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CRAY Y -MP C90 TM System Programmer
Reference Manual


Cray Research Proprietary

Cray Research, Inc.
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Record of Revision
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February 1992. Original printing.

CSM-0500-000 Cray Research Proprietary iii

The CRAY Y -MP C90 System Programmer Reference Manual describes
the hardware architecture and functions of the CRAY Y -MP C90
computer system manufactured by Cray Research, Inc. (CRI). This
manual is written primarily for system analysts and system programmers.
The primary goal of this manual is to explain and define the special
hardware features of the system in enough detail to help programmers
write and optimize program code.

This manual is divided into the following tabbed sections.

Section 1, "Computer System Overview," introduces and describes the
CRAY Y-MP C90 system components and support equipment.

Section 2, "CPU Shared Resources," describes the hardware shared by
all central processing units (CPUs). Its primary emphasis is to define the
functions, organization, and special hardware features of central memory,
the I/O section, the interprocessor communication section, and the
real-time clock. It also explains the shared paths access priority.

Section 3, "CPU Control," describes the basic CPU operations. The
section explains the exchange mechanism in detail and defines and
explains the deadstart, instruction fetch, and instruction issue sequences.
The operations of the programmable clock, the status registers, and the
performance monitor are also described.

Section 4, "CPU Computation Section," describes the CPU registers,
functional units, and functional unit operations. Logical operations and
integer and floating-point arithmetic are defined and explained in detail.

Section 5, "Parallel Processing Features," describes the parallel
processing features most closely related to the hardware. This includes
information and examples of pipelining and segmentaion, functional unit
independence, and mUltiprocessing and multitasking.

Section 6, "Maintenance Channel," explains the operation of the
maintenance channel used to troubleshoot system problems.

CSM-0500-000 Cray Research Proprietary v
Preface CRAY Y-MP C90 System Programmer Reference Manual

Section 7, "CPU Instructions," contains detailed descriptions of all
instructions executed by the CRAY Y -MP C90 CPU. The instructions
are listed by octal code starting with instruction 000000 and ending with
instruction 177ijk. Special cases, hold issue conditions, and execution
times are explained for each instruction or group of instructions.

The following conventions are used throughout this manual.

Convention Description
Lowercase italic Variable information.
x An unused value.
n A specified value.
(value) The contents of the register or memory location
designated by value.
Register bit Register bits are numbered from right to left as
designators powers of 2. Bit 2