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AMD GeodeTM GX Processors
BGU and BGD Package

1.0 Scope
Table 2-1. Display Mode Bits Description
The purpose of this document is to summarize the differ-
ences between the BGU (Ball Grid Array Cavity Up) and Bit Name Description
BGD (Ball Grid Array Cavity Down) packages of the AMD
GeodeTM GX processors (i.e., Geode GX [email protected] pro- 7:6 DM (RO) Display Mode (Read Only).
cessor*, Geode GX [email protected] processor*, and Geode GX Affects reset value.
[email protected] processor*). Hence, providing the system 00: CRT.
designer with the necessary information to make the right 01: Flat Panel.
choice for their application. Each difference notes if there 10: Reserved.
are any hardware or software implications specifically 11: Reserved.
related to one choice over the other. Note: For the BGD package,
these bits identify which BGD
device is in the system (i.e., CRT or
2.0 Discussion TFT). With respect to the BGU
The following subsections summarize the functional and package, these bits are set by the
mechanical differences between the BGU (plastic) and FP/CRT# signal (ball U24)
BGD (metal top) packages. For a complete description of
the ball assignments, thermal specifications, part number
order information, and mechanical package outlines refer 2.2 Ball Assignment
to the AMD GeodeTM GX Processors Data Book (publica- The same die is used in both packages. In the case of the
tion #31505). BGD the die is facing down, and for the BGU it is facing up.
However, the ball assignments are different. This means
that each package requires a unique layout. A common lay-
2.1 Display Options
out that can accept either package is not feasible.
The BGD package has two functionally different SKUs:
CRT version and TFT version. Therefore, the choice of dis-
play dictates the SKU to select. Software can read the DM 2.3 Thermal Specification
(Display Mode) bits of the Video Processor module's While the thermal characteristics are different for the two
GeodeLinkTM Device Master Configuration Model Specific packages, the case temperature specification is the same.
Register (GLD_MSR_CONFIG, MSR C0002001h[7:6]) to AMD guarantees 0