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Repair Manual
3.5 mm and Type-N
Slotless Contact

For use with Slotless Repair Kits

Part Number 85052-90070
Printed in USA August 2001
Supersedes: December 1995
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This document contains proprietary information which is protected
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may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated to another language
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Agilent Technologies, Inc.
Santa Rosa Systems Division
1400 Fountaingrove Parkway
Santa Rosa, CA 95403-1799, U.S.A.

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Certification Agilent Technologies certi es that this product met its published
speci cations at the time of shipment from the factory. Agilent
Technologies further certi es that its calibration measurements are
traceable to the United States National Institute of Standards and
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Warranty This Agilent Technologies instrument product is warranted against
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For warranty service or repair, this product must be returned
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The foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from
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Assistance Product maintenance agreements and other customer assistance
agreements are available for Agilent Technologies products. For
any assistance, contact your nearest Agilent Technologies Sales and
Service Oce. Addresses are provided at the back of this manual.

1. General Information

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
85052-60049 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
85054-60056 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
Equipment Required But Not Supplied . . . . . . 1-2
Incoming Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Precision Slotless Connectors . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Replaceable Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
Ordering Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
Replacing Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
2. Repairing A Slotless Contact

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
Inspecting A Damaged Slotless Contact . . . . . . 2-2
Removing A Slotless Contact . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
Step 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
Step 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
Step 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
Inspecting and Cleaning A Center Conductor . . . 2-8
Inspecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
Inserting An Inner Contact . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9
Testing A Slotless contact . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11

Slotless Contact Repair Contents-1
1-1. Replaceable Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
2-1. Finger Bent In or Crushed . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
2-2. Broken Inner Contact . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
2-3. Inner Contact Pushed Inside . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
2-4. Damaged Center Conductor . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
2-5. The Inner Contact and Center Conductor . . . . 2-4
2-6. Inserting the Removal Tool . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
2-7. Moving a Damaged Finger . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
2-8. Freeing a Broken Contact Finger . . . . . . . . 2-6
2-9. Removing a Broken Contact Finger . . . . . . . 2-6
2-10. Threading the Removal Tool Into the Inner Contact 2-7
2-11. Removing the Inner Contact . . . . . . . . . . 2-7
2-12. Damaged Center Conductor . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
2-13. How to Properly Hold the Inner Contact . . . . 2-9
2-14. Installing a New Inner Contact . . . . . . . . . 2-10
2-15. Inspecting the Installation . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10
2-16. Inserting the Testing Tool . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11
2-17. Testing the Retention Force of the Contact . . . 2-12

1-1. Replaceable Parts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
2-1. Contacting Agilent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13

Contents-2 Slotless Contact Repair
General Information
Introduction This manual documents the use of both the 85052-60049 and the
85054-60056 slotless contact repair kits. Each kit contains the
One 30 ml bottle of alcohol
Six foam swabs
One pair of tweezers
One inner contact removal tool
One inner contact insertion tool
One inner contact testing tool
One testing weight
Ten replacement inner contacts
An explanation of precision slotless connectors appears later in this
chapter under \Precision Slotless Connectors."
The following Agilent Technologies publication provides information
on proper connector care to maintain quality standards and devices:
Microwave Connector Care Card (included in this kit).
Or, contact your nearest Agilent Technologies sales oce for the
customer training course:
\Understanding Connectors Used With Network Analyzers."
85050A +24A (on site)
85050A +24D (at Agilent Technolgies sales oce)

85052-60049 Use the 3.5 mm slotless contact repair kit to repair the female
contacts on all 3.5 mm precision slotless connectors (PSC). The only
exception to this is the precision slotless contacts in the airlines of
the 85052C 3.5 mm precision calibration kit. If damaged, these
contacts must be repaired at the factory.

85054-60056 Use the Type-N slotless contact repair kit to repair the female
contacts on all Type-N precision slotless connectors (PSC).

Note There is no similar contact repair kit for 2.4 mm connectors. The
2.4 mm slotless contact is an integral part of the center conductor
and it cannot be replaced.

Slotless Contact Repair General Information 1-1
Equipment Required The following items are required, but not supplied with this kit:
But Not Supplied
A microscope with x10 magni cation and lighting.
A source of clean, dry, compressed air or nitrogen.

Incoming Inspection Refer to Table 1-1 to verify receipt of all parts in this repair kit.
The foam-lined storage case provides protection for the components
in this repair kit during shipping. If the case or components appear
damaged, set aside the kit and all packaging materials and contact
the nearest Agilent Technologies oce listed at the back of this
If either of the following conditions exist, notify your nearest Agilent
Technologies oce:
The shipping contents are incomplete.
There is mechanical damage or a mechanical defect.
Notify the carrier if the shipping container is damaged or the
cushioning material shows signs of stress. Keep all shipping material
for the carrier's inspection. Agilent Technologies will arrange for
repair or replacement of incomplete or damaged shipments without
waiting for a settlement from the transportation company.

Precision Slotless When properly used, a precision slotless connector should have the
Connectors same lifespan as a standard slotted connector. Agilent Technologies
designed the precision slotless contacts to mate with all connectors
within a connector series, but the connectors must meet published
interface dimensions.
CAUTION Mating a connector that does not meet published speci cations can
damage a precision slotless connector. For this reason, ensure that
any device you connect is within its speci cations.

1-2 General Information Slotless Contact Repair
Replaceable Parts
Ordering Parts Table 1-1 lists replacement part numbers. To order a listed part, note
the description, part number, and the quantity desired. Telephone or
send your order to the nearest Agilent Technologies oce (listed at
the back of this manual).

Replacing The part number for this manual is listed on the title page of this
Documentation document, and is also listed in Table 1-1. Use this number to order
extra copies of this manual.

Slotless Contact Repair General Information 1-3
Table 1-1. Replaceable Parts

Reference Description Qty Part
Number Number
1 Isopropyl Alcohol 1 8500{5344
2 Foam Swab 6 9301{1243
3 Tweezers 1 8710{1308
4 Removal Tool 1
3.5 mm 5021{7602
Type{N 5021{7607
5 Insertion Tool 1
3.5 mm 5022{0509
Type{N 5022{0510
6 Testing Tool 1
3.5 mm 5022{0508
Type{N 5022{0511
7 Testing Weight 1 5022{0507
81 Inner Contacts 10
3.5 mm 85052{60050
Type{N 85054{60057
82 Inner Contacts 1
3.5 mm 85052{60051
Type{N 85054{60058
Storage Case 1
Wooden Box 1 9211{1582
Foam in Lid 1 5180{8457
Foam in Bottom 1 5181{5730
Documentation 1
Repair Manual 85052{90070
Connector Care Card 08510{90360
Complete Repair Kit 1
3.5 mm 85052{60049
Type{N 85054{60056

1 Same parts as 85052{60051 and 85054{60058 but dierent quantity.
2 Same parts as 85052{60050 and 85054{60057 but dierent quantity.

1-4 General Information Slotless Contact Repair
Figure 1-1. Replaceable Parts

Slotless Contact Repair General Information 1-5
Repairing A Slotless Contact
Introduction If you suspect a problem with the slotless contact, make a visual
inspection to determine if there is damage. As you use a connector,
dirt and metal particles can accumulate in and around the slotless
contact. In extreme cases this accumulation can render the contact
non-functional. Often, simply cleaning the contact xes the problem.
This chapter provides procedures on how to clean both the inner
contact and the center conductor, how to reinstall the inner contact,
and how to test for functionality. Also provided is a procedure on
how to replace the inner contact.
Repairing a damaged slotless contact is a six-step process:
1. Gage the connector. Because connector mechanical tolerances can
be very precise (on the order of a few hundredths of microinches),
even a perfectly clean, unused connector can cause trouble if it
is mechanically out of speci cation. If the pin depth is out of
speci cation, the connector is damaged beyond the capabilities of
this repair kit, and the device must be repaired or replaced by
Agilent Technologies.

CAUTION Never use an out-of-speci cation connector.

2. Under x10 magni cation, inspect the connector to determine the
3. Remove the damaged inner contact.
4. Inspect the center conductor. If it is undamaged, clean it.
5. Install the replacement inner contact.
6. Test the slotless contact.

Slotless Contact Repair Repairing A Slotless Contact 2-1
Inspecting A
Inspect the contact under x10 magni cation to de ne the problem.
Damaged Slotless Usually you can make the repair without disassembling the device to
which the precision slotless contact is attached.
Inspect the slotless contact to see if any of the following conditions
The inner contact has one or more ngers bent inward or crushed,
preventing proper contact to the male pin (see Figure 2-1).
If so, go to step 1 of \Removing A Slotless Contact."
The inner contact has one or more ngers broken (see Figure 2-2).
If so, go to step 2 of \Removing A Slotless Contact."
The inner contact is pushed inside the center conductor and will
not make contact with the mating connector's male pin (see
Figure 2-3).
If so, go to step 3 of \Removing A Slotless Contact."
The end of the center conductor is dented or scraped near where it
touches the inner contact (see Figure 2-4).
If so, the slotless contact may be damaged beyond the capabilities
of this repair kit, and the device must be repaired or replaced by
Agilent Technologies.

Figure 2-1. Finger Bent In or Crushed

2-2 Repairing A Slotless Contact Slotless Contact Repair
Figure 2-2. Broken Inner Contact

Figure 2-3. Inner Contact Pushed Inside

Figure 2-4. Damaged Center Conductor

Slotless Contact Repair Repairing A Slotless Contact 2-3
Removing A Slotless
Step 1 If one or more of the inner contact's ngers are bent inward or
crushed, you must straighten or remove those ngers before you
remove the entire inner contact. Figure 2-5 shows both the inner
contact and the center conductor.

Figure 2-5. The Inner Contact and Center Conductor

a. Under magni cation, carefully try to insert the removal tool (see
Figure 2-6).
b. If the damaged ngers prevent you from inserting the tool, use the
tweezers provided to either move aside or remove the damaged
ngers (see Figure 2-7).

CAUTION Avoid damaging the center conductor, which houses the inner
contact. Do not touch the tweezers to anything but the damaged
inner contact. Do not, under any circumstances, use anything to
squeeze or clamp on to the center conductor that might cause

c. After you move or remove the damaged inner contact ngers and
can insert the inner contact removal tool, go to step 3.

2-4 Repairing A Slotless Contact Slotless Contact Repair
Figure 2-6. Inserting the Removal Tool

Figure 2-7. Moving a Damaged Finger

Step 2 If one or more of the inner contact's ngers are broken, you must
remove that nger before you remove the entire inner contact:
a. Under magni cation, look down inside the inner contact and
locate the broken nger or ngers.
The ngers may have already fallen out. If so, continue with
step 3.
b. If you can see the broken ngers inside the inner contact, turn the
device upside down and gently tap on it (see Figure 2-8).
Using this gentle tapping, try to force the broken ngers to drop
out or at least move forward far enough so that you can remove
them with the tweezers (see Figure 2-9). Do not, under any
circumstances, use anything other then gentle tapping.
c. After you remove the broken inner contact ngers and can
carefully insert the inner contact removal tool, go to step 3.

Slotless Contact Repair Repairing A Slotless Contact 2-5
Figure 2-8. Freeing a Broken Contact Finger

Figure 2-9. Removing a Broken Contact Finger

Step 3 If the inner contact is pushed inward and no longer makes contact
with the mating connector's male pin, you must remove and replace
the inner contact:
a. Under magni cation, insert the removal tool into the damaged
contact far enough so that it touches the bottom of the inside of
the inner contact.
b. Turn the tool clockwise to engage the tool coupling thread with
the thread on the inside of the contact (see Figure 2-10).
c. Occasionally the inner contact spins with the tool, preventing the
tool from engaging. If this happens, apply a small amount axial
pressure to the tool and continue to turn it clockwise.

2-6 Repairing A Slotless Contact Slotless Contact Repair
d. Once the tool is engaged by 2 turns, you can remove the inner
contact. Pull the tool and inner contact straight out away from
the center conductor (see Figure 2-11).

CAUTION Do not damage the center conductor as you remove the inner

e. Unthread the broken inner contact from the removal tool and
discard the contact; it cannot be repaired or reused.

Figure 2-10. Threading the Removal Tool Into the Inner Contact

Figure 2-11. Removing the Inner Contact

Slotless Contact Repair Repairing A Slotless Contact 2-7
Inspecting and
Cleaning A Center
Inspecting 1. Under magni cation, inspect the center conductor for damage.
2. Refer to Figure 2-12. Is the center conductor gouged? Does it
have any imperfection that would interfere with the insertion of a
new inner contact? If so, you must return the device to Agilent
Technologies for repair; you cannot repair a center conductor with
this kit.
3. If the center conductor is undamaged, or if the damage is too light
to aect device performance, clean the center conductor.

Figure 2-12. Damaged Center Conductor

Cleaning 1. Under magni cation, look for loose dirt or metal particles.
2. Using the foam swabs and isopropyl alcohol provided in this repair
kit, clean the center conductor.
3. Using a source of dry air or nitrogen, blow out the hole in the
center conductor; be sure that all the alcohol evaporates.
4. The clean center conductor is now ready for you to insert a new
inner contact.

2-8 Repairing A Slotless Contact Slotless Contact Repair
Inserting An Inner When you install a replacement inner contact, be careful handling
Contact the replacement parts. These parts are fragile until they are inside
the center conductor; do not squeeze or misuse them in any way.
1. Using the tweezers provided in this kit, carefully pick up a new
inner contact by its small-diameter end (away from the ngers, see
Figure 2-13). Do not use excessive pressure. Holding the contact
by the ngers will damage it.

Figure 2-13. How to Properly Hold the Inner Contact

2. Under magni cation, carefully insert the insertion tool into the
new inner contact until it hits bottom. Do not use the removal
tool (with the threaded end) to insert the inner contact, or you
may damage the new inner contact.
3. Let go of the contact with tweezers and slowly insert the contact
into the center conductor (see Figure 2-14). As you install the
contact, its ngers compress and the force required to insert it
rst increases and then decreases. When the insertion force begins
to decrease, do not push too hard or you may damage the new
inner contact or center conductor.
4. At the point that the contact snaps into place, stop pushing.
5. Carefully withdraw the insertion tool from the inner contact.
6. Under magni cation, visually inspect the assembly and make sure
the inner contact is properly installed (see Figure 2-15).

CAUTION Never apply either lubricant or adhesive to an inner contact.

Slotless Contact Repair Repairing A Slotless Contact 2-9
Figure 2-14. Installing a New Inner Contact

Figure 2-15. Inspecting the Installation

2-10 Repairing A Slotless Contact Slotless Contact Repair
Testing A Slotless After you install a new inner contact, you must test it using the
contact tools provided in this repair kit. This tool was designed to help nd
improperly installed inner contacts.
1. Using a foam swab and alcohol, clean the testing tool.
2. Under magni cation, carefully install the testing tool in the
slotless contact assembly (see Figure 2-16).
3. Repeat step 2, two more times.
4. Inspect the inner contact. If the ngers are damaged, remove and
replace the inner contact.
5. Insert the testing tool.
6. With the testing tool inserted, turn the device upside down so
that the testing tool hangs by the grip of the slotless contact.
7. Hook the testing weight to the testing tool. If the contact has
the proper minimum retention force, it does not lose its grip.
8. Remove the testing weight.
9. Remove the testing tool.
10. Visually inspect the slotless contact.
11. If you see any dirt or metal particles, clean the contact using the
alcohol and foam swabs provided in this kit.
12. The clean, precision slotless connector is ready for use.

Figure 2-16. Inserting the Testing Tool

Slotless Contact Repair Repairing A Slotless Contact 2-11
Figure 2-17. Testing the Retention Force of the Contact

2-12 Repairing A Slotless Contact Slotless Contact Repair
By internet, phone, or fax, get assistance with all your test &
measurement needs.

Table 2-1. Contacting Agilent

Online Assistance: www.agilent.com/find/assist
United States Japan New Zealand
(tel) 1 800 452 4844 (tel) (81) 426 56 7832 (tel) 0 800 738 378
(fax) (81) 426 56 7840 (fax) 64 4 495 8950

Canada Latin America Asia Paci c
(tel) 1 877 894 4414 (tel) (305) 269 7500 (tel) (852) 3197 7777
(fax) (905) 206 4120 (fax) (305) 269 7599 (fax) (852) 2506 9284

Europe Australia
(tel) (31 20) 547 2323 (tel) 1 800 629 485
(fax) (31 20) 547 2390 (fax) (61 3) 9210 5947

Slotless Contact Repair Repairing A Slotless Contact 2-13