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File No. S360-30
Form Y28-6606-l

Program Logic

IBM System/36D Operating System
Catalog Management

Program Number 360S-DM-508
This manual provides detailed information on catalog
management routines. These routines record
identification of volumes used by data sets by
maintaining information in logical records called
indexes. The functions and structures of the routines
are described, as are their relationships to other
portions of IBM System/360 Operating System. This
manual also describes the structure of catalog data
sets that contain the indexes processed by catalog
management routines. It is intended for use by persons
involved in program maintenance, and system programmers
who are altering the program design. Program logic
information is not necessary for the use and operation
of the program; therefore, distribution of this
publication is limited to those with the aforementioned



This pUblication provides customer understanding of the routines usej to
engineers and other technical personnel access and modify it.
with information describing the internal
organization and logic of the catalog
management routines. Publications that The Method of Operation section
contain external information about the describes the logical fUnctions of the
catalog and its use are: catalog management routines.
IBM System/360 operating :.*'t~1l}; . Tne Program Organization section
Supervisor and Data Management Serv1ces, describes each module of the routines in
Form C28-6646 detail, with particular emphasis on the
differences between the actual code
IBM System/360 operating System involved and the logical fUnctions of the
System Programmer's Guide, Form C28-6550 routines.
Some publications describing other The Directory is a chart that enables
aspects of the operating System are the reader to find a section of code, a
referred to in the text. 'I'hese are: flowchart, or a text reference, given any
one of the three.
IBM System/360 operating system
Direct Access Device Space Management, The Data Area Layouts section describes
Form Y28-6607 in detail each of the catalog entries and
also the user's parameter list.
IBM System/360 operating system
Seguential Access Methods, Form Y28-6604 The Diagnostic Aids section contains
charts of register usage at variou3 stages
This manual is divided into eight major in catalog processing and of the factors
sections with three appendixes. involved in Jetermining which module gets
control when.

The Introduction describes the catalog
management routines and the catalog as they The three appendixes contain detailed
relate to the rest of the Operating System. flowcharts, a diagram of the device type
iield found in data set pointer entries and
The catalog Data Set section describes CVOL pointer entries, and a descrip.tion of
the structure and organization of the a CVOL pointer entry which is no longer
catalog data set. An understanding of this created by catalog but which may still
data set is a prerequisite for an exist in some installations.
Second Edition (July, 1969)

This publication corresponds to Release 18. It is a major
revision of, and obsoletes, Y28-6606-0 and Technical
Newsletters Y26-8013 and Y26-8020.
This revision is a complete rewrite of the original
publication. The organization has been completely revised,
the text has been rewritten, and most of the figures have
been changed. This edition also reflects the addition of a
new module, IGGOCLC6, to the catalog management routines.
This module performs some of the functions previously
performed by IGGOCLC2.
Specifications contained herein are subject to change from
time to time. Any such change will be reported in sUbsequent
revisions or technical newsletters.
This publication was prepared for production using an IBM
computer to update the text and to control the page and line
format. Page impressions for photo-offset printing were
obtained from an IBM 1403 Printer using a special print
Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to
your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving
your locality.
A form is provided at the back of this publication for
reader's comments. If the form has been removed, comments
may be addressed to IBM Corporation, Programming
Publications, Department D78, San Jose, California, 95114.
VCopyright International Business Machines Corporation 1969