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WASHINGTON, DC, 6 June 1986





APN MIS-30526/10

NSN 6695-01-194-3226

Current as of 23 January 1986

You can help improve this manual. If you find any mistakes or if you know of a way to improve
the procedures, please let us know. Mail your letter or DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes
to Publications and Blank Forms) to: Commander, U.S. Army TMDE Support Group, ATTN:
AMXTM-LML, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898-5400. A reply will be furnished directly to you.


Section I. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................. 1
Section II. REPAIR PARTS LIST.......................................................................................
Group 0010 Prescaler ......................................................................................................... 2-1
0020 Circuit card assembly ....................................................................................... 2-1
Section III. SPECIAL TOOLS LIST (Not applicable) ............................................................
Section IV. NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX .............................. I-1

TM 9-6695-275-34P




1. Scope. This RPSTL lists and authorizes spares and repair parts required for performance of direct and general
support maintenance of Prescaler, Tektronix, Type DP501. It authorizes the requisitioning, issue, and disposition of
spares and repair parts as indicated by the Source, Maintenance and Recoverability (SMR) codes.

2. General. In addition to this section I, Introduction, the Repair Parts and Special Tools List is divided into the following

a. Section II. Repair Parts List. A list of spares and repair parts authorized by this RPSTL for use in the
performance of maintenance. Parts lists are composed of functional groups in ascending numeric sequence. Parts are
listed in alphabetical sequence within each figure number.

b. Section III. Special Tools List. Not applicable.

c. Section IV. National Stock Number and Part Number Index. A list, in National Item Identification Number
(NIIN) sequence, of all National Stock Numbered (NSN) items appearing in the listing, followed by a list in alphanumeric
sequence of all part numbers appearing in the listing. NSN's and part numbers are cross-referenced to the figure and
item number appearance.

3. Explanation of Columns (Section II)

a. Item No. (Column (1)). Indicates the number used to identify each item appearing in the listing.

b. SMR CODE (Column (2)). The Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability (SMR) code is a 5-position code
containing supply/requisitioning information, maintenance category authorization criteria, and disposition instructions as
shown in the following breakdown:

Source Maintenance Recoverability
Code Code Code

XX 1st XX X
two positions

How you get an item. 3d position 4th position Who determines
disposition action
on an unserviceable
Who can install, Who can do item.
replace or use complete repair*
the item. on the item.

*Complete Repair: Maintenance capacity, capability, and authority to perform all the corrective maintenance tasks of the
"Repair" function in a use/user environment in order to restore serviceability to a failed item.

TM 9-6695-275-34P

(1) Source Code. The source code tells you how you get an item needed for maintenance, repair, or overhaul
of an end item/equipment. Source codes are always the first two positions of the SMR code. Explanation of source
codes follows:

Code Explanation

PA - Stocked items; use the applicable NSN to request/requisition items with this code. This item is authorized to
the category indicated by the code entered in the 3d position of the SMR code.

(2) Maintenance Code. Maintenance codes tell you the level(s) of maintenance authorized to USE and
REPAIR support items. The maintenance codes are entered in the third and fourth positions of the SMR code as follows:

(a) The maintenance code entered in the third position tells you the lowest maintenance level authorized
to remove, replace, and use an item. The maintenance code entered in the third position will indicate authorization to the
following level of maintenance.

Code Application/Explanation

F -Direct support level can remove, replace, and use the item.

(b) The maintenance code entered in the fourth position tells you whether or not the item is to be
repaired and identifies the lowest maintenance level with the capability to do complete repair (i.e., perform all authorized
repair functions). This position will contain one of the following codes.

Code Application/Explanation

P -Direct support is the lowest level that can do complete repair of the item.
Z -Nonreparable. No repair is authorized.

(3) Recoverability Code. Recoverability codes are assigned to items to indicate the disposition action on
unserviceable items. The recoverability code is entered in the fifth position of the SMR code as follows:

Recoverability Definition

Z -Nonreparable item. When unserviceable, condemn and dispose of the item at the level of
maintenance shown in the third position of the SMR code.

F -Reparable item. When uneconomically reparable, condemn and dispose of the item at the direct
support level.

