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File No. 360-25

Program Logic

Version B.l

IBM System/360 Time Sharing System
FORTRAN IV Library Subprograms

This publication describes the internal logic of the
IBM System/360 Time Sharing System FORTRAN IV
mathematical and I/O libraries, including the
mathematical, service, and I/O routines.

This material is intended for persons involved in
program maintenance, and system" programmers who are
altering the program design. It can be used to locate
specific areas of the program, and it enables the
reader to relate these areas to the corresponding
program listings. Program logic information is not
necessary for the use and operation of the program.

This publication is organized into six Appendix A describes those aspects of
sections and two appendixes. FORTRAN data management that are unique to
the FORTRAN environment. Appendix B is a
Section 1 is an introduction to the guide to external names of FORTRAN library
FORTRAN mathematical and I/O libraries, routines.
including service subprograms, and provides
a brief description of their contents and

Section 2 contains descriptions, in Familiarity with the material contained
figure form, of how the library routines in the following publications is essential
interact in fulfilling user requests. to the use of this manual:

Section 3 describes each mathematical IBM System/360 Time Sharing System:
subprogram -- its entry names, function, Concepts and Facilities, GC28-2003
attributes, entry, exit, storage IBM FORTRAN IV, GC28-2007
requirement, error checks, and (where FORTRAN Programmer's Guide, GC28-2025
applicable) accuracy figures.

Section 4 describes the service routines REFERENCE PUBLICATIONS
residing in the mathematical and I/O
libraries -- their subprograms, attributes, Knowledge of the following publications
entry names and entry parameters, storage will be helpful in understanding the
requirements, error checks, and their concepts and logic of the FORTRAN Library
operation. routines:
IBM System/360 Time Sharing System:
Section 5 describes each I/O routine -- FORTRAN IV Library Subprograms,
its purpose, entry point and entry GC28-2026
parameters, external references, and the System Programmer's Guide, GC28-2008
details of its operation. Assembler User Macro Instructions,
FORTRAN IV Compiler PLM, GY28-20l9
Section 6 gives the flowcharts of the System Control Blocks PLM, GY28-20l1
service and I/O routines. System Logic Summary, GY28-2009

Third Edition (September 1971)
Significant changes or additions to this putlication will
be provided in new editions or Tecru,ical Newsletters.
This edition is current with Ver~ion 8, Modification 1 of
IBM System/360 Time Sharing System (TSS/360) and remains in
effect for all subsequent versions or n,odifications of IBM
Systern/360 Time Sharing System unless otherwise indicated.
Before using this publication, refer to the ldtest edition of
IBM System/360 Time Sharing System: AddendUll', GC28- 204 J,
~hl.ch may contain information pertifH-