDD test, an error code and status will be displayed. The
error codes and statuses are described in Table 2-5. If an error code is not displayed but the
problem still exists, go to Procedure 5.

Table 2-5 2.5" HDD error code and status

Code Status
01h Bad command
02h Address mark not found
04h Record not found
05h HDC not reset
07h Drive not initialized
08h HDC overrun error (DRQ)
09h DMA boundary error
0Ah Bad sector error
0Bh Bad track error
10h ECC error
11h ECC recover enable
20h HDC error
40h Seek error
80h Time out error
AAh Drive not ready
BBh Undefined error
CCh Write fault
E0h Status error
EEh Access time out error

Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457) 2-37
2 Troubleshooting Procedures 2.6 2.5" HDD Troubleshooting

Procedure 5 Connector Check and Replacement Check

The HDD is connected to the connector PJ1800 of the system board. The connecting portion
may be disconnected. Disassemble the computer following the steps described in Chapter 4,
Replacement Procedures and perform the following checks to check the connecting portion:

Check 1 Make sure the HDD is firmly connected to the system board.


If connection is loose, reconnect firmly and repeat Procedure 4. If there is still an
error, go to Check 2.

Check 2 The 2.5" HDD may be damaged. Replace it with a new one and check the
operation. If the problem still exists, perform Check 3.

Check 3 The system board may be damaged. Replace it with a new one following the
instructions in Chapter 4, Replacement Procedures.

2-38 Portege M200 Maintenance Manual (960-457)
2.7 Keyboard Troubleshooting 2 Troubleshooting

2.7 Keyboard Troubleshooting

To determine if the computer's keyboard is functioning properly, perform the following
procedures. Start with Procedure 1 and continue with the other procedures as instructed.

Procedure 1: Diagnostic Test Program Execution Check
Procedure 2: Connector Check and Replacement Check

Procedure 1 Diagnostic Test Program