TM 9-6695-275-34P

c. FSCM (Column (3)). The Federal Supply Code for Manufacturer (FSCM) is a 5-digit numeric code which is used
to identify the manufacturer, distributor, or Government agency, etc., that supplies the item.

d. PART NUMBER (Column (4)). Indicates the primary number used by the manufacturer (individual, company,
firm, corporation, or Government activity), which controls the design and characteristics of the item by means of its
engineering drawings, specifications standards, and inspection requirements to identify an item or range of items.

NOTE: When you use an NSN to requisition an item, the item you receive may have a different part
number from the part ordered, but go ahead and use or furnish it as the replacement part.

e. DESCRIPTION AND USABLE ON CODE (UOC) (Column (5)). This column includes the following information:

(1) The Federal item name and, when required, a minimum description to identify the item.

(2) The usable on code, when applicable (see paragraph 5, Special Information).

f. QTY (Column (6)). The QTY (quantity per figure column) indicates the quantity of the item used in the parts list
which is prepared for a functional group, subfunctional group, or an assembly.

4. Explanation of Columns (Section IV)


(1) STOCK NUMBER column. This column lists the NSN by National item identification number (NUN)
sequence. The NUN consists of the last nine digits of the NSN
(i.e., 5305-01-674-1467). When using this column to locate an item, ignore the first 4 digits of the
NSN. However, the complete NSN should be used when ordering items by stock number.

(2) FIG. column. Indicates the figure number used to identify each item appearing in the listing. The figures
are in numerical order in Section II.

(3) ITEM column. The item number identifies the item associated with the figure listed in the adjacent FIG.
column. This item is also identified by the NSN listed on the same line.

TM 9-6695-275-34P

b. PART NUMBER INDEX. Part numbers in this index are listed by part number in ascending alphanumeric
sequence (i.e., vertical arrangement of letter and number combination which places the first letter or digit of each group in
order A through Z, followed by the numbers 0 through 9 and each following letter or digit in like order).

(1) FSCM column. The Federal Supply Code for Manufacturer (FSCM) is a 5-digit numeric code used to
identify the manufacturer, distributor, or Government agency, etc., that supplies the item.

(2) PART NUMBER column. Indicates the primary number used by the manufacturer (individual, firm,
corporation, or Government activity), which controls the design and characteristics of the item by means of its engineering
drawings, specifications standards, and inspection requirements to identify an item or range of items.

(3) STOCK NUMBER column. This column lists the NSN for the associated part number and manufacturer
identified in the PART NUMBER and FSCM columns to the left. The part number line entry (with NSN, when available)
identifies the first figure/item number appearance for which the part number is applicable. The part number is not listed
for additional figure/item number appearances identified by that part number.

(4) FIG. column. This column lists the number of the figure where the item is located in Section II.

(5) ITEM column. The item number is that number assigned to the item as it appears in the figure referenced
in the adjacent figure number column.

5. Special Information

a. Repair parts for components of standards sets which can be identified as existing in the supply system will be
requisitioned through normal supply channels from the appropriate supply commodity manager.

b. Repair parts for components of standards sets which cannot be identified as to proper supply source will be
requisitioned from USAMICOM, using routing identifier B64 and furnishing, as a minimum, the following as exception data.

(1) Component stock number of the individual end item to be repaired.

(2) Component manufacturer's equipment model number and serial number.

(3) The equipment manufacturer's stock number as listed in the appropriate manual for the desired repair part.

(4) The repair part reference designation, circuit reference, circuit symbol schematic designation, or reference
number as listed in the manufacturer's manual.

(5) The technical specification of the repair part as contained in the appropriate manufacturer's manual.

(6) The title and date of the manufacturer's manual from which the information in a and b(3), (4), and (5) above
was taken.

c. For requisitioning miscellaneous consumable maintenance supplies or expendable supplies, use CTA 50-970.

TM 9-6695-275-34P

d. The usable on code appears in the lower left corner of the Description column heading. Usable on codes are
shown as "UOC" in the Description column (justified left) on the first line applicable item description/nomenclature.

e. This RPSTL does not contain illustrations for items listed in Section II, since the manufacturer's manuals contain
exploded view illustrations which are adequate for repair parts location. Copies of the manufacturer's manual for
Prescaler, Tektronix, Type DP501 are furnished with the equipment for which this RPSTL is prepared. The figure and
item numbers in the listing are for locating the item within this RPSTL.

6. How to Locate Repair Parts

a. When National Stock Number or Part Number is Not Known.

(1) First. Refer to the parts list to locate the item by description. This list is listed in alphabetical sequence
within each figure number.

(2) Second. After locating the item in the Repair Parts List, refer to the Part Number Index to find the NSN.

b. When National Stock Number or Part Number is Known.

(1) First. Using the Index of National Stock Numbers and Part Numbers, find the pertinent National Stock
Number or Part Number. The NSN index is in National Item Identification Number (NIIN) sequence. The part numbers in
the Part Number index are listed in ascending alphanumeric sequence. Both indexes cross-reference you to the
illustration figure and item number of the item you are looking for.

(2) Second. After finding the figure and item number, verify that the item is the one you're looking for, then
locate the item number in the repair parts list for the figure.

7. Abbreviations. Not applicable.

SECTION II TM 9-6695-275-34P

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

DP501 (80009)
MIS-30526/10 (18876)

10 PAFFF 80009 670-7733-00 CIRCUIT CARD ASSY A10 (FOR PARTS ............................... 1
SEE GROUP 0020, FIGURE 2) ..............................................
20 PAFZZ 80009 136-0252-07 CONTACT, ELECTRICAL ...................................................... 32
30 PAFZZ 83385 211-0012-00 SCREW, MACHINE ............................................................... 4
40 PAFZZ 80009 211-0101-00 SCREW, MACHINE ............................................................... 3
50 PAFZZ 80009 213-0146-00 SCREW, TAPPING, THREA................................................... 2
60 PAFZZ 80009 210-0864-00 WASHER, FLAT ................................................................... 1
70 PAFZZ 80009 210-1171-00 WASHER, SHOULDERED..................................................... 2

670-7733-00 (80009)

10 PAFZZ 80009 283-0315-00 CAPACITOR C4171, C4181, C4191, C4193............................ 4
20 PAFZZ 72982 8005H9AABZ5U104M CAPACITOR, FIXED, CER C1081, C3031, ............................ 23
C3033, C3051, C3071, C3081, C3101, C3111,
C3161, C3163, C4123, C4129, C4141
C4161, C5031, C5093, C5111, C6185, C7031,
C7167, C7182, C7191, C8151 ...............................................
30 PAFZZ 72982 314022X5P0101J CAPACITOR, FIXED, CER C2151......................................... 1
40 PAFZZ 72982 8111B061COG220J CAPACITOR, FIXED, CER C2161......................................... 1
50 PAFZZ 80009 283-0339-00 CAPACITOR, FIXED, CER C4075......................................... 1
60 PAFZZ 80009 283-0058-00 CAPACITO R, FIXED, CER C4091......................................... 1
70 PAFZZ 80009 283-0353-00 CAPACITOR, FIXED, CER C4183, C4185. ............................ 3
C5191 ..................................................................................
80 PAFZZ 80009 283-0348-00 CAPACITOR, FIXED, CER C4195......................................... 1
90 PAFZZ 80009 281-0862-00 CAPACITOR, FIXED, CER C5101......................................... 1
100 PAFZZ 81349 M39014/20-0109 CAPACITOR, FIXED, CER C6181......................................... 1
110 PAFZZ 80009 281-0773-00 CAPACITOR, FIXED, CER C7181......................................... 1
120 PAFZZ 80009 290-0804-00 CAPACITOR, FIXED, ELE C2041, C3072, ............................. 7
C4131, C5131, C6121, C7071, C8041 ....................................
130 PAFZZ 56289 503D475F035KA CAPACITOR, FIXED, ELE C3061, C5061.............................. 2
140 PAFZZ 80009 290-0891-00 CAPACITOR, FIXED, ELE C6191.......................................... 1
150 PAFZZ 80009 290-0779-00 CAPACITOR, FIXED, ELE C7061.......................................... 1
160 PAFZZ 80009 108-0245-00 COIL, RADIO, FREQUENC L8161......................................... 1
170 PAFZZ 80009 108-0509-00 COIL, RADIO, FREQUENC L3181, L4181, ............................. 3
L4191 ...................................................................................
180 PAFZZ 80009 131-1097-00 CONNECTOR, RECEPTACL J4211, J7211............................. 2
190 PAFZZ 81349 F02A250V1/8A FUSE, CARTRIDGE F8051 .................................................. 1
200 PAFZZ 81349 F02A250V1/2A FUSE, CARTRIDGE F5021, F8021........................................ 2
210 PAFZZ 28480 8159-0005 LEAD, ELECTRICAL.............................................................. 56
220 PAFZZ 28480 1990-0719 LIGHT EMITTING DIOD DS3211 ........................................... 1
230 PAFZZ 28480 HLMP-1502 LIGHT EMITTING DIOD DS1211 ........................................... 1
240 PAFZZ 80009 156-0853-02 MICROCIRCUIT U2121......................................................... 1
260 PAFZZ 81349 M38510/30001BCB MICROCIRCUIT, DIGITA U2081, U4031................................ 2

