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File No. S360-36 (OS ReI. 20.6)
Technical Newsletter
Base Publ. No. GC28-6730-1

This Newsletter No. GN28-2498

Date: September 1, 1971

Previous Newsletter Nos. GN28-2496

IBM System/360 Operating System:
Release 20 Guide

This Technical Newsletter, a part of release 20.6 of IBM System/360
Operating System, provides replacement pages for the subject
publication. These replacement pages remain in effect for sub-
sequent releases unless specifically altered. Pages to be inserted
and/or removed are:

Cover, Edition Notice
Memo to Users
1-23, 1-24
1-25, 1-26 (text rearrangement only)
1-47 through 1-49
2-3 through 2-28
2-29 through 2-74 (removed and not replaced)
2-75 through 2-86
2-87 through 2-90 (removed and not replaced)
2-91 through 2-121
2-123, 2-124
3-3 through 3-48
3-49 through 3-64 (removed and not replaced)
4-13 through 4-16

Summary of Amendments

A new "Memo to Users" has been supplied.

The START, STOP, and MODIFY commands have been expanded for TSO.

The APAR and Module Summary lists and the ordering procedures
have been changed.

Note: Please file this cover letter at the back of the manual to
provide a record of changes.

IBM Corporation, Programming Systems Publications, P.O. Box 390, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 12602

File No. 8360-36
Order No. GC28-6730-1 DS

m Systems Reference Library

IBM System/360 Operating System:
Release 20 Guide
This publication describes the content and status of the'IBM
system/360 operating system as of release 20. It provides
installation managers, system programmers, and I~l Field
Engineering personnel with information useful in planning
for implementation of release 20. The reader should be
familiar with the information presented in the following
IBM System/360 Operating System:
System Generation, GC28-6554.
system Programmer's Guide, GC28-6550.
This publication is in four parts:
1. A functional summary of new and changed features of the
operating system, including new and changed system
parameters and system generation information.
2. A summary of operating system maintenance activity that
includes APAR lists, a program symptom index, and a list
of resolved PTFs.
3. A list of modules in the system, and their status.
4. Ordering and distribution procedures for release 20,
including hardware engineering change levels, program
material lists, and publication support.
Note: This publication includes the type of information
formerly contained in the Consolidated Document, which is no
longer published as a separate document.

Second Edition (June, 1971)

This is a major revision of, and obsoletes, GC28-6730-0 and
Technical Newsletters GN28-2465 and GN28-2467. This edition
has been completely rewritten and should be reviewed in its

This edition with Technical Newsletters GN28-2496 and
GN28-2498 applies to release 20.6 of IBM System/360 Operating
System. Changes are periodically made to the information
herein: before using this publication in connection with the
operation of IBM systems, consult the latest IBM System/360
and System/370 SRL Newsletter, Order No. GN20-0360, for the
editions that are applicable and current.

Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to
your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving
your locality.

A form for readers' comments is provided at the back of
this publication. If the form has been removed, comments may
be addressed to IBM Corporation, Programming Systems Publica-
tions, Department 058, PO Box 390, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 12602
Comments become the property of IBM.

C Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1971
Page of GC28-6730-1, Revised September 1, 1971, By TNL: GN28-2498

Memorandum To: Users of Operating System/360

Subject: Updated Version of Release 20. 1
(Release 20.6)

This memorandum announces the availability of updated distribution
libraries for OS Release 20. 1. This release, designated 20.6, may
now be ol."dered from PID using the same ordering instructions as
were used for Release 20. 1.

The updated release contains all the features, functions, and main-
tenance that were previously included in Release 20.1. In addition,
the distribution libraries for Release 20.6 contain: -
1. 315 APARs corrected, 71 of which were corrected
by 55 PTFs. (Special emphasis was given to TSO
START /STOP/MODIFY corrections. )
2. The Independent Component Release support for the
new devices: 2305, 3330, 2880. (Orderable
components OS - 569, as - 570, and OS - 573 have been
included in Release 20.6).
3. TCAM Levell (Previously sent to all TCAM users
of component OS - 576 has been integrated into Release

Two TNLs have been enclosed for Release 20.6. The TNL to the
Release 20. 1 Guide details the PTFs applied to and APARs corrected
in Release 20.6. The TNL to Storage Estimates, GC28- 6551 (TNL
GN28 - 2499) will also be supplied. The following additional TNLs to
Release 20.1 publications will be shipped with the sys~em:
TSO Command Language Reference, GC28 - 6732
(TNL GN28 - 2503)
TSO Guide, GC28- 6698 (TNL GN28 - 2502)
Messages and Codes, GC28-6631 (TNL GN28-2501)
Operators Reference, GC28 - 6691 (TNL GN28 - 2500)
The user should consult the Release 20.1 Guide for all other information
on Release 20. 1 new function and maintenance.

