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1. Precaution
To avoid possible damage, electric shocks or exposure to radiation, follow the instructions below with regard to safety, installa-
tion, service and ESD.

1-1 Safety Precautions
1. Make sure all protective devices are properly installed 5. Warning for Engineering Changes:
including non-metallic handles and compartment covers Never make any changes or additions to the circuit
when installing or re-installing the chassis or chassis design or the internal part for this product.
assemblies. Ex: Do not add any audio or video accessory
connectors. This might cause physical damage.
2. Make sure that no gaps exist between the cabinets for Furthermore, any changes or additions to the original
children to insert their fingers in to prevent children from design/engineering will invalidate the warranty.
receiving electric shocks. Gaps mentioned above include
ventilation holes between the PDP module and the cabi- 6. Warning - Hot Chassis:
net mask, and the improper installation of the rear cabi- Some TV chassis are directly connected to one end of
net. the AC power cord for electrical reasons.
Without insulated transformers, the product can only be
Errors may occur when the resistance is below 1.0 or repaired safely when the chassis is connected to the
over 5.2 . earth end of the AC power source.
In these cases, make sure that the device is repaired
before sending it back to the customer. To make sure the AC power cord is properly connected,
follow the instructions below. Use the voltmeter to
3. Check for Electricity Leakage (Figure 1-1) measure the voltage between the chassis and the
Warning: Do not use an insulated transformer for check- earth ground. If the measurement is over 1.0V, unplug
ing the leakage. Use only those current leakage testers the AC power cord and change the polarity before re-
or mirroring systems that comply with ANSIC 101.1 and inserting it. Measure the voltage between the chassis
the Underwriter Laboratory's specifications (UL1410, and the ground again.
7. Some TV chassis are shipped with an additional sec-
ondary grounding system. The secondary system is
(READING SHOULD adjacent to the AC power line. These two grounding
systems are separated in the circuit using an unbreak-
UNDER TESTER able/unchangeable insulation material.
EXPOSED METAL 8. When any parts, material or wiring appear overheated or
damaged, replace them with new immediately. When
2-WIRE CORD any damage or overheating is detected, correct this
ALSO TEST WITH immediately and make a regular check of possible
9. Check for the original shape of the lead, especially that
Fig. 1-1 AC Leakage Test of the antenna wiring, any sharp edges, the AC power
and the high voltage power. Carefully check if the wiring
4. A high voltage is maintained within the specified limits is too tight, incorrectly placed or loose. Never change the
using safety parts, calibration and tolerances. When space between the part and the printed circuit board.
voltage exceeds the specified limits, check each special Check the AC power cord for possible damages. Keep
part. the part or the lead away from any heat-emitting

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10. Safety Indication:
Some electrical circuits or device related materials
require special attention to their safety features, which
cannot be viewed by the naked eye. If an original part is
replaced with another irregular one, the safety or
protective features will be lost even if the new one has a
higher voltage or more watts.

Critical safety parts should be bracketed with ( ! ).
Use only regular parts for replacements (in particular,
flame resistance and dielectric strength specifications).
Irregular parts or materials may cause electric shock or

1-2 Samsung Electronics

1-2 Servicing Precautions
Warning 1: First carefully read the "Safety Instruction" in this service manual.
When there is a conflict between the service and the safety instructions, follow the safety instruction at all times.

Warning 2: Any electrolytic capacitor with the wrong polarity will explode.

1. The service instructions are printed on the cabinet, and 7. Any B+ interlock should not be damaged.
should be followed by any service personnel. If the metal heat sink is not properly installed, no
connection to the AC power should be made.
2. Make sure to unplug the AC power cord from the power
source before starting any repairs. 8. Make sure the grounding lead of the tester is connected
(a) Remove or re-install parts or assemblies. to the chassis ground before connecting to the positive
(b) Disconnect the electric plug or connector, if any. lead. The ground lead of the tester should be removed
(c) Connect the test part in parallel with the electrolytic last.
9. Beware of risks of any current leakage coming into
3. Some parts are placed at a higher position than the contact with the high-capacity capacitor.
printed board. Insulated tubes or tapes are used for this
purpose. The internal wiring is clamped using buckles to 10. The sharp edges of the metal material may cause
avoid contact with heat emitting parts. These parts are physical damage, so protect yourself by wearing gloves
installed back to their original position. during the repair.

4. After the repair, make sure to check if the screws, parts 11. Due to the nature of plasma display panels, partial after-
or cables are properly installed. Make sure no damage is images may appear if a still picture is displayed on the
caused to the repaired part and its surroundings. screen for a long period of time.
This is caused by brightness deterioration due to the
5. Check for insulation between the blade of the AC plug storage effect of the panel, and to prevent this from
and that of any conductive materials (i.e. the metal happening, we recommend that the brightness and con-
panel, input terminal, earphone jack, etc). trast are reduced.
(e.g.) Contrast: 25, Brightness: 50
6. Insulation Check Process: Unplug the power cord from
the AC source and turn the switch on. Connect the insu-
lating resistance meter (500v) to the AC plug blade.

The insulating resistance between the blade of the AC
plug and that of the conductive material should be more
than 1 .

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1-3 Static Electricity Precautions
1. Some semi-conductive ("solid state") devices are 6. Use only anti-static solder removal devices.
vulnerable to static electricity. These devices are known Most solder removal devices do not support an
as ESD. ESD includes the integrated circuit and the field anti-static feature. A solder removal device without an
effect transistor. To avoid any materials damage from anti-static feature can store enough static electricity to
electrostatic shock, follow the instructions described cause damage to the ESD.
7. Do not remove the ESD from the protective box until the
2. Remove any static electricity from your body by replacement is ready. Most ESD replacements are
connecting the earth ground before handling any covered with lead, which will cause a short to the entire
semi-conductive parts or assemblies. Alternatively, unit due to the conductive foam, aluminum foil or other
wear a dischargeable wrist-belt. conductive materials.
(Make sure to remove any static electricity before
connecting the power source - this is a safety instruction 8. Remove the protective material from the ESD
for avoiding electric shock) replacement lead immediately after connecting it to the
chassis or circuit assembly.
3. Remove the ESD assembly and place it on a conductive
surface such as aluminum foil to prevent accumulating 9. Take extreme caution in handling any uncovered ESD
static electricity. replacements. Actions such as brushing clothes or lifting
your leg from the carpet floor can generate enough static
4. Do not use any Freon-based chemicals. electricity to damage the ESD.
Such chemicals will generate static electricity that
causes damage to the ESD.

5. Use only grounded-tip irons for soldering purposes.


These servicing instructions are for use by
qualified service personnel only.
To reduce the risk of electric shock do not
perform any servicing other than that contained in the
operating instructions unless you are qualified to do so.

1-4 Samsung Electronics

1-4 Installation Precautions
1. For safety reasons, more than two people are required 6. Keep the antenna far away from any high-voltage cables
for carrying the product. and install it firmly. Contact with the high-voltage cable or
the antenna falling over may cause fire or electric shock.

7. When connecting the RF antenna, check for a DTV
receiving system and install a separate DTV reception
antenna for areas with no DTV signal.

8. When installing the product, leave enough space (4")
2. Keep the power cord away from any heat emitting between the product and the wall for ventilation
devices, as a melted covering may cause fire or electric purposes.
shock. A rise in temperature within the product may cause fire.

3. Do not place the product in areas with poor ventilation 9. When moving a PDP with removable speakers, detach
such as a bookshelf or closet. The increased internal the speakers first before moving the main body.
temperature may cause fire. Moving the PDP main body without separating the
speakers may cause the speakers to detach, possibly
4. Bend the external antenna cable when connecting it to causing damage or injury.
the product. This is a measure to protect it from being
exposed to moisture. Otherwise, it may cause a fire or
electric shock.

5. Make sure to turn the power off and unplug the power
cord from the outlet before repositioning the product.
Also check the antenna cable or the external connectors
if they are fully unplugged. Damage to the cord may
cause fire or electric shock.

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