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Development System

Programmer's Reference

for the Apple Lisa 2

The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.

1 Introduction

1.1 Overview I-I
1.2 UsingtheCLibraryFunctions 1-1
1.3 UsingThisManual I-I
1.4 NotationalConventions 1-2

2 UsingTheStandanlVO Fuuctious
2.1 Introduction 2-1
2.2 UsingCommandLineArguments 2-2
2.3 UsingtheStandardFiles 2-4
2.4 UsingtheStreamFunctions 2-12
2.5 UsingMoreStreamFunctions 2-24
2.6 UsingtheLow-LevelFunctions 2-28

3 SaeenProcessing

3.1 Introduction 3-1
3.2 Preparingfortbe ScreenFunctions 3-3
3.3 UsingtheStandardScreen 3-6
3.4 Creating and Using Windows 3-13
3.5 UsingOtherWindowFunctions 3-24
3.6 CombiningMovem.entwithAction 3-28
3.7 Controlling the Terminal 3-29

4 CharaderandStringProcessing

4.1 Introduction 4-1
4.2 UsingtheCharacterFunctions 4-1
4.3 UsingtheStringFunctions 4-7

5 UsingProcessControl
5.1 Introduction 5-1
5.2 UsingProcesses 5-1
5.3 CallingaProgram 5-1
5.4 StoppingaProgram 5-2
. 5.5 OverlayingaProgram 5-3
5.6 ExecutingaProgramThroughaSheU 5-5
5.7 DuplicatingaProcess 5-5
AppeDdixB XENIXSystemCaDs

B.l Introduction B-1
B.2 RevisedSystemCaUs B-1
B.3 Version 7 Additions B-1
B.3 OlangestotheioctlFunction B-2
B.4 UsingthemountandchownFunctions B-2
B.S Super-BlockFormat B-2
B.6 SepameVersionLibraries B-3
Chapter 1
Introd uction

1.1 Overview 1-1

1.2 Using the C Library Functions 1-1

1.3 Using Tbis Manual 1-1

1.4 Notational Conventions 1-2
Introd uction

1.1 Overview
This manual explains how to use the functions given in the C language libraries
of the XENIX system. In particular, it describes the functions of two C language
libraries: the standard C library, and the screen updating and cursor
movement library cur'eI.

The C library functions may be called by any program that needs the resources
of the XENIX system to perform a task. The functions let programs read and
write to files in the XENIX file system, read and write to devices such as
terminals and lineprinters, load and execute other programs, receive a.nd
process signals, communicate with other programs through pipes, share system
resources, a.nd process errors.

1.2 Using the C Library Functions
To use the C library functions you must include the proper function call and
definitions in the program and specify the corresponding library is given when
the program is compiled. The standard C libra.ry, contained in the file libe./I, is
automatically specified when you compile a C language program. Other
libraries, including the screen updating and cursor movement library
contained in the file libcur,e