SECTION II TM 9-6695-275-34P

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

270 PAFZZ 80009 156-1152-01 MICROCIRCUIT, DIGITA U4071............................................
280 PAFZZ 80009 156-C388-03 MICROCIRCUIT, DIGITA U4101............................................ 1
290 PAFZZ 81349 M38510/31502BCB MICROCIRCUIT, DIGITA U4051............................................ 1
300 PAFZZ 81349 M38510/31004BCB MICROCIRCUIT, DIGITA U6091............................................ 1
310 PAFZZ 80009 156-1161-00 MICROCIRCUIT, LINEAR U2031........................................... 1
320 PAFZZ 80009 156-0277-00 MICROCIRCUIT, LINEAR C8031........................................... 1
330 PAFZZ 81349 RCR07G240JS RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP R9191, R9201............................. 2
340 PAFZZ 81349 RCR20G120JS RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP R8183......................................... 1
350 PAFZZ 81349 RCR07G121JS RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP R7193......................................... 1
360 PAFZZ 81349 RCR07G100JS RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP R7191......................................... 1
370 PAFZZ 81349 RCR07G271JS RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP R7181......................................... 1
380 PAFZZ 81349 RCR07G914JS RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP R7169......................................... 1
390 PAFZZ 81349 RCR07G223JS RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP R7167......................................... 1
400 PAFZZ 81349 RCR07G222JS RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP R7165......................................... 1
410 PAFZZ 81349 RCR07G563JS RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP R6191......................................... 1
420 PAFZZ 81349 RCR07G511JS RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP R6185......................................... 1
430 PAFZZ 81349 RCR05G750JS RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP R4195......................................... 1
440 PAFZZ 81349 RCR05G301JS RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP R4123......................................... 1
450 PAFZZ 81349 RCR07G562JS RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP R4185......................................... 1
460 PAFZZ 81349 RCR07G472JS RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP R4183, R6193............................. 2
470 PAFZZ 80009 317-0240-00 RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP R4171......................................... 1
480 PAFZZ 80009 317-0270-00 RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP R4163......................................... 1
490 PAFZZ 81349 RCR01G361JS RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP R4121......................................... 1
500 PAFZZ 81349 RCR07G224JS RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP R4073......................................... 1
510 PAFZZ 81349 RCR07G514JS RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP R4071, R7161............................. 2
520 PAFZZ 81349 RCR07G334JS RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP R4065......................................... 1
330 PAFZZ 81349 RCR07G102JS RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP R4041, R5071............................. 3
R7163 ..................................................................................
540 PAFZZ 81349 RCR05G102JS RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP R3183......................................... 1
550 PAFZZ 80009 315-0300-00 RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP R3121......................................... 1
560 PAFZZ 81349 RCR07G273JS RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP R4073 ........................................ 1
570 PAFZZ 81349 RCR07G241JS RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP R2171, R3171, ........................... 3
R4165 ..................................................................................
580 PAFZZ 81349 RCR07G272JS RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP R2163 ........................................ 1
590 PAFZZ 81349 RCR07G182JS RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP R2151 ........................................ 2
600 PAFZZ 81349 RCR07G184JS RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP R2141, R3143 ............................ 2
610 PAFZZ 81349 RCR07G391JS RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP R2135 ........................................ 1
620 PAFZZ 81349 RCR07G620JS RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP R2133, R3141, ........................... 3
R7182 ...................................................................................
630 PAFZZ 81349 RCR07G510JS RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP R2073, R3051, ........................... 3
R4031 ..................................................................................
640 PAFZZ 81349 RCR07G512JS RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP R2061, R2075, ........................... 17
R2091, R3071, R3101, R3125, R4075, R4125,
R4127, R4129, R5041, R5081, R5111
R7131, R8101 R8103, R8105.................................................
650 PAFZZ 81349 RCR07G103JS RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP R1195, R2071, ........................... 6
R2191, R2193 R2195, R5073.................................................
660 PAFZZ 81349 RCR07G161JS RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP R1191, R1201, ........................... 4
R1211, R2211 .......................................................................
670 PAFZZ 81349 RCR07G101JS RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP R1101......................................... 1
680 PAFZZ 81349 RCR07G202JS RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP R6181 ........................................ 1
690 PAFZZ 81349 RCR07G201JS RESISTOR, FIXED, COMP R2131, R2173, ........................... 4

