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IBM System/360
Operating System
Program Product Programmer's Guide
Program Number 5734-AS1
TIlis book tells how to use Assembler H. It descnoes
assembler options, cataloged Job Control Language pro-
cedures, assembler listing and output, sample programs,
and programming techniques and considerations.

Assembler H is an assembler language processor for the
IBM Systern/360 Operating System. It performs high-
speed assemblies on an IBM Systern/360 Model 40 or
higher and on an IBM Systern/370 Model 145, 155, or
165 with at least 256K bytes of main storage.

This book is intended for all Assembler H programmmers.
It should be used in conjunction with the Operating
System Assembler Language manual, Order No. GC28-
6514; the Assembler H Language Specifications,
Order No. GC26-3771; and the Assembler H Messages,
Order No. SC26-3770.

Page of SC26-3759-0
Revised February 15, i971
By TNL SN33-8095

First Edition (June, 1970}

This edition with Technical Newsletter SN33-8095 applies to
version 2 of the IBM System/360 Operating System Assembler H
Program Product 5734-ASI and to all subsequent versions until
otherwise indicated in new editions or Technical Newsletter.
Changes to the text, and.small changes to illustrations, are
indicated by a vertical linte to the left of the change; changed
or added illustrations are denoted by the symbol