Text preview for : BreakPt.mesa_Sep78.pdf part of xerox BreakPt.mesa Sep78 xerox mesa 4.0_1978 listing Mesa_4_Debug BreakPt.mesa_Sep78.pdf

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BreakPt.mesa 2-Sep-78 15:32:14 Page 1

Edited by:
Barbara on August 1, 1978 3:31 PM
Johnsson on August 2, 1978 10:51 AM
AltoDefs: FROM "altodefs" USING [BYTE, PageSize, wordlengthJ,
ControlDefs: FROM "controldefs" USING [
BytePC, FrameHandle, GlobalFrameHandle, Nul1Frame, WordPCJ,
CoreSwapDefs: FROM "coreswapdefs" USING [
BBHandle, SVPointer, UBBPointer, UserBreakBlock],
DebugBreakptD~fs: FROM "debugbreakptdefs" USING [
BBPointer, BodyEntryPc, BodyExitPc, BreakBlock, BreakError, BTtype,
CodeObject, EXOItype, GCtype, PrintLocation, SCtype, StringToFGTEntry,
DebuggerDefs: FROM "debuggerdefs" USING [
FrameRelBPC, fullbitaddress, fullsymaddress, LookupProc, LookupProg,
MainBTI, PcToCBTI, SeiHandle, SA, SOPointer, SymbolObject, WriteSource,
DebugMiscDefs: FROM "debugmiscdefs" USING [
CopyRead, CopyWrite, InterpretString, LookupFail,
StringExpressionToNumber, WriteEOL],
DebugSymbolDefs: FROM "debugsymboldefs" USING [
DAcquireSymbolTable, OReleaseSymbolTable, SymbolsForGFrame],
DebugUtilityDefs: FROM "debugutilitydefs" USING [
FreeOnDrum, GFtoCode, MREAD, ReadCodeByte, SREAO, SWRITE,
ValidGlobalFrame, WriteCodeByte],
OIActionDefs: FROM "diactiondefs" USING [CleanUp, espTosop],
DIDefs: FROM "didefs" USING [ESPointerJ,
FSPDefs: FROM "fspdefs" USING [
AddToNewZone, FreeNode, MakeNewZone, MakeNode, NoRoomInZone, PruneZone,
IODefs: FROM "iodefs" USING eSp, WriteString],
Mopcodes: FROM "mopcodes" USING [zBRK, zNOOP, zPORTI, zPUSHX, zRETJ,
SDDefs: FROM "sddefs" USING [sBreakBlock, sBreakBlockSize, SOJ,
StringOefs: FROM "stringdefs" USING [
AppendString. AppendSubString, DeleteSubString, SubString,
SymbolTableDefs: FROM "symboltabledefs" USING [
NoSymbolTable. SymbolTableBase],
SymDefs: FROM "symdefs" USING [BTIndex, BTNull, FGTEntry],
SystemDefs: FROM "systemdefs" USING [
Allocatel~eapNode, AllocateHeapString, AllocateResidentPages, FreeHeapNode,
FreeHeapString, FreePages];
IMPORTS DebugBreakptDefs, DebuggerDefs, DebugMiscDefs, DebugSymbolDefs,
DebugUtilityDefs, DIActionDefs, FSPDefs, IODefs, StringDefs,
SymbolTableDefs. SystemDefs
EXPORTS DebugBreakptDefs =
BEGIN -- a collection of procedures to set and clear breakpoints
BytePC: TYPE = ControlOefs.BytePC;
WordPC: TYPE = ControlOefs.WordPC;
GlobalFrameHandle: TYPE = ControlOefs.GlobalFrameHandle:
CodeObject: TYPE = DebugBreakptDefs.CodeObject:
BBPointer: TYPE = OebugBreakptDefs.BBPointer:
BreakError: TYPE = DebugBreakptDefs.BreakError:
UBBPointer: TYPE = CoreSwapDefs.UBBPointer:
UserBreakBlock: TYPE = CoreSwapDefs.UserBreakBlock:
SetBlocks: BBPointer ~ BBnil: --list of set blocks
NewBlock: BBPointer ~ BBnil; --most recent breakblock
bpError: SIGNAL = CODE;
BBnil: BBPointer = NIL;
BreakPointError: PUBLIC SIGNAL [error: BreakError]