SECTION II TM 9-6695-275-34P

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

R5171, R6187 .......................................................................
100 PAFZZ 81349 RNC55K4870FS RESISTOR, FIXED, FILM R4111 .......................................... 1
710 PAFZZ 81349 RNC60K5111FS RESISTOR, FIXED, FILM R4101, R4103 .............................. 2
720 PAFZZ 81349 RNC60K5110FS RESISTOR, FIXED, FILM R5103 .......................................... 1
730 PAFZZ 81349 RNC55K2372FS RESISTOR, FIXED, FILM R5101 .......................................... 1
740 PAFZZ 81349 RNC55K2260FS RESISTOR, FIXED, FILM R2033 .......................................... 1
160 PAFZZ 81349 RNC55K2551FS RESISTOR, FIXED, FILM R2033 .......................................... 1
770 PAFZZ 32997 3386FT04-251 RESISTOR, VARIABLE, N R3131 ......................................... 1
780 PAFZZ 80009 311-1466-00 RESISTOR, VARIABLE, N R3173.......................................... 1
190 PAFZZ 80009 152-0664-00 SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC CR4193 ..................................... 1
800 PAFZZ 80009 152-0524-00 SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC CR4181, CR4183, ...................... 3
810 PAFZZ 15818 CD8220 SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC CR2191, CR2193, ....................... 8
CR5071, CR7031, CR7071, CR8201, CR8203,
CR9201 ................................................................................
820 PAFZZ 80009 260-1554-00 SWITCH. PUSH S1121 ........................................................ 1
830 PAFZZ 59873 214-0579-00 TERMINAL, LUG TP1051, T02141, TP2161 ........................... 10
TP5181, TP6051, TP6061 T0610, TP7081,
TP7121, TP7171....................................................................
640 PAFZZ 80009 151-0390-00 TRANSISTOR Q9191, Q9193, C9201.................................... 3
850 PAFZZ 80009 151-0192-00 TRANSISTOR Q5061 ........................................................... 1
660 PAFZZ 59873 151-0216-00 TRANSISTOR Q2141, Q3141 ............................................... 2
670 PAFZZ 80131 2N3904 TRANSISTOR Q2061, Q6181 ............................................... 2
880 PAFZZ 80009 151-0254-00 TRANSISTOR Q1201, Q2201, Q2203, Q3201. ....................... 4

SECTION IV TM 9-6695-275-34P



5910-00-089-7509 2 60 5905-00-758-4791 2 760
5905-00-104-8370 2 490 5961-00-879-7461 2 850
5961-00-105-7681 2 810 5961-00-892-8706 2 870
5905-00-105-7764 2 400 5905-00-900-1133 2 480
5905-00-105-7765 2 500 5940-00-935-8313 2 830
5905-00-106-1249 2 630 5305-01-006-8957 1 30
5905-00-106-1357 2 410 6625-01-014-3446 2 210
5505-00-106-3666 2 650 5930-01-016-0193 2 820
5905-00-107-0656 2 360 5905-01-020-2432 2 780
5905-00-110-7620 2 530 5961-01-026-8939 2 800
5905-00-111-1679 2 640 5935-01-031-4593 2 180
5505-00-111-1686 2 660 5962-01-031-7030 2 260
5905-00-111-4727 2 580 5962-01-034-9832 2 300
5905-00-111-4845 2 690 5910-01-047-5713 2 50
5905-00-114-0708 2 680 5910-01-062-0508 2 110
5905-00-114-0711 2 460 5910-01-062-0510 2 40
5905-00-114-5343 2 590 5910-01-062-1968 2 20
5905-00-114-5344 2 600 5910-01-062-2361 2 30
5505-00-116-2394 2 420 5962-01-070-8432 2 290
5905-00-116-8556 2 390 5905-01-082-9498 2 770
5905-00-119-3503 2 370 5910-01-086-6378 2 130
5905-00-119-3504 2 560 5910-01-087-3670 2 10
5905-00-119-8812 2 350 5910-01-088-0741 2 70
5905-00-121-9932 2 610 5961-01-093-3073 2 880
5905-00-126-6692 2 620 5910-01-095-6373 2 100
5905-00-137-4277 2 700 5961-01-103-0166 2 230
5905-00-140-7147 2 740 5999-01-120-9271 1 20
5905-00-141-0744 2 450 5910-01-122-3932 2 150
5905-00-141-1183 2 670 5910-01-123-9845 2 120
5905-00-142-0931 2 710 5310-01-126-1222 1 70
5905-00-197-0223 2 430 5962-01-128-8859 2 280
5905-00-214-2927 2 720 5310-01-134-5801 1 60
5950-00-220-6631 2 170 5305-01-158-6229 1 40
5905-00-246-8690 2 510 5961-01-181-7431 2 790
5920-00-280-8344 2 200 5962-01-182-1806 2 310
5920-00-296-0451 2 190 5910-01-191-6304 2 80
5961-00-350-2246 2 860 5910-01-191-6305 2 90
5962-00-365-5977 2 320 5910-01-191-9674 2 140
5950-00-417-3838 2 160 5961-01-193-8313 2 840
5905-00-421-0623 2 340 5962-01-200-4140 2 270
5905-00-435-1718 2 570 5962-01-208-8859 2 240
5905-00-435-1719 2 380 5961-01-212-1572 2 220
5905-00-437-0874 2 550 6695-01-219-2914 1 10
5905-00-437-1010 2 470
5905-00-442-9356 2 330
5905-00-452-0726 2 730
5905-00-458-9500 2 540
5905-00-479-6633 2 440
5905-00-485-4545 2 520
5305-00-551-5112 1 50

SECTION IV TM 9-6695-275-34P



15818 CD8220 5161-00-105-7681 2 810
81349 F02A250V1/2A 5920-00-280-8344 2 200
81349 F02A250V1/8A 5920-00-296-0451 2 190
28480 HLMP-1502 5961-01-103-0166 2 230
81349 M38510/30001BCB 5962-01-031-7030 2 260
81349 N38510/31004BCB 5962-01-034-9832 2 300
81349 N38510/31502BCB 5962-01-070-8432 2 290
81349 M39014/20-0109 5910-01-095-6373 2 100
81349 RCR05G102JS 5905-00-458-9500 2 540
81349 RCR05G301JS 5905-00-479-6633 2 440
81349 RCR05G750JS 5905-00-197-0223 2 430
81349 RCR07G100JS 5905-00-107-0656 2 360
81349 RCR07G101JS 5905-00-141-1183 2 670
81349 RCR07G102JS 5905-00-110-7620 2 530
81349 RCR07G103JS 5950 00-106-3666 2 650
81349 RCR07G121JS 5905-00-119-8812 2 350
81349 RCR07G161JS 5905-00-111-1686 2 660
81349 RCR07G182JS 5905-00-114-5343 2 590
81349 RCR07G184JS 5505-00-114-5344 2 600
81349 RCR07G201JS 5905-00-111-4845 2 690
81349 RCR07G202JS 5905-00-114-0708 2 680
81349 RCR07G222JS 5905-00-105-7764 2 400
81349 RCR07G223JS 5905-00-116-8556 2 390
81349 RCR07G224JS 5905-00-105-7765 2 500
81349 RCR07G240JS 5905-00-442-9356 2 330
81349 RCR07G241JS 5905-00-435-1718 2 570
81349 RCR07G271JS 5905-00-119-3503 2 370
81349 RCR07G272JS 5905-00-111-4727 2 580
81349 RCR07G273JS 5905-00-119-3504 2 560
81349 RCR07G334JS 5905-00-485-4545 2 520
81349 RCR07G361JS 5905-00-104-8370 2 490
81349 RCR07G391JS 5905-00-121-9932 2 610
81349 RCR07G472JS 5905-00-114-0711 2 460
81349 RCR07G510JS 5905-00-106-1249 2 630
81349 RCR07G511JS 5905-00-116-2394 2 420
81349 RCR07G512JS 5905-00-111-1679 2 640
81349 RCR07G514JS 5905-00-246-8690 2 510
81349 RCR07G562JS 5905-00-141-0744 2 450
81349 RCR07G563JS 5905-00-106-1357 2 410
81349 RCR07G620JS 5905-00-126-6692 2 620
81349 RCR07G914JS 5905-00-435-1719 2 380
81349 RCR20G120JS 5905-00-421-0623 2 340
81349 RNC55K2260FS 5905-00-140-7147 2 740
81349 RNC55K2372FS 5905-00-452-0726 2 730
81349 RNC55K2551FS 5905-00-758-4791 2 760
81349 RNC55K4870FS 5905-00-137-4277 2 700
81349 RNC60K5110FS 5905-00-214-2927 2 720
81349 RNC60K5111FS 5905-00-142-0931 2 710
80009 108-0245-00 5950-00-417-3838 2 160
80009 108-0509-00 5950-00-220-6631 2 170
80009 131-1097-00 5935-01-031-4593 2 180

SECTION IV TM 9-6695-275-34P



80009 136-0252-07 5999-01-120-9271 1 20
80009 151-0192-00 5961-00-879-7461 2 850
59873 151-0216-00 5961-00-350-2246 2 860
80009 151-0254-00 5961-01-093-3073 2 880
80009 151-0390-00 5961-01-193-8313 2 840
80009 152-0524-00 5561-01-026-8939 2 800
80009 152-0664-00 5961-01-181-7431 2 790
80009 156-0277-00 5962-00-365-5977 2 320
80009 156-0388-03 5962-01-128-8859 2 280
80009 156-0853-02 5962-01-208-8859 2 240
80009 156-1152-01 5962-01-200-4140 2 270
80009 156-1161-00 5962-01-182-1806 2 310
28480 1990-0719 5961-01-212-1572 2 220
80131 2N3904 5961-00-892-8706 2 870
80009 210-0864-00 5310-01-134-5801 1 60
80009 210-1171-00 5310-01-126-1222 1 70
83385 211-0012-00 5305-01-006-8957 1 30
80009 211-0101-00 5305-01-158-6229 1 40
80009 213-0146-00 5305-00-551-5112 1 50
59873 214-0579-00 5940-00-935-8313 2 830
80009 260-1554-00 5930-01-016-0193 2 820
80009 281-0773-00 5910-01-062-0508 2 110
80009 281-0862-00 5910-01-191-6305 2 90
80009 283-0058-00 5910-00-089-7509 2 60
80009 283-0315-00 5910-01-087-3670 2 10
80009 283-0339-00 5910-01-047-5713 2 50
80009 283-0348-00 5910-01-191-6304 2 80
80009 283-0353-00 5910-01-088-0741 2 70
80009 290-0779-00 5510-01-122-3932 2 150
80009 290-0804-00 5910-01-123-9845 2 120
80009 290-0891-00 5910-01-191-9674 2 140
80009 311-1466-00 5505-01-020-2432 2 780
72982 314022X5P0101J 5910-01-062-2361 2 30
80009 315-0300-00 5905-00-437-0874 2 550
80009 317-0240-00 5905-00-437-1010 2 470
80009 317-0270-00 5905-00-900-1133 2 480
32997 3386FT04-251 5905-01-082-9498 2 770
56289 503D475F035KA 5910-01-086-6378 2 130
80009 670-7733-00 6645-01-219-2914 1 10
72982 8005H9AABZ5U104M 5910-01-062-1968 2 20
72982 8111B061COG220J 5910-01-062-0510 2 40
28480 8159-0005 6625-01-014-3446 2 210

TM 9-6695-275-34P

By Order of the Secretary of the Army:

General, United States Army
Chief of Staff

Brigadier General, United States Army
The Adjutant General

To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-34C, Block No. 319, requirements for calibration procedures

TM 9-6695-275-34P

PIN: 059960-000