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DumpFrames.mesa 2-Sep-78 15:32:14 Page 1

file: DumpFrames.Mesa
Edited by:
Sandman on May 1, 1978 2:12 PM
Barbara on July 20, 1978 4:05 PM
Johnsson on August 29, 1978 2:00 PM
Contro1Defs: FROM "controldefs" USING [
BytePC, Contro1Link, Frame, FrameHand1e, GlobalFrame, GlobalFrameHand1e,
localbase, NullFrame, Nu11GlobalFrame, WordPC],
DebugBreakptDefs: FROM "debugbreakptdefs" USING [
PrintLocation, SourceFi1eMissing],
DebugContextDefs: FROM "debugcontextdefs" USING [
FrameToModuleName, IncorrectVersion, ModuleNameToFrame],
DebugData: FROM "debugdata" USING [gContext, lContext, sigGF, StatePtr],
DebuggerDefs: FROM "debuggerdefs" USING [
AmIaRecord, BodySei, DumpCtxFromState, DumpCtxList, Fie1dContext,
FormatRecord, FrameRelBPC, FRPointer, ful1bitaddress, MainBTI, PcToBTI,
PcToCBTI, SA, SymFrameHandle, WriteBlanks, WriteBodyName, WriteFrameLocus,
DebugMiscDefs: FROM "debugmiscdefs" USING [
ControlDEL, CopyRead, DFreeString, DGetString, WriteEOL],
DebugSymbolDefs: FROM "debugsymboldefs" USING [
DAcquireSymbolTab1e, DReleaseSymbolTable, Symbo1sForFrame,
DebugUtilityDefs: FROM "debuguti1itydefs" USING [
CheckFrame, LoadStateInva1id, MREAD],
IODefs: FROM "iodefs" USING [
CR, DEL, NUL, ReadChar, ReadDecima1, WriteChar, WriteDecima1, WriteLine,
WriteOcta1, WriteString],
LoadStateDefs: FROM "loadstatedefs" USING [
InputLoadState, ReleaseLoadState],
StreamDefs: FROM "streamdefs" USING [ControlDELtyped],
Symbo1TableDefs: FROM "symbo1tab1edefs" USING [
NoSymbolTable, Symbo1Tab1eBase],
SymDefs: FROM "symdefs" USING [
BTlndex, BTNu11, CBTlndex, CTXIndex, ISEIndex, ISENu11, 1G, SEIndex,
DEFINITIONS FROM DebugSymbo1Defs, DebugUti1ityDefs, DebuggerDefs;
DumpFrames: PROGRAM
IMPORTS DDptr: DebugData, DebugBreakptDefs, DebugContextDefs, DebuggerDefs,
DebugMiscDefs, DebugSymbo1Defs, DebugUti1ityDefs, IODefs, LoadStateDefs,
StreamDefs, Symbo1TableDefs
EXPORTS DebuggerDefs =