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File No. S360-29
Form Y33-7000-0

Program Logic

IBM System/360 Conversion Aids:
FORTRAN IV...;to-PL/I Language Conversion Program
for IBM System/360 Operating System

Program Number 360C-CV-710

This document describes the internal logic of the
FORTRAN Iv-to-PL/I (F) Language Conversion Program for
the IBM System/360 Operating System.

Program logic manuals are intended for use by IBM
system engineers involved in program maintenance, and
by system programmers involved in altering the program
design. Program logic information is not necessary for
program operation and use; therefora, distribution of
this manual is limited to persons with program main-
tenance or modification responsibilities.

Restl'icted Distribution
This document describes the structure The reader should have some familiarity
and functions of the FORTRAN IV-to-PL/I with the contents of the following
Lanquage Conversion Program: its com- publications:
ponents, their functions, and the control
flow among them. The detailed organization
of each component and the instructions used