All orders for OS will now be filled with Release 20.6; however, other
current levels of Release 18, 19 and 20 can still be ordered through
your marketing representative. PTFs that have been centrally applied
will continue to be available through normal FE channels.

An additional refresh release, Release 20.7 (which includes support of
the 3330 starter system), will be made available within three months
after the release of 20.6. Release 18 will be considered current (Central
and FE programming service) for three months following the availability
of Release 20. 7.
Time of Day Clock: A new hardware time of day clock has been
SYSTEM/370--MODELS 145,155, included in all the System/370 models and provides more
accurate time stamping than the interval timer. This clock
AND 165 only stops when the CPU power is turned off and has an
approximate cycle of 135 years. The time of day can be
obtained by using the TIMER macro instruction and specifying
the new parameter MIC,area-address. (see Supervisor and
System/370 is supported in release 20 of the operating Data Management Macro Instructions in Section 3.)
System. Either multiprogramming with a fixed number of
tasks (MFT) ~ multiprogramming with a variable number of Two new instructions, SET CLOCK and STORE CLOCK, are
tasks (MVT) control program may be used by this new system. provided as part of the instruction set for the System/370
models. They set the time and request the current time be
~he programming support for the Model 145 is compatible with stored. See the publications listed below for detailed
the system/360 Models 30, 40, and up. An OS/DOS information about these instructions and all the other
Compatiblity Feature or the os DOS Emulator Program can be features of System/370.
used when this model is installed by DOS users. The
programming support for the Model 155 is compatible with the Distribution Package: The distribution package contains the
System/360 Model 40 and up; the Model 165 is compatible with modules necessary for the generation of an M.FT or MVT
the system/360 Model 65 and up (excluding Model 67). control program for all models of System/370.

All programs written for a System/360 system will operate on Emulators: All available emulators for System/370 can be
System/370 except for those that: used provided that appropriate compatibility hardware is
installed and the appropriate support has been specified
1. Are time-dependent. during system generation.
2. Are written to deliberately cause program exceptions.
3. Use machine-dependent data. system Generation: In order to specify any of the models of
4. Use PSW bit 12 (the ASCII nit). System/370, three additional subparameters, 145, 155, and
5. Use low-address main storage reserved for special 165, have neen added to the system generation macro
purposes. instruction CENPROCS. See the section 4: Planning for
6. Use programs that depend on devices or facilities not system Generation for a description of the new subparameters.
available in System/370 (such as the integrated disk
storage of the System/360 Model 44, or dynamic address In order to specify emulation during system generation, the
translation of the System/360 Model 67). EMULATOR system generation macro instruction must be
7. Use programs requiring model-dependent System/360 specified in order to have the emulator modules included in
functions. the system libraries. In addition, TYPE=MFT or MVT must be
specified in the CTRLPROG system generation macro
~REP: The IFCEREPO utility program has been modified so that instruction and OPTIONS=(IDENTIFY,ATTACH) must be specified
it will support all the models of System/370. in the SUPRVSOR system generation macro instruction for MFT
systems. For the model 165, a minimum storage size of I
CCH: The channel-check handler routines have been modified (512K) must be specified in the CTRLPROG system generation
to support all the models of System/370 and are macro instruction.
automatically included in the operating system during system
generation. Publication support: Fbr detailed information about
System/370 see the following publications:
MCH: The machine-check handler routines have been modified
to-support all the System/370 models and will be IBM system/360 Operating system:
automatically included in the operating system during system
generation. System Generation, GC28-6554.

Assembler: The assembler language processor has been Assembler Language, GC2B-6514.
modified so that it will support all the instructions
mneumonics for all the system/370 models. (For further
information about other changes to the assembler language
processor see the write-up under 'Processors' in this

1-24 Page of GC28-6730-1, Revised September 1, 1971, By TNL: GN28-2498

TIME SHARING OPTION (TSO) All of the MVT facilities are available to a background job.
Foreground jobs can use most of the operating system access
methods for data set access (e.g., BSAM, QSAM, BDAM, etc.).
All devices available to these access methods are usable by
f oreg round jobs.
The TSO control program, which is an extension of the MVT In general, one or more fixed size regions are dedicated to
control program, consists of many routines, each of which time sharing when time sharing operations are started. The
performs functions to support time-sharing operations. TSO remaining storage may be used to run other OS/360 jobs.
provides conversational interaction with multiple terminal Time-shared activities on behalf of a user will take place
users simultaneously with batch processing. Users will be within one of the dedicated regions. Multiple users may
able to prepare and execute their programs conversationally "time share" the dedicated region(s), one user at a time in
in the foreground while the background accomplishes other each region for a nominal period of time (time slice). At
data processing. the end of a user's time slice, the portions of the region
occupied by the user will be "swapped out" to direct access
The major functional capabilities available to a terminal storage and another user will be "swapped in" the vacant
user include: region for his time slice.