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Network Communications
Control Facility
Program Product General Information
Releases 1 and 2

Program Number 5735-XX6

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Third Edition (September 1979)

This edition applies to Releases 1 and 2 of the Network Communications Control
Facility, program number 5735-XX6, an IBM program product. The program product
described in this manual, and all licensed materials available for it, are provided by IBM
under terms of the Agreement for IBM Licensed Programs. Your branch office can
advise you on ordering procedures.

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@ Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1978, 1979
Summary of Amendments (November 30, 1979) to
GC27-0429-1 by Revision GC27-0429-2

This revision describes the new functions of NCCF Release 2.

This publication provides an overview of the Network stopping the program, screen format, and command
Communications Control Facility (NCCF). It is entry. The remaining sections provide information on
directed primarily to customer executives, system terminal and program support, storage, and
administrators, system analysts, system programmers, compatibility considerations.
application programmers, and terminal operators who
are operating with DOS/VSE or OS/VS systems. More detailed information will be found in the
following publications:
Readers should use this book to get a general Network Communications Control Facility
understanding of NCCF concepts, and the Installation, SC27-0430
requirements and options that must be considered in
planning and installing the program. To perform Network Communications Control Facility
specific steps, such as estimating storage requirements Messages, SC27-0431
or writing definition statements, readers should use Network Communications Control Facility
Network Communications Control Facility Installation. Customization, SC27-0433
Network Communications Control Facility
Readers unfamiliar with VT AM should consult: Terminal Use, SC27-0432
Introduction to VTAM, GC27-6987 (VTAM Network Communications Control Facility Logic,
Level 2) LY38-3010
VTAM Concepts and Planning, GC27 -6998
(VTAM Level 2) Throughout this publication, unless otherwise noted,
ACF/VTAM General Information, GC38-0254 references to VT AM include VT AM Level 2,
(ACF/VTAM Release 1) ACF/VTAM Release 1, ACF/VTAM Release 2,
ACF/VTAM Release 3, and ACF/VTAME.
ACF/VTAM Concepts and Planning, References to ACF /VTAM include ACF /VTAME.
GC38-0282 (ACF/VTAM Release 1) References to TCAM include TCAM Levell 0,
ACF/VTAM General Information: Introduction, ACF/TCAM Version 1, ACF/TCAM Version 2
GC27-0462 (ACF/VTAM Releases 2 and 3) Releases 1, 2, and 3.
ACF/VTAM General Information: Concepts,
GC27-0463 (ACF/VTAM Releases 2 and 3) References to ACF systems (ACF /VTAM or
ACF /TCAM) in cross-domain environments presume
ACF/VTAME General Information: Introduction, the presence of the Multisystem Networking Facility.
GC27-0438 ACF systems can, of course, operate with a single
ACF/VTAME General Information: Concepts, domain also.
Note: The term network has at least two meanings. A
Readers unfamiliar with TCAM should consult: public network is a network established and operated
OS/VS TCAM Concepts and Applications, by common carriers or telecommunication
GC30-2049 (TCAM Level 10) Administrations for the specific purpose of providing
circuit-switched, packet-switched, and leased-circuit
Advanced Communications Function for TCAM services to the public. A user application network is
Concepts and Planning, GC30-3049 a configuration of data processing products, such as
(ACF/TCAM Version 1) processors, controllers, and terminals, established and
ACF/TCAM Version 2 General Information: operated by users for the purpose of data processing
Introduction, GC30-3057 (ACF /TeAM Version 2 or information exchange, which may use transport
Releases 1, 2, and 3) services offered by common carriers or
telecommuncation Administrations.
The first section of this publication is an overview of
NCCF; the second section, "NCCF Functions," Network, as used in this publication, refers to a user
provides information on specific functions of the application network.
program at a high level. "NCCF Operation" describes
basic operating procedures, such as starting and

Introduction 1 Stopping the Program 13
Orderly Shutdown 13
NCCF Functions 7 Immediate Shutdown 14
Command Processors 7 Authorization 14
Command Types 7 Logon and Logoff 14
Command Lists 8 Screen Format and Command Entry 16
Timer-Initiation of Commands and Command Lists 9 Device Backup 16
Presentation Services 9 Application Program Control and Recovery 17
Logging Facilities 9
Data Services 10 Storage 19
Cross-Domain Communication 10
Span of Control 11 Terminal and Program Support 21
Scope of Commands 11
Compatibility Considerations 23
NCCF Operation 13
Starting the Program 13 Glossary 25
Initialization 13
Index 29


Figure 1. NCCF Function Availability 2
Figure 2. Multiple-Domain NCCF 5
Figure 3. Span of Control 12
Figure 4. Overview of NCCF Operation 15
Figure 5. Screen Format at an Operator Station 17


The Network Communications Control Facility (NCCF) is a program product
designed for use with various levels of VTAM or TeAM or both in a data
communication network. NCCF provides a program base for communications
network management (CNM). The program operates as a VTAM or TCAM
application program in its own partition in OS/VSl or address space in OS/VS2
MVS. In DOS/VSE, NCCF is executed as a DOS/VSE task in its own partition
or as a subtask in the A CF /VT AM partition.

NCCF contains those function currently provided by the Network Operation
Support Program (NOSP). Figure 1 shows the NCCF functions available on
various access method versions:
User customization. NCCF permits the addition of user-written command lists
and command processors to support additional functions. NCCF provides
access method-independent screen management and terminal input/output
NCCF also allows the automation of various operator tasks through the use of
user-written exit routines, command lists, and command processors, to reduce
the probability of human error. The program further provides for the optional
logging of operator interactions on disk, tape, or printer devices.
CNM interface support. NCCF provides input, output, and recovery functions
to allow command processors to request problem determination data from the
access method across the communications network management interface, and
to store and retrieve data from VSAM files. This error data retrieval and
formatting may be done by a communications network management processor,
such as the IBM Network Problem Determination Application (NPDA; a
separately order able program product) or by a user-written program.
Operator control. NCCF allows multiple network operators, with individually
assigned responsibilities, at various locations throughout a network. NCCF
operators can enter access method control commands to modify and display
the network configuration.
Data security and auditing. NCCF provides data security through operator
logon checking and allows user-defined exit routines at various points
throughout the program to screen and edit data traffic.
Data services. An optional NCCF data services task allows VSAM support for
disk files. Data services can be used as a part of CNM support on all access
method levels supported by NCCF, as part of NPDA or as part of a
user-written CNM processor.
Cross-domain communication. ACF /VTAM and ACF /TCAM versions of
NCCF allow an NCCF operator to communicate with an NCCF in another
domain and to cause execution of commands in other domains. (A domain is
the portion of a total data communcation network that is controlled by one
access method in the host.) NCCF also provides for the routing of certain
commands to other domains for execution and the return of responses from
these domains to the issuing operator station.