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File No. S370-30

OS/VS2 MVS Data Management
Systems Macro Instructions
VS2 Release 3.7

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Second EdItion (November 1983)

This is a reprint of GC26-3873-o incorporating chanae. released in the foDowina TecJmical
GN26-o941 (dated 30 March 1979)
GN26-0998 (elated 03 April 1981)
GN26-8042 (elated 30 July 1982)

This edition applies to ReIeue 1.6 of Data Facility Device Support, Program Product
574()'AM7, u weD u to Release 3.8 Of OS/VS2 MVS, and to any subsequent r. . . . of
that .y.tem until otherwise indicated in new edition. or technical newsletten.

Change. are periodically made to the information berlen; before using this pubUcation in
connection with the opention of IBM .y.tems, consult the late.t IBM Sy.tem/J70 lind 4100
Procellon Blblloll'llPhy. GC2G-0001, for the edition. that are appUcable and current.

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C> Copyright International Buline.. Machines Corporation 1976

This publication contains descriptions and definitions for the data management macro
instructions, other than those of VSAM (virtual storage access method), available in the
assembler language. It provides application and system programmers with the necessary
information to code the macro instructions.
This publication is divided into these parts: