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7000 Series
Digital Plug-in
time and frequency
digital delay
Digitpl Accuracy

Analog Interpretation

. . .more than an oscilloscope

I ntro d uction . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3
1 . Timing an d F req uency ;
Intro d uction to 7D14
Digital Counter an d
7D15 Universal Cou n ter/
Timer P lug-ins . . . . . Pages 4-7
1 . Timing M easurements
with t he 7D15 . . . . . . Pages . 8-12
1 C . Frequency Measurements
with t he 7D14 an d
7D15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 12-13
2 . Digital Delay; Intro-
d uction to the 7D10
an d 7D11 Digital
Delay Units . . . . . . . . Pages 14-15
213. Delay-by-Time
M easurements with
t h e 7D11 . . . . . . . . . . P ages 15-18
2C . Delay- by- Events
with t he 7D10 and
7D11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 18

3 . Am p litu d e an d
Voltage ; Introd uction
to the 7D12 /D
Converter an d 7D13
Digital Mu ltimeter with
Modules-Ml, M ulti-
function M o d ule, 2,
Sam p le/ Hol d M o d ule
an d 3, Volts
Mo dule . . . . . . . . . . . P age 18
3 . Sam p le an d H ol d an d
True RM S M eas u re-
ments with t h e 7D12/ 2
an d 7D12/M3 . . . . . . Pages 19-20
4. Tem p erature M easure-
ments with t he 7D12/M2
an d 7D13 . . . . . . . . . . Page 21
Digital Ap p lication Notes,
Ord ering Information an d
B usiness Re p ly Car d . . . . Pages 22-23
T h e purpose of t h is boo k let . . .

. . .
is to familiarize you with t he Te k- Th e oscillosco p e is p o p ular, time
tronix 7000 Series d igital plug-in units, proven electronic measurement tool . Its
and to show you how they can make ban d wi d th, sensitivity, and the inter p re-
your oscillosco pe more versatile, ac- ti e p ower in herent in its visual d is p lay
curate an d easy to use measurement ma k e it an unparalleled d evice for ac-
tool . The booklet is divided- into four q uiring an d d is p layi ng electronic sig-
sectio ns : Timi n g an d F requency M ea- nals . Yet with its many irre placeable
sureme n ts, Digital Delay M easure- qualities, theoscilloscope typically can-
ments, Am p lit u d e and Voltage not compare with d igital instrume nt
M easurements, a n d
Temperature such as DVM or d igital counter for
M easurements, with helpful cross- accuracy or resolution .
in d ex of a pp lications an d d igital p lug-
The plug-in com p artments in t he Te k-
in un its. tronix 7000 Series mainframes an d t he
E ac h section p rovi d es brief descri p- availability of crt rea d out, offer -
tion of th e feat u res an d o peratio n of the venient metho d of a dd in g true d igital
relate d pl ug-ins, and some a pp lications measurement ca p a bility to yo ur oscillo-
to help illustrate the full measurement sco p e. The Te ktronix 7000 Series offers
possibilities that these p lug-ins offer. f ull com p lement of digital meas ure-
This b oo klet will be u pd ate d perio d ical- me nt p lug-ins. The units include -
ter, universal co unter/timer, two d igital
ly with new applications an d ot her in-
formatio n to hel p you make fuller use of delays, multimeter, sam p le an d hold
DVM, an d RM S voltmeter.
your digital p lug-ins.
Incl u d ing o ne or more digital p lug-ins
i n your 7000 Series oscillosco p e system
provi d es you with the add e d accuracy
an d resol ution of d igital instrume
It also o pens th e d oor to number W
measurements that cannot be mad e
with either an oscillosco p e or d igital
measurement instrument alone.
Crt Readout Calibration Stan dar d

B right Traces

L arge No Parallax
Illuminated Graticules

E asy Disp lay Selection

Convenient Came ra
M ountings An d

P lug-in F lexibility P ic k T he Trigger Source

Th e 7000 Series . . . more t h an an oscillosco pe
Th is is more true to d ay than ever . The Wit h over 35 com p atible p lug-ins to Th e 7000-Se ries com m itment to su p e-
7000 Series continues to offer - choose from, you can configure flexi- rio r p erformance a n d wide-ranging flex-
m atch e d value i n oscillosco p es- ble sco p e p ac kage arou n d yo ur digital ib l ty m erges d igital accuracy with
s u p erior p erformance, wi d e-ra n ging a pp lication ; 7000-series mai nframes analog in terp retation . Your timing,
flexibility and stro ng commitment to acce pt three or four p lug-ins : frequency, voltage, am p lit u de, digital
your future nee d s. " Digital p lug-i ns . . . Op t for un i q ue delay or temperature meas uremen t is
digitally r ea d out directly on th e crt .
Wit h t his family of eight oscillosco p e an d accurate solutions to com p lex
Th is m ea ns 7000-Series Plug-in Oscil-
mai nframes, you can p ut together meas urement p roblems.
" V ertical am p lifiers . . . Select your loscope offe rs yo u an easy an d acc u -
hig h-performance la b oratory instru-
ment p ac kage base d on your meas u re- system b an dwi d th, n umber of in p ut rate way to h an dle your digital 1 -
tons .
ment n ee d s. chan nels, vertical sensitivity, i n p ut
" B an d wi d ths range from 25 to 500 MHz. im p e d ance, an d single or differential
*Display mo d es incl u d e normal or in p uts.
" Time bases . . . C hoose swee p s p eed,
three ty p es of storage, bistable and
si ngle or dual swee p , an d now d elta
fast mesh transfer, both d evelo p e d by
time ca p ability.
Te ktronix, as well as variable p ersist-
ence . The fast tran sfer tec h nique, Also,
whic h ma kes multimo d e storage pos- " Sam p ling a n d TD R p lug-ins . . . Choose
sible, p rovi d es the fastest writing single or d u al channel sam p li ng p lus
rates available to d ay . time d omain reflectometry.
" Si ngle o r dual beam mo d els are avail- " S p ecial- p ur p ose p lug-ins . . . Select
logic analyzers, an d c u rve tracers .
able ; th e dual beam ca pability tea-
tu nes 400 MHz ba n d wi d th with full
scan overla p .
` Temperature. Ou r two m ultimeter units
also measure tem p erature. Wit h s p e-
I NT R OD UCTIO N cial voltage insulated p robe you can
measure the tem p erature of semicon-
d uctor d evices un d er test, doub le chec k
more measureme n t your h eat sink calc ulations, or q uickly
troubleshoot d igital logic boar d .
ca p ability
easy to use
Time an d F re q uency. Wit h our universal
co u nter/timer ca n visually select
co un ter start an d sto p p oints on your Te ktronix h as long recognized t he con-
venience an d ease of o p eration af-
' wavefor m to measure p ulse p erio d ,
ford e d by crt rea d out of scale factors,
p ulse wi d th, or more com p lex p arame-
ters li ke risetime, the time betwee n non- test d ates, test n umbers, an d ot her per-
tinent test d ata . The d igital p lug-ins
adjacent events, or th e fre q uency of
a d j acent
gate d burst. Two examples of visually give you the furt her convenience of the
selecte d meas u reme n ts t h at you can spee d , re p eatability, an d p recision of
ma k e are the time between the first and d igital meas urements, with t he mea-
eig ht h p ulse i n d ata trai n or th e widt h su rement res u lts dis p laye d on the crt.
of p ulse th at occurs in th e mi dd le of Individual d igital p lug-ins p rovi de ot her
co ntrol se q uence . B ot h our counters time saving features . Th e universal
counter/timer, for exam p le, offers fin-
p rovi d e gate d is p lays of their measure-
ger ti p selection of freque ncy, p ulse
ment intervals, whic h can be d is p laye d
on the crt to re d uce errors i n trigger perio d , p ulse wi d th an d time interval
level a d justments, an d ma ke it easier measurements . Visual d is p lay of the
for you to see exactly what measure- gate waveforms lets you set up mea-
me nt you are ma king. You can also surements quic kly and p recisely .
ma k e single-s h ot meas ureme n ts with
both coun ters . You mig h t, for exam p le, more accuracy
measure t h e wi d th of noise s p ike in
control sequence to d etermine th e
The basic am p litu d e an d time interval
amount of filtering nee d e d in circuit.
measurement accuracy of the conven-
Digital Delay. B ot h of our d elay units tional oscillosco p